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21st Literature 4th quarter exam

Noted: 49/50 lang po it's up to you!

The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.

-Leopold Sedar Senghor

The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto.

– Amaterasu

These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.

- Ofuda

Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the truth.

- seated under the pipal tree

Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?

- Right Thought

The one who proposed equality in the West Africa. -Blaise Daigne

The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are
few, but the dead are many" became popular.

- Kisa gotami( sabi nila yan daw��)

The term that refers to the goal of liberation


This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety. -

-Li Ching

A way to achieve God which depends on how you act. -


This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.


A Japanese word which means protection.


The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.

-Yajur Veda

The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness. .


In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except:


The movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes.

- vanguardia

Indian Literature is often described as illogical. a. True

The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.


The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or


I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of hexagrams that
reflect the relationship between Yin and Yang in nature and society.

- 64

This depicts the tragedy of something broken. Modernism

he Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.

Herman Cortes

This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will bring
life into harmony with the process of the universe.

Chung Yung

The main principle of Confucianism is Answer which means humaneness or benevolence.


The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express
distinctive spiritual values, as well as metaphors.

This is a collection of fables given to kings and princes that will teach them all there is to know about
values, leadership and governance. Panchatantra

Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty? Shih Ching

The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers.


What is the existing goal of the Ramayana? Dharma

The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same. .


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature?

a clear distinction between genres

A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.

Meng Tzu

This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical reason.

Magic realism

Japanese term referring to nature. Kigo

akshasas are most commonly called


Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the meiji period

This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural


Confucianism is characterized by a highly Answer optimistic

This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.


Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the

Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards


group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo tribe.


Religion believes that we planned our lives with God. Youruba

Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.


The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:


This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic
aspect of modernism.


There is no devil in Indian literature.


Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group called, "
entente cordiale

River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.


The Indians have Answer identities of the god.


You can't look at things in only one way.

You should look from both angles.

~Takahashi sensei

1. A Japanese term referring to nature. - Kigo

2. The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans. -
Leopold Sedar Senghor

3. These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection. -

4. The Veda for rituals of sacrifice. - Yajur Veda

5. Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty? - Shih

6. The ____ River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers. - Indus

7. The ____ religion believes that we planned our lives with God. - Youruba

8. I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of __ hexagrams
that reflect the relationship between Yin and Yang in nature and society. - 64

9. The people who have been subjected to bad karma cannot find their way to Nirvana. - False

10. The ____ movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes. - Vanguardia

11. Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the ____ in conquering Poland. - Lightning War

12. The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto. - Amaterasu

13. The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except: - Happiness

14. The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers. - Vaisya

15. This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical
reason. - Magic Realism

16. The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express
distinctive spiritual values, as well as metaphors. - Modernismo

17. There is no devil in Indian literature. - True

18. Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization. - True

19. The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are
few, but the dead are many" became popular. - Kisa Gotami

20. The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same. - False

21. This Japanese term refers to the spirits that roam the land. - Kami

22. This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will
bring life into harmony with the process of the universe. - Chung Yung
23. The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness. - Anatta

24. The Chinese accept that change is inevitable. - False (im not sure)

25. A way to achieve God which depends on how you act. - Bakhti

26. Indian Literature is often described as illogical. - True

27. The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals. -

28. This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural. - Surrealism

29. This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety. - Li Ching

30. This is a collection of fables given to kings and princes that will teach them all there is to know about
values, leadership and governance. - Panchatantra

31. The Indians have ___ identities of the god. - 300

32. The ___ group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo
tribe. - West Africa- Nsukka

33. Rakshasas are most commonly called ____. - Maneaters

34. Confucianism is characterized by a highly ____ view of human nature. - Optimistic

35. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature? - a clear
distinction between genres

36. The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is ___. - T'ien

37. What is the existing goal of the Ramayana? - Dharma

38. The main principle of Confucianism is __ which means humaneness or benevolence. - Ren

39. This depicts the tragedy of something broken. - Modernism

40. A Japanese word which means protection. - Mamori

41. This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the
aesthetic aspect of modernism. - Modernity

42. Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards
enlightenment? - Lying

43. Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the ____ period. - Meiji

44. The one who proposed equality in the West Africa. - Blaise Daigne
45. Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the
truth. - Seated under the pipal tree

46. The term that refers to the goal of liberation. - Moksha

47. The Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521. - Herman Cortes

48. This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity. - Post Modern

49. This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism. - Dukkha

50. In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except: -

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