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Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises can be done anywhere anytime. They provide the patient the ability to
take a “time out”. They also provide the patient an immediate technique to reduce stress and
anxiety, allowing for refocusing.

There are many deep breathing exercise techniques. The main idea is to breathe deeply through
your nostrils, and to fult extend the diaphragm. Hold for a few seconds and slowly release the air
through your nostrils, feeling the diaphragm empty. Allow for time for the release of air. Do this
several times untul your heartbeat slows and a feeling of relaxation comes over you.

Judul : Tinnitus STOP!: The Complete Guide On Ringing In The Ears, Natural Tinnitus Remedies, And A
Holistic System For Permanent Tinnitus Relief

Pengarang : Annete P. Price

Penerbit: Living Plus Healtht Publishing, 2015

Halaman :

Deep Breathing for the more ambitious

Highlights of deep breathing :

 Deep breathing is a mind-body technique.

 The long term practicing of deep breathing exercises improves wellness
 Slow breathing is the healthiest form od deep breathing

Deep breathing exercises

A typical slow breathing exercise might proceed as fllows. You will need an analog clock with a large
sweeping second hans, and the numerals 1 through 12 clearly visible o it, along with a silent
electronic kitchen timer. Set the timer to 5 minutes or to the desired length of your slow deep
breathing exercise session.

 Sit quietly and comfortably in a quiet room

 Keep your eyes open through out the entire slow breathing session.
 Focus your attention on you breathing, as well as on the sweeping second hand of the clock.
 Breath slowly at 6 repetitions per minute. Each complete breath should last 10 seconds.
Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds. And, the sweeping second hand passes each
number silently repeat the number to yourself: 1....2....12....

During the exercise, you will be concentrating on your breathing, as well as on the sweeping
second hand of the clock. If your mind drifts passively bringing it back to silently repeating the
correct the time. All you have to do is keep up the correct inhaling/exhaling breathing rhythm
while you silently repeat the correct number. If your mind drifts, bring it back to cocentrating on
the clock.
It is very easy to determine how this slow breathing mind-body technique is affecting your heart.
All you have to do is measure, or monitor, you pulse rate and blood pressure before, during, and
immediately after your deep breathing sessions. However, the reasearch indicates that long-
term benefits come from the long-term practice of slow breathing exercise.

We aren’t getiing enough oxygen rich blood to feed the brain. Deep breathing, along with some
adjusments in our posture, allows the lungs to expand to their full capacity so the body and mind
receive more oxygen.

The practice of breathing, alongside other activities that naturally circulate oxygen, such as
exercise, singing, dancing or even laughing, has been shown to have tremendous healing effects
on the mind and body. With daily practice, there ara many physical and emotional benefits.

Studies show that deep breathing alleviates depression and anxiety, restoring balance to the
biochemistry of the brain by raising levels of feel-good hormones oxytocin, dopamine and
prolactin, and lowering levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

In psychotherapy, deep breathing is one of the most important components in managing panic
attcks and anxiety, and other emotional overwhelm conditions.

With deep breathing we may also except to see improvements in mental clarity, focus and
attention, as well as physical improvements in circulation, heart and blood pressure.

It has been shown to actually heal certain nerves. With practice, we can even create a drop in
our breath rate, from the average of 16 to 18 breaths per minute to 10 to 12 breaths.

Prehaps more importantly, conscious breath work can unlock doors to self-healing, self-
awareness, acceptance, self-discipline, and peace of mind-all of wich we need to increase and
protect our happiness, improve our relationships, and live at its best.

Judul : Brain Power

Pengarang : Luis S.R. VAS

Penerbit : V&S Publisher, 2015

Halaman : 150-153
Deep breathing

Deep breathing is a popular relaxation technique that helps to control the symptoms of stress,
amxiety, and anger. The skill is easy to learn, and provides near immediate relief from
uncomfortable symptoms. As the nama suggests, deep breathing works by taking slow, deep
breaths, to triggerr the body’s relaxation response.

Deep breathing : a relaxation technique performed by puposefully taking slow, deep breaths.
When practiced regularly, deep breathing provides both immediate and long-term relief from
stress and anxiety.

How deep breathing works

During periods of anxiety, the body triggers a set of symptoms called the stress response.
Breathing becomes shallow and rapid, heart rate increases, and muscles become tense. In
opposition to the stress response is the relaxation response. Breathing becomes deeper and
slower, and the symptom of anxiety fade away. Deep breathing triggers this response.


Sit back or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, if you would like to do so. When
you’re learning, try placing a hand on your stomach. If you breathe deeply enough, you should
notice it rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation.

 Inhale. Breathe in slowly through your nose for 4 seconds

 Pause. Hold the air in your lungs for 4 seconds
 Exhale. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for 6 seconds (pucker your lips, as if you
are blowing through a straw, to slow your exhalation.
 Repeat. Practice for at least 2 minutes, but preferably 5 to 10 minutes.

Tips :

 If it isn’t working, slow down! The most common mistake is breathing too fast. Time each
step in your head, counting slowly as you do so.
 Counting out your breaths serves a second purpose. It takes your mind of the source of your
anxiety. Whenever you catch your mind wandering, simply return your focus to counting.
 The times we use for each step are suggestions, and can be lengthened or decreased.
Legthen the time if it feels natural to do so, or decrease the time if you feel discomfort.

Therapist Aid LLC, 2017.

Deep breathing exercises

 Lie down or sit in a comfortable chair, maintaining good posture. Your body should be as
relaxed as possible. Close your eyes. Scan your body for tension.
 Pay attention to your breathing. Place on hand on the part of your chest or abdomen that
seems to rise and fall most with each breath. If this spot is in your chest you are not utilizing
the lower part of your lungs.
 Place both hands on your abdomen and follow your breathing, noticing how your abdomen
rises and falls.
 Breathe through your nose.
 Notice if your chest is moving in harmony with your abdomen
 Now place one hand on your abdomen and one your chest
 Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose into your abdomen. You should feel your
abdomen rise with this inhalation and your chest should move only a little.
 Exhale through your mouth, keeping your mouth, tongue, and jaw relaxed.
 Relaxed as you focus on the sound and feeling of long, slow, deep breaths.

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