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T. the oJo íhndeíul latl!, Ádt r Hdltuell

è to aI nr lid,x n the UnE^iL! d Abq.lln chànbr Choi

No. IV: A SpotlessRose(Ano4tmous)

Adagio, molto espíessivo (- = .. ó2)


srow - ing, sprurs trom


is sro$ i.g, spnng from


aros Spruq fi n


an - cicnt seer' lo. sho( ing. of Jts se trcn -

_-É l FF
. tJ.-) l j4
L' Íc - \hn" n3, .r Je! - se pfun a€d

!n - cicnt seeN li)re sho*


in - cicnt see$ forc sho{ ng. J.s se rrcn - tc.r

r)n:nr l0ll N'rr |.d I ln rpin) r im it r . t

- t rF .
I fan - .sr bud un

Àr eÍ bud un tólds to lielil A mid the


lichl A Bid ihc

PW -:-:.-J

$:= '
' BÍà.ket.n notes aic otti.!Ldivisi. i,it.


cold. cold win re.. dnd thc dafk mid - nigh!.

cold, cold vin rer, and the darL nid - .isht

Ppp I rm
The Rose which

cold. cold win re., snd ihe dalk mid - nicht


.old. .old rvin ief, md óc dark mid n1Èi.

ls tiom fs sseei .oot

\\"here-oa I sl ah
p. ri
sng - mgr

Molto espaessivo G = .. 561

' r;;,,.6 rFË

-- -t lFr

'lhe Eler - scd B3b.

Throush Cod. gr.Í lorè 3nJ trlór 3n. Tà.tslè \€dB3b'shÈb3'c us

I ) )l!- a? ) ) t )

Thrcugh Gods Srcrt love

a\ /:\

.h, ThÍough God

/:\ /i.

ah, Th.óugh God t s.eàt love Tnrough G.d s

molto èspessivo G = c. 62)
:> , PPF

Bless ed sie b*e us A - mid ihe cold, .old wifl terr

À mid the .oLd, cold vm- ier,

:> . ?pP

Blcss ed Bàbc ahe br.c A mid rhe cold. .otd win ier)

mighr 'fte Bless ed Babe she A - mid the cold. .old sn tcr,

ihe d3rk mid n,shr.

2W- -

Blcs - sed Èlbe she

dark mid - night.

IW .-

and rhe da.k mid i,g;;-

D - i'

Is ton ns sqc.i foot

,,lf \

u6..,Ê slnns ,na

\tolto espressivo \t. =.. 56)

àh. l_rr Blcs scd

'l'hrough Godt cicat ioE and mighl llc BLes sed Bibe shè barc us


\tolto espressivo C =. i0)

= a-:

ah, Thfoush God

Thmugh God\ great l,,vÈ TlÍough

LL,!e ànd nright
lEl 4l

Spot - less Róse is gros ing.

Spdt l€ss Rosc is gfo{,- mg, tn


Spot-lcs Rose is Crow ing. In a cold. qin


Spor le$ Rose is sros, ins. tn


rÉt ,fr)

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