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OM Personal - Teatro en Ingles Gratis Página 1 de 2

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MOTHER Grandma?!!!
FRED Yes! She said she'd take a taxi, but I said I'd be right down... Oh, my gosh,
she's still on the phone!
DAD Why didn't she let us know?
MOTHER Fred said she wanted to surprise us.
DAD You'd better get moving.
DOT Can I ride down with you?
TOM Me, too (closes his books and goes to the door).
MOTHER (to TOM) What about your homework? (to DOT) And your nails?
DOT They're okay. 13/04/2004
OM Personal - Teatro en Ingles Gratis Página 2 de 2

TOM I'll do it later.

MOTHER Hurry, dear. What are you waiting for?
FRED The keys.
DAD Oh ... oh, sorry. (goes to FRED, hands him the keys) Now drive careful.
MOTHER (correcting DAD's English) Care-fu-lly.
DAD Yes, dear. (he goes to the window and watches the children leave)
MOTHER Now why didn't she let me know she was coming? She knows I like to
have things ready.
DAD If she let you know, you'd get all worked up about everything... cooking
cleaning ... Tom's hair...
MOTHER But she should have called. Suppose we'd been away?
DAD In the middle of the week? With the kids in school and me at work? Not
MOTHER Just the same, I wish I'd known.
DAD (sits down to read his paper) No communication... generation gap... only
at the other end of the line. (meaning that there is a generation gap not
only between parents and children but also between parents and

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