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Neagu Alexandra, 10th Grade

Happiness is probably the most beautiful and magical feeling ever. It makes you
all optimistic and helps you observe all the amazing aspects of life.

For me, happiness comes from all the small things like the warm sunrays touching
my skin on a beautiful summer morning or reading a good book while drinking a hot cup
of green tea on a winter evening or spending the most beautiful moments of my life with
my family and my two best friends. In my opinion, happiness is way better than
romantic love and I’d choose it over every other feeling.

But happiness isn’t all fun and games all the time. It isn’t a permanent feeling.
Happiness can disappear as fast as it comes. Anxiety and depression can often take over
and turn your life upside down. What can you do to keep yourself happy? What you
need to do is keep your brain busy. You can do small things like watching a movie,
taking a walk in the park, playing with your pet or watching the rain as it’s falling down.
The bigger, more important things you can do may require more effort but it surely is
worth it. You can sign up for volunteering to help the animals in your local shelter or
help old people from the asylum and you can even get a job that you love. If that doesn’t
work out, the best thing to do is to see a therapist and take some good depression pills
and in the end it will all work out.

Some people think that happiness means a life without stress and problems but
that is not too correct. In my experience, even when school stressed me so much, I still
was happy because I was optimistic and I knew everything will turn out good. All you
need to do is too see the filled part of the cup. It might be hard to but trust me, once you
do it, your life and mental health will improve.

Personally, for me, money does not buy happiness. Even if shopping brings me a
feeling of satisfaction and happiness, it is only a matter of moments. I could be as rich as
Kylie Jenner or Bill Gates, if I’d have no family or no friends, it would mean nothing for

Happiness will always be my escape from a boring life and I’ll always try my best
to make the others around me happy. Even if it is for a moment, a day, a week and even
a month, every bit of happiness is important.

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