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Greta Hahn

Bell 3A

Philosophy of Teaching

The definition of teaching is the occupation, profession, or work of a teacher. In my eyes,

I do not view it as a job, teaching is not only made of instructing students but in the end, I learn

just as much as the pupils. My classroom is filled with joy, excitement, and everyone puts forth

determination. My goal as a teacher is to have my children look up to me as a role model and

be excited to come back to my class every day. The guidance I lead is not based on knowledge

straight out of the textbook, I do not favor this learning style because I see studying this method

is not a pleasant way to gain information. I want my classroom to be intrigued and interactive in

this environment.

Teaching is a gift. Throughout school, I have noticed how some teachers stand out

because they have the ability to grab students’ attention more than just the material. My goal as

an educator is to touch every child’s’ heart that I come in contact with. Building relationships is a

huge factor to me, I want kids to leave my classroom better than how they came in. My school

career has been impacted for the better because of the bonds I have with my teachers, I am

able to come to them for anything which I worship. The atmosphere I wish to create for my

future learners is to help them grow physically, mentally, and socially throughout the school

year. I do not want to be seen not only as a teacher but as someone they can lean on at any

time, whether something happens in the classroom or at home I wish for them to think of me as

a safe person to come to. Having a relationship in the classroom helps create a safe space

where they can think creatively and openly.

To gain a student’s attention in the classroom is a two-way operation. Both sides of the

party, the teacher and student, must make an effort to learn in the best possible way. As the role

of a teacher, I must come into the school day with a positive mindset as well as the student.

Having to go into school early in the morning is not favorited by anyone but coming into a
positive and energetic space can help wake students up, energy is the main attraction when

having to learn boring material. I wish for students to always be up on their toes when I am

teaching a lesson, whether it’s being prepared to answer a question or fully understanding the

material given. Sometimes it can get droning hearing me or another teacher on an everyday

basis, having student-centered learning can aid the excited in learning. This pertains to students

having the option of teaching the class or being free to pitch in any discussion, thus adding to

the free creative environment.

Having students sitting at desks doing busy work is not an ideal teaching style for me in

my classroom. Hands-on activities incorporated in my lessons help bring students engaged and

aware while learning. Creative and fun teaching in different activities can lead to better

retainment of information. Interaction between students helps them learn different opinions and

get used to working in a group setting. Accomplishing together with others is a big mindset I

have, people should learn to be able to work with others even if they do not get along. This

creates a real-world scenario in the classroom to teach the students that they will be managing

alongside others all their life. Not only working in groups but getting out of their seats and doing

walkabouts around the class can help have entertainment and interaction while studying. I

personally am the type of student to learn better doing engaging activities instead of sitting

throughout a lecture. I am able to remember information better if I participate in an activity.

Students remember interesting activities more than the tedious busywork, I plan to incorporate

hands-on entertaining activities in my lessons to have all my students engaged.

Teaching should be done passionately, it is not a talent given to everyone. My wish is to

be the teacher to impact each and every single one of my students’ lives, just like my teachers

did for me. Learning should be a fun thing do to and I aspire to give my students new ways and

memories on how to make school pleasant, school is the best days of their life and I want to be

apart of the way they look at school enjoyably.

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