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How to Create a Massive

Action Plan
9 mins read
How to Create a Massive Action Plan

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds

confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear,
do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get
busy.” — Dale Carnegie

Goals without Plans are just Wishes

Many of us set goals, but not many of us create massive action plans
to see those goals through to fruition.

But massive action is the fuel that powers the engine that we call life.
Without taking massive action, we couldn’t realize our goals – we’d be
stuck in neutral, unable to get from Point A to Point B.

Yet, how difficult do we find it to take action on our goals? We tend

to constantly get sidetracked and veer off on tangents, unable to focus
our energy and efforts on consistently taking massive action.


This is partly attributed to our poor habits, but there’s far more
involved. Most us don’t set goals the right way to begin with. We have
some abstract notion of what we want in our minds, but it lacks
specifics along with a concrete plan.

In a 2007 goal setting study by Quirklolgy, it was determined that

only 12% of the people who had set New Year’s resolutions had
actually achieved them, while at the outset 52% were positive that
success was attainable.
Yet, if those individuals had set S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals, their likelihood
of success would have skyrocketed.

In another study conducted on a Harvard MBA Class, the students,

upon graduation, were asked one simple question: Do you have
specific goals for the future with a concrete plan for their attainment.

From that class, only 3% had answered yes to that question. Just 3%
had set specific goals with a plan towards their attainment – they had
created a massive action plan to achieve their goals. 13% of the class
had goals but they lacked plans to achieve them. 84% of the class had
set no goals at all.

Ten years later it was determined that the 13% of the class that had
goals but lacked plans were making twice as much money as the 84%
that had set no goals at all. But, the 3% of the class that had set goals
with plans for their achievement were making 10 times as much as
the other 97% of the class.

Yes, 10 times as much.

If you want to succeed in life and accomplish your goals, the

consensus clearly points towards creating a massive action plan to
help steer you in the right direction, keep you on course, and help you
fulfill your dreams.

How to Create a Massive Action Plan

The term Massive Action Plan (MAP) was popularized by the
inspirational and motivational guru, Anthony Robbins. But, every
platform of inspiration and motivation lauds the necessity for taking
action in a big way.

From Napoleon Hill to Jim Rohn and beyond, taking massive action is
a fundamental part of any success in goal achievement.
By setting goals without creating a plan towards their attainment,
we’re really just hoping and wishing that we’ll achieve something
without actually moving towards it.

If you want to achieve your goals, set them the right way and also
create a massive action plan to achieve them.

Creating a massive action plan doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll

know every single step associated with the attainment of that goal.
Creating a massive action plan simply gives you a general direction
and overall steps that you’ll need to take.

How do you do this?

Let’s think about an airplane for a moment here. When an airplane

departs from LAX heading to JFK, it has a goal. Its goal is to land at
JFK airport at a pre-determined time. Everyone on that plane relies
on that pre-determined goal.

Before the plane takes off, it sets a flight plan. That flight plan details
the direction of travel, general speed, and general altitude. However,
the plan isn’t specific about the exact altitude, direction, and speed at
every moment of that flight.


The plane, like us, might encounter some obstacles along the way to
reaching its goal. For example, there might be severe pockets of
turbulence at 32,000 feet, forcing the plane to climb up higher to
38,000 feet in an effort to evade that rough patch.

While traveling, the plane might also encounter air-traffic congestion,

forcing it to change not only its speed, but also its altitude and
direction multiple times.

However, each time the plane encounters a problem, it makes

adjustments, with the overall goal to reach JFK remaining the same.
The goal never changes, but the plane’s massive action plan is
constantly adjusted.
The massive action plan is easily adjusted because it’s carefully
monitored along the way by the plane’s computers and its pilots. This
constant tracking and analysis helps the plane to realize its ultimate
goal of landing at JFK airport at or close to the pre-determined time
of arrival.

Similarly, you need a massive action plan to achieve your goals. You
can’t just set goals with the hopes of achieving them at some point in
your life.

If you’re serious about the goals, then you absolutely must create a
massive action plan, while constantly monitoring and adjusting your
approach where necessary until you succeed.

Step 1: Set & Visualize Specific, Time-

Based Goals
Before you can create a massive action plan, ensure that you set and
visualize specific goals. Setting and visualizing specific goals is one of
the most important first steps in this process.

Without setting specific goals and visualizing them, the mind can only
desire the goal in the abstract. For example, we can’t say we want to
be rich in two years or have lots of money and a nicer car. We have to
be highly specific and visualize those goals.

We need to say exactly how much money we plan to make by a

specific date or what kind of car we’ll purchase. And, we need to
visualize what our lives will be like when that happens. We can
visualize by writing out the specifics of our lives when we achieve
those goals, as in where we’ll be living, working, driving, and doing
on a daily basis.
The better you can visualize your goals, the more likely you’re going
to achieve them and follow through with your massive action plans.

And your goals must also be time-based. You have to have an exact
date for when you want to achieve them. This helps to add
perspective to your goals. Without dates, even if our goals are
specific, we’re just shooting in the dark.

If the airplane didn’t have an estimated time of arrival, its goal

wouldn’t be concrete. And no one would board a flight without a time
of arrival, so why would you set goals that didn’t have specific dates
for their achievement?

Step 2: Create Monthly Milestones

Your specific, visualized, time-based goals will prepare you for the
next step in creating a massive action plan: creating monthly

Milestones will give you intended markers or points that you’ll want
to hit and judge your progress from during the pursuit of your goals.
To create them, you’ll need your specific, time-based goals from step

Break your long-term goals out into milestones. Concentrate on your

one-year goals first. Take the measurement of what you plan to
achieve in one year and break it up into 12 monthly milestones.

For example, to pay off $12,000 of debt in one year, you’ll need to find
ways to save, cut expenses, and pay down $1,000 of debt per month.

The milestones will give you a monthly target that you can then
create your massive action plans around. They also offer a
measurable metric to help you determine just how well you’re doing.
Step 3: Create a Weekly Massive Action
Now that you have some monthly milestones, you have to create a
weekly massive action plan. What’s your target for this week? What
can you do this week to help move you closer to your goals?

If your one-year goal is to start your own business and you decided
that you need to save at least six months of expenses so that you can
quit your full time job, and you created some monthly milestones,
what could you do this week to achieve your monthly milestone?

If you have $3,000 of expenses per month and you needed to save
$18,000 in the coming 12 months, that comes to $1500 per month.
How could you come up with an extra $1500 this month? What
expenses can be cut? Where could you save or earn some extra cash?

Maybe you decide to do some part-time work on a site like,, or Maybe you decide to take
another approach such as downsizing your living arrangement or
doing some tutoring by placing ads on Craigslist, or even renting out
a room in your house on

Your monthly milestones should help you to create a weekly massive

action plan. Come up with a list of all the things that you could do this
week to reach your target.

Step 4: Create and Prioritize a Daily To-

Do List
Once you have a list of weekly action items, you need to prioritize
your day. You need to create a to-do list and manage your time
Use time management techniques to front-load and prioritize your
long-term-goal-related items. Get those out of the way first thing in
your day to ensure that you’re moving closer and closer to your goals.

The more efficient you can be with your time, the more likely you’re
going to be to accomplish your goals. To do this, you have to have
some powerful reasons on why you want to achieve those goals.

Without strong-enough reasons, we won’t do what it takes. When you

visualized your goals, did you think about why you wanted the things
that you wanted? Were they strong-enough reasons?

You also have to eliminate bad habits from the mix. Our habits can
consume us; they can work to hinder us or help us. But, more
importantly, it’s the bad habits that tend to hold us back. If your bad
habits are consuming you, work on developing some keystone habits
to help eliminate the bad ones from your life.

There are so many things that can get in the way of creating a
massive action plan and tirelessly pursuing our goals. If you don’t
work to eliminate the bad and promote the good, you’ll find yourself
hitting one roadblock after another.

Step 5: Measure, Track & Adjust

Part of reaching for our goals involves measuring, tracking, and
adjusting our approach. Massive action plans are created for the
purpose of goal achievement. But, if we don’t track our progress, how
could we know if we’re moving closer or further away from our

Find a metric that you can track on a daily basis and track it. Use a
spreadsheet, a notebook, your smartphone, a smartwatch, or anything
else at your disposal. Just do something.
As you reach for your milestones, gauge your weekly and monthly
performance, you’ll see just how much closer or further away you’re
getting from your goals. Use that information to your benefit by
adjusting your approach where necessary.

If something is working, think about ways you can scale it out. If

something isn’t working, then find areas that you can make
improvements and enhance your approach.

Step 6: Overcoming Failure

Creating a massive action plan that we stick to and tirelessly pursuing
our goals is an idealistic thought. Many are incapable of doing this,
not because they don’t want to, but because life simply gets in the

When we face failure, it’s easy to throw our hands up in the air in
silent resignation. But the only thing that separates successful people
from failures in life is their utter refusal to give up.

Failure is a part of life. We will all fail in life more times than we
would like to admit. But, failure is also a steppingstone to success.
Without failure, we couldn’t achieve the lofty successes that we plan

Your goal, however, is to overcome that failure. You need to

implement strategies that will allow you to move past that failure and
do so quickly. Getting caught up in the past and harboring regrets
won’t get you far. Rather than getting caught up in the past, you have
to focus on the present moment and move forward.

Everything in life happens for a reason. I’ve failed so many time and
each time hurt more than the time before it. But, as long as we don’t
let those failures completely deaden our spirit, then they can be used
as an experience to learn, grow, mature, and succeed in the future.
If you’ve failed while pursuing your goals, come up with some ways
you can overcome that failure and incorporate it into your massive
action plan. Create a massive action plan that helps you account for
what to do in the face of failure.

Next, re-focus and re-envision your goals, while re-visiting the

reasons why you wanted to achieve them in the first place. Then, seek
inspiration anywhere you can find it. Watch videos, read articles, or
listen to inspiring interviews with successful people.

Most importantly, don’t give up.

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