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Name : Kevin Vernandes Zebua

Class : C

Semester : III

The Summary of “From Paragraph to Essay”

Unit 1 Pre-Writing : Getting Ready to Write

Pre-writing is a process where you have to decide what you are going to write and then how
you make a plan to write it.

Paragraph consists of some sentences. In choosing a topic for your paragraph, you could
consider about these things :

 Choose the topic that is not too narrow, so you will be able to write much and to expand it.
 In contrary also, you must not choose a topic that is very general, a good topic will be not
too narrow and it is should be specific.

In choosing your topic, you can do brainstorming to help you find it. Brainstorming is a situation
that you can think about everything. You have to think ideas as much as possible. Then, write down
any of your ideas without concerning wheter it is proper or not. You can decide it after you finish
gathering your ideas.


When you do freewriting, you just write everything that comes into your head and do not care to
your perception about what you write. If you do not stop writing, it will help you to write fluently,
you can feel easy and write it quicky. However, ignore the accuracy even your grammar, it just as a
training for you in compiling your ideas.


You can also write down your ideas and try to draw like a schemata. You can adjust possible sub-
points that are supposed have correlation to your topic.

After finish write idea, it is time to go back and edit them. In editing, you can consider for those
ideas that most relevant to your topic or not. You may see that if it is necessary for your topic or not.
In editing also you can add new ideas if it is related to to the topic.

Unit 2 The Structure of a Paragraph


Paragraph is a group of some sentences about a single topic. The writer’s ideas are compiled
to support the topic of the paragraph. The sentences in a paragraph could be five or ten sentences,
however, the length of sentences are depending to the topic.

Paragraph organisation.

 The topic sentence.

 The supporting sentences,
 The concluding sentence.

The topic and the main idea.

 Usually, writer put it in the first line of paragraph.

 It is as a foundation for the writer to expand the pargraph, and also to help the reader to
outline what the paragraph is going to talk.

Unit 3 The Development of a Paragraph

Paragraph development.

After deciding the topic of your paragraph, you can write every ideas that you think have
relation to the topic. To develop your paragraph, you have to add also clear information that
supports your topic sentence. Other strategies to develop it are giving details, giving explanation
and giving example.

 Details are specific points that tell more about general statement.
 Explanations tell the reader about what something means or how something works etc.
 Example could be like place or person that giving figure about something in order to support
the general statement.
Comcluding sentence sums up the whole contents of the pargraph or it culd restates also the main
topic but in digfferent ways (paraphrasing).

Peer editing.

It is an activity where after you compile your writing, you read and check your partner’s writing and
so does your partner. Your partner will give you his/her comment upon your work and you do the
same also. You can also talk together to discuss it and sharing knowledge each other.

Unit 4 Descriptive and Process Pargraph

Descriptive paragraph is a pragraph that describe people or how someone looks like, telling
particular places or processes. In descriptive paragraph, the use of adjective is important because it
shows how we feel, hear, touch, see, smell and so on.

In helping the writer to compose it, they can use questions word such as what, where, how, when,
who (if specific for the human) and why.

In describing something or someone, we can use preposition to show place organised.

Process Paragrapgh.

This paragraph talks about how to do something and explains you steps in completing any activity.
In explaining the process, transitions are used to connect one step to the next step. It is also used in
paragraph to relate the main idea to the supporting details.

Process paragraph also concerns with sentences order. Steps are composed orderly to show which
one the beginning and the next step.

Unit 5 Opinion Paragraph

Facts and Opinions

 A fact is a piece of true information.

 An opinion is an idea or belief about a particular subject.
Writers use facts to support their opinion.

Modal Auxiliaries.

In writing , the use of modal auxiliary verbs and transition words more important rather than
conventional phrases such I think, in my opininon etc. Modal auxiliaries show the strength of
writer’s opinion and argument.

Connectors of cause and effect.

 In introducing the cause or reason, we use because and since.

 To introduce the effect or result , we use so and therefore.

Therefore is slightly different, it joins the ideas in two sentences.

Unit 6 Comparison / Contrast Paragraphs

Pharagraphs that compare and contrast

To compare means to discuss about the similarity between two things, people or place.
While, to contrast means discussing the diversity between things, people etc

Comparative and Comtrastive structures.

In comparative structure, there are some words and phrases are used in wriring, such as :

 And, both, both...and, also

 Too, neither...nor, similar to, the same as
 (just) as + adj + as, likewise, similarly.

In contrastive structures :

 More/less + adj/adv + than

 Adj(er) + than
 But, while, though
 Not the same as
 Not as ... as
 Different from
 In contrast
 However
 On the other hand.

Comparison / contrast organisation

a) Block organisation
b) Point-by-point organisation.

Unit 7 Problem / Solution Paragraphs

Problem and Solution.

This type of paragraph introduces the problem or the case in the beginning, then as the conclusion,
there are some solutions which are relevant to the problem or particular case.

Writing about problems.

In deciding the topic sentence, you must know what issue that will be discussed in your
writing. The supporting sentences would be the reason why the issue are the problem.

Telling about both problem and solution, conditional sentence is a useful way. Although
there are other types of conditional sentences, but the first comditional are the most common in
writing about problems and solutions.

Here are several phrases in linking problems with solutions :

o In order to solve these problems...

o To meet this need...
o One answer is...
o A second / third/final answer is ...
o In order to overcome these problems...
o One solution is...
o One thing we can do is...

Writing solutions.

A strong solution clearly and reasonably solves the problem. A weak solution doesn’t really
solve the problem or is not practical or illogical.
Unit 8 The Structure of an Essay

Essay is a group of paragraphs written about a single topic and a central main idea. Three
main parts of an essay are :

o The introduction. It explains the topic with general perception. It has a thesis statement
which gives main idea .
o The main body. It consists of expanded supporting details upon thesis statement.
o The comclusion restates the introduction of the essay and summarizes up the whole
comtents of the essay.

In the end of introductory paragraph, there is a thesis statement. It tells the main idea of the
whole contents of essay. It differs also to topic sentence which gives the main idea of a paragraph
only. Some points about writing thesis statement, they are :

 A thesis statement gives the author’s opinion or idea that can be discussed and explained
with supporting details.
 A thesis statement should not too narrow.
 A thesis statement must independent on one side only.

Unit 9 Outlining an Essay

Outline is a list of the information you will put in your essay. An outline shows the
organisation of the essay and help you to make an essay which well organised and clearly focused.
It keeps you from forgetting any important points.

Adding more information to an outline is called “fleshing it out”.

Writing an outline.

Usually, we must gathering ideas, editing them, and deciding on a topic for your writing are
process to write outline. To organise your ideas, you can number them and avoid the confusion to
structure it.

Firstly, you can number the main points of your ideas, then expand them by adding
subnumber or subpoints each idea you already wrote before. Finally, elaborate your ideas within
additional informations or examples.
Evaluating an outline.

Before you start writing your essay, check your outline for organisation, support, and topic
development. If necessary, you can ask a friend or your teacher to check it.

Unit 10 Imtroductioms and Comclusions

Introductions and conclusions are important in an essay. They work together to make the
topic and main idea are conveyed clearly to the reader. First paragraph in an essay has a function as
the introduction. The introduction gives the general topic of the essay and the background
information about it. It states also the main point (thesis statement) of the essay.

In making an interesting introduction, we can include interesting facts or statistics, a

personal story or example and an interesting quotation.

Meanwhile, a good concluding paragraph summarises the main points of the essay,
paraphrasing the thesis and perhaps emphasises an action that is more important to be known by the
reader. Don’t introduce new idea in conclusion.

Unit 11 Unity and Coherence

Unity in writing.

Unity in writing is the connection of all the contents in essay to a single topic or focused
main idea. Before finishing write your essay, how better if you review the text and its contents. You
have to make sure that all written ideas must be relevant to the main case you want to discuss.

Coherence in writing.

Coherence could be found in an essay where the ideas are arranged in clear and logical way.
When organising your ideas, think about what type of organisation is the best for your topic or
essay type.

 We can also use cohesive devices such words and phrases that connect sentences and
paragraphs together and so on.
 In connecting sentences together, we can use transitions. They will help us in relating the
ideas to one another.
 In connecting two sentences also, we can use pronoun.
 Another way to connect ideas is by repeating important words and phrase.

Unit 12 Essays for Examinations

Here are some instructions for timed essays :

 Check to see how many questions you must answer.

 Check how many points the essay is worth.
 Pay close attention to the instructions for each imdividual essay question.
 Use some of your time for planning (gathering and organising ideas) and for proofreading
your finished essay.
 Always write in complete sentences and pay careful attention to grammar and spelling.

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