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Having read about the U.S. fighting forces pushing the Nazi troops back during
World War II ("A smashing frontal attack on the enemy rear?"), Daffy Duck is in a
patriotic mood. However, his mood quickly changes to fear when he gets a call that
"the little man from the draft board" wants to see him. Hiding in his house, Daffy
looks out, eventually seeing the little man, who attempts to hand him a telegram
(presumably with Daffy's conscription order). Daffy starts whining, and continues
to try to outrun the little man, who seems to be everywhere that Daffy happens to
be at the moment. Daffy even goes so far as to plant a bomb near the man. Finally,
he locks him in a safe, bricks the safe up, puts up a wall over the bricks
(chortling: "So long, Dracula!"), runs to the roof and takes off in a rocket.

However, the rocket soon plunges back to earth, causing Daffy to crash-land in Hell
without Daffy actually saying the word. Shrugging off this turn, Daffy spots a
demon (seen from the rear) and tells him: "Oh well, anyway, I sure put one over on
that dope from the draft board!" The demon takes off his mask to reveal he's the
man from the draft board, who then replies with a popular catchphrase of the
"Richard Q. Peavey" character from The Great Gildersleeve: "Well, now, I wouldn�t
say that" (same as what Bugs Bunny, in his elderly form, says at the end of The Old
Grey Hare) and proceeds to chase Daffy into the distance, letter still in hand.

VHS, LaserDisc - Cartoon Moviestars: Bugs and Daffy: The Wartime Cartoons
LaserDisc - The Golden Age of Looney Tunes, Vol. 2, Side 5: Bob Clampett
VHS - Looney Tunes: The Collectors Edition Volume 7: Welcome To Wackyland (USA 1995
Turner print)
DVD - Looney Tunes Golden Collection: Volume 3, Disc Four (with optional audio
commentary by Eddie Fitzgerald and John Kricfalusi)
Blu-ray, DVD - Looney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume 3, Disc 2
Daffy had already been depicted as in fact serving in the armed forces in two
earlier cartoons, Daffy - The Commando and Plane Daffy. However, continuity rarely
received much attention in cartoons of this period. During this time period,
stories were written and structured to fit around gags and jokes without any
continuous intent or any relation to the character's past adventures.
The setup of Daffy and The Little Man from the Draft Board in this cartoon is very
similar to that of the wolf and Droopy from the Tex Avery cartoons from rival
studio MGM (particularly the Droopy cartoon "Dumb Hounded"), as The Little Man from
the Draft Board often pops up everywhere Daffy is, causing the duck to flee to
escape from him throughout the picture to avoid getting drafted into the army.
The Little Man from the Draft Board makes a cameo in the Tiny Toon Adventures
episode, "Buster's Directorial Debut" and later in the Animaniacs episode, "Pitter
Patter of Little Feet".
This is the first Looney Tunes short to have the black background with red rings, a
color scheme that had previously been used in the 1942-43 season. However, the
black background is much smaller than the 1942-43 season.
This is the final WWII-themed cartoon released by Warner Bros. before the end of
the war (discounting war references in later cartoons).

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