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2.1 Portfolio analysis

BCG matrix portfolio analysis

They are currently in the position of the Star where they have a very higher market
growth and also a higher market share. Currently they are earning more and their
expenses are also very high. They have to look in for the new options to earn more
money and hence they also have to expand their market by looking in for the new market
segments with new products at low prices and cheap cost also.
The only way to cut their operating expense is to look in for new ways of production and
to open more factories in China and Korea where the cost of the production is less and
they can also get their raw materials at a cheaper cost.

2.2 Strategic Marketing plan for apple:

It kicked of the personal computer revolution in the late 70’s and it aims in providing the
latest computing and technological services and products to its clients all over the world
To work for creating a better and safe environment and focus on the safety and security
aspects ensuring that its products meet the safety standards and help in the protection of
the environment

In order to reach its goals;

It is working on producing different set of the products and it is also targeting the
developing nations with the new range of the products at most affordable cost
It is working on clean energy and has stopped the usage of the Lithium batteries which
harm the environment
It is working to protect the environment by funding various agencies which are working
for the environmental protection

It is working on the implementation process by the various R & D investments which are
focusing towards the developments of green products with the high safety and security

In any business the first step of the planning process involves identifying whom they are
going to sell their products and failure to properly identify the target market segment will
lead to the production of the wrong goods for the wrong segments. (Malcolm
McDonald, Ian Dunbar, 2004)

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