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Fidan Demir

Student No.: 20190202906

Hollywood and Global Culture

Most aspects of foreign culture, such as language, religion, gender roles, and
problem-solving strategies, are hard for the casual observer to understand. In what
ways do Hollywood movies affect national culture outside the United States?

Hollywood films promote family relationships, gender roles, nonverbal communication,

concept of beauty etc. in deep culture.

Hollywood films influence national culture outside the US by revealing cultural metaphors,
stereotypes and idioms. If it weren't for this, French officials would not have seen "lost in
translation" as a threat, or "Apocalypse Now" would not have portrayed the Vietnamese as
evil, but the war itself as evil.
Culture refers to the learned, shared and lasting orientations of a society expressed in
values, ideas, attitudes, behaviors and other meaningful symbols and artifacts.
People inside and outside the USA are influenced by Hollywood movies.

What aspects of U.S. culture do Hollywood films promote around the world?
Can you observe any positive effects of Hollywood movies on world cultures?

Films can influence some cultural aspects, but the deeply rooted values will not change and
therefore the impact is minimal at best:
Fashion, music, etiquette - yes
Religion - no.

Hollywood films have both a positive and a negative impact on world cultures. It depends on
how the viewer interprets the film. Either you learn something from it or you let yourself be

Culture plays a key role in business. In what ways have movies influenced
managerial tasks, company activities, and other ways of doing business
around the world? Can watching foreign films be an effective way of learning
how to do business abroad? Justify your answer.

Films facilitate the process of learning the rules and patterns of behaviour appropriate to
each society. This plays an important role in our business activities.

We can learn effective methods through foreign films:

- Interpersonal exchange (welcoming and farewell rituals)
- How far apart to be, what to say and whether to touch or smile. Ceremonies that can
vary depending on age, sex and status of the greeter
- Value chains such as product and service design, marketing and sales, which must take
the cultural context into account.
- For example, red may be beautiful for the Russians, but for the South Africans it
symbolizes mourning.
- Rituals to give as a gift
For example, handkerchiefs indicate grief; inappropriate objects such as knives or
scissors exclude the relationship or other negative feelings.
cultural differences make work more difficult in the workplace. For example, teamwork,
employment, payment of benefits, organizational structures, relations between trade unions
and management. Films can help to facilitate international business processes.

Hollywood movies are very popular abroad, but foreign films are not viewed much in
the United States. What factors deter- mine the high demand for Hollywood films?
Why are they so popular in Europe, Japan, Latin America, and elsewhere?

The demand for Hollywood films is influenced by viewers. They do this depending on how
good the film is.
Hollywood movies are very popular because:
 they use famous actors and actresses,
 have a unique history with a large budget,
 high-tech technology and more effects
 stories from reality are told,
 emotions and thoughts of many people are covered.

=> The film takes the audience on a journey.

Why are foreign films demanded so little in the United States? What can foreign
filmmakers do to increase demand for their movies in the United States?

Americans like Hollywood movies because they're well made for them. They only want films
with special effects, violence and sometimes romance. They don't want to think in a movie.

Americans generally don't have much knowledge about other countries and cultures. They
are less curious and knowledgeable and fixate only on their own country/culture. Maybe this
is also true for the film industry.

Foreign filmmakers should try to convince Americans with their films by responding to their
wishes and needs. For example, famous actors, more effects....

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