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prepared by Sum

function - It is used to get the sum of values of a cell range.

Arvin 23 34 45 =SUM(A2:C2)
Buncad Average function – It is used to get the average of the value of a cell range.
Alonzo 23 34 45 =average(a4:c4)
If function – It is used to create conditions. The result is based on the condition
87 =if(b4>=75, "Passed", "Failed")
50000 =IF(A9>=100000, A9 * 35%, IF(A9>=50000, A9 * 30%, IF(A9>=20000, A9 * 20%, 0))) >=100000 25% of Gross
23400 4680 >=50000 15% of Gross
102000 35700 >=20000 10% of Gross
<20000 0
Round function – It is used to round a number to a specified number of digits
123.455595 =round(a14, 2) rounds to 2 decimal places (hundredths digit)
123.455595 =round(a15, 0) rounds to whole number
Concatenate function – It is used to combine two or more literal values.
Arvin Buncad Alonzo =CONCATENATE(A17,B17,C17) ArvinBuncadAlonzo
=concatenate(a17, " ", c17) Arvin Alonzo
Left function - It will get the characters from left
Arvin Alonzo =LEFT(A20, 5) Arvin
Right function - it will get the characters from right
Arvin Alonzo =RIGHT(A22, 6) Alonzo
Mid function - it will get the number characters from start
Arvin Alonzo =MID(A24, 7, 4) Alon
Upper function - converts all characters to uppercase
Arvin Alonzo =upper(a26) ARVIN ALONZO
Lower function - converts all characters to lowercase
Arvin Alonzo =lower(a28) arvin alonzo
Proper function - converts all characters to first letter of words to uppercase
arvin alonzo =proper(a30) Arvin Alonzo
Count function – It counts how many cells have numeric values Syntax: =count(range)
3434 34 aa =COUNT(A32:C32) result is 2
Sumif function – It gets the sum of a range using a specified criteria Syntax: = sumif(range, criteria)
5 6 4 =SUMIF(A34:C34,">=5") result is 11
Int function– It rounds the number down to the nearest integer.
23.555 =int(a36) result is 23
23.124 =int(a37) result is 23
Power function - returns the result of a number raised to a power.
3 =power(a39, 2) result is 9, it can also be: =a39^2 =power(a39, 3) result is 27
Sqrt function - Returns a positive square root.
9 =sqrt(a41) result is 3
AND function -to determine if all conditions in a test are TRUE
100000 50000 =AND(A43<=100000, B43>=50000) result is TRUE
101 55 =if(AND(a44<=100, b44>=50), "w/in range", "out of range") result is out of range
OR function - to determine if any conditions in a test are TRUE.
200000 50000 =OR(A43<=100000, B43>=50000) result is TRUE
101 55 =if(AND(a44<=100, b44>=50), "valid", "invalid") result is valid

Today function - returns the date today

10/27/2019 =today() 10/27/2018 =TODAY() - 365
Now function - returns the current date and time
10/27/2019 20:12 =now() 10/17/2019 20:12 =NOW()-10
days360 function - eturns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
12/15/1974 16152 =DAYS360(A54, TODAY())
44.87 =DAYS360(A54, TODAY())/360
44 =INT(DAYS360(A54, TODAY())/360)
Yearfrac function - calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates
12/15/1974 44.86666667 =YEARFRAC(A58, TODAY())
12/15/2000 26 =YEARFRAC(A58, A59)
YEAR function - returns the year corresponding to a date
12/15/1974 1974 =YEAR(A61)
2019 =YEAR(TODAY())
month function - returns the year corresponding to a date
12/15/1974 12 =MONTH(A64)
Lookup function - looks in a single row or column and find a value from the same position in a second row or colum
Product Price
B 49 PRICE 49 =LOOKUP(D67, A67:B69)
C 39
Vlookup function - to find things in a table or a range by row.
Product Price
B 49 PRICE 49 =VLOOKUP(D72, A72:B74, 2)
C 39
Transpose function - use to rotate/switch cells
Qtr1 2354
Qtr2 3460
Qtr3 4775
Qtr4 5554

Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4

2354 3460 4775 5554
Highlight number of columns equal to number of rows of the source, number of rows equal to number of columns of the source (4 columns and 2 rows highlighted)
type: =transpose(a76:b79) then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter
countif function - to count the number of cells that meet a criterion
Year Level
1 Number of First year 1 =COUNTIF(A87:A92, "1")
2 Number of Second year 3 =COUNTIF(A87:A92, "2")
3 Number of Third year 1 =COUNTIF(A87:A92, "3")
2 Number of Fourth year 1 =COUNTIF(A87:A92, "4")
Mean, Median, mode, standard deviation, variance, minimum, maximum, range
Data Mean 26.875 =AVERAGE(A95:A102)
23 Median 25 =MEDIAN(A95:A102)
25 Mode 25 =MODE(A95:A102)
27 Standard Deviation (Population) 6.679025004 =STDEV.P(A95:A102)
21 Standard Deviation (Sample) 7.140178069 =STDEV.S(A95:A102)
19 variance (population) 44.609375 =VAR.P(A95:A102)
25 Variance (sample) 50.98214286 =VAR.S(A95:A102)
40 minimum value 19 =MIN(A95:A102)
35 maximum value 40 =MAX(A95:A102)
range 21 =MAX(A95:A102) - MIN(A95:A102)
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