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Climate change is all about happens when the climate in Earth changes that affects the weather in
many particular places that will last for decades or more. Climate change is the reality that is happening
now in our planet, and it causes Global Warming. Global warming is very critical condition for our planet, in
the records, the land and the oceans are becoming warmer and warmer. We people, can help to prevent
or lessen the worsening of the global warming by being responsible in our wastes, by choosing products
that are environmentally friendly and by doing ways on producing materials or products that will not harms
our eco system. One major contributor on the Climate Change and Global Warming are the Green House
gases, based on my research, Green House gases are gases that are present in our Earth’s atmosphere
that prevents the heat in our planet to come out. Green House gases enables the sunlight to pass in our
atmosphere but on the other hand, these gases prevents the heat that the sunlight brings to come out in
our atmosphere, this causes our planet to be warmer and warmer in the past few decades.

In our generation today, technology as we all know had been giving a great impact, not just in the
Philippines but in the whole world. Also, the technologies had been a large contributor or had a great impact
in the Climate Change and Global Warming, one great example are the factories, that are obviously having
a large amount of wastes that causes pollution and we all know that pollution is the major factor of why our
planet is experiencing Global Warming and Climate Change today. On the other hand, besides all of the
negative effect that the new technologies may cause our eco system, it can also be an instrument to prevent
and lessen both Climate Change and Global Warming. Based on my research, our global community are
taking actions to prevent these issues by saving up energy, and choosing renewable energies, in this way,
we are not only saving energy but also, we are saving many too. One solution also, is our global community
is putting price on pollution, they are doing these by giving penalties and fines to whoever causes pollution,
one great example here are the large factories that have a ton of waste materials. Another thing that our
global community is doing, is that they are educating their people on what are the do’s and don’ts for
conserving up our environment. In my understanding and opinion, these actions that our global community
is doing is not yet enough to resolve the Climate Change and Global Warming issue, because I am basing
on what I am seeing today. These solutions had been greatly implemented in some few countries that are
being responsible but the majority is not yet doing enough to save our environment and resolve this issue.

As a student and as a global citizen, what I can do today to help our global community to resolve
these issues is that, I will start first on myself, by being responsible on my wastes and I will consume foods
and products that are environmental friendly. But besides all of these, I think that the best action that I can
do is that, I will try my best to educate the people around me about these issues and what they can do to
resolve it and save our whole planet Earth from these threatening environmental issues.

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