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Projek paper

Arranged to fulfill of Envrionmental Science Basics guided by Dr. Sueb, M.Kes

Will be presented on Tuesday and 12nd February 2019

Group 3 Offering I
Adinda Nur Safitri (180342618036)
Fika Cahya Lovely (180342618012)
Suci Yana Lestari (180342618026)


February 2019

Sueb1, Adinda Nur Safitri1, Fika Cahya Lovely1, and Suci Yana Lestari1

Department of Bology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 05 Malang 65145, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

1. Introduction
Population density is commonly called the population bomb. The increase in
population, which eventually packed the face of the earth, will cause a series of major
problems. Every human being is inseparable from a variety of needs, ranging from the
basic to the complementary needs, while all of these factors can only be fulfilled if the
cycle and natural resource reserves are still sufficient and sufficient, but it will be
different if the population growth rate exceeds the cycle limit or the amount of reserves
of sources of need (Siahaan, 2004).
The increase in population is always followed by a high rate of population growth.
This causes the need for goods, services and shelter to increase and demands additional
facilities and infrastructure to serve the needs of the community. However, nature has
limited environmental carrying capacity. The ever-increasing need will cause the use of
natural resources to be difficult to control. The uncontrolled depletion of natural
resources results in environmental damage.
Increasing population every years is likely to have an impact on the living
environment such as: sewage disposal, clean water supply, garbage disposal, sewage
disposal, animal houses (cages). As happened in Blimbing District, Malang City.
Blimbing District is one of 33 sub-districts in Malang that are classified as densely
populated and have a high rate of population growth. The purpose of the study was to
determine the effect of population growth on jodipan tourism environments in Blimbing
sub-district, Malang city and efforts that could be made to deal with existing population
density problems.
2. Literature
Human life cannot be separated from nature. To maintain its survival, humans
exploit nature. Increasing population means increasing living needs. High population
density will put pressure on the carrying capacity of the natural environment. When the
pressure exceeds the limits of the carrying capacity of the natural environment, it will
damage the environment. Conversely, an environment that is preserved in its
sustainability will greatly support the survival of a society.
Some experts say that the carrying capacity of the environment has been exceeded by
population density. As a result, the balance of life between humans and their
environment is disrupted. The disturbance will lead to a more severe and detrimental
situation, if there is no effort to fix it. From the description above, it is clear that there is
a close relationship between the human element in relation to environmental
sustainability (Hasnida, 2002).
The availability of clean water is one of the basic ingredients that is absolutely
needed by humans of all time. Increasing population causes an increase in water
demand. In general, urban water needs are met by PAM that flows water to people's
homes. However, the more densely populated the population causes the rainwater
infiltration area to decrease. If the process of losing water is allowed to continue, at
some point in the end the soil water content is so low that its potential energy is very
high and causes plants to be unable to use ground water, while plants are needed in
terms of the oxygen needed by all living things.
Making artesian wells for housing complex needs, resulting in traditional wells
drying up. In addition, densely populated residential areas often provide only a few
open areas as rainwater absorption areas. Areas that are tightly covered by paving and
concrete make water unable to seep into the soil, so that when it rains water just flows
through the surface of the soil. As a result, the water reserves in the soil are decreasing
longer so that in the dry season it often lacks clean water. Clean air is an absolute
necessity for human survival. Clean air contains lots of oxygen. The more population
means the more oxygen is needed. The increase in settlement results in higher levels of
CO2 and CO in the air, so it can be understood that the higher the population density,
the more oxygen needs.
The increase in population is followed by a high rate of population growth. This
causes the need for goods, services, and shelter to increase sharply and demand
additional facilities and infrastructure to serve the needs of the community. However,
nature has limited environmental carrying capacity. This continually increasing need
will in turn cause the use of natural resources to be difficult to control. The uncontrolled
depletion of natural resources results in environmental damage.
To achieve equal distribution of the population in achieving economic and ecological
balance, transmigration from islands that are densely populated to islands with low
population concentrations is implemented. On the other hand, some social observers
argue that the implementation of transmigration that has been carried out so far seems to
be merely an attempt to get rid of people from overcrowding. Although there are those
who succeed, in general there are only failures, complaints, screams of feeling removed.
However, it was polished in the name of the development proclaimed by the
government. Among those who were migrated through government programs, it turned
out that not a few returned home. They feel unproductive, not humanized after being in
the transmigration destination (Maryoto, 2000).
Family planning is a way to create a happy family prosperous, but it is also a way to
help the country achieve its national goals. KB can prevent population explosion,
poverty, and other problems Mahanal (1995). Through KB, the number of children can
be planned and the range of pregnancies between children can be arranged so that the
number of children can be more suppressed and can reduce birth rates while suppressing
the population explosion.
The family planning program is a basic social program that handles five aspects, as
reflected in law No 52 of 2009 concerning Population Development and Family
Development which includes regulating pregnancy, maintaining health and reducing
maternal, infant and child mortality, increasing access and quality information,
education, counseling, and family planning and reproductive health services, increasing
men's participation and participation in the practice of family planning, promoting
infant breastfeeding in an effort to narrow the distance of pregnancy. This means that
family planning programs are not just trying to control the rate of population growth,
but more important is improving the quality of the population (Mittal & Grupta, 2013).
Concern for the environment will be able to improve the environment which has
been partially damaged by overcrowding. This concern can be done by reforestation,
restrictions on industrial land, waste management so that it can reduce the number of
pollution, and so forth. Limitation of industrial land also needs to be done, this is
because industrial land established by the government is currently increasingly
narrowing agricultural land even though basic human needs can be obtained from
agricultural land. The denser the population, the more garbage will be produced. With
good waste management techniques will be able to reduce environmental pollution so
that environmental sustainability will be better maintained. From the description
described above, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of population
growth on jodipan tourism environment in the Blimbing sub-district of Malang city and
efforts that could be made to deal with existing population density problems.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1 Types of research
In accordance with the boundaries of the problem and the objectives of the
research described in the previous chapter, this research is classified as descriptive
correlational research. Correlational research is one form of research that aims to
describe research variables. Also look for relationships between variables with one
another. The size of the relationship (correlation) contributes between other variables
which can state the correlation coefficient. According to Arikunto (2006) correlational
research to analyze hypotheses, therefore the correlation coefficients of the resulting
effect show significant attitudes proven whether a hypothesis.
3.2 Study population
According to Arikunto (2006) the population is the whole subject of research.
The population of this study is all the communities in Colorful Village Jodipan
Blimbing District, Malang City.
3.3 Research sample
The sample in this study is taking 1 RT, namely RT 007 Kampung Warna Warni
Jodipan in Blimbing District, Malang City. In this study the sample is determined
randomly (proportion of sampling), to determine the size of the sample used Slovin
formula (Amirin, 2011).
Amirin, T. M. 2011. Ukuran sampe l: rumus Slovin. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Arikunto, S, 2006. Prosedur penelitian. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Hasnida. (2002). Crowding (Kesesakan) Dan Density (Kepadatan). Jurnal Elibrary
Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Mahanal, S. 1995. Panduan Perkuliahan Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan
Hidup (PKLH). Malang: IKIP Malang.
Mitaal, R. & Grupta, C. 2013. Impact Of Population Explosion on Environment. The
National Journal, 1(1), 1-5.
Siahan. 2004. Hukum Lingkungan dan Ekologi Pembangunan (Edisi 2). Jakarta:

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