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For each of the following statements there is one option that best completes its meaning.

Circle or
underline the correct choice in each case.

1. The only “ask word” in the list below is:

a) “draught”
b) “taught”
c) “laughed”

2. In the word “hurried”

a) there are two letters “r” in the root
b) the letter “r” is doubled for phonetic reasons
c) there is a linking [r]

3. The vowel of the last syllable in the word “echoed”

a) can be reduced to the schwa
b) cannot be reduced to the schwa because it is stressed
c) is unstressed but it cannot be reduced to the schwa

4. The word “region”

a) requires only one phonetic vowel
b) contains only one vowel because there is only one syllable in the word
c) contains as many vowel sounds as the number of syllables

5. The vowel that appears in the word “workmen” is

a) [e]
b) [ε]
c) []

6. The pronunciation of the plural of the noun “wolf” is

a) voiced, because the morpheme is after a vowel
b) voiceless, because the root ends in a voiceless sound [f]
c) voiced, being after a voiced consonant

7. The pronunciation of the vowel in the word “some”

a) is a deviation from the graphical rules
b) reflects an open syllable
c) is the schwa, because this is an unstressed syllable

8. In the word “guessed”

a) a consonant is doubled for phonetic reasons
b) there are two identical consonants in different morphemes
c) no consonant letter is doubled

9. The pronunciation of the letter “r” in English may be conditioned by

a) spelling
b) the accentual structure of the word
c) the phonetic context

10.The word “companion”

a) contains a semivowel
b) contains a diphthong
c) contains the schwa as the first sound of the final syllable

11.The last letter of the word “fox” represents

a) one phoneme
b) two phonemes
c) a dimorphemic affricate (similar to [ts] e.g., in “hats”)

12.The pronunciation of the cluster “th” in the word “clothing”:

a) is voiceless, as the root is “cloth”
b) follows the pattern for pairs of the type ‘noun’ - ‘verb’ (e.g., “breath” - “breathe”)
c) is voiced, as it is in medial position in a word of Germanic origin

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