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What makes a great leader?

The simple answer is: A leader is a collection

of traits that work well together. So what are those traits? We're going to go
through the list, and breakdown each of the traits and characteristics a good
leader has.

If you're going to be a leader, you need followers. How do you get those
followers? As a leader, you have to set up an environment that creates
people who WANT to follow you. How do you do that? By making some
simple, conscientious efforts.

Becoming a Great Leader: How to Motivate


One of the most often asked questions from managers is, “How do I
motivate employees?” Research shows that there are six hallmarks of a
motivating experience ... and a video game fits them all perfectly! This
program explains what an ideal motivating work experience is, and shows
you how you can create a “video game environment” at work.

So what makes a great motivational leader? You have to be able to

recognize the motivational truths in your employees. You may learn that
not everybody is completely unmotivated.

Can you do everything your organization needs to get done all by yourself?
Can you handle all of those responsibilities? A good leader answers that
question with a “No.” To keep focused on your company’s goals, you need
to delegate your tasks.

As a leader, how do you empower your employees, your “followers?” It

starts with a vision. Your vision for the organization is to have an
empowered company, where employees are able to make a difference.
Teams productively working together can be far more effective than
individuals working separately. It’s particularly important for an
organization to build a cohesive leadership team. This program defines the
three types of teams, explains the behaviors that drive team productivity,
and provides a checklist for building effective leadership teams.

How do you get employees to be excited to be part of your team? It’s all
about developing followership. Followership refers to a role held by certain
individuals in an organization, team, or group. It's the capacity or
willingness of an individual to actively follow a leader and it’s a process.

You know what it takes to be a good leader. You know what it takes to
develop a follower. So now the question is, how do you develop yourself as
a leader?

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