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P-ISSN: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia xx (x)

1693-1246 (20xx) x-x

E-ISSN: DOI: xx.xxxxx/jpfi.xxxxx.xxxx
mm 20XX



Dwi Indah P, Wafirotul Fitriyah, Yudhistira Wisnu B

Physics Education Program
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Universitas Negeri Semarang

The country of Indonesia is an archipelago country that has a vast nature, especially salt water. Indonesia
with the fourth most populous population in the world, and has the needs of each one of the electrical
energy needs.Saltwater can be one of the alternative energy , because the content of air salt (high
electrolyte) can generate electrical voltage and electric current which will then be processed into electrical
energy. The use of brine as a source of electricity can be a solution for the nation of Indonesia in
developing the country with environmentally friendly technology.

Negara Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memilih perairan yang sangat luas, khususnya air
garam. Indonesia dengan jumlah penduduk terpadat ke 4 di dunia, dan memiliki kebutuhan pribadi
masing-masing salah satunya kebutuhan akan energy listrik. Larutan garam bisa menjadi salah satu
sumber energy listrik alternative, karena kandungan air garam (elektrolit yang tinggi) bisa menghasilkan
suatu tegangan listrik dan arus listrik yang selanjutnya akan diolah menjadi energy listrik. Penggunaan air
garam sebagai sumber air listrik bisa menjadi solusi bagi bangsa Indonesia dalam membangun negeri
dengan teknologi berbasis ramah lingkungan.

© 2018 Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Key words: saltwater, electric current, environmentally friendly

INTRODUCTION is the fresh drinking water. Many technologies are

We know that our earth covered with 70% of developed to use salt water for producing electrical
water and 30% of land. So water occupies more energy. The energy produced in this way is
space than land but 97% is the salt water and 3%
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 11 (1) (2015) 1-7

renewable energy source. Ex: salt water battery, Saltwater activated batteries are an
salt water generators etc. inefficient and expensive power source and ghave
Battery is a device that can generate litte use in conventional power applications. This
electrical energy with involves the transfer of type of battery was extensively used in World War
electrons through a conductive medium of two II in a deception system for pursued
electrode (anode and cathode) to produce electric submarines.The current does not depend strongly
current and potential difference (Kartawidjaja et al., on the concentration of salt, despite the increased
2008). conductivity
for stronger salt solutions. The conductivity of
A solution that can conduct an electric current saltwater is at a maximum for a 12% solution by
is called an electrolyte solution. This solution gives weight.
symptoms of a light-up or a gas bubble in solution.
While the electrolyte can be grouped into strong The primary benefits provided by the
electrolyte and electrolyte solutions. Emergency Saltwater Filtration System includes,
(Sunanto.2016). An object is positively charged if it but not limited to, providing an unlimited fresh
loses electrons and is negatively charged if the
water supply while in a small boats. The
object is an excess of electrons. In the different
circumstances of this charge the emergence of Emergency Saltwater Filtration is compact, simple
potential energy that lies between them. (David, to use and discreet It can be installed onto any
2014). small boat.

The electrical conductivity shows the level

of fluid capability in conducting electricity
associated with the movement of ions in the In this practicum we used method based
solution, the mobile ions have great electrical on observation. So our method was doing
conductivity. According to Marince (2006), the experiment and then doing observation. In this
electrical conductivity of the solution is influenced experiment, the independent variables are salt and
by the number of ions, ion mobility,oxidation and
salt mass. So we will do 3 types of data
temperature levels.
comparison with the data obtained is quantitative.
The electrolyte consists of a liquid The data we will get is a value of voltage and
electrolyte and a solid electrolyte. Type of liquid strong current of salt solution.
electrolyte has disadvantages that are vulnerable For the process of data collection is done
to leakage and flammability, while electrolyte in
solid form tends to be safer, easy to use, free from by testing salt solution as much as 6 variations of
leaks and can be made with smaller dimensions. mass for each type of salt. First, the salt is
Electrolytes can be in the form of water, acids, dissolved with 100 ml of water, stir the salt until
bases or in the form of chemical compounds. Bio- dissolved, then put the test tester ie nails as
battery use electrolytes of citric acid which are cathode and copper coins as anodhe. Insert nails
widely contained in citrus fruits (Riyanto, 2011).
and coins that have been first in the clasp with
crocodile clamps into the salt solution. Then plug
the other end of the crocodile clamp into a
The effective use of electricity from
multimeter to calculate the magnitude of the
renewable sources requires large-scale stationary
voltage and current strength
electrical energy storage (EES) systems with
rechargeable high-energy-density, low-cost
batteries. We report a rechargeable saltwater
Result from this practicum in the form of
battery using NaCl (aq.) as the energy source
quantity data. In this practicum we use three
(catholyte). The battery is operated by
variation objects, that is variation of salt. We used
evolution/reduction reactions of gases (mostly O2,
three kind, that is Salt "Thumbs Up", Salt "Leaves",
with possible Cl2) in saltwater at the cathode, along
and Krosok. We tested the electric and current
with reduction/oxidation reactions of Na/Na+ at the
voltages present in the saline solution for each of
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 11 (1) (2015) 1-7

our solutions using 100 ml water and six variation

mass of the salt, and then we obtained the data.
a. Garam “ Jempol”
No Mass of Volume Volt Ampere
the salt of water (mA)
(gr) (ml)

1 10 100 0,24 0,07

2 20 100 0,17 0,05

3 30 100 0,17 0,04

2. Amperemeter (mA) , Scale = 20
4 40 100 0,26 0,09

5 50 100 0,2 0,08

b. Garam “ Daun”
No Mass of Volume Volt Ampere
the salt of water (mA)
(gr) (ml)

1 10 100 0,25 0,06

2 20 100 0,24 0,05 Based on the data, we can see that each
kind of salt has different Volt and ampere m. this is
3 30 100 0,25 0,07
usually influenced by the content or other factor
4 40 100 0,28 0,1 factors. First, the data analysis of Voltage value,
based on the three data, each salt get an unstable
5 50 100 0,23 0,06
voltage value that is up and down. The existence
of the comparison of voltage values is influenced
c. Krosok by several factors namely increased salt mass and
No Mass of Volume Volt Ampere the condition of the tool is not used with the tub
the salt of water (mA) and the salt solubility rate. Solubility of salt strongly
(gr) (ml) influences the value of the solution stress. Based
on the practicum, the salt solution will eat higher
1 10 100 0,38 0,06 even though it has the same mass. Similarly, the
2 20 100 0,22 0,09 strong value of electric currents, the bias
compared to the strong value of the current of
3 30 100 0,22 0,05 each type of salt is very small. This proves the
type of salt does not give a big influence on the
4 40 100 - -
strong current of the salt solution
5 50 100 - -

Graphic of the data Salt can be an alternative source of

1. Electric Voltage volt), Scale = 20 electricity, we can utilize salt solution in the
fulfillment of electricity sources in daily life. For the
use of saline solution as a power source we must
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 11 (1) (2015) 1-7

first determine the salt soluble having a very high

salt concentration. Because the high concentration
means high levels of saltiness, and will certainly
affect the value of voltage and obstacles.

on this occasion I would like to thank the parties
who have helped make this experiment a success.
first I want to thank my group's partners, Wafirotul
Fitriyah and Yudhistira wisnu for having worked
hard and never give up and working on this
experiment, secondly I would like to thank our
basic physics lecturer Miss elliana wati and mr
budi naini who has guided us, third to miss
laboratory miss yuniar, miss astusi, and miss

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