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José Luis Mora Baquero.


An essay on chapter number 1 of the book The World and its demons by Carl Sagan will be
presented below. What is discussed in chapter number one of the book is when these two
subjects who claim to be scientists talk, it is developed in such a way that what begins to be
explained is that various issues relevant to society arise, it is when you realize that the first-
person narrator begins to give his point of view on how science helps, helps and has helped
throughout history.

In this work, Sagan shows, with originality and humor, that science, the knowledge of what
science is, is necessary to save our way of life, including democracy. Our world is founded,
historically and really, in science and technology, to ignore them is simply to abandon our
already modest possibilities to intervene in the progress of our world. The possibility of being
deceived grows in ignorance of how things go. What he does in this defense is to show how
scientific explanations account much better than the beliefs of the phenomena that underlie
these doctrines. Phenomena, anomalies or strange situations that Sagan exposes with
success and humor, but without offending. The effect is devastating. Sagan is not limited to
reviewing beliefs to criticize them, he does it from personal memories, anecdotes or stories
that he imagines highlighting the mechanisms that allow the existence of those beliefs and
how they defend them. His Followers. This makes the text have a personal and endearing
character, facilitating its reading, and above all its understanding. For him, the lack of
elementary knowledge of science is a national catastrophe.

In conclusion, I can say that the author who refers more than anything is that pseudoscience
does not resemble real science in the least because pseudoscience is not based on facts or
experiments, or observations, otherwise science is based on observations, hypotheses,
experiments, feasible things, making it clear that science is responsible for the Why? of
things, in the How ?, in the When ?, giving the point that in science of wandering in things
looking for a clear explanation about what happened or about something, but nevertheless
we must bear in mind that it should be of instilling the people of today to study real science
in order to move forward and continue discovering new things, in order to reduce scientific
illiteracy, and stop believing in things that are not based on any fact.
My opinion is that the things that are discussed in chapter number one of the books already
mentioned are largely right, I totally agree that science has helped a lot throughout history.

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