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Although we enjoy mushrooms dietary fibre and are a good source

today as an every-day vegetable, of several important B group vitamins,
this wasn’t always the case. especially niacin and riboflavin.
Mushrooms date back to ancient
Egyptian times, when they were The sophistication of today’s
considered a rare luxury. In fact, the mushroom farms is in marked
earliest documented reference to contrast to the first commercial
the use of mushrooms as a food is attempts to grow this crop in
attributed to one of the Pharaohs Australia in 1933. At that time,
who decreed them to be “too fine a mushrooms were grown in the open
food to be eaten by the common field in raised beds covered in straw
people”. Records from Greece in and hessian bags, although some
the period c300 BC refer to mush- were also grown in cellars or other
room feasts and note that even then farm sheds. The first growing
the Greeks were exporting them to houses of any size were disused
neighbouring lands. The Romans railway tunnels (including the then
who enjoyed mushrooms and Julius incomplete Circular Quay - St
Caesar passed laws about who was James line).
permitted to enjoy the unique flavour
of mushrooms. Mushroom growers commenced
outdoor cultivation in the Hills and
For centuries, the edible mushroom Hawkesbury districts outside
defied cultivation. It wasn’t until the Sydney in the mid-1930’s. There
late 15th century that cultivation of were several reasons for this
mushrooms began in disused location, including:
quarry tunnels in France.
• it was close to a migrant camp at
Mushrooms are a natural Schofields where many from
product with many nutritional European backgrounds who had
advantages. They are grown mushrooms in their home-
cholesterol free and contain lands first settled in Australia;
virtually no fat or sodium, all • raw materials for substrate
of which dietitians say need preparation (eg straw from the
to be reduced in Australian expanding racing industry) could
diets. Mushrooms supply be obtained locally;
For further information contact AMGA
Locked Bag 3, Windsor NSW
Ph: 61 2 4577 6877, Fax: 61 2 4577 5830
• access to a large and willing labour force; mushrooms require low temperature ranges to
• proximity to the burgeoning markets of crop properly. Increasingly sophisticated
Sydney, which was important for a perishable technologies and demands for better quality and
crop in the days before refrigeration. supply from consumers have seen a dramatic
turn around in production methods. Modern
Two major issues have affected the industry since mushroom farming emerged on a world-wide
its inception: basis in the 1960’s.

1. Changing Tariff Policy on Imports. Scientific breakthroughs in the manufacture of

The Australian government’s changing policy substrate enabled growers to increase production
on tariffs has had a significant impact on the and quality, and extend the growing season.
mushroom industry. In the mid-1970’s the Today, mushrooms are grown commercially in
Australian industry was heavily dependent on enclosed atmosphere controlled environments,
sales to canneries. However, with the lowering of production is therefore largely independent of the
tariffs, the market was threatened by canned environment. Mushrooms are grown in a series
products imported from low cost labour countries, of identical rooms, with the number of rooms
mainly in the Asian area. determined by the production cycle. Crops of
high quality mushrooms are now produced
As the domestic canned market was eroded, all year round and mushrooms are a regular
growers were forced to concentrate on promotion inclusion on Australian menus.
of fresh mushrooms to develop new market
opportunities. This has been a most successful PRODUCTION TODAY
venture; in 1974 less than 25% of local product Production Statistics
went to the fresh market; by 1991, this had Mushrooms are the third most valuable vegetable
increased to more than 90%. crop in Australia - after potatoes and tomatoes. A
recent government study of new horticultural
2. Changing Growing Methods industries identified the mushroom industry as
In common with much of Australian agriculture in the one of the three most successful new industries
1930’s, production methods were still substantially in Australia.
the same as they had been
in 19th century Europe. Most of the mushrooms produced in Australia
Mushrooms were are common white mushrooms (agaricus
outdoors in bisporus). There is a growing demand for
raised beds specialty mushrooms (eg shiitake, pleurotus,
covered with straw etc) and a niche market will continue to
straw. In develop for these products over the next few
Australian years. Virtually all local production is consumed
climates, this in the domestic market. Around 90% of domestic
meant they production is consumed as fresh mushrooms with
were grown only small quantities going to processing. This
mainly as a ratio has changed dramatically over the last 20
seasonal crop years: from 75%:25% canned fresh in the
in the cooler mid1970’s; to 8%:92% at present. The market
months, as share of imported mushrooms has also
decreased significantly over recent years to less Production Methods
than 13% of domestic consumption. Imported Organic wastes from other primary industries
mushrooms are used mainly in the processing are used in the production of substrate in which
industries. mushrooms are grown. Raw materials used in
mushroom substrate production which are
The industry has been growing at a much faster by-products of other industries include wheat
rate than the national economy as a whole; and straw, poultry manure, stable waste. These
certainly faster than most other agricultural materials, if not recycled, could pose potential
industries. Domestic mushroom production has environmental threats. These ingredients are
expanded at an average annual rate of about blended together and organically substrated to
10% per annum since 1974. In 1995/96, the rate produce a nutrient-rich medium in which to
of increase was in excess of 16%. The industry grow mushrooms. Once the crop has been
is forecasting further increases in domestic harvested, the pre-loved substrate provides an
production, with an estimated growth rate of more organic and nutritionally balanced product, ideal
than 10% during the next two years. This for addition to high quality potting mixes or use
increase will largely result from improved as a garden mulch.
productivity and efficiency on existing farms.
Mushroom growing is one of the fastest growing
The industry is a significant employer. Industry and most technologically sophisticated
figures show that in excess of 2,000 people are horticultural industries in the world. However,
employed directly by the mushroom industry. the raw materials for growing mushrooms owe
little to scientific technology. Science has yet to
The mushroom industry is very labour intensive, come up with a viable substitute quite as good
every mushroom being picked by hand. As the as old-fashioned substrate.
industry has grown, so too have the requirements
for a reliable local labour market. The mushroom industry is the ultimate recycler.
Mushroom substrate is made from wheat straw;
Despite the country’s poor economic stable bedding; poultry litter; and other organic
performance, the price paid by consumers materials. These by-products of other primary
for mushrooms has industries are used to produce a selective
remained relatively nutrient-rich medium for production of a high
constant over the quality food stuff. After these materials are mixed,
last few years. It the substrate is then fermented and pasteurised.
has only been
possible for Spore (the seed of the mushroom) is used to
growers to produce grain spawn under sterile conditions.
maintain this The mushroom spawn is then added to the
level of return substrate. Mushrooms are grown in sophisticated
by becoming rooms in which the environment is precision
more efficient controlled to provide ideal growing conditions.
and producing Constant checks ensure that temperature, air
better quality composition and humidity are kept at the right
mushrooms levels while the spawn grows through the
more consistently. substrate. A surface of peat moss is then added
to the substrate to provide a good bed on which have driven less efficient producers out of
the mushrooms will multiply. At every stage of the market. The only main concentration of
the process, the environment is carefully operations is in the Hawkesbury district of
monitored and hygiene strictly controlled. Sydney, with about half the nation’s farms and
40% of production located in this area.
The growing process is unusual because
mushrooms do not have leaves or a root system Because climatic or soil conditions are irrelevant
like other crops; nor do they need sunshine or to the production of mushrooms, location is not a
chlorophyll. Growers have made big investments real issue. Farms need to be near to markets if
in climate-controlled growing environments costs are to be controlled, and must have access
specifically designed for mushrooms to ensure to good transport and supplies of labour.
that quality fresh mushrooms are available for
consumers every day of the year. The first Farms which make their own substrate must also
mushrooms will appear in about twelve days and consider the source of raw materials, as these are
be ready for harvest in about three weeks. bulky and difficult to transport over long
distances. There are, however, some specialist
Harvesting is done by hand by teams of trained substrate makers who will supply substrate to
pickers. Each tray or bag of substrate produces farms which do not wish to undertake this
three commercially harvestable crops (called process themselves.
‘flushes’) over a period of about six weeks. Once
the crop has been harvested, the pre-loved The Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association
substrate provides an organic and nutritionally (AMGA) represents 95% of Australian mushroom
balanced product ideal for addition to high quality farms. The industry association is very strong and
potting mixes or use as a garden mulch. Thus, pro-active. There is a very high level of industry
nothing is wasted. participation and co-operation, with members
active at both state and national level, as well as
INDUSTRY STRUCTURE on committees across a wide range of areas.The
The industry is highly capital intensive and Association has a secretariat in Windsor (Sydney)
technically oriented, with most production coming to service its busy program of activities.
from a relatively small
number of large The mushroom industry is one of only two
producers. There horticultural industries in Australia which collects
are approximately a voluntary levy to fund promotion and research.
80 farms locat- The levy is collected by AMGA on all spawn used
ed throughout in Australia and raises approximately $1.5 million
Australia. per annum. These levy funds are then used to
This number fund a range of activities including: research and
has been development; marketing and promotion; lobbying
decreasing and representation; education and training.
over recent
years, as The Pareto principle applies in mushroom
costs of updat- farming - 80% of the production comes from 20%
ing to more of the farms. Mushroom farms fall into four main
modern technology categories:
1. Production of < 250 tonnes per annum ment, sales, substrate making and growing.
These are family farms, with family members Turnover for these farms would exceed $15
doing all the work including picking. They are million per annum.
often operating at the lowest level of technology
and capital investment. Turnover on these farms PRODUCTION
would be less than $1 million per annum. Growing system
Three systems are used for mushroom growing:
2. Production of 250 - 750 tonnes per annum
These are family farms, but with casual labour • Tray growing is used mainly by medium
hired to assist with picking and other tasks. and large growers. This is the major method
Capital investment is usually higher with newer used for the growing of mushrooms
facilities and technologies. Turnover on these in Australia. Trays are made of wood,
farms would be between $1 - $5 million per usually lm x 2m x 0.3 m in size fastened
annum. using stainless steel fittings.
• Bag growing is becoming increasingly
3. Production of 751 - 2,500 tonnes per annum popular with small to medium growers and
These are usually family farms but with higher new entrants into the mushroom industry.
staffing ratios. The family usually maintains This system requires a smaller capital
management control, but has employees in most outlay than the tray system. Bag growing
other roles. offers advantages in pest and disease
control by allowing fast and easy removal
Technology is sophisticated and specialised of infected bags. However, these
equipment and personnel, and the level of capital advantages are offset because bag growing
investment is substantial. Turnover on these farms requires a larger labour input per kilo than
would be between $5 - $15 million per annum. either of the other two systems.
• Shelf growing is the growing system of choice
4. Production of >2,500 tonnes per annum. in Holland, but is used by only a few growers
There are only a few farms in this category, with in Australia. It offers large savings in labour
a mix of family and corporate ownership. costs but this is offset by very large capital
The level of technological setup costs.
sophistication varies,
as it is usual to Each of these growing systems is economically
update farms viable in some circumstances and all are
such as these represented in the mushroom industry in Australia.
over time.
High numbers Of paramount importance is the level of expertise in
of casual required in both management and growing methods
staff are in mushroom growing. If skills in either area are lack-
employed for ing, production can vary greatly between crops
picking, and regardless of the growing system used.
specialists are
other tasks Mushroom growing is highly technical and the use
including manage- of a number of technical terms is unavoidable.
Mushrooms are fungi. Unlike green plants, PHASE I: PRODUCTION OF SUBSTRATE
theycannot convert sunlight into energy Phase I involves the preparation and mixing of raw
(photosynthesis) because they lack chlorophyll. ingredients to produce a substrate on which
Like other higher organisms including ourselves, mushrooms can be grown. This is commonly
fungi need to have food made for them. For called ‘phase I compost’. This process usually
mushrooms, this means complex carbohydrates, takes place out of doors and it takes between
microbial proteins, etc. Unfortunately, there is no 14-28 days to produce a compost ready for
pure source of these raw materials readily ‘filling’. Ingredients used in the production of
available in nature. Rather, in any organic matter mushroom compost can include: wheaten straw;
there exists a great variety of simple and horse manure and/or poultry manure; gypsum and
complex compounds. water. Large quantities or water are also used.

Cultivated mushrooms cannot compete with lower Production of compost requires:

class organisms, eg bacteria and some fungi in the • large areas of concrete surface for stockpiling
class, fungi imperfecti. This is due to a variety of raw materials, preparation of compost heaps
food being available in the raw ingredients and the and transferral of materials on site.
competitive advantage which simpler organisms • access to large quantities of water and
have in digesting these ingredients. construction of reticulation and water storage
It is therefore necessary to find a way to provide • mechanical compost turning equipment as
the mushroom with a high quality growth turning compost by hand is very slow and
medium in which the mushroom can have the labour intensive and therefore very costly. It is
competitive advantage. only possible on a small scale and does not
result in a compost sufficiently consistent to
MUSHROOM GROWING produce good yields and commercial quality
Modern mushroom growing consists of three mushrooms.
sequential phases each of which is dependent on • machinery for mixing and moving raw
the previous one. materials and compost in various stages of the
Phase I: Production of substrate (composting). process would include front end loaders,
This is carried out in a forklifts and a compost turning machine.
specific area of the • in most cases, local government approval
farm called the is required as odoursresulting from the
compost yard. composting process may create a nuisance.
Phase II:
Peakheat or Production of compost is a complex process. It
pasteurising. increases the set up costs of a farm and also the
Phase III: effort required by the grower.
Production of
mushrooms. Some small farms (less than 3 tonnes per week) opt
to purchase bags of compost ready spawned to
Phases II and overcome this problem. These are referred to as
III are carried satellite growers. In areas where there are
out in sheds or concentrations of growers it is sometimes possible to
growing rooms. purchase compost from specialised compost makers.
PHASE II: PEAK HEATING OR the compost is brought down to approximately
PASTEURISATION 48°-52° C over the desired time period.
After the compost is ready, it is filled into the
peakheat room. Compost can be filled into Conditioning
conventional trays or pasteurised in bulk in The compost temperature is maintained at
purpose-built tunnels. Phase II has a duration of between 48°-52° C to allow conversion of
7-10 days. Filtration (to 2 µn), of air is very gaseous ammonia into microbial biomass to be
important at this stage to prevent any fungal and used as food by the mushroom.
insect pathogens from infecting the compost.
It is possible to grow mushrooms without peak When the ammonia (NH3) is below 10 ppm,
heating (pasteurising) the compost by extending temperature of the compost is brought down to
the Phase I period. However it is not below 25° C. The compost is now ready to
economically feasible because of the variability be inoculated with the mushroom fungus. The
introduced. This results in lower yields and industry term at this stage is ‘ready for spawning’.
poorer quality mushrooms.

Phase II comprises a number of separate stages, PHASE III: PRODUCTION OF MUSHROOMS

during which temperatures are varied according Phase represents the actual growth of the
to a precise schedule. The different stages are: mushroom fungus. It can be broken into the
following phases:
After filling the compost, temperatures are levelled. Spawning
Once phase II, is complete the compost is
Heatup spawned. Spawn is mixed with compost and then
Once levelled the compost temperatures are filled into bags, trays or shelves.
allowed to climb to 60°C.
Spawn running
Kill After spawning, the crop is moved to either a
When the temperature reaches 60° C it is specialist spawn-running room or directly to the
maintained for several growing room. The temperature of the compost is
hours to allow the allowed to climb to 2S° C; the carbon dioxide is
pasteurisation or allowed to build up.
kill to take place
and remove During the next 10-14 days, the humidity should
pathogen be maintained between 95-100% to prevent
loads eg. flies drying out of the top of the beds. This may be
and competi- achieved by watering the walls and floor or by
tor fungi. covering the beds with plastic or paper. If paper is
used, it should be kept wet.
from Kill Ideally, the room should be humidified. When the
Following the kill surface of the compost is covered with a whitish
the temperature of growth, the beds are ready for casing.
The growing area which can be prepared from 1 Casing material should not be so wet at
tonne of compost will vary with the quality of application that water runs into the compost. Many
compost and the depth of fill. Approximately growers use chemicals (fungicides and/or
10-12 tonnes of raw compost at 72% moisture at insecticides and/or nematicides) in their casing as
the end of Phase I is required per 100 m2 of a routine measure to try and prevent severe pest
growing area for a 15 cm depth of fill. and disease outbreaks. If chemicals are used they
are best incorporated at the time of mixing to enable
Around 20-25% of the weight of the raw compost good distribution in the casing layer but should not
is usually lost during peak heating and another be considered a substitute for good hygiene.
7-10% during spawn run (due to loss of moisture
and dry matter). At this stage, fully grown compost can be added
to the casing material.
At this stage, some growers add a protein This is known as CAC-ing (compost added at
supplement to the compost to enhance yield. This is casing). The added compost acts as inoculum in
optional. Various products are available commercially the casing layer allowing a more even colonisation
for this purpose. Care should be taken as a of the casing layer by the mushroom mycelium and
temperature surge can result from supplementation. results in more even cropping.

Casing However, those contemplating CAC-ing should

Once the spawn has grown fully through the follow extreme hygiene practices and seek advice
compost, a casing layer is added. A peat/limestone from an experienced grower or consultant as
mix is the most widely used casing material. Some failure to manage and select the correct CAC
growers use soil peat moss combinations but material can result in total crop loss.
this involves additional handling and steam
pasteurisation. Casing mix usually comprises, one Case run
large bale of peat moss mixed with 1 bag of superfine The crop is then moved to a specialist case
agricultural lime and 90-100 litres of water and will run room or directly to the cropping room. The
cover 8-10 m2 of bed area in a layer 5 cm thick. mushroom fungus is allowed to colonise the casing
layer and water is added to the casing as required.
The basic functions of the
casing layer are to: Fresh air
• protect the When the appropriate casing growth is seen
compost from according to the strain, fresh air is introduced into
drying out; the room and the temperature is reduced to
• provide humid induce mushroom formation.
for fruit body Pinning
formation and Pins are the first emerging primordial fruit bodies
development; of the mushroom fungus. As the mushroom
• provide a mycelium starts to form the mushrooms, the
moisture reser- climate and pattern of environment management
voir for maturing is adjusted to ensure the right number of pins
mushrooms. form and begin to grow out.
Cropping Mushrooms have the ability to double their size in
Pins now mature into mushrooms. Mushroom 24 hours. They can easily grow into an inferior,
crops grow in what are known as ‘flushes’. The lower value product if not picked at the correct time.
first flush is harvested 17-21 days after casing.
Most growers harvest 3-4 flushes per crop. Grading, Packing and Distribution
During cropping temperatures are held between Fresh mushrooms are sold in three grades:
16°-19° C. Water is applied as required. buttons; cups and flats. Each grade refers to
a stage of growth.
Harvesting the Crop
Mushrooms are usually harvested in a 7-10 day • Buttons: these are small unopened
cycle. However this may vary depending on a mushrooms which usually attract the highest
number of factors including: temperature; humidity; returns in the market place.
strain; and the stage when they are picked. • Cups: these are buttons which have been
allowed to grow until the cap has begun to
Mushrooms are harvested by hand, so production open so that some of the gills can be seen.
is very labour intensive. Picking costs comprise • Flats: these are cups which have expanded so
approximately 60% of labour costs or 40% of total that all the gills are visible.
costs on a mushroom farm. • Factory: these are mushrooms of all stages
of growth which are not up to fresh
The performance of pickers will vary according market standard.
to the experience and agility of the picker; free
space available between the trays, beds or bags; Within these grades, further grading is desirable.
lighting; and the size and distribution of mushrooms These sub grades are usually based on size,
standing on the bed. Mushrooms are removed from ie. large, medium and small.
beds with a twisting motion. The stalk is then
trimmed. The mushrooms are usually graded Mushrooms are picked and packed with the
straight into the boxes in which they will be sold. stems upwards directly into the box or crate for
distribution. This minimises the handling of the
Picking is a very skilled job. Pickers must be easily bruised mushroom fruit bodies.
careful not to damage the mushrooms.
They must also be able Signs of deterioration of mushrooms include:
to select mushrooms brownish discolouration of surfaces; opening of
from the bed when veils; elongation of stalks; and a general softening
they are ready of the surfaces due to loss of moisture.
to be picked.
An average Deterioration of the mushrooms will be minimised
picking rate, if they are cooled immediately to between 2° to 4°
for hybrids C and kept cool throughout the entire distribution
(including chain. Mushrooms are very perishable and their
grading), is appearance deteriorates each day, so they
12-15 kg/hour should not be stored for any length of time.
of good quality
button/cup Most mushrooms are sold through wholesale
mushrooms. markets as the demands of small private
customers can be unpredictable and time are a number of strains. These may differ in charac-
consuming. One of the problems faced by a teristics including: yield potential; ease of pinning;
small commercial mushroom farm away from suitability of compost types; scaliness of the cap;
major mushroom supply centres is to achieve a average mushroom size and cropping pattern. Each
continuity of supply. spawn manufacturer offers a variety of strains and
will provide advice on how they should be grown.
Crop termination
After the final flush the crop is terminated by the As in other parts of the world, hybrid strains are most
injection of wet steam into the growing room and commonly grown in Australia. These strains are more
the raising of the temperature to 70° C for 12 hours. demanding in their requirement for the ‘correct’
This is referred to as cook out. Once cool again the compost, environmental conditions and watering.
compost is moved off site and the room cleaned More losses and second quality mushrooms can be
ready for the next crop, the cycle starting again. expected if ideal conditions are not provided. However
they do offer the possibility of producing good yields
SEASONALITY and good quality over a shorter cropping period.
Mushrooms are unique amongst other
vegetable crops in that they are grown in a Once purchased, mushroom spawn should be
totally artificially controlled atmosphere. mixed with the compost as soon as possible.
Cropping is not dependent on the climate. Spawn has a limited life. It can be stored at low
Mushrooms are not seasonal and are available temperatures (2°C) for several weeks; or at
all months of the year. Of course, small growers 15-20°C for a few days. Spawn should always be
without sophisticated climate control systems stored in a separate coolroom away from
can not grow over the hotter summer months. mushrooms or other likely contamination sources.

SPAWN Care should be taken, especially during transit,

Spawn is the inoculum used to grow mushrooms. as spawn performance can be affected by rapid
Spawn is sterilised cereal grain colonised by the changes in temperature and temperatures that
desired mushroom strain. The grain provides the are too high (over 30°C).
food base for the fungus to grow from once the
spawn is distributed Three to five kilograms of spawn should be used
throughout the per tonne of compost. When larger quantities
compost at the time of spawn are used, a considerable increase in
of spawning. temperature will occur in the beds generally 6-7
days after spawning. If insufficient spawn is used,
Several strains the extra time taken for the mycelium to colonise
of Agaricus the compost may enable pests and diseases to
mushroom are establish and compete directly with the mushroom
commercially mycelium. This will result in reduced yields.
These include: YIELDS
white; off white; Yields are generally stated in terms of kilograms
and hybrid types. of mushrooms produced per square metre of
Within each of compost. This refers to tray and shelf systems; in
these groups, there bag systems growers talk in terms of yield per bag.
Whilst crop management is the most important Spent mushroom compost is a good soil
factor determining yield, many other factors are conditioner. Many growers sell their spent
also influential. These include: the depth of fill; compost to landscape suppliers etc for onselling
length of cropping; grade of mushrooms picked; to gardeners. This can be a useful addition to
quantity of compost per m2 (and whether it was farm income, but must be worked at if it is to be a
calculated at the time of filling, spawning or cas- reliable earner. Returns for spent mushroom
ing); compost quality; productive capacity of the compost will vary, depending on availability, local
spawn, composition and moisture content of the demand, loading facilities and many other factors.
casing soil; climatic conditions in the growing
room; and the presence or absence of pests and The availability of other organic mulch and
or diseases. compost products has eroded the market which was
previously solely filled by mushroom
The average yield for mushrooms in Australia is compost. Sewage sludge and similar products are
approximately 22 kg per square mere of growing now competing with compost, particularly in the
surface area from 95 - 100 kg of compost (wet broad scale use areas, eg main roads departments;
weight at spawning) for trays and shelves. For commercial landscape applications and so on.
bags, the average yield is 5.5 - 6 kgs per bag from
about 20 kg of compost (wet weight at spawning). There have been many instances of ‘bogus’
composts being passed off as mushroom
Higher yields are of course possible but new compost. This obviously creates problems for
growers with limited knowledge would not expect growers trying to sell their compost. However, the
to achieve good yields in the initial stages. outcomes are worse for consumers who buy the
imitation stuff. When the results in their gardens
The most economical period for picking is are poor, they blame it on real compost and will
determined mainly by the total yield as well not buy more in the future. AMGA is working with
as the growing system used on the farm. The Standards Australia to develop a standard for
usual cropping period extends over 6 - 7 weeks marketing product as spent mushroom compost.
and four flushes. However, around 80% of the
total crop will usually be picked during the first 4 STRUCTURES
weeks (3 flushes). Mushroom growing sheds
Mushrooms are grown commercially in purpose
Picking over longer built rooms. Existing farm buildings such as fruit
periods often creates packing sheds and poultry sheds can sometimes
more problems be used but they will require major modifications.
than it is worth. Even after modifications, there can still be
Increased pest limitations because of pest and disease
and disease problems and their original construction.
problems are
usually experi- Insulation
enced and Insulation is required to prevent fluctuations in
labour costs are temperature and energy losses from heating and
often higher as cooling. A common construction material used is
fewer mushrooms polystyrene or polyurethane sandwich panels
grow on the beds. similar to those used to construct coolrooms.
Humidity and heat controls as a build up in carbon dioxide encourages the
Controls are required to enable temperature vegetative growth of the mushroom mycelium.
and humidity conditions within the shed to
be evenly maintained regardless of the prevailing The temperature in the compost increases due to
weather conditions. the metabolic heat produced by the growing
mycelium throughout spawn run. Sometimes the
Ventilation rooms may require cooling to maintain the
Mushrooms need a supply of fresh air to ensure desired compost temperatures.
growth is not inhibited by a build up of carbon dioxide.
Airfiltering An air temperature of 15-18°C is required to keep
Air filtering is required to help keep out air-borne the temperature of the mushroom beds at
spores and insects. Filtering to is highly recom- 16-20°C. In summer, air temperatures this low
mended (2 ~m). cannot be reached without a cooling system.

Cement floors During picking, air in the room needs to be

Floors must be of concrete with adequate renewed several times per hour. It also needs to
drainage to enable better hygiene management. circulate evenly throughout the room in order to
remove any carbon dioxide and undesirable
ROOM ENVIRONMENT AT DIFFERENT gases that might be present. Fast air currents
STAGES OF CROPPING. (especially of dry air) should be avoided.
Peak heat (Phase II, pasteurization)
During this process, the compost and air temper- During the picking period, relative humidity
atures should be maintained between 50°C and should be kept at 85-90% to prevent scaling and
60°C for 7-10 days and humidity should be 90- drying out of the beds.
100%. The air in the growing room should be
renewed 25-30 times per hour (or 150-300 per Cook out
tonne per hour) without allowing the surface of At the end of cropping, it is good practice to cook
the compost to become too dry. out the compost using live steam to at least 70°C
and maintaining it for up to 10 hours. This
Spawn Run prevents the spread of pests and diseases from
During this old to new crops.
period, room
temperatures Crops at different stages of production should
of 25°C for be separated to prevent spread of pests and
10-11 days diseases from old to newer crops. Good Hygiene
are preferred, Is Essential In Mushroom Production.
with a high
(95-100%) The price obtained by growers for their product
to prevent varies, depending on grade, quality, market supply
drying out of and demand. However, the range of variation is
compost. Fresh not as great as that experienced in many other
air is not required, crops. Industry averages over recent years have
been in the range: Buttons, $2.80 - $4.00/kg; • water supply
Cups, $2.50 $3.50/kg; Flats, $2.00 $2.80/kg; • spray pump and watering equipment
Factory, $1.60/kg (varies according to grade and • casing mixer
contract arrangements). The downside of this is • office
that the margins for growers are very slim and • staff amenities
only efficient producers will survive. • thermometers - remote for peak heat
• thermometers - for growing rooms
Costs of production vary according to the • tools, knives, maintenance
growing system used and the scale of production. • picking trolleys
Over recent years, industry averages come out • protective clothing and equipment for chemi-
around $2.75 - $ 3.25 per kg. However, these cal application
figures can only be a very rough guide, as they
make no allowance for borrowing costs, land Farms where compost is made would also require:
purchase, market conditions and overhead
establishment costs. • reinforced concrete wharf with adequate
drainage and waste water recirculation and
In setting up a mushroom farm, costs of the disposal system
following factors need to be taken into consideration: • compost turning machine; good water supply
and reticulation
• land (minimum size about 1 ha) • special thermometers with a scale of 10-90°C
• foundations and cement slab and drainage • storage area for raw materials (some
• structures - for growing, work and storage under cover)
area, packing room • tractor and front end loader, odour control
• power and wiring, steam boiler and pipes, mechanisms.
• air conditioning and duct work The most important items of cost to the mushroom
• trays for peak heating and growing grower are:
• coolroom
• forklift • structures and equipment
• labour - for filling trays, spawning, casing,
watering, emptying, harvesting, picking
and packing
• compost
• casing
• spawn
• power and fuel - for air conditioners, boilers,
fork lifts, coolroom
• depreciation of plant and equipment
• chemicals, (disinfectants, fungicides,
• marketing costs cartons, transport, agents fees
• repairs and maintenance
• miscellaneous including telephone, rates,
bank costs
DOING YOUR HOMEWORK marketing has been used extensively, with
Although Australia’s warm climates impose some cooking demonstrations and in-store activities
special difficulties, the principals of mushroom featuring strongly in the program.
growing are consistent throughout the world.
There is very little technical information written The Association’s marketing program has been
specifically for Australian conditions. very successful. This success can be attributed to
careful planning and monitoring of activities, as
The importance of reference material to anyone well as a commitment to fund the program at a
contemplating setting up a mushroom farm can not level which will impact on consumers. Annual per
be stressed enough. Before making any decisions capita consumption has increased from 0.65 kg in
it is vital to read widely from accepted sources. 1974 to an estimated 2.82 kg in 1995/96. This
compares very favourably with 1.72 kg in the USA.
Growing mushrooms is not like growing other This increase has resulted from greater consumer
horticultural crops. The capital investment awareness of the nutritional value of mushrooms,
required to establish a viable operation is as well as their great value for money.
significant. Cultural practices are very sophisticated
and highly technical. Many people have entered The industry is developing a national grade
into a venture without sufficient research and standards scheme, which will also enable better
have ended up losing a lot of money. Mushroom targeting of consumer needs. Whilst some grading
growing is not for the faint hearted. now takes place, this varies from state to state and
farm to farm. This national scheme will enable
MARKETING product to be described consistently across the
The industry has a comprehensive marketing and country. Consumers have expressed a demand for
promotions program, based on five year plans. more choice in size of mushrooms and more grade
Part time co-ordinators are employed in each state categories will meet this need.
to facilitate this program and to involve members in
promotional activities. Regular consumer surveys To date, there has been little activity in the export
guide the direction of promotion with a wide range market: domestic demand exceeds production,
of media being included in the program. so there has been little incentive to venture
Advertisements are further afield. The perishable nature of the
placed on TV and product makes it costly to transport and to
radio and maintain the quality necessary to achieve good
in all forms of returns on overseas markets.
print media.
As well, labour costs in Australia are higher
The industry than many competitor countries and this makes
has a well it difficult to compete. In the near future, this
developed situation is unlikely to change, as there are many
network of other countries better situated than Australia to
food and service overseas markets.
cookery writers
who support There is increasing interest in specialty
promotional efforts. mushrooms (ones part from the common
As well direct agaricus). This is a relatively new segment of the
industry in Australia and as yet there are only a have meant that urban expansion has been
few growers producing these different species. In concentrated in the fringe areas of the city. The
time, this market will expand to provide ever-increasing urban population of these regions
consumers with a greater range of choice. has thus placed untenable pressures on many
agricultural activities.
As yet, growers are not particularly active in this The reasons people re-locate to urban fringe
market segment. There are some products well areas are varied: lower priced homes are
established on the market, including canned obviously attractive to younger families and many
mushrooms in sauces or in brine. Some growers people appreciate the life style benefits of
are packing into 200gm pre-packs, and these are semi-rural areas. However, newer residents
proving popular with consumers. There have been in these semi-rural areas often have little
some attempts to market a sliced mushroom pack experience with agriculture.
and this may become more common. Overseas
trends indicate that it is likely this market segment This has lead to increasing conflict between
will expand, with pre-packaged products including agricultural producers and local residents. Whilst
salad packs and things like mushrooms with many people consider the ‘country’ nature of the
microwaveable sauces common in the US. surroundings to be a real attraction of living
in these fringe areas, they seem to have little
Most value adding for mushrooms in Australia understanding of or tolerance for the inevitable
is done outside the mushroom industry, by other evidences of agricultural pursuits in the surrounding
food producers. Mushrooms are important environment. Local government reacts to these
ingredients in pizzas, pasta sauces and many pressures by appeasing the vocal resident groups,
pre-packaged meals. often at the expense of traditional land users.

CURRENT ISSUES Further pressures are placed on growers by the

Most of the mushroom farms in Australia are lack of awareness of the real value of productive
located in areas on the fringe of major capital agricultural land. As a result of increasing
cities. These areas have been traditionally rural in pressure for residential land expansion,
nature and have provided agriculture is often viewed as a transitional land
much of the fresh use - an interim activity whilst awaiting
produce for the subdivision for residential purposes. Fringe farming
residents of the areas are thus often perceived only in terms of the
cities. However, value which could be gained from subdivision.
urban devel- There is no understanding of the economic value of
opment has productive land, nor of the scarcity of land suitable for
changed the productive areas. If a true economic value were
nature of placed upon these areas, it would be seen that
many of these subdivision for short term residential gain was often not
areas. Existing the most effective land use and that community
government benefits are decreased by such activities. This highlights
policies and com- the need for recognition of agriculture as a legitimate
munity attitudes land use within the broader urban regional context.
This conflict has impacted on the mushroom INDUSTRY OUTLOOK
industry as a result of the substrating process. The AMGA regularly develops and reviews five
Odour is an unavoidable result of the production year plans for the industry and for marketing and
of mushroom substrate (indeed substrating in R&D. The current plan sets the path for activities
general). Substrate production has become until the year 2000.
increasingly capital intensive. This has led to a
reduction in the number of substrate producers Production will continue to increase and so more
over recent years, as farmers decided not to pro- effort will need to be put into marketing and
duce their own substrate but to buy this in from promotion. Research projects currently underway
specialist substrate producers. This trend was will assist with improving presentation of product
obviously influenced by an awareness of the pos- to consumers.
sibility of objections to odour produced during the
substrateing process. Niche markets will also expand, as production
of specialty mushrooms increases and more
At the present time, four substrate producers value-added products are made available.
make mushroom substrate for most growers in
NSW. In other states, it is more usual for each
grower to make substrate on-site. Most of these
producers are introducing new state of the art
technology in an attempt to address the odour
issue. However, recent court decisions have
threatened the continuation of substrating in its
current form. This is a significant and very real
threat to the NSW mushroom industry which will
also have major impacts on surrounding commu-
nities and other rural activities in similar areas.

The Australian mushroom industry has a strong
commitment to research and funds a significant
program of research in
conjunction with the
Research and
Cor poration.
A five-year
industry R&D
plan guides
about projects
to be undertaken.

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