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Sathish S


Presentation by Sathish S
Under the guidance of K.A.Sebatin MTA – ICTA President.

Presentation for online BTA students

This document and presentation will give ideas about

1. What is Contract?
2. Definition of contract.
3. Types of contract.
4. Why contract?
5. Simple application on BTA
Sathish S

Contract is primarily based on the philosophical assumption of “People are OK”

Eric Berne defined a contract as an explicit bilateral commitment to a well-
defined course of action.
James and Jong word’s definition
A contract is an adult commitment to one’s self and/or someone else to make a
Contract specify the following
1. Who both parties are
2. What is it they are going to do together
3. How long they will take.
4. What the goal or outcome of that process will be.
5. How they will know when they have gotten there.
6. How that will be beneficial and/or pleasing to the client.

There are two types of contract,

a) Administrative or business contract
This will be an agreement between the participants about fees and

b) Clinical or treatment contract

The client sets out what changes he wants, and what is he/she
willing to do. And the practitioner is willing to work for the desired change
and states.
Claude Steiner simplifies this will four requirements.
1. Mutual Consent
2. Valid consideration
3. Competency
4. Lawful object
Bob Goulding’s Word working without a contract may mean that a therapist
becomes The Rapist.
Sathish S
Contract in simple words:
Most client come to the practitioner with a specific problem and to handle it. One
of the purposes of the contract making is to shift the focus and make it goal

Simple application of Contract in BTA

When any presentation is happening the presenter will be keen in delivery and
may not be able to get the chance of understanding.
How he did on,
1. Presentation
2. Choice of words
3. Tone
4. Subject clarity
5. Interactive
6. Body language
7. Confidence
8. Level of the presentation
9. Face and eye contract

The participants who will be given a contract and to observe only based on the contract and
make it more specific comments based on the contract given by the presenter.

This will be more like activating the adult in the participant to be more active listener rather
than simple hearing.

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