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Please be prepared to provide me with some interesting things you learned about your personal

footprint. Also, after you take the quiz you have the option to make changes - to see how your
footprint will decrease. What changes will you make to lower your footprint?
Also, I want you to discuss what it means to have an ecological footprint? Do we really need to
worry about this? Can we make a difference on our own? I cannot wait to see how many Earths
each of you uses up!!!

An ecological footprint is a tool that accounts for the resources used by a person,
government, organizations, and other living organisms that measures the amount of resources in
the planet needed by a given human activity or population. An ecological footprint means
having a way to determine the level of biological capacity that is required by a specific human
population or activity. Thus, it enables people to measure whether they are experiencing an
ecological deficit or surplus. From the results obtained, people can initiate and formulate
measures to address the situation.
When undertaking the ecological footprint, I must say that I was taken by surprise. I
discovered that 5.4 Earths were necessary to support all of the people that lived the lifestyle I do.
The ecological footprint is an important tool because it made me discover that I probably
consume more resources that I need to be. I realized that my footprint tends to exceed the
regional biocapacity. As such, I am likely to contribute towards an ecological deficit. In other
words, my demand for goods, services, and resources tends to exceed what the ecosystem in the
region can offer.
From the results obtained, I was worried and I have come to realize that I need to change
my lifestyle to lower my footprint. First of all, I am used to driving a lot because I am a fan of
nature. I have realized that my vehicle consumes a lot and my extensive travelling habits
contribute to environmental pollution. As such, I have decided that I will be using alternative
means of transport such as public means, or practice carpooling every time I decide to use my
vehicle. Carpooling is effective in that it reduces the number of cars in the road. Hence, it
contributed to less resource consumption and pollution. Secondly, I need to save energy by
lowering my thermostat. I need to set it to lower temperatures when am away or a sleep. This
way, I will be saving energy as well as my electricity bill. I discovered that I usually neglect
these small aspects that could cause a huge difference in my energy and resource consumption.
Thirdly, I will start recycling waste materials to allow for alternative use and reduce the need to
have to buy some of the household items. For example, I could use a coffee tumbler to carry
drinks from the house rather than buying new ones each time I am out of the house.
I believe that people can make a difference on our own. Education is a key through which
people can learn more about their ecological footprints. People can learn on the effective and
sustainable ways to use resources to ensure that they are saved for the future. They can learn on
ways to reduce pollution, which has been a major issue that affect planet Earth. In essence,
alleviating ignorance is a means through which a change for the better can be achieved.

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