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The importance of pr officer in a company (negative)

 No direct control, lack of control

 The company need a publicist to launch a successful public relations campaign. A

publicist can identify the best media to pitch, build media lists, develop press

releases and write stories.

 The company can’t exactly control how the business is portrayed by the media (pr

may re-craft the message that what the company plan tofit within media’s

content), when the message will appear, and where it will be placed.

 “PR are just more "touches" in the world of marketing.” (Lautenslager, 2004)

 No guaranteed results

 The company may spend time and money (the expense for public relations services

will vary depending on the location, the publicist's level of experience and the amount

of time the publicist spends on the project) on writing a press release, getting

suitable photography and speaking with journalists, but the company can never

guarantee the story will be published. This can result in a poor return-on-


 “PR is far too subtle an art for its value to be measured by quantitative data

alone.” (Nowlan, 2006)

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