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Michael Morrone Top Skills

Chicago, IL ● C#
Game Designer ● Production
224-200-1894 ● Unity ● Unreal 4
Work Experience

Vertex Solutions ​Hurlburt Field, Florida (June 2019 - Present)

● Software Specialist/ Programmer​, C#, Unity, Vive, Oculus
○ Used ​OOP ​best practices to craft clean code
○ VR ​and ​Non-VR​ Development in Courseware
○ Database Ready Account System (​SQL​ and ​CSV​) and ​Data Tracking​ of Users
○ Used ​Unity ​and ​C# ​to craft a Central Loading Room to Manage All Future
○ AWS f​ amiliarization for future database usage
Liminal VR ​Chicago, Illinois (April 2019 - June 2019)
● Game Designer and Programmer​, C# and Unity, Oculus Go
○ Used "​OpenVR​" to create the project on the Oculus Go
○ Lead the team in the ​production ​and focused on ​communication ​with our team
managers in Australia
○ Created a user-friendly dynamic teleportation system to allow the other design to
create points with ease using ​C#
○ Used ​Unity​ to create an opening tutorial system
Codeverse ​Naperville, Illinois (Nov 2018 - June 2019)
● Instructor​, Kidscript
○ Taught kids using Kidscript (​Javascript​ based)
Elbe Creative ​Chicago, Illinois (Nov 2018 - June 2019)
● Team Developer​, C# and Unity
○ Tracked data on Apps using ​CSV a​ nd S ​ QL ​data
○ Accessed ​API's​ for App Usage
○ Used ​Unity ​and ​C#​ to create multiple apps quickly at the same time for multiple
○ Ported apps to Android, IOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux
○ Created multiple applications in ​Java​ and ​Javascript​ for windows applications
Mass VR ​Chicago, Illinois
● Game Design Intern on VR Champions ​(Dec 2017 - Mar 2018)​, Blueprints
● VR Game Designer on VR Champions​ (May 2018 - Aug 2018)
○ Helped to create a new level
○ Focused on Interactivity with B ​ lueprints ​so the player could feel alive in the level
○ Helped to develop a new spawn system using ​C++​ and ​Blueprints
It's My Chance ​Tampa, Florida(Jan 2017 - Mar 2017) *Remote
● Level Design Intern on ONES​, C#, and Unity
○ Helped to Port to I​ OS a​ nd A
​ ndroid ​Devices
○ Used ​UI Tools​ and ​C#​ to plug into a store ready for purchases
○ Worked under lead Level Designer to create life-like levels
○ Built levels in ​Unity
Project Experience
● "Loss: The Pilgrimage" - ​(Programmer, C#) 5 Person Dev Team, A 2D Pixel Art
adventure about a father growing older and having to let his son grow up to be stronger
than him. Was built in a 3 day period for a game jam. (PC Shipped on Itch, 2018)
○ AI Programmer on enemies
○ Created Game Flow and End States
● "M.M.O. VR" - ​(Designer and Programmer, UE4/ Blueprints) 8 Person Dev Team, A
FPS set in a futuristic world. (6 Months, 2018 - 2019)
○ Helped to Create Game Flow and Focused on the fun factor
○ Created Opening cutscene using Blueprints and Animation tool
● "Mountain Men" - ​(Designer and Programmer, Unity/ C#) 2 Person Dev Team,
Developed for Oculus GO on Train Jam 2019.


Southern New Hampshire University

● Masters of Arts - US History (Aug 2019 - Aug 2021 *est)
Columbia College Chicago
● Bachelor of Arts - Game Design/ Development (Sep 2015 - May 2019)

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