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Ratio Word Problem

1. The ratio of Mary’s weight to Aly’s weight is 3:4. The total weight is 161 lb.

a. Find Mary’s weight.

b. Find Aly’s weight.

2. Peter and David shared $300 in the ratio 7:5. How much more money did Peter receive than

3. The ratio of the number of teacher to the number of students in a class is 2:25. How many
students are there if there are 8 teachers?

4. The length and width of a rectangle are in the ratio 3:2. If the length of the rectangle is 9cm,
find its area.

5. What is the missing number in each _________________?

a) 27: 9 : 3 = __________: 3 : ______________ b) 1: 4 : 3 = __________: __________

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