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只能選用一種 vpn (包括 Unblock Youku)


Encrypts your traffic. Allows to open blocked websites.

Encrypts traffic and unlocks sites.

Facebook closed by an overzealous sysadmin? Browsec to the rescue!

Browsec encrypts your traffic and routes it through our secure cloud network. No one will be able to identify, track you or sniff

your traffic.

- Visit Facebook and twitter from work, read whatever you want.

- Privacy. Hide your real location from the sites you visit.

- Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora, SoundCloud and so on — music and video services restricted to a few countries are now

accessible to you too.

Browsec is a Chrome/Firefox extension. It is an advanced analog of ZenMate, Stealthy, Hola and friGate.

hola 自動切 off , 不使用時 按 <Turn off>

hola 自動切 on

功能不佳 – 移除
本國 IP

當你人在大陸 按 貼上

瀏覽從美國 :

出現手型時 double-click ->> 選擇任一國家

Gom VPN - App to bypass blocked sites

"The extension will allow users to go freely about the internet without their internet provider pestering them with imposed

restrictions", Pocket-Lint

"UK's porn filters foiled by Chrome extension", Wired
Tip: You can bypass websites automatically
With Gom addons, you can bypass websites automatically without activating Gom
manually everytime.
Only the blocked website will be bypassed, this way, the rest of your internet
remains super-fast.
You can find Gom addons here: OK ….. 2 addons installed
FoxyProxy is a set of proxy and VPN management tools for
OS/X, Windows, iOS, Android, Chrome, Firefox, and Linux.
We also offer reliable, high-bandwidth VPN and proxy servers
in 60 different countries. Bypass content-filtering in nations and
institutions that censor the web for your "protection".
Proxy servers enable travelers to access their favorite video/audio sites (BBC iplayer, Hulu, ITV, Pandora, NetFlix, NFL) from

most any location in the world should they be traveling through regions where traffic from the broadcaster is being blocked.

Sales and Marketing groups use them to perform GeoIP tests, in order to be certain that advertising & local content is

reaching the intended markets. They can bypass content-filtering from nations & institutions censoring the web for your


When a person has located a proxy server in the region they need to relay through, their job is to then configure their

computer to relay through that proxy server, which can be complicated.

FoxyProxy minimizes the process of configuring your computer to talk through a proxy server, with a reduced set of

simplified, browser-based controls.

FoxyProxy Basic is a lean and fast proxy on/off switcher for people who don't need extra bells & whistles. This saves time for

those tech-savvy enough to configure their computer to talk to a proxy-server, but are too busy, and it stops headaches for

those choosing to focus their talents on goals other than the deep workings of technology, yet still

must use technology.


Unblock a web site

Unblocksiteweb is a completely free proxy service, providing top online security and privacy, without needs of installing any

software on your pc!


a) Just type the URL of any web page in the input box (e.g. and hit Enter.

b) Enjoy anonymous surfing.

You may manage the options tab to obtain optimal performances.

Proxies vs. VPN – What’s the difference?

The purpose of using both VPN and proxy servers is to

conceal the users identity, or to spoof a certain geo-location
(so for example geo-locked services such as many TV
streaming websites may be watched outside their country of
origin). Many VPN Providers, in addition to offering VPN also
provide some kind of proxy service, and there are also many
public proxy servers which can be used for free.

So the question for many people is ‘what is the difference

between a proxy and VPN?’, and perhaps even more
importantly, ‘do I need to use VPN or will a cheaper / free
proxy suit my needs?’.

Proxy based on location
Set chrome proxy from a list of proxies (generated based on country) you choose. Proxies are listed in the order of latency.

How to use -

- select the country

- click search to find proxies from that country (max 10 proxies will be listed sorted by latency)

- click on any of the proxies to set

GeoProxy is a Chrome extension that gives you the freedom to browse anonymously on
your Google Chrome. By using proxy, you can easily access websites that are banned in
your country.

ZenMate Security, Privacy & Unblock
1. …… cd
2. ???
3. ???
4. 安裝後第一次使用時會跳出註冊畫面,將你的 Email 填入,按下 Get
Secured Now 來註冊一個帳號,註冊後無須至信箱收取驗證郵件。

5. 如果你先前曾經使用過相同的 Email,那麼 ZenMate 會要求你輸入密


按下 Google Chrome 瀏覽器右上角的「ZenMate」圖

示,如果顯示為 Privacy Protected 綠色訊息,代表你目前的網頁連線

是透過 VPN 加密傳輸,同時也會顯示你目前的所在位置、連結的 VPN
點選左下角的「Change Location」來變更連線國家。

我在文章一開始有提到,目前 ZenMate 支援的 VPN 連線國家包括美

行選擇,選擇後 ZenMate 會自動連線,為你轉到對應國家的 VPN 伺
要確定 ZenMate 的 VPN 有沒有正常運作,除了看右上角 ZenMate
圖示有沒有轉為綠色顯示外,也可以開啟類似 Geo IP Tool 之類的網站,
幫你查詢目前的 IP 位址、國家。
在安裝、開啟 ZenMate 功能後,基本上所有的網頁連線都會走 VPN 通
道,也能協助你解決某些網頁有國家或 IP 限制的問題,不過速度可能會
比你原本連線還要稍微慢一些,如果不使用時記得點選 ZenMate 右下

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