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Organizational Structure and Design 5.

Customer - grouping jobs by type of

Purpose of Organizing customer and needs
● Divides work to be done into specific
jobs and department
● Assigns task and responsibilities
associated with individual jobs
● Coordinates diverse organizational task
● Establishes relationships among
individuals, groups and departments
● Establishes formal lines of authority
● Allocates and deploys organizational
Defining Organizational Structure Functional Departmentation suffers from the
➢ The formal arrangement of jobs within following disadvantages:
an organization. 1. Simplicity - functional departmentation is
➢ A system that outlines how certain simple and common form of departmentation.
activities are directed to achieve the It is very easy to establish and operate.
goals of an organization. 2. Specialization - functional departmentation
Organizational Design follows the principle of specialization. Special
A process involving decisions about six key knowledge and skill helps high level operation
elements: of the organizational functions.
➢ Work Specialization 3. Better Coordination - functional
➢ Departmentalization departmentation facilitates better coordination
➢ Chain of Command among departments, different functions and
➢ Span Control employees,
➢ Centralization and decentralization 4. Optimum Utilization Of Resources -
functional departmentation focuses on the
➢ Formalization
optimum utilization of both human and non-
Organizational Design
human resources. This ensures positive
➢ The degree to which task in the
outcome to the organization.
organization are divided into separate
Functional Departmentation suffers from the
jobs with each step completed by a
following disadvantages:
different person.
1. Conflict - In functional departmentation,
➢ A step-by-step methodology which there is very high chance of conflict among
identifies dysfunctional aspects of work departments and other functional areas.
flow, procedures, structures and 2. Slow Decision Making - Because of numbers
systems, realigns them to fit current of specialists and experts and many
business realities/goals and then departments, decision making process is slow in
develops plans to implement the new this type of departmentation.
changes. 3. High Supervision Cost -There are many
Departmentalization by Type supervisors in this type of organization. So,
1. Functional - grouping jobs by functions supervision costs is very high.
performed 4. Lack Of Innovation And Creativity -
2. Product - grouping jobs by product line Functional departmentation emphasis on high
3. Geographical - grouping jobs on the level speed production by the help of specialists
basis of territory or geography and skilled employees. It emphasis on mass
4. Process - grouping jobs on the basis of
product or customer flow
production and expansion. But it ignores
innovation and creativity.
5. Difficult to Monitor - It is very difficult to
monitor performance in this type of

Organizational Design
❏ Chain of Command - refers to a
company's hierarchy of reporting
relationships – from the bottom to the
top of an organization, who must
answer to whom. The chain of
command not only establishes
accountability, it lays out a company's
lines of authority and decision-making
Organizational Design
❖ Authority - The rights to inherent in a
managerial position to tell people
what to do and to expect them to do it.
❖ Responsibility - The obligation or
expectation to perform
❖ Unity of Command - The concept that a
person should have one boss and
should report only to that person
❖ Span of Control - is the number of
employees a manager can supervise as
effectively as possible. The addition of
new hierarchical layers makes the
organizational structure steeper.
Centralization - The process by which
the activities of an organization,
particularly those regarding planning
and decision-making, framing strategy
and policies become concentrated
within a particular geographical
location group.
❖ Decentralization - The process by
which the activities of an organization,
particularly those regarding planning
and decision making, are distributed or
delegated away from a central, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
authoritative location or group. Refers to the process of acquiring, training,
❖ Employee Empowerment - Giving appraising and compensating employee,
employees a certain degree of and of attending to their labor relations,
autonomy and responsibility for health and safety, and fairness concern
decision-making regarding their (Dessler, 2017)
specific organizational tasks. Importance of HRM
1. The people dimensions of
2. Hiring competent people
3. Training employees
4. Helping employees perform at high
5. Providing mechanism to ensure that
these employees maintain their
productive affiliation with the
What managers should KNOW ABOUT?
Equal opportunity and affirmative action
Employee health and safety
Handling grievances and labor relations
What managers should AVOID about:
To hire the wrong person for the job
To have your employees not doing their
To waste time with useless interviews
To commit any unfair labor practices
To have your company cited for unsafe

Attract, hire, train motivate and retain

❏ Formalization - A process in which HRM FUNCTIONS

managers specify (in writing), EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS
procedures, rules and responsibilities Employment rights of both employers and
for the individual employees, employees
organizational units, groups, teams HEALTH & SAFETY
and the organization as a whole, which Protecting employees from work-related
leads to the development of processes, toxins, accidents and injuries
relationships, and operating REWARDS & BENEFITS
procedures. Important for employee motivation,
➔ Highly formalized jobs offer little performance and retention
discretion over what is to be done. STAFFING
➔ Low formalization means fewer Process of planning, acquiring, deploying,
constraints on how employees do their and retaining employees that enables the
organization to meet its talent and to  Equitably link rewards to responsibility
execute its business strategy level and performance
TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT  Promote the efficient and effective
Activities that enables employees to utilization of employees skills and
develop up-to-date skills, knowledge and knowledge
abilities  Increase employee engagement, effort
providing goals to know what to focus on  Increase the organization's ability to
and the performance level that is expected manage change
STRUCTURE OF HR DEPARTMENT  Decrease the organization's level
EMPLOYMENT liability for compliance with
 coordinate the staffing function employment laws.
 advertising vacancies
 perform initial screening
 interview and make job offers
 do paperwork related hiring
 help employees to maximize their
 serve as internal change agents to the
 provide counseling and career
 establish objective and equitable pay
 design cost-effective benefits packages
that help attract and retain high quality
 Communication
 Fair application of policies and
 Coordination of activities and services
that enhance employee commitment
and loyalty


 Improve organizational efficiency
 Contribute to revenue growth
 Increase employees understanding of
their responsibilities and how they
relate the organization's mission,
business strategy and goals.
 Develop and enhance employee
capabilities and talents to enable
strategic execution and goal attainment

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