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cle iets Chakras [Acupressure oy a Enneagram Enneagram . itnnese™ | Enneagram Type 1 - The Reformer Variants Enneagram Test About the Test Self-development People of this personality type are essentially looking te make things better, as they think nothing is evar quite Perfectionists responsible, fixated on improvement 4. The Fefarrmer Petsomatty | ou enugh Ths makes thm pr econ who dese 122 | orefarm and imoror9; idealists who stra to make order out of the omnipresent chaos. 78s Energy Healing | Ones have a fine eye for data, They are always aware set ot | ofthe flave in thamsolves, others and tho situations in eer which they find themselves. This triggers their need to 7 a6 | improve, which can be beneficial forall concerned, but which ean sleo prove ta be burdensome to both the One snd those who are on the receivingend MELE) ofthe one's reform efforts The One's inability to achieve the perfection they desire feeds their feelings uf guilt for having fallen short, and fuels their incipient anger against an imperfect world. Ones, howe ver, tend to Elsewhere feel guilty about their anger Anger is a "bad" emation, and Ones strive sincerely and Goaks | wholeheartecly ta be "good." Anger is Uere fore vignrausly repressed om consciousness Media Store | bursting forth in occasional fits of tamper, but usually manifesting in one oft many less, Links | obviouspermutations - impatience, frustratian, annayance and judgmental criticality. For ths reason, Ones can be difficult to live with, but, on the high side, they tend to be loyal, responsible and capable partners and friends, ‘FH euy all articles in one file Ones are serious people; they tend to be highly princile¢, comps tent an¢ uncompromising, ‘They follow the rules and expect others to do so aswell. Secause they believe so thoroughly in their convictions, they are often excellent leaders wha can inspire those who follow them with 1 enneasram thelr own vision of excellence, Reform movements are frequently speariveaded by Ones. Test software Ones are often driven and ambitious, and are sometimes warkaholics, But whatever their professional invalvament, they are definitely active, practical people wha get things dane. They are natural born organizars, listmakers wha finish everything cn the list, the last one to leave tho offico, tha First one to retum, industrious, reliable, hanost and dutiful ‘The relentlesmness of their pursuit of the ideal can make Ones tense people wha have a hard time relaxing and who unnecessarily deny themselves many of the harmless pleasures of life, ‘They tend ta be emotionally repressed and uncomfortable with expressing tender feelings; they generally see emotionality asa sign of weakness and lack of control, Thay are seldam spontaneous, They have multiple Interests and talents however; they are self-reliant and seldom run aut af things to do. Ones are often intelligent and independent and can easily mistake themselves far Fives, but Unlike Fives, Ones are primarily people of action, not thought. Ones tend to worry and are prone to anxiaty and can semotimos mistypa as Sixes, but they aro far lacs affiliative than Sixes and their standards are not reached by seeking consensuswith a group. Finally, the relentless pursuit of perfection can take its toll and lead to depression. At such times, a Che can mistype asa Four But Fours have a tendency towards self-indulgence whereas Ones are self-danying, Fours are emotionally exaressive; Ones are emotionally constrained type | type2 | type 2 | type 4 | type | type é | type7 | types | type 9 ‘You might also be interested in these books about the Enneagram at Amazon See book descriptions Home | Search About | Disclaimer | Privacy | Feedback | Contact, copygnt ewal oberers 2005-2012

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