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Marketing strategy, according to smallbusiness.chron.

com, is based on research that

focuses on a business’s competitors, customers, market size and the potential for market
growth. The strategy will help to determine what aspects of the business have the most
influence on its customers. It is a way for a business to maximize the results from money and
time spent on marketing. As for Meal Amigo, having an established trademark is already an
advantage in launching a physical store in the Butuan Central Elementary School. With it, the
business can easily build the trust of the consumers, especially the pupils which is its target
market. The following are the marketing strategies of the business:

 Flyers containing the information such as the business location, products offered and its
prices will be posted inside and outside the premises of the Elementary school and
some will also be distributed to the individuals.
 The Marketing Department will update the business’s online website and pages with
online advertising posters also containing the crucial information such as the business
location, products offered and its prices.
 Meal Amigo is Filipino-themed business which offers Rice-in-a-cup meals w/ Filipino-
style viands with free healthy juice for breakfast or lunch and Filipino kakanins for
snacks. The foods will be served in a tasty plating presentation to attract its main
market which is kids, despite the fact that vegetables are included in the ingredients.
And this also makes the business competitive in the market.s
 “Amigo sa Kabusog, Kabaskog ug Kabarato” is Meal Amigo’s tagline conveying to the
consumers their main goal which is to provide their consumers delicious and at the
same time nutritious and affordable foods to enjoy.

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