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Analysis the Development Direction and Evaluation of Various Tourism Aspect in

Tugu Jogja

Muhammad Sofyan Hadi 18/424821/SA/19193

Niskarana Rahmadani 18/430926/SA/19541


Every city needs a landmark. According to Cambridge dictionary landmark is a

building or a place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where
you are. Landmark is one of important element of the city, (Kevin Lynch, 1960:46) the city
has five important element: paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmark. Having a landmark
in every city is important because when tourists are travelling in a city, the tourists can go to
that landmark to take a photo as a proof that she or he has been to that place.

In Yogyakarta City, there is this landmark called

Tugu Jogja (Fig.1). Tugu Jogja is located in the center of
the crossroad between Surdirman Street on the east side,
AM. Sangaji Street on the north side, Diponegoro Street on
the west side and Margo Utomo street on the north side.

The name Tugu Jogja was Tugu Golong-gilig. Tugu

Golong-gilig was built on 1755 by Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwana I. But on June 10th 1867, Tugu Golong-
gilig was destroyed by an earthquake. On 1889 the building
was rebuilt by the Dutch government and inaugurated by Sri
Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII. But the form of the Tugu is
very different because long ago, in the mind of Javanese
people, human lives in two cosmos, macrocosmos and
Fig.1: Tugu Jogja microcosmos. On macrocosmos, God is the center of the
universe. And on microcosmos, king is the representative of
(dd: Dec 9th 2018, 11:16)
God. This thought brings up the philosophical meaning of
Tugu Golong-gilig, manunggaling kawulo lan Gusti or the unity of people and God which
means that people, king, and God lives in unity to defeat the colonialism. The Dutch was
afraid of this philosophy. That’s why nowadays Tugu Jogja’s form is very different from Tugu
Golong-gilig (Fig.2).
Fig.2: The Differences between Tugu Golong Gilig and Tugu Jogja
(dd: Dec 9th 2018, 11:12)


As a landmark, Tugu Jogja has a strength to attract tourists because Tugu Jogja is
an interesting place and has a good potential to grow as a tourist destination. This place
provides a monument that has a lot of interesting terms and stories. As a supporting
destination, Tugu Jogja is closed to Malioboro, one of the most visited tourist detination in
Yogyakarta. So, it is a package tour for tourists if they are visiting Yogyakarta. Based on the
road, first tourists can visit Tugu Jogja, Malioboro, Beringharjo Market, and then Vredeburg
Fortress Museum. Tugu Jogja is located in a strategic location, it is located on an
intersection and a main road. (Kawulusan M. And Warouw F., 2017:44) A location at a
crossroads that involves a path will strengthen a landmark. It means that Tugu Jogja has
additional point as a landmark in terms of accesibility and location.

Looking at the good potential of Tugu Yogyakarta, it can grow up to be an

independent destination. But, the government doesn’t aim Tugu Yogyakarta as a tourist
destination like what is written in RIPPARDA (Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan
Daerah) Kota Yogyakarta Tahun 2015-2025 and “Destinasi Wisata Jogja” e-book that was
made by the Government Tourism Office Yogyakarta. RIPPARDA is a part of Local
Regulation of Yogyakarta City that includes plan and description about tourism in
Yogyakarta. While Destinasi Wisata Jogja e-book is one of the media that includes list
tourism destination in Yogyakarta City.

As a landmark, if the government wants Tugu Jogja to be a good destination for

tourists, they need to develop it to be more insteresting. Nowadays, a lot of people from all
around the world comes to this place to see the beauty of Tugu Jogja when they are visiting
Yogyakarta. Tugu Jogja is very crowded at night, especially on weekends. Tugu Jogja
became famous after a lot of movies and videos are taken around that place. That kind of
thing is good because it can promote Yogyakarta City.

Tugu Jogja is more interesting since the renovation that the government did on 2012.
There are some greeneries and fences to protect the tugu from people who visit the place so
that the tugu is free from an ignorant hands. On this place, the tourists can see the beauty of
Tugu Jogja and of course the beauty of Yogyakarta City. And on 2015 a building was built on
the south-east side of Tugu Jogja.

The building was built to make a public space for citizens of Yogyakarta City and for
the tourists that visits Tugu Jogja. There are some dioramas on that building. Tourists who
are corious about the history of Tugu Jogja can go there because the diorama tells the
history of Tugu Jogja. Reading the history of Tugu Jogja on the same site of Tugu Jogja
makes the tourists feels like they’re going back to the past and imagining what was it like
when the Tugu was built and how beautiful and peaceful the environment around Tugu Jogja

Other than that, nearby the Tugu Jogja, there are so many stalls that is so identic
with Yogyakarta City that sells so many cheap and delicious foods called angkringan (Fig.3).
Angkringan sells (1) nasi kucing, a rice with so many toppings to choose, like anchovy,
chicken, duck, or other that’s wrapped in a paper or banana leaves; (2) many kinds of satay;
(3) many kinds of fried foods; and (4) kopi jos, a coffee that has a charcoal inside of it.

Fig.3: Angkringan
(dd: Dec 9th 2018, 11:30)

When visiting Tugu Jogja, tourists can have so many experiences and when they
leave, they will always wanted to go back to Yogyakarta City. But actually behind the beauty
of Tugu Jogja, there are some things that makes some tourists uncomfortable because there
are some problems:

1. The amenities around Tugu Jogja

Amenity is the availability of several

supporting facilities on a destination. Tugu Jogja has
already fulfill this term. In Tugu Jogja, there are some
facilities like bench, trash bin, and toilet. But the
facilities in Tugu Jogja is inadequate.

It’s a good idea to have a bench around Tugu

Jogja because sometimes tourists are tired and they

Fig.4: Broken Bench need something to rest while looking at the beautiful
Source: Primary Data scenery. But the bench in Tugu Jogja’s area is not
(dd: Dec 8th 2018, 10:58) worth using. The woods on the bench is already
broken and it makes the tourists can not sit on that
bench (Fig.4). Actually, on the diorama’s area there
are some new bench that was made of stone (Fig.5).
But there are only three bench there so when there
are a lot of visitors, there are some visitors that can’t
sit there. Sometimes at night, there are some officers
who sits on the wood bench. They sit on the side that
Fig.5: New Bench
Source: Primary Data is not broken. And when they sit, there are no more
(dd: Dec 8th 2018, 11:03) space for the visitors to sit because there are like five
to six officers sitting on that bench and they are not
doing their jobs. This makes the visitors who wants to
sit does not have any choice but to sit on the little
bricks around the dioramas (Fig.6). The visitors who
sits around the dioramas are very disturbing because
when there are other visitors who wants to take a look
at the dioramas, they have to stand in front of the the
people who sits around there and that is so
Fig.6: Bricks Around Dioramas
Source: Primary Data
(dd: Dec 8th 2018, 11:03)
Other than that, the trash bin in
this place is broken too (Fig.7). Although
the trash bin can still be used, the broken
trash bin makes the place looks like it is
not well maintained. The existence of the
trash bin around tugu’s area is very
influential. It helps to keep the area clean
because visitors will always throw their
Fig.7: Broken Trash Bin
Source: Primary Data rubbish there so the view in Tugu’s area is
(dd: Dec 8th 2018, 11:02) more beautiful. There is a public toilet in
Tugu Jogja’s area. But its location was hidden behind the diorma’s building and there
is no sign about the location so the visitors doesn’t even know that there is a public
toilet around.

Considering about those problems, the solution is to repair the facilities of

Tugu Jogja that’s already broken, adding a sign and a list and the explanation of a
facilities around Tugu Jogja so that the visitors will know and they can use the
facilities properly.

2. The officers’ activities in Tugu Jogja is not effective

There are like five to six officers who guards the Tugu area. Their job is to
help the tourists who wants to go near the Tugu Jogja to cross the street. Other than
that, their job is to protect the tourists attraction (the dioramas and the Tugu Jogja).
But in reality, there are onlk one or two officers who does their jobs.

The solution for this probem is to do some evaluation and giving a briefing to
the officers about a job desk and some regulation. Another possible solution is to
reduce the number of the officers if some of them is no longer needed.

3. The lack of parking lot

A lot of visitors parked their motorbikes on the sidewalk on the east side of
Margo Utomo street. It is similar a case to Malioboro several years ago. Visitors who
parked their motorbikes on the side walk is disturbing the pedestrian (people who
walks on the sidewalk). Moreover, in the perspective of law, Tugu jogja is located in
Margo Utomo Street and according to Peraturan Daerah Kota Yogyakarta Nomor 2
Tahun 2010 Pasal 80 about Spatial Plans of Yogyakarta City (Rancangan Tata
Wilayah dan Tata Ruang Kota Yogyakarta), Margo Utomo Street is one of the street
that is specially directed for pedestrian areas like Malioboro Street.

Based on that problem, we think that to solve this problem, the government
have to provide an adequate parking lot like the one in Malioboro to the Tugu Jogja’s
visitors so that the tourists who comes to Tugu Jogja to take a walk will feel

There is an additional thing besides the discussion about all of the problems that
have been mentioned before. It is about improving the quality of Tugu Jogja as a landmark
and tourist destination. In our point of view, Tugu Jogja can still continue to develop by
determining the development direction.

Tugu Jogja is a part of the city that represent Yogyakarta’s culture. According to
Peraturan Daerah Kota Yogyakarta Nomor 2 Tahun 2010 Pasal 80 about Spatial Plans of
Yogyakarta City (Rancangan Tata Wilayah dan Tata Ruang Kota Yogyakarta) there is an
axis that connecting Krapyak, Kraton, and Tugu Jogja as a city path that implies
philosophical image and cultural heritage. In our opinion, Tugu Jogja still has a weakness in
terms of environment condition, especially as a cultural heritage. We can see that around
Tugu Jogja, there are so many bussiness shops that does not related to cultural heritage of
Yogyakarta. Whereas, it is a big potential to attract attention of the tourists by forming a
destination that represent Javanese culture.

Considering the law and field conditions, development direction of Tugu Jogja can be
emphazised on improving Tugu Jogja’s enviroment as a cultural heritage of Yogyakarta.
Changing the type of bussines on the buildings around Tugu Jogja is too difficult because
the building is a privately owned property. Also if the government wants to buy a building in
that area, it would be too expensive. So maybe the things that the government can do is to
do a negotiation or give some money for the bussines owner to repair and renovate the
exterior of their bussines so that it could represent Javanese style architecture. It could
strenghten Javanese culture in that area so that the tourists will be more interested with
Tugu Jogja because sometimes, the reason why a tourists wants to come to Yogyakarta City
is because they want to know more about the cultures.

Landmark is a city identity. The existence of a landmark would build a city image,
makes a city easier to remember and makes a city interesting to visit. Landmark also could
bring visitors, so landmark has a positive impact for the city’s tourism industry.

As a landmark, Tugu Jogja has a good potential because it is located at the center of
an intersection and a main road so the place is easy to reach by a public transportation or a
private vehicle. Tugu Jogja also has a lot of terms and history. It is not just a building, it
contains many stories that makes Tugu Jogja a sacred building. It has been stipulated in the
law that Tugu Jogja should not be changed.

Behind the beauty of Tugu Jogja, there are some problems like the facilities that’s
already broken, the lack of explanation and sign about facilities, officers’ activities that is not
effective, and lack of parking lot. That kind of problems can be fixed by (1) repairing the
facilities of Tugu Jogja that’s already broken, adding a sign and a list and the explanation of
a facilities around Tugu Jogja; (2) doing some evaluation or reducing the number of the
officers; and (3) providing an adequate parking lot.

Tugu Jogja can develop to be more better by considering various things like laws,
potentials, and the reason why visitors wants to visit Tugu Jogja. By considering those things
we can make a development direction. That is by strengthening Tugu area’s environment as
a cultural heritage.

Kawulusan, Melly and Fella Warouw. “Perancangan Public Landmark Pada Ruang Terbuka
Publik”. Media Matrasain. 14. 39-51.

Lynch, Kevin. 1992. The image of The City. London: The MIT Press

Morin, Lutse L. D.. 2014. “Problematika Tugu Yogyakarta dari Aspek Fungsi dan Makna”.
Journal of Urban Society’s Arts. 1. 135-148.

Yogyakarta City. 2015. Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Daerah Kota

Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: The Government of Yogyakarta City.

Yogyakarta City. 2010. Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: The
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Accessed on Dec 1st 2018 at 8.52 a.m.
kawasan-tugu-pal-putih-jogja/. Accessed on Dec 1st 2018 at 9.00 a.m. Accessed on Dec 9th 2018

at 11:16 a.m.
Accessed on Dec 9th 2018 at 11:12 a.m. Accessed on Dec 9th 2018

at 11:12 a.m.

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