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Sam Webb and James Barry
Mark WhittingtoN
Avery Andruszkiewicz, Mohammad Chowdhury,
Rachel Denton, Chaim Garcia, and Susanah Grace
Virginia Page
Liam Abbott, Chris Birch, Nicholas Crowther, Steve Daldry,
Andrew Gunning, Michael Gunning, Rob Harris, Zack Keedy,
Oz Mills, Adam Potts, Charlie Smith,
James Sutherland Smith, and Ashley Webb

This PDF is published under the Open Game License (OGL).

The following is identified as product identity (as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All proper nouns (except
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The following is identified as Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game
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© 2019 Black Cats Gaming
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people or events, past or present, is entirely coincidental and
unintentional, except those described in an historical context.
WHAT IS THE SPY GAME? and your fellow characters try to overcome the
dramatic conflict—you can do anything from peaceful,
diplomatic efforts, to the use of force!
The Spy Game is a co-operative game you play with
a group of friends to tell a story—you each create a You use dice to help decide whether you succeed at
character and take a role in the mission described to something you want to do. The game only asks you to
you by your game master. If you are the game master, do this if the action you want to take is dangerous or
you create and populate the story for the group, important to the story.
playing as the character’s enemies and allies, as well
as describing what happens, setting the scene and Th e g a m e m a ster
interpreting the rules.
As the game master (GM), you are equal parts
The Spy Game is a roleplaying game about action storyteller and referee—you know the rules and
and espionage, clandestine organizations and secret use them to resolve and describe the actions the
agencies. You take on the role of a spy, running intel characters take, whether they are shooting at enemy
and engaging in ‘wet work’ to ensure the security soldiers, rappelling down a building, or hacking into
of the world from corrupt governments and the evil a secure mainframe. The game calls on you to judge
machinations of rogue villains. how difficult actions are and describe the outcome,
based on whether the players succeed or fail their dice
It uses the rules based on the world’s most famous
rolls. You also control all the allies and antagonists of
roleplaying game to create a standalone experience
the story, acting as them and describing what they do
for an exciting game of secret agents and super
just like the player characters.


This quickstart guide is a demo of the game as a
A roleplaying game lets you create and control your
whole, including everything you need to try out an
own character in a storytelling game with your friends.
exciting spy adventure with a group of friends. Each
Around a table, or via conference call online, you play
of you should take a character from the selection
the game to try and resolve the plot being told to you
included, by printing them off or downloading them,
by the game master.
except for the game master who should read over
There’s always a problem to try and resolve, like the mission in the back of the guide and familiarize
any movie or TV show, and it’s up to you how you themselves with the overall plot and story. You’ll need
at least one set of polyhedral dice: a twenty-sided There are three main rolls in the game—the ability
die (d20), a twelve-sided die (d12), two ten-sided dice check, saving throw, and attack roll. For each of
(d10), an eight-sided die (d8), a six-sided die (d6), and these rolls, roll a d20, add the ability modifier derived
a four-sided die (d4). from the ability score (see below), and compare the
total to a target number set by the game master.
Everyone should take a look over Part 1: Rules, and
If your total score is equal to or better that the
have the guide to hand for your reference and for
target number, it means your character successfully
those times when you can’t remember a rule or can’t
completes their action.
agree on which rule to use in any situation.


Roleplaying games are all about creating an Each ability has a modifier, derived from its score,
enjoyable story together, guided by your game ranging from -5 to +10. The Ability Score Modifiers
master. The Spy Game is designed to be easy to Table shows the ability modifiers relating to their
play and understand, but there may be times when score. For example, a score of 12 or 13 results in an
you come across something you can’t figure out, or ability modifier of +1, which is added to relevant d20
can’t find a ruling to cover it. results.

In this situation the GM is encouraged to make

decisions and help the party move forward, even
if what they decide isn’t technically or exactly what ability score modifiers table
the rules say. The GM is completely empowered Score Modifier
to break ties, rule on questions and change some
details to keep the story going. The Spy Game is all 8-9 -1
about immersing yourself and your friends in the 10-11 0
high stakes world of international espionage, and
12-13 +1
the GM is there to make this happen for you.
14-15 +2
16-17 +3


In The Spy Game, player’s characters have six abilities.
These abilities relate to how good each character is at
certain actions in their roles as a spy. The abilities are
Strength: measures physical prowess. Characters You also add your proficiency bonus, determined
with a high Strength score are strong and physically by your agent’s level, to some of your rolls. Your
powerful. proficiency bonus represents training in particular
Dexterity: measures natural agility and coordination. skills, weapons, vehicles, or gadgets, which is added
Characters with a high Dexterity score are quick and to your roll along with your ability modifier. You cannot
nimble. add your agent’s proficiency bonus to a single roll
more than once. This means that even if two different
Constitution: measures endurance and resilience.
rules say you can add their proficiency bonus to a
Characters with a high Constitution score are
check, you can only add it once.
resilient and hardy.
Intelligence: measures reasoning and memory.
Characters with a high Intelligence score are clever ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE
and knowledgeable. Sometimes a class feature, background, or training
Wisdom: measures perception and insight. Characters grants you advantage, or a situation or event gives
with a high Wisdom score are perceptive and disadvantage on an ability check, saving throw, or
careful. attack roll. When that happens you roll two d20s
Charisma: measures the force of personality. instead of one when making the roll. If you have
Characters with a high Charisma score are witty and advantage, you count the highest of the two rolls. If
personable. you have disadvantage, you count the lowest of the
two rolls.
Firing at enemies, picking locks,dangling above
If a circumstance grants you both advantage and
secure rooms or hacking encrypted systems—all of
disadvantage, then one negates the other, and
these are examples of actions. Most actions you want
you only roll a single d20. If special abilities or
your spy to take in the game require you to make an
circumstances would allow you to re-roll the dice, and
ability check.
you have rolled two d20s for that ability check, saving
throw, or attack roll, then you must choose one d20 to

2 Part 1 | Rules
An ability check tests an agent’s aptitude to overcome
a challenge. The game master calls for an ability check
when the task attempted is difficult for the agent
or has a chance of failure, and that failure would be
significant for the agent.
When the game master calls for an ability check, they
decide which of the six ability scores you must use.
They then choose a difficulty class (abbreviated to
DC) for the agent to equal or beat by rolling a d20 and
adding their modifiers. The following table shows the
most common DCs:

Difficulty Classes
Task Difficulty DC
Very easy 5
Easy 10
Medium 15
Hard 20
Very hard 25
Nearly impossible 30

To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the

relevant ability modifier and any proficiency bonus. As
with other d20 rolls, apply any bonuses and penalties,
and compare the total to the DC. If the total equals or When making an ability check using a specific skill,
exceeds the DC, the ability check is a success and the if you are proficient in that skill you may add your
agent completes their task. If the total is less than the proficiency bonus to your roll. Without a proficiency
DC, the agent has failed and the game master informs in the skill, you just add your agents ability modifier as
you of a setback to your agent and the operation. normal.

CONTESTS A th leti cs (S tr en gth )

When an agent faces direct opposition, where Athletics is the skill associated with physical energy
an opponent is trying to prevent an agent from and athletic ability. Use Athletics to:
completing their goal, a contest occurs. In these §§ Chase down a target
situations both players make an ability check, using §§ Swim to shore
appropriate abilities (chosen by the game master). §§ Free-run up a building site
You each apply your ability modifiers, as well as any §§ Hold onto a plane’s landing gear
bonuses or penalties, and compare your totals. The A c r o b ati cs (D exter ity )
highest score is the winner, their character completes
their task successfully or prevents the other from Acrobatics is the skill of balancing, contorting the
succeeding. body, and deft gymnastic feats. Use Acrobatics to:
§§ Balance on a razor-thin cliff edge
If a contest results in a tie, the situation remains
§§ Combat roll through gunfire
as it was, neither participant completing a task §§ Slide through a crawl space
successfully. §§ Keep your footing on shifting terrain

SKILLS D ec epti o n (C h a r i s m a )
Each ability covers a broad range of capabilities, both Deception is the skill of fooling others, and assuming
physical and mental. A skill represents a specific another identity. Use Deception to:
training or vocation of an ability score—a focused, §§ Pretend to be an alias
learnt, field of expertise. Each skill relates to an ability §§ Talk your way past security guards
score, such as Acrobatics based on Dexterity, or §§ Misdirect a line of questioning
Perception on Wisdom. §§ Spread disinformation over a radio

Part 1 | Rules
E s pi o n a g e (I ntelli g en c e ) M ed i c i n e (W i s d o m )
Espionage is the skill of surveillance, logically applying Medicine is the skill of healing others, and researching
evidence, and the gathering of covert information of biological viruses and disease. Use Medicine to:
interest. Use Espionage to: §§ Provide first aid
§§ Listen and interpret audio from a wiretap §§ Assess the symptoms of a patient
§§ Connect seemingly unrelated events §§ Recognize a strain of chemical weapons
§§ Interrogate a prisoner §§ Obtain the DNA of an enemy agent
§§ Disseminate false information
P er c epti o n (W i s d o m )
I n fi ltr ati o n (W i s d o m ) Perception is the skill of identifying threats and
Infiltration is the skill for covert placement and situational awareness, using all the senses available
insertion of agents into a location or organization. Use to an agent: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste. Use
Infiltration to: Perception to:
§§ Find a path past security cameras §§ Observe a guard’s pattern of movement
§§ Designate an extraction location §§ Search for a prisoner
§§ Target a possible dissident enemy operative §§ Discover a hidden entrance or exit
§§ Evaluate a guard’s patrol route §§ Eavesdrop on a conversation
I n fotec h (I ntelli g en c e ) P ers u a s i o n (C h a r i s m a )
Infotech, or Information & Communication Persuasion is the skill of using reasoned arguments to
Technology, is the skill of manipulating computing and convince others. Use Persuasion to:
telecommunication systems. Use Infotech to: §§ Turn an enemy agent
§§ Break into an enemy database §§ Convince someone to help
§§ Clear up a satellite video feed §§ Influence a high ranking official
§§ Download a virus onto a server §§ Leverage someone on which you have intel
§§ Tap a phone, microphone, or webcam
S lei g ht of hand (D exter ity )
I n s i g ht (W i s d o m ) Sleight of Hand is the skill for manual trickery and
Insight is the skill of reading other people, judging covertly manipulating small items on your person. Use
their social or political views, and perceiving lies and Sleight of Hand to:
underlying emotion. Use Insight to: §§ Pick a lock
§§ Detect lies during an interrogation §§ Conceal small objects
§§ Assess a person’s political attitude §§ Hand off a package to another agent
§§ Make a cold reading §§ Pickpocket a mark
§§ Identify a target through body language
I nti m i d ati o n (C h a r i s m a )
Intimidation is the skill of frightening others in order
for them to do something or answer questions. Use
Intimidation to:
§§ Get a suspect to talk
§§ Hold up an enemy agent
§§ Push someone to do as you say
§§ Make someone believe a threat
M ec h a n i cs (I ntelli g en c e )
Mechanics is the skill that covers building, repairing,
and manipulating machinery, electronic hardware, and
other technology. Use Mechanics to:
§§ Repair a piece of equipment in the field
§§ Sabotage a generator
§§ Take apart a car’s engine
§§ Jury-rig an airplane’s rotor mid flight

4 Part 1 | Rules
S te a lth (D exter ity )
Stealth is the skill of remaining hidden, moving
undetected and evading capture. Use Stealth to: The armor table below shows the cost, weight, and
other properties of the common types of armor worn
§§ Slip past a guard
§§ Lose a tail in a crowd by paramilitary, military, policing and security forces
§§ Crawl unseen into a firing position around the world.
§§ Camouflage yourself
S u rviva l (W i s d o m ) Armor pr o fi c i en cy
Your class or background gives you proficiencies with
Survival is the skill of bushcraft and operating in the certain types of armor. If you wear armor that you
field, in a hostile area of operation, or cut off from lack a proficiency for, you have disadvantage on any
supplies or conveniences. Use Survival to: ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves
§§ Camouflage a base camp in the local environment Strength or Dexterity.
§§ Endure heat, cold, or dangerous weather
§§ Navigate through the wilderness Armor c la ss (AC)
§§ Forage food and water from the natural world
Armor protects its wearer from attacks. The armor you
T a cti cs (I ntelli g en c e ) wear, and any shield you wield, determines your base
Tactics is the skill used to formulate and execute a Armor Class, abbreviated to AC.
military operation, applying knowledge of military
assets and equipment to provide the most effective S tr en gth r eq u i r em ent
small scale victory over an enemy. Use Tactics to: The armor table shows the minimum Strength score
§§ Plan an attack you must have to wear the armor effectively, or your
§§ Find a choke point speed is reduced by 10 ft.
§§ Set up an ambush
§§ Recognize an objective S te a lth
If the armor table shows “Disadvantage” in the Stealth
column, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)

Armor Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight Special
Light Armor
Padded/leather clothing 11 + Dex modifier - - 3 lb.
Undercover vest 12 + Dex modifier - - 4 lb.
Medium Armor
Stab vest 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 4 lb.
Tactical armor 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 8 lb.
Heavy Armor
Kevlar armor 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 10 lb.
Ceramic/metal plate armor 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 16 lb.
Riot Shield +2 - - 4 lb. -
Ballistic Shield +2 Str 13 - 8 lb. Resistance: Piercing

Part 1 | Rules
G u i d ed
When you fire a guided weapon, so long as you have
line of sight to the target, you may target it as if you
were at short range.

L i g ht
A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it
ideal for use when fighting with two weapons.

Lo a d i n g
Because of the time required to load this weapon, you
can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when
you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it. It
must be reloaded after each time you fire.

A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack
has a range listed as two numbers. The first is the
weapon’s short range in feet, and the second indicates
the weapon’s long range. When attacking a target
beyond short range, you have disadvantage on
the attack roll. You can’t attack a target beyond the
weapon’s long range.

This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you
attack with it, as well as when you determine your
reach for opportunity attacks with it.

R elo a d
When the weapon has the Reload property, each time
you use the weapon it expends ammunition. The entry
WEAPONS describes the number of ranged attacks the weapon
can make before it needs to be reloaded. Reloading
The weapons table opposite shows the cost, weight, requires an action.
and other properties of the common types of weapons
Any weapons provided by your class receive 3 reloads
used around the world.
of ammunition, or ‘clips’, that replenish between
missions. If you buy any additional ammunition to
WEAPON PROFICIENCY supplement this, it gets used up first, so you always
start a mission with a minimum of 3 reloads.
Your class or background grants proficiency with
certain weapons, reflecting your training and the
weapons you have most likely utilized during your Counting Bullets
career. The weapons table shows common types of
weapons, rather than getting bogged down in the While modern firearm clips have a capacity between
different makes and manufacturers of those weapons. 5 and 200 rounds, depending on the firearm, The
Spy Game has created an ambiguity with the values
B la st of ammunition properties, to reflect the dramatic
choice of when to attack and reload, and the act
Weapons with the blast property cause damage to all of firing several bullets at once as part of an attack
targets in a radius around the impact of the shot. The action. The ammunition quality tells you how many
range of this blast is shown in feet, and damages all attacks you can make before you need to reload, not
characters that can be targeted by line of sight if they how many bullets you fire.
fail a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. To avoid being the
target of a blast weapon’s area of effect, characters
must have total cover. S pec i a l : a r m o r pi er c i n g
F i n ess e Attacks with this weapon ignore any resistances
to piercing damage, and reduce any immunity to
When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you piercing damage to a resistance.
use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier
for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the
same modifier for both rolls.

6 Part 1 | Rules
Name Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Baton 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb.
Garrote string 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Finesse, special: Grappling
Handaxe 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Thrown (range 10/30)
Knife 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Light, Finesse, Thrown (range 20/60)
Machete 1d6 slashing 2 lb.
Sledgehammer 1d10 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Unarmed strike 1 bludgeoning -
Traditional Melee Weapons
Nunchaku 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Versatile (1d6)
Sai 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Finesse, light
Spear 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Staff 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Sword 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Whip 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, reach
Katana 1d8 slashing 2 lb. Finesse, versatile (1d10)
Shuriken 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Simple Ranged Weapons
Taser 1d6 electric 1 lb. Reload (1 attack), Range 20, loading, light
Bow, compound 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Range 80/320 ft, loading, two-handed
Crossbow 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Reload (1 attack), Range 80/320 ft, loading, two-handed
Speargun 1d8 piercing 50 lb. Reload (1 attack), Range 20/60 ft, loading, two-handed
Pistol, light 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Reload (9 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, light
Pistol, heavy 1d10 piercing 5 lb. Reload (6 attacks), Range 30/120 ft.
Military Ranged Weapons
Machine pistol 1d8 piercing 10 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 30/60 ft, special: Full Auto
Submachine gun 1d8 piercing 7 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, versatile (1d10), special:
Burst Fire
Assault rifle 2d6 piercing 10 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 50/200 ft, two-handed, special:
Burst Fire
Carbine rifle 2d6 piercing 7 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 45/180 ft, two-handed, special:
Burst Fire
Battle rifle 2d8 piercing 9 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 80/240 ft, two-handed, special:
Burst Fire
Marksman rifle 2d6 piercing 9 lb. Reload (6 attacks). Range 100/400 ft, two-handed
Rifle, bolt action 2d8 piercing 11 lb. Reload (6 attacks), Range 125/500 ft, two-handed
Shotgun 2d10 piercing 8 lb. Reload (2 attacks), Range 20/80 ft, two-handed, special:
Light machine gun 2d8 piercing 22 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, two-handed, special:
Full Auto
Medium machine 2d10 piercing 28 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, two-handed, special:
gun Full Auto
Heavy machine gun 2d12 piercing 100 lb. Reload (4 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, mounted, special: Full
Anti-material rifle 2d10 piercing 26 lb. Reload (2 attacks), Range 125/500 ft, two-handed, special:
Armor Piercing
Heavy Weapons
Flamethrower 1d10 fire 70 lb. Reload (6 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, two-handed, special:
Rocket-propelled 3d6 slashing 15 lb. Reload (1 attack), Range 40/160 ft, Blast (20)
Grenade launcher 3d6 slashing 12 lb. Reload (8 attacks), Range 40/160 ft, Blast (20)
Rocket Launcher 3d10 fire 18 lb. Reload (1 attack), Range 40/160, Blast (25)
Anti-tank (AT) 3d8 piercing 50 lb. Reload (1 attack), special: Guided
Anti-air (AA) 3d8 fire 34 lb. Reload (1 attack), Blast (10), special: Guided

Part 1 | Rules
S pec i a l : g r a ppli n g
When you succeed an attack roll with this weapon, you
also grapple the target.

S pec i a l : s pr e a d
If a ranged attacks hits using this weapon, you can
apply portions of the damage between other enemies
within 5ft of the target. Roll damage as normal then
split the damage as evenly as possible between the
main target and the other targets, with any remainder
going to the main target.

T h r own
If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw
the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon
is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier
for that attack roll and damage roll that you would
use for a melee attack with the weapon. If the weapon
is a handheld explosive, like a grenade, make a DC5
Strength or Dexterity check to throw the grenade
into the targeted space. Failing the check means the
thrown explosive lands 5ft away from the intended
space, decided by the GM.
S pec i a l : b u rst fi r e
You can spray a 10 ft square with a burst of bullet fire T wo h a n d ed
within range. Each character, friendly or enemy, needs You must use both hands to attack with this weapon.
to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or suffer the
damage as normal. This attack takes up two attacks of V ers ati le
This weapon can be used with one or both hands.
S pec i a l : fu ll a uto A damage value in parentheses appears with the
property, which is the damage inflicted when the
As a ranged attack, you can fire this weapon using its weapon is used with two hands.
full-automatic firing option, attacking all agents, friend
or foe, within line of sight in a 45° cone up to its long
range. Each agent within the cone needs to succeed
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take damage, with
advantage on the saving throw if within the weapon’s
long range. This attack requires a full magazine of
ammunition, and empties the weapon of ammunition.

grenades & Explosives

Name Damage Weight Properties
Fragmentation 3d6 slashing 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (20)
Smoke grenade Special (see entry) 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (10)
Flashbang 1d4 force 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (30), special (see entry)
Concussion grenade 2d10 force 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (5)
Incendiary Grenade 1d10 fire 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (15)
Tear Gas Grenade Special (see entry) 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (15)
Thermite Grenade 6d6 fire 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (10)
White Phosphorus 2d6 fire 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (10)
Molotov Cocktail 1d6 fire 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (5)
C4/Semtex 2d12 force 2 lb. Blast (30)
Det Cord 2d6 fire 1 lb. Blast (5)
Dynamite 2d6 force 1 lb. Thrown (range 20/50), Blast (10)

8 Part 1 | Rules
Gadgets are unique pieces of equipment. They may
look like ordinary objects but have extraordinary VEHICLE PROFICIENCY
properties, or they may be completely new inventions
If you have proficiency with a certain type of vehicle
that are unrecognizable to those who don’t know how
you can add your proficiency bonus to any actions
they work.
you take to operate that vehicle. The types of vehicles
are motorbikes, cars, heavy goods vehicles, tanks,
USING GADGETS helicopters, planes, ships and unmanned.

A ctivati n g a n item VEHICLE PROFILES

Activating some gadgets requires a user to do
something special, such as saying a command code, Vehicles, like characters, have base ability scores, a
or opening a secret compartment and pushing a speed, hit points (HP), and an armor class (AC), as well
button. The description of each item category or as some resistances and immunities.
individual item details how it is activated. Most
items require an action to use, and that action isn’t a S ize
function of the Use an Item action, so a class feature Vehicles have a size, just as characters do, ranging
such as the Thief archetype’s Fast Hands can’t be from small to titanic. For each 5ft space the vehicle
used to activate the item. takes up it can provide 1 crew position.

D es i g n ati n g a ta r g et Armor c la ss (AC)

Some gadgets utilize elements that are away from the Vehicles often have armor plating, a thick metal
area of operation, like close air support or fire support. chassis or rely on their speed for protection.
A target can be a person, vehicle, part of a building, or Whenever the vehicle is the target of an attack,
a discreet location in your area of operation. compare the attack roll result to its AC, and if it is
equal or greater than the AC the attack hits and deals
Designating a target requires an action and line of
sight to your target, to make an attack using a close air
support or fire support gadget’s weapon values.
H it po i nts
Designating a target by describing its location A vehicle’s hit points (HP) indicate how much damage
or relaying coordinates means the attack has it can sustain before the vehicle is disabled. At 0 hit
disadvantage (either reducing the attack’s saving points, a vehicle’s engine and structural integrity fail,
throw DC by 5, or rolling two d20s and keeping bringing it to a stop and rendering its other systems
the lowest score). Using a piece of equipment to inoperable. If a damage roll reduces a vehicle’s hit
designate a target means the attack is resolved as points to 0, and the remaining damage equals its
normal. hit point maximum, the vehicle explodes in a vicious
fireball, dealing 3d6 fire and 3d6 force damage to
Pa iring anyone within 10 ft who fails a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Some gadgets require an interface or application to throw, and half as much damage on a successful one.
be used remotely, and without pairing an item, you
cannot operate it. When pairing an item, it needs to R es i sta n c es
be paired to a device that uses an operating system, Any damage resistances the vehicle has will be
like a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Pairing an listed (see Damage Resistance, Immunities and
item to a device requires you to spend a short rest Vulnerabilities, p.21).
establishing the connection, with both the device and
the gadget within reach. Damage th r es h o ld
A gadget can only be paired to one device at a time, A vehicle with a listed damage threshold has immunity
and a device can only be paired with up to three to all damage unless it takes an amount of damage
gadgets at once. Any attempt to pair a fourth gadget from a single attack that’s equal or greater than
fails. Additionally, you can’t pair more than one copy its damage threshold, in which case it takes all the
of an item. For example, you can’t pair two remote- damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or
controlled vehicles to the same smartphone. exceed this threshold is superficial and doesn’t reduce
the vehicle’s hit points.

Part 1 | Rules
Size Space Squares Crew Positions Example
Tiny 2.5ft x 2.5 ft 1x1 See Entry Aerial Drone
DVP (Diver
Small 5 ft x 5 ft 1x1 See Entry Propulsion Vehicle)
Medium 5 ft x 5 ft 1x1 1 Motorcycle
Large 10 ft x 10 ft 2x2 2 Car
Huge 15 ft x 15 ft 3x3 3 APC
Gargantuan 20 ft x 20 ft 4x4 3+ Tank

S peed than the vehicle’s mph speed (up to its top speed),
A vehicle’s speed shows two values. The first, in deduct double the distance travelled from the
feet, indicates how far it can move in a single turn in vehicle’s current range.
combat, providing the driver or pilot uses their action
to control the vehicle. The second value shows its C r ew
average speed in miles per hour (mph), with its top Each vehicle will have at least one crew position listed
speed being double that. in its profile. The positions are:
Driver/Pilot: The driver or pilot position allows the
Range character to use their action to move the vehicle.
A vehicle’s range describes the maximum distance it Gunner: The gunner position allows the character to
can travel with a full tank of fuel, at its speed in miles use their action to make attacks using the vehicle’s
per hour (mph). If you travel at least 1 mile, travelling weapons.
up to the vehicle’s mph speed, deduct that distance
from the vehicle’s current range. If you travel faster Commander: The commander position allows the
character to use their action to make Wisdom

10 Part 1 | Rules
(Perception) checks using the vehicle’s visual
systems. If the vehicle contains any special vision
this is conferred to the character in the command Vehicle Damage
position. Size Sideswipe Ram Damage
Passenger: The passenger position allows the Damage
character to be moved the vehicle’s speed, inside
Medium 2d8 4d8
the vehicle. If the passenger position has a window,
the character can make attacks and Wisdom Large 3d10 6d10
(Perception) checks as normal.
Huge 4d12 8d12
Cargo c a pa c ity Gargantuan 8d12 16d12
A vehicle’s cargo capacity indicates the weight the
vehicle can bear before its speed becomes inhibited,
including any passengers (each assumed to weigh
up to 250 lbs). If a vehicle carries more weight than or maintain the same course and speed if you decide
its capacity, its speed drops by 10 feet (or 20 mph). If to take another action on your turn, based on your
a vehicle carries weight in excess of double its cargo last action to control the vehicle. If you take another
capacity, its speed is halved and the pilot or driver has action, that action is resolved with disadvantage.
disadvantage on ability checks to control the vehicle When you take the Control Vehicle action you may
in any way, including saving throws. move up to the vehicle’s speed, or move up to double
Many vehicles can carry extra passengers instead the vehicle’s speed if in your previous turn you moved
of cargo, but doing so is usually cramped, the vehicle. A controlled vehicle cannot move on the
uncomfortable, and often an unsafe experience for turn that you enter it. If the movement of your vehicle
those passengers. As a rule of thumb, one additional provokes an opportunity attack while you’re inside it,
passenger can be carried for each 250lbs of unused the attacker can target you or the vehicle—you cannot
cargo capacity. dodge or disengage using a vehicle.

V eh i c le per c epti o n Tu r n i n g a veh i c le

Some vehicles are equipped with electronic systems Most vehicles need to move forward to also turn left
that scan and detect the environment around them. or right, known as a turning circle. A vehicle can turn a
These systems allow the pilots and commanders maximum of 90° while moving up to its speed, or 45° if
inside to perceive objects outside the vehicle, even if moving double its speed.
they cannot see them.
Ramming a n oth er veh i c le
OPERATING A VEHICLE A driver may decide to target an enemy vehicle using
their own. As a Control Vehicle action, you can move
the vehicle you drive or pilot into another and cause
E nter i n g a n d ex iti n g a veh i c le damage to the vehicle you impact. You deal ram
Once during your move, you can take a position in a damage depending on the size of your vehicle, see
vehicle, whether that’s as an crew or a passenger, that the Vehicle Damage table, above. If your direction of
is within 5 feet of you, or you may vacate the position. movement opposes the target vehicle’s direction, you
Doing either costs an amount of movement equal to deal maximum damage.
half your speed.
As part of the collision, your vehicle also takes the
C o ntr o lli n g a veh i c le same amount of damage. If that damage would
reduce your vehicle’s hit points to 0, it is wrecked and
While you are in a moving vehicle, and you are the can no longer be operated.
driver or pilot, you have two options. You can either
control the vehicle using the Control Vehicle action, Passengers in a collision suffer force damage. Each
passenger in the vehicle suffers 1d6 bludgeoning
damage for every 10 feet of movement before the
collision, or 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10

Vehicle Weak points mph. If any passengers weren’t strapped into a seat,
they suffer the same damage as the vehicle.
Weak AC Fragile HP Resilient
Point HP F a lli n g d a m a g e fr o m a m ovi n g veh i c le
Tires 13 3 (1d6) 10 (3d6) Falling from a moving vehicle deals bludgeoning
damage to your HP, similar to rules for falling,
Tracks 18 4 (1d8) 18 (4d8) dependant on the speed of the vehicle. If you fall from
a moving vehicle, you suffer 1d6 bludgeoning damage
Engine 19 4 (1d8) 18 (4d8)
for every 10 feet the vehicle moved before you fell,
or 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 mph of the
vehicle’s speed when you fell. You land prone.

Part 1 | Rules
VEHICLES IN COMBAT C h a s es a s a c o ntest
If the drivers or pilots of the vehicles are the only
Vehicles can be the target of attacks in combat, with
people involved, then the chase is a simple contest—
their own AC and hit points. They also provide cover
each driver makes a chase maneuver, applying their
for passengers and crew inside, depending on how
vehicle proficiency to the check if it applies. The
exposed its passengers are.
winner of the contest gains ground, based on their
relative speeds—the pursued moving away from their
Firing fr o m a veh i c le pursuer, or the pursuer gaining ground on their mark.
You may make attacks as normal, with your weapons, Continue the contests until the chase comes to an
from a vehicle providing the normal conditions for end.
combat apply. You may not be able to reach your
target with a Melee attack while inside or on the back C h a s es with i n iti ative
of a vehicle, but you may be able to shoot through an
If the vehicles are crewed by several people, they
open window or even through the thin glass of a car’s
each take a turn in the Initiative order. Crew can take
actions to assist the chase, like navigating, or attacking
a vehicle’s weak points. Drivers and pilots take their
A tta c k i n g we a k po i nts turns as normal in the Initiative order, and their results
Some vehicles have weak points, like tires or engines compared at the end of the round, where the game
that can be the target of attacks. When you target a master resolves the relative distances of the chase.
weak point, you make an attack against the object’s
own AC and hit points. Moving targets will benefit Chase m a n euvers
from a +5 bonus to their AC and be harder to hit. If
Proceed: You focus on the terrain ahead, pushing the
you cannot see a weak point, you can only target it at
vehicle as fast as it will go while maintaining control
the discretion of the game master, depending on the
over it. You make a Wisdom check, applying any
vehicle proficiency, contested by your opponent. If
Reducing a weak point to 0 HP destroys the object, you succeed and you are pursuing another vehicle,
and makes controlling the vehicle much more difficult, you close distance. If you succeed, and you are
or stops it altogether. Destroying a weak point of being chased you gain some distance from your
propulsion—like an engine—will bring the vehicle to pursuers. If you fail, you are one step closer to the
a natural stop (which could be cataclysmic for an chase ending in favor of your opponent.
aircraft), and destroying its tires or tracks will confer Weave: You weave in and out of traffic, avoid an
disadvantage on its driver’s ability checks. obstacle in your path, or swap lanes without
changing direction to find a quicker path. Make a
A tta c k i n g c r ew o r pa ss en g ers Dexterity check, applying any applicable vehicle
If you are targeted by a ranged attack, the vehicle proficiency. A weave maneuver gives you a bonus of
provides half cover, increasing your AC by +2, likewise 2 to your AC and gives your pursuer disadvantage
for anyone you target inside a vehicle. Make an attack on their next ability check to chase you, or lets you
and damage roll as normal, as described in Making An avoid incoming damage from an obstacle. You don’t
Attack (p.17). gain any distance using this maneuver. If you fail the
check, you lose control of your vehicle.
VEHICLES IN A CHASE Sideswipe: If you there is no distance between you
and the vehicle you’re chasing, you can attempt to
A chase should take a number of rounds based on sideswipe a vehicle or other target to deal damage
distance between the parties and the comparison in to it or to cause another driver to lose control of
top speeds. If the speed of the persuer is double that their vehicle. Make a Dexterity check, applying
of the pursued, then the chase is usually over in one your vehicle proficiency if it applies. If you win the
round. If the pursued has double the maximum speed contest, you deal Sideswipe damage equal to the
or their persuer, they have advantage on their rolls. size of the vehicle (p.11) and the target’s driver must
Chases are structured like combat, with rounds and make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or lose control
turns, with each round representing a portion of time of their vehicle.
where pilots jostle for position while crew members Ram: You can attempt a full collision with the target
assist them, or take actions of their own. If the vehicles vehicle in order to damage it significantly or bring
only has one crew position, for the driver, then you it to a stop. Make a Wisdom check, applying your
only have to worry about the contest of the chase, but vehicle proficiency if it applies. If you win the contest
if the crew can make attacks, navigate, or otherwise and close the distance completely, your vehicle both
benefit the chase they each need to take an action too, deals and takes Ram damage equal to the size of
during each round. If there are multiple characters in the ramming vehicle (p.11). Both drivers must make
each vehicle’s crew positions, make an Initiative roll to a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or their vehicle
establish an Initiative order. comes to a stop - and if the stop is abrupt enough,
like a head-on collision, then deal damage to every
crew member and passenger in both vehicles as
described in Falling Damage From a Vehicle.

12 Part 1 | Rules
L os i n g c o ntr o l o f th e veh i c le Hacking attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
If you lose control of your vehicle, for any reason, your Intelligence modifier.
your ability checks to control the vehicle have When you use a hacking tool to make an attack, you
disadvantage, until you succeed a DC 15 Dexterity do not add your Intelligence modifier to the damage.
check. By succeeding your ability check, you regain
control of the vehicle and make ability checks as
normal. You can lose control of your vehicle by either
being the target of a successful attack or maneuver, or There are several types of hacking tool, each with a
by rolling a 1 on a driving check. specific function.
Brute-Force Attack: A brute-force tool attacks

HACKING a password firewall, attempting to break it by

submitting all possible password combinations
until it finds the right one. This is done either by
Hacking allows you to infiltrate, edit, and manipulate
submitting all possible character combinations or
targeted operating systems, allowing you to access
using a dictionary attack where common words
the data contained on a device or server. From there
are submitted. Brute-force attacks target password
you can do a number of things to change or even
firewalls exclusively, and require you to make a
delete the applications and data stored on the device.
hacking attack.
Hacking pr o fi c i en c i es Keylogger: A keylogger records the input of a
keyboard to the device it is installed on. Using
When you are hacking, you add your proficiency
this information, a hacker could bypass password
bonus from the Infotech skill, or if you’re using a
firewalls by inputting the correct password, or
hacking tool you can add your proficiency bonus if you
gather intelligence typed into the computer by its
are proficient with hacking tools.
Rootkit: A rootkit is a software package that, once
OPERATING SYSTEM installed, can access areas of an operating system
Each device’s core management is done by an that is usually off limits.
operating system—a piece of software that interfaces Scanner: A scanner is a type of tool that looks for and
between the programs installed on the OS and the identifies particular software, including firewalls,
device’s hardware. so that you can effectively deploy and install other
Each operating system has its own integrity and
vulnerabilities. Every OS has an armor class (AC) Spyware: Spyware monitors and transmits data
representing its inherent security features, and hit from a target device, without the system or user’s
points (HP) that represent how much damage it can knowledge. It can track users’ internet movements,
endure before it is rendered corrupt and unusable. application use, and other pertinent system data.

D elivery
Operating System Each hacking tool will have a delivery method, a way
in which the tool is installed or interacts with the
OS Level Armour Class Hit Points targeted system.
Manual: The hacking tool is installed by the hacker in
1st 11 5 (1d8+1) person, using its operating system.
2nd 12 12 (2d8+4) Download: The hacking tool is downloaded or
opened by a third party user, using the targeted
3rd 15 18 (3d8+6)
system. Hacking tools such as this often appear as
4th 17 30 (4d8+12) something legitimate like an e-mail attachment,
software update, or download from a website.
5th 21 38 (5d8+15) Getting a user to download a hacking tool this way
may either involve a Charisma (Deception) check,
or may involve the target making a Wisdom saving
A tta c k i n g s o ftwa r e throw to try and see through the ploy.
When a hacking tool allows you to make a Hacking Remote: The hacking tool isn’t installed on a target
attack against a firewall, OS, or other piece of operating system, but instead communicates and
software, you make an attack as if you would attacking interacts with it remotely via an internet connection,
a character or object, but instead of using Strength or or local network connection, while installed on the
Dexterity, you use your hacking ability, which is based hacker’s own device.
on your Intelligence score.

Part 1 | Rules
Most agents can use a computer as per its intended
user experience, but it takes a real hacker to
manipulate an operating system’s core programming.
Every agent can engage in the basic hacking actions A combat encounter is a more structured part of the
below, while only Hacker class agents can do game, broken down into turns and rounds. During
everything. each round every character in the encounter gets a
turn to act, taking a fixed number of actions. These
Basic h a c k i n g a cti o n s actions include attacking an enemy, moving around
access: Enter an operating system to use its the encounter area, hacking computers, climbing over
applications, or break through a password cover, and more.
protected log in. DC varies. 1. Determine Surprise - The game master determines
Install: You can install software onto computer whether the agents have been spotted, or currently
systems that can facilitate an operation you want to have surprise over their enemy, choosing the
complete or complete tasks within the system on infiltration phase or the initiative phase.
your behalf. The base DC is 5, modified depending
on the complexity of the software you are installing, 2. Establish Positions - the game master determines
the operating system, or any firewalls present. the starting positions of the agents, and the enemy
Delete: You can remove, or uninstall, software from
a system with relative ease, so long as you have
the permissions to do so. With a base DC of 10, the I n fi ltr ati o n ph a s e
test may be modified due to not having the right 3. Agents Take Turns - The players then take turns, in
permissions, or the test may only be attempted once any order they wish, completing actions with their
the GM agrees you have the necessary permission. agents, until all the player characters have finished
their turns.
H a c k er a cti o n s
Attack: Some programs allow you to attack systems 4. Enemy NPCs Take Turns - The game master then
or firewalls, against their AC and hit points. All takes actions with the NPCs present, either moving
hacking attacks deal coding damage. You can make them around the area of operation in their regular
a hacking attack manually, a successful attack deals routine or making skill checks.
1d4 coding damage.
5. Repeat Steps 3 & 4 - Player agents take turns, then
Encrypt: Encryption is the scrambling of data by using all NPCs. If a player agent is detected by an enemy
an algorithm that turns plaintext into ciphertext. NPC, all player agents left to act take their turn
So long as you have the encryption algorithm you before moving to step 6.
can decrypt the information. When encrypting
information, you choose a DC to test against, and
if you pass your Intelligence (Infotech) test the DC I n iti ative ph a s e
becomes the DC to decrypt the data. 6. Roll Initiative - Everyone involved in the combat
Decrypt: Decrypting data involves unscrambling encounter rolls initiative, determining the order of
information from is ciphertext state into its normal combatants’ turns.
plaintext format. If you have the encryption 7. Take Turns - All characters act in initiative order,
algorithm the DC is 0 and a roll is not required, moving and taking actions.
however if you do not have the algorithm then the
DC varies based on the complexity of the cypher. 8. Begin the Next Round - When everyone involved in
Modify: You can rewrite software in order to change the combat has had a turn, the round ends. Repeat
its function within an operating system. Doing so step 7 until the fighting stops.
may also alter the function, or disable other pieces
of software. The base DC is 15, modified depending
on the complexity of the software and how many SURPRISE AND DETECTION
other pieces of software use it within the operating If the agents have successfully infiltrated the area of
system, as well as any firewalls present. operation without the enemy becoming aware of their
Disable: You can disable software, stopping it from presence, then the players have surprise over the
functioning entirely, either by sabotaging its code guards or enemy agents within the area of operation,
or switching it off manually. The base DC is 15 and and begin the infiltration phase.
is modified depending on the complexity of the If some of the agents are hidden from the enemy, but
software, or any firewalls present, and whether the others are detected, the first round in the initiative
GM agrees you have the necessary permission. phase is a surprise round. In these situations, any
character that hasn’t noticed a threat is surprised and
doesn’t take a turn in the first round of combat.
Once the surprise round is over, a new round begins,
and all characters can act normally.

14 Part 1 | Rules
I n fi ltr ati o n in the Actions in Combat section, while other class
During the first few turns of combat, enemy NPCs abilities may grant you additional options or unique
may be unaware of the agents’ presence. If all player actions.
characters are hidden at the beginning of combat, The Movement and Positioning section describes
they all take their turns, moving and taking actions in detail the rules for moving around an area of
as normal in any order they wish, taking their turn, operation.
moving and completing all their actions before
handing over to another player character, until all the You can always decide to forego your turn, let another
player characters have taken a turn. Then, the NPCs player go first, or even delay your turn using the Ready
take turns moving along their regular patrol routes action.
and taking any actions that are part of their routine.
Should a player character agent be detected by an B o n us a cti o n s
enemy NPC, the remaining player characters yet Various class features or special abilities allow agents
to take a turn in this round each take a turn, before to take bonus actions during their turn. These bonus
rolling for initiative. actions have limiting circumstances that describe
when these bonus actions are granted and can be
used. Otherwise, agents that have these abilities do
Line of Sight not have a bonus action and are still limited to a move
People do not have 360 degree vision, and as such and take an action as described above.
it may be possible to sneak up on them, or around Only one bonus action can be granted in a single turn,
guards’ patrol routes. It is always the GM’s discretion meaning an agent can accomplish a maximum of two
when you need to make a Dexterity (Stealth) check, actions in their turn. If two different class features
for example if you move from a quiet footing onto a would grant a bonus action each, the player must
loud surface, or are caught in an enemy’s peripheral choose which class feature to apply and which bonus
vision, but the direction an enemy is facing is an action to take.
important consideration when infiltrating a location.
Any time a rule deprives you from taking actions,
bonus actions are also lost.

INITIATIVE O th er a ctivity
Initiative determines the order of turns in the combat. During actions or moving, you may also include other
If, during the infiltration phase, you are detected by activities that don’t require much effort. Agents may
the enemy, the remaining agents left to act take a turn, communicate short instructions to each other, raise
then all participants in the combat make a Dexterity or draw a weapon, open a door loudly or operate a
check to determine their place in the Initiative order. simple keypad.
The GM makes one roll for each type of identical NPC,
If you want to interact with a second object in the area
so each member of a group acts at the same time.
of operation, you must take an action to do so. More
The GM ranks the combatants in order from the one complex objects, like using a computer or picking a
with the highest Dexterity check total to the lowest. lock always require an action, as does anything that
This is the order they act during each round. If a tie requires an ability check to accomplish. It is always
occurs, the GM can have the tied characters each roll a the game master’s discretion as to what interactions
d20, highest going first, or can choose to let the player require an action to undertake.
characters go first.
R e a cti o n s
S u r pr i s e round A reaction is an action taken outside of your
If the combat starts with the initiative phase, any turn, when a particular circumstance triggers the
character that doesn’t notice a threat is surprised at reaction. Class abilities, combat actions and other
the start of the initiative phase. If you’re surprised, you circumstances provide reactions. An opportunity
can’t move or take an action on your first turn of the attack is the most common form of reaction, allowing
combat, known as a surprise round, and you can’t the reactive character to make an attack action against
take a reaction until that round ends. A member of a an opponent leaving their melee reach (5ft).
group can be surprised even if the other members
When you take a reaction, you can’t take another
aren’t. Once all characters who were aware of the
until the beginning of your next turn. If the reaction
threat have taken their turns, the next round begins
interrupts a character’s turn then they continue either
and all characters take turns in Initiative order.
moving or taking their action, if they are still able.


Each turn an agent can move up to their speed in
In combat movement and positioning are important
feet and take one action. Players can always decide
for staying hidden, reaching the objective, or flanking
whether to move first, or take their action first and
an opponent.
move after. The most common actions are described

Part 1 | Rules
During you turn, your agent can move up to their M ovi n g A r o u n d O th ers
movement speed, given in feet. You may move any You can move through non-hostile characters’
distance up to your modified speed, and may choose spaces, however you cannot move through spaces
to stop at any point. Movement can include jumping, occupied by enemies. You may never end your move
climbing, crawling, swimming, comprising the whole in the same space as another character. If you leave
of the move or part of it. an enemy’s reach during your move you provoke an
You can break up your movement on your turn, using opportunity attack.
some of your speed before and after your action. For
example, if you have a speed of 30 feet, you can move
10 feet, take your action, and then move 20 feet.
Agents and vehicles have a size, based on the size
M ovi n g b etween atta c ks categories below. Their size represents the space
they take up around them, not necessarily their exact
If you take an action that includes more than one
weapon attack, you can break up your movement
even further by moving between those attacks. For A character’s space is the area in feet that they
example, a Soldier who can make two attacks with the effectively control in combat, not an expression of
Extra Attack feature and who has a speed of 30 feet their physical dimensions. An agent’s space is 5 ft, but
could move 10 feet, make an attack, move 20 feet, and they aren’t 5 ft wide. If an enemy stands in a 5-foot-
then attack again. wide doorway, other agents can’t get through unless
the enemy lets them. A space also reflects the area
D i ffi c u lt ter r a i n an agent needs to fight effectively. For that reason,
It’s rare that wetwork takes place on a perfectly even there’s a limit to the number of combatants that can
surface or out the way of hazardous terrain features. surround another in combat. Eight combatants can
Every foot of movement in difficult terrain costs fit around 1 other combatant, in the eight spaces
1 additional foot. This rule is true even if multiple surrounding the central 5ft space.
sources of difficult terrain are present in a space.
S q u eezi n g i nto s pa c es
Agents can squeeze into small spaces down to half
Size their normal space — so agents can squeeze through
gaps down to 2.5ft wide. Each foot of movement
Size Space Squares Example while squeezing costs 1 additional foot of movement,
and attacks rolls and Dexterity saving throws have
Tiny 2.5ft x 2.5 ft 1x1 Aerial disadvantage while in a small space. Melee attack rolls
Drone have advantage against targets that are squeezed.
Small 5 ft x 5 ft 1x1 Cat
Medium 5 ft x 5 ft 1x1 Person ACTIONS IN COMBAT
Large 10 ft x 10 ft 2x2 Car When you take your action on your turn, you can take
one of the actions presented here, an action you
Huge 15 ft x 15 ft 3x3 APC gained from your class or special feature, or an action
Gargantuan 20 ft x 20 ft 4x4 Tank that you can improvise. When you describe an action
not detailed elsewhere in the rules, the GM tells you
whether that action is possible and what kind of roll
you need to make, if any, to determine success or
B ei n g pr o n e failure.
Combatants often find themselves lying on the
ground, to steady a shot, or get behind low cover, or A tta c k
because they are knocked down. If this is the case, The most common combat action is to make a melee
they are prone, a condition described below: or ranged attack. See Making an Attack.
§§ A prone character’s only movement option is to crawl,
unless they stand up, ending the condition. C o ntr o l veh i c le
§§ The character has disadvantage on melee attack rolls.
You move a vehicle up to its speed expressed in feet,
§§ A melee attack roll against the character has
advantage, while ranged attacks against the character or move up to double the vehicle’s speed if in your
have disadvantage. previous turn you moved the vehicle.

You can drop prone without using any of your speed. Dash
Standing up takes more effort; doing so costs an
By taking the Dash action, you can move up to double
amount of movement equal to half your speed. To
your speed this turn, after applying any modifiers.
move while you are prone, you must crawl. Each foot
With a speed of 30 feet, for example, you can Dash
of movement costs 1 additional foot. So, moving while
up to 60 feet. Any increase or decrease to your speed
prone and on difficult terrain, costs 3 ft for every 1 ft
changes this additional movement by the same

16 Part 1 | Rules
amount. If your speed of 30 feet is reduced to 15 feet, S ec o n d wi n d
for instance, you can move up to 30 feet this turn if you As an action, you can spend 1 hit die to heal hit points.
Dash. Roll your hit die and add your Constitution modifier,
If you take the Dash action while hidden, you are healing a number of hit points equal to the result.
detected, and guards may investigate your position, Spent hit dice from this action count toward your
or attack you in their turn. spent hit dice total, until you complete a long rest.

D es i g n ate a ta r g et Use a n o bj ect

When you mark a target that you can see, you make You normally interact with an object while moving,
an attack using a close air support or fire support such as drawing a weapon or opening a door. When
gadget’s weapon. Designating a target requires an an object requires an action, you take the Use an
action, and line of sight at any range, although this Object action. This may be because the object
does not count as an Attack action. requires more concentrated or complex operation,
such as a computer, or the game master may decide
D i s en g a g e you have interacted with too many objects to be
justified alongside your move action.
If you take the disengage action, your movement
doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks until the end of
your next turn.
Dodge Whether you’re striking with a melee weapon, firing a
Until the start of your next turn, attacks made against gun, or making an attack roll from a gadget, an attack
your are at disadvantage, and you may make Dexterity has a simple structure.
saving throws with advantage. You lose this benefit if
1. Choose a target - Pick a target within your
you are incapacitated or your speed drops to 0.
weapon’s range: an enemy agent, object, or
H elp
You can assist another agent in the completion of a 2. Determine modifiers - The GM determines
task. When you take a Help action, the agent you aid whether the target has cover and whether you have
gains advantage on the next ability check or Melee advantage or disadvantage against the target. In
attack they make to perform the task you are helping addition, special abilities and other effects can
with, providing they attempt the check before the apply penalties or bonuses to your attack.
beginning of your next turn.
3. Resolve the attack - You make the attack roll. On a
Hide hit, you roll damage, unless the attack has specific
rules otherwise. Some attacks cause effects in
You attempt to hide, making a Dexterity (Stealth) addition to, or instead of, damage.
check while you are obscured from sight. If successful,
guards will no longer target you but will search your
last known location in order to attack you again. ATTACK ROLLS
R e a dy When you make an attack, your attack roll determines
whether the attack hits or misses. To make an attack
When you Ready an action on your turn, you can act roll, roll a d20 and add the appropriate modifiers. If
using your reaction before the start of your next turn. the total of the roll plus modifiers equals or exceeds
First, you decide the trigger to your reaction. Then, the target’s Armor Class (AC), the attack hits. The AC
you choose the action you will take in response. When of a target is determined by their Dexterity modifier
the trigger occurs, you may instead choose to, as a and armor they are wearing.
reaction, move your speed. When the trigger occurs
you can either decide to take your reaction or ignore
it. You can only take one reaction per round. MODIFIERS
When you make an attack roll, the two most common
R elo a d modifiers to the roll are the ability modifier and the
If you have made a number of attacks with a ranged agent’s proficiency bonus. When an enemy makes an
weapon equal to its “Reload (attacks)” value, you must attack roll, they use whatever modifier is in their stat
spend an action reloading that weapon before it can block.
be fired again.
A b i lity m o d i fi er
Search The ability modifier used for melee weapon attacks
You devote your action to searching for an object. is Strength, and the ability modifier used for ranged
Depending on the nature of your search, the game attacks is Dexterity. Weapons that have the finesse or
master may ask you to make a Wisdom (Perception) thrown property break this rule, as described in the
check. Weapons section (p.6).

Part 1 | Rules
P r o fi c i en cy b o n us Designating a Target
You add your proficiency bonus to your attack roll When you mark a target that you can see, you make
when you attack using a weapon with which you have an attack using a close air support or fire support
proficiency. gadget’s weapon. Designating a target requires an
action, and line of sight at any range, although this
A dva nta g e does not count as an Attack action.
While having advantage isn’t a modifier, it allows you
to roll two d20s and take the better result. R a n g ed atta c ks i n c los e c o m b at
Aiming a ranged attack is more difficult when a foe is
ROLLING 1 OR20 next to you. When you make a ranged attack with a
ranged weapon, you have disadvantage on the attack
Sometimes even a rookie can hit a target, or a veteran roll if you are within reach of an enemy who can see
can miss. If the d20 roll for an attack is a 20, the attack you and who isn’t incapacitated.
hits regardless of any modifiers or the target’s AC. This
is called a critical hit. If the d20 roll for an attack is a Equally, if you target an enemy who occupies the
1, the attack misses regardless of any modifiers or the space next to you with a ranged attack, instead of a
target’s AC. This is called a critical miss. melee attack, you have disadvantage on the attack
roll. Firearms that are used to make melee attacks
count as improvised melee weapons.
Combatants often try to escape their foes’ notice by Firing with two g u n s
concealing themselves in a camouflaged position. If you wield two firearms with the light property, you
When you attack a target that you can’t see, you have can choose which gun to make a ranged attack with.
disadvantage on the attack roll. This is true whether You may use a bonus action to attack with the other
you’re guessing the target’s position or firing at a light firearm in your other hand, but you do not add
target you can hear but not see. If the target isn’t in your proficiency bonus or Dexterity modifier to the
the space you targeted, you automatically miss, but bonus attack.
the GM may inform you that the attack missed—not
that the target is not in the space you targeted. When
an enemy can’t see you, you have advantage on your
attack roll against it. If you are hidden—both unseen Melee attacks allow you to physically strike an
and unheard—when you make an attack, you give away opponent within reach, and several unarmed
your location, whether the attack hits or misses. techniques and melee weapons have been developed
since prehistoric times in order to incapacitate or kill
RANGED ATTACKS an opponent.
Agents have a 5ft reach, unaided, and can therefore
Ranged combat involves the firing of small arms—
attack enemies in the space next to them when
pistols, submachine guns, rifles—and throwing
making a melee attack.
grenades. As the most common form of combat
between two opposing sides it’s important to Instead of using a weapon to make a melee attack,
understand its fundamental mechanics. you can use an unarmed strike: a punch, kick,
head-butt, or similar forceful blow (none of which
Li n e o f s i g ht count as weapons). On a hit, an unarmed strike deals
Line of sight is the term used to describe the bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + your Strength
imaginary line that can be drawn between the origin modifier. You are always proficient with your unarmed
of the attack and its target. If you can draw this line strikes.
uninterrupted from your weapon to your target, you
can make a ranged attack against them. O ppo rtu n ity atta c ks
You can make an opportunity attack when an enemy
Range combatant moves out of your reach—more than 5
You can only make ranged attacks against targets feet away. To make the opportunity attack, you use
within a specified range. If a ranged attack has a single your reaction to make one melee attack against the
range, you can’t attack a target beyond this range. provoking enemy. The attack occurs right before the
Some ranged attacks, such as those made with a enemy leaves your reach. You can avoid provoking an
firearm, have two ranges, a long range and a short opportunity attack by taking the Disengage action.
range. Your attack roll has disadvantage when your You also don’t provoke an opportunity attack when
target is beyond short range, and you can’t attack a moving to an adjacent space within an opponent’s
target beyond the long range. reach, or when someone or something moves you
without using your movement, action, or reaction. For
example, you don’t provoke an opportunity attack if
an explosion hurls you out of an enemy’s reach or if
gravity causes you to fall out of an enemy’s reach.

18 Part 1 | Rules
T wo we a po n fi g hti n g
When you take the Attack action and attack with a
light melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand,
you can use a bonus action to attack with a different
light melee weapon that you’re holding in your off
hand. You don’t add your ability modifier to the
damage of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is
negative. If either weapon has the thrown property,
you can throw the weapon, instead of making a melee
attack with it.

G r a ppli n g a n d r estr a i n i n g
When you want to grab an opponent and wrestle
them, you can use the Attack action to make a special
melee attack, a grapple. If you’re able to make
multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack
replaces one of them. The target of your grapple must
be within your reach. Using one free hand, you try to
seize the target by making a grapple check instead of
an attack roll: a Strength (Athletics) check contested
by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to
If you succeed, you grab hold of the opponent and
they are subject to the grappled condition. The
condition specifies the things that end it, and you
can release the target whenever you like (no action
against their passive Strength -5 (as if they had
If you use both hands to attempt the grapple, and disadvantage). If you succeed, you are considered
you succeed, you grab hold of the opponent and to have silenced them temporarily, by covering their
they are subject to the restrained condition. The mouth. If you do so, they will not alert their allies.
restraint condition ends if anything that would end a The normal grappling and restraint rules still apply.
grapple come into play, and you can release the target Escaping a Grapple: A grappled oppnent can use
whenever you like (no action required). their action to try and escape. To do so, they
must succeed a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
Condition: Grappled (Acrobatics) check contested by your Strength
(Athletics) check.
A grappled person’s speed becomes 0, and they
cannot benefit from any bonus to their speed.
Condition: Restrained
The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated
A restrained person’s speed becomes 0, and they
(see p.23).
cannot benefit from any bonus to their speed.
The condition also ends if an effect removes the
Attack rolls against the restrained person have
grappled person from the reach of the grappler or
advantage, while the restrained person’s attack rolls
grappling effect, such as a fall or the person being
have disadvantage.
hurled away by an explosion.
The restrained person has disadvantage on
Dexterity saving throws.
If you have restrained an enemy you are holding you
can attempt to take a weapon they are holding. As an
action, you must succeed a Strength (Athletics) check M ovi n g a g r a ppled o ppo n ent
contested by their Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity When you move, you can drag a grappled opponent
(Acrobatics). This is not an attack, and as per the with you, but movement while holding an opponent
restrained condition, advantage or disadvantage is costs 1 extra foot per foot moved, in addition to
not automatically applied. Whether or not this action any other difficult terrain. You may only move with a
succeeds, you release your opponent. grappled opponent if you are standing or crouching.
Grappling While Hidden: While infiltrating an area,
it may be pertinent to grab a guard or enemy S h ovi n g a n o ppo n ent
agent while sneaking. If are hidden and grapple an Using the Attack action, you can make a special melee
opponent, you make a Strength (Athletics) check attack to shove an opponent either to knock them
prone or push it away from you. If you’re able to make

Part 1 | Rules
multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack
replaces one of them. The target must be within your
reach. Instead of making an attack roll, you make a
Injuries are a constant threat to operatives out in the
Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s field, be that from bullet wounds, animal bites, or blunt
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check force trauma. Even death is a risk during wet work,
(the target chooses the ability to use). If you win the and there is rarely a chance to recover an ally if an
contest, you either knock the target prone or push operation goes wrong.
them 5 feet away from you.

COVER Hit points (HP) represent physical endurance,
stamina, and mental conditioning. They are used in
Cover is a vital part of small arms tactics, providing
combat to determine how much fortitude an agent
additional protection from incoming enemy fire and
has to incoming attacks. Agents with more hit points
also providing a tactical advantage to teams of agents
are more difficult to kill or neutralize, while those with
who wish to avoid being flanked. Walls, furniture,
fewer hit points are easier to take out.
trees, dugouts, pillboxes and shoothouses can all help
provide cover. Your current hit points can be any number from your
maximum to 0. This number changes throughout
There are three degrees of cover. If a target is behind
combat, as you take damage or catch your breath.
multiple sources of cover, only the most protective
degree of cover applies—the degrees aren’t added Whenever you take damage you subtract hit points
together. from your current total. Losing hit points has no effect
on your capabilities in combat, until you drop to 0 HP.
A target with half cover has a +2 bonus to AC and
Dexterity saving throws. A target has half cover if an
obstacle blocks at least half its body. The obstacle DAMAGE ROLLS
might be a low wall, large piece of furniture, a
Whenever you successfully attack a target, in melee or
sandbag wall, or another person.
at range, you roll the damage dice, add any modifiers,
A target with three-quarters cover has a +5 bonus to and reduce your target’s hit points by the result.
AC and Dexterity saving throws. A target has three- Certain weapons or ammunition may grant a bonus to
quarters cover if about three-quarters of it is covered the damage. Some penalties to the damage roll may
by an obstacle. The obstacle might be the wall apply, bringing the damage down to a minimum of 0.
surrounding a window, a thick tree trunk, or a concrete
When attacking with a weapon, you add your ability
tank trap.
modifier to the damage roll—normally the same
A target with total cover can’t be directly targeted by modifier you applied to the attack roll. If a weapon
an attack, though some attacks can reach the target if targets more than one person at the same time, roll
they have an area of effect. A target has total cover if it damage once and apply that result to each target.
is completely obscured by an obstacle.
C r iti c a l h its
S ta n c e When you score a critical hit, by rolling a 20 on your
It’s possible to increase the degree of cover provided attack die, you get to roll extra dice for the attack’s
by an object by altering your stance. As part of your damage. Roll all of the attack’s damage dice twice and
move, you can alter your stance to take advantage add them all together, then add any relevant modifiers
of cover, such as crouching behind boxes, or going as normal. You only add modifiers once you’ve totalled
prone behind a dirt mound. the damage roll.
For example, the normal damage for a pistol is 1d10
AREAS OF EFFECT + Dexterity modifier. If a critical hit is scored on
an attack using that pistol, roll 2d10 and add your
Weapons with blast or other special properties, and
Dexterity modifier. If the attack involves other damage
some gadgets, cover an area that allows them to affect
dice, from certain class features, roll these dice twice
multiple targets at once.
as well.
The weapon’s description specifies its area of effect,
typically measured in a radius of feet from its point
of origin—a location from which the weapon or effect
is centered. For an explosion it might be the point of Different attacks deal different types of damage.
impact, or for a gadget it might be the gadget itself. Certain equipment may apply a modifier to a damage
type, or make the target immune from it altogether.
An area of effect expands in a straight line from its
These damage types have no rules of their own, but
origin in all directions. To benefit from cover against
damage resistances rely on these categories.
an area of effect, you must have total cover.

20 Part 1 | Rules
Acid: Corrosive substances deal acid damage.
Bludgeoning: Blunt force attacks, such as hammers,
truncheons, unarmed attacks, and landing from a
fall, deal bludgeoning damage.
Cold: Snow storms, exposure to freezing
temperatures, and technology that rapidly cools the
body deal cold damage.
Electrical: Any weapon that uses an electrical charge
causes electrical damage.
Fire: Fire, and any object or weapon that uses a flame
as its source, deals fire damage.
Force: Whenever an explosive is detonated it causes
force damage from the shockwave it creates.
Piercing: Bullets, the thrust of knives, or wild animal
bites all inflict piercing damage.
Radiation: Weapons that are in some way radioactive,
or radioactive environments, cause radiation
Slashing: Axes, machetes and other edged weapons
deal slashing damage.
Toxic: Chemical weapons or nerve agents that attack
the internal organs cause toxic damage.

Damage r es i sta n c e , i m m u n iti es a n d HEALING

vu ln er a b i liti es Unless it results in death, damage isn’t permanent.
Human targets aren’t especially resistant or vulnerable Rest can restore an agent’s hit points, and medical
to any type of damage, though mechanical or substances can heal some damage in an instant. In
electronic targets, or different animals, may have addition, you can take the Second Wind action to
their own resistances or vulnerabilities. Protective spend a hit die to heal hit points during combat.
equipment, like riot shields, or ballistic armor may When an agent receives healing of any kind, hit points
provide the wearer with damage resistances. are recovered and added to their current total. An
§§ If an object or piece of equipment has resistance to agent’s hit points cannot be increased above their
a damage type, that damage type is halved against it, maximum hit points, so any hit points left over from
rounding up. healing are lost.
§§ If an object or agent has a vulnerability against a If an agent has died, they cannot regain hit points until
damage type, that damage type is doubled against it, life saving first aid has succeeded.
rounding down.
§§ If equipment or an object is immune to a damage type, DROPPING TO 0 HIT POINTS
it takes no damage from the attack.
When you drop to 0 hit points, you fall unconscious
§§ Resistances or vulnerabilities that affect the same
and are dying.
damage type are only applied once, even if the
damage has multiple types and the target is resistant
or vulnerable to more than one of them. For example,
F a lli n g u n c o n s c i o us
if an agent has protective gear making them resistant If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you fall
to piercing and radioactive damage, the damage of an unconscious. This unconsciousness ends if you regain
irradiated bullet is only reduced by half, not by three- any hit points.
Condition: Unconscious
If a target would be vulnerable to a damage type,
but has some equipment giving them resistance to An unconscious person is incapacitated (see p.23),
the same damage type, then damage is rolled and they can’t move or speak, and is unaware of their
applied as normal. surroundings.
If an attack has two damage types, such as They drop whatever they are holding, and fall prone.
bludgeoning and electrical, equipment that provides They automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving
an immunity to one of these damage types but not the throws.
other does not provide an immunity to the incoming Attack rolls against them have advantage.
damage, and the damage is rolled and applied as Any attack that hits the person is a critical hit if the
normal. attacker is within 5 feet of them.

Part 1 | Rules
You can use your action to administer first aid to an
unconscious agent in an attempt to stabilize them.
This requires a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine)
A stable agent doesn’t make death saving throws,
even though they have 0 hit points, but does remain
unconscious. The agent stops being stable if they
take any damage, and must start making death saving
throws again. Death saving throw totals are reset
to zero when an agent is stabilized. A stable agent
regains consciousness after 1d4 hours, with 1 hit

Th e en emy a n d d e ath
Most game masters have an enemy operative die
when their hit points drop to 0, rather than have
them fall unconscious and make death saving throws.
Important villains or ranking non-player characters are
I n sta nt d e ath common exceptions, and the GM might have them
A massive amount of damage can kill you instantly. fall unconscious instead, following the same rules as
When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there player characters.
is damage remaining, you die if that remaining
damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum. Knocking s o m eo n e o ut
For example, an agent with 12 maximum hit points
Sometimes an attacker wants to incapacitate a foe,
currently has 6 hit points. If they take 18 damage from
rather than deal a killing blow. When an attacker
an attack, they are reduced to 0 hit points. There are
reduces an enemy to 0 hit points with a melee attack,
12 points of damage remaining, which equals their
the attacker can knock them out instead.
maximum hit points, and so the agent would die
immediately. The attacker can make this choice the instant the
damage is applied. The enemy falls unconscious and
is stable.
D e ath s avi n g th r ows
Whenever you start your turn, and you have 0 hit
points, you must make a death saving throw to TEMPORARY HIT POINTS
determine whether your injuries worsen or you are Some equipment or class features confer temporary
stable. Unlike other saving throws, this one isn’t tied to hit points to an agent. Temporary hit points aren’t
any ability score. actual hit points—they are a buffer against damage, a
Roll a d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, you succeed. pool of hit points that protect you from injury.
Otherwise, you fail. A success or failure has no effect When you have temporary hit points and take
itself. On the third success, you become stable. On damage, the temporary hit points are lost first, and
your third failure, you die. The successes and failures any leftover damage carries over and is applied to
do not have to be consecutive—keep track of both your current hit points. For example, if you have 5
until you roll three of a kind. The number of successes temporary hit points, and take 7 damage, you lose the
and failures is reset to zero when you regain any hit temporary hit points and then take 2 damage.
points or become stable by some other means.
Because temporary hit points are separate from
Rolling 1 or 20. When you make a death saving throw your actual hit points, they can exceed your hit point
and roll a 1 on the d20, it counts as two failures. If you maximum. A character can, therefore, have hit points
roll a 20 on the d20, you regain 1 hit point and are at their maximum total and receive temporary hit
conscious again. points.
Damage at 0 hit points. If you take any damage while Healing can’t restore temporary hit points, and they
you have 0 hit points, you suffer a death saving throw can’t be added together. If you have temporary hit
failure immediately. If the damage is from a critical hit, points and then receive more from another source you
you suffer two failures instead. If the damage equals must decide whether to keep the current temporary
or exceeds your hit point maximum, you suffer instant hit points or gain the new ones. For example, if a
death. medical substance grants you 12 temporary hit points,
when you already have 10 temporary hit points, you
S ta b i lizi n g a n a g ent must choose between 10 or 12, you cannot have 22.
The best way to save an agent with 0 hit points is to If you have 0 hit points, temporary hit points do not
heal them. If healing is unavailable, you can at least restore you to consciousness or stabilize you, but they
stabilize them so they aren’t killed by a failed death still protect you from damage.
saving throw.

22 Part 1 | Rules
Unless the equipment or feature has a duration Pron e
(normally a number of turns), they last until they are §§ A prone character’s only movement option is to crawl,
depleted or you finish a long rest. unless they stand up, ending the condition.
§§ The prone character has disadvantage on melee attack

§§ A melee attack roll against the character has
Conditions alter an character’s capabilities in a variety advantage, while range attacks against the character
of different ways. Most conditions, such as blinded, have disadvantage.
are impairments, but a few can be advantageous.
A condition lasts either until it’s countered by an
R estr a i n ed
action or its duration has expired. §§ A restrained person’s speed becomes 0, and they
cannot benefit from any bonus to their speed.
If multiple effects impose the same condition, each §§ Attack rolls against the restrained person have
instance of the condition has its own duration, but the advantage, while the restrained person’s attack rolls
condition’s effect doesn’t get worse. You either have a have disadvantage.
condition or don’t. §§ The restrained person has disadvantage on Dexterity
saving throws.
B li n d ed S tu n n ed
§§ A blinded character can’t see and automatically fails §§ A stunned character is incapacitated, can’t move, and
any ability check that requires sight. can only speak falteringly.
§§ The character automatically fails Strength and
§§ Attack rolls against the character have advantage, and
Dexterity saving throws.
the character’s attack rolls have disadvantage. §§ Attack rolls against the target have advantage.
D e a fen ed U n c o n c i o us
§§ A deafened character can’t hear and automatically fails §§ An unconscious character is incapacitated, can’t move
any ability check that requires hearing. or speak, and is unaware of their surroundings.
§§ They immediately drop any objects they are holding
F r i g hten ed and fall prone.
§§ A frightened character has disadvantage on ability §§ They automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving
checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is
§§ Attack rolls against the character have advantage.
within line of sight. §§ Any attack within 5 feet that hits the character is a
§§ Characters can’t willingly move closer to their source of critical hit.

G r a ppled EXHAUSTION
§§ A grappled person’s speed becomes 0, and they Survival considerations, like dehydration and
cannot benefit from any bonus to their speed. starvation, sleep deprivation, or the lasting effects
§§ The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated. of hypothermia or hyperthermia can lead to levels of
§§ The condition also ends if an effect removes the exhaustion. Each effect gives a character 1 level of
grappled person from the reach of the grappler or exhaustion, with more effects or further exposure to
grappling effect, such as a fall or the person being an effect increase levels of exhaustion.
hurled away by an explosion.
If an already exhausted character suffers from
I n c a pa c itated another effect, their current level of exhaustion
§§ An incapacitated character can’t take actions or increases. A character suffers the effect of its current
reactions. level of exhaustion as well as all lower levels.
P a r a lyzed Actions, such as eating, drinking, or sleeping, that
§§ A paralyzed character is incapacitated (see above) and remove exhaustion reduce its level as specified or
can’t move or speak. determined by the game master.
§§ They automatically fail any Strength and Dexterity
saving throws.
§§ Attack rolls against the character have advantage.
§§ Any attack made within 5 feet thats hits the character is
Level Effect
a critical hit.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
P o i s o n ed 2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving
§§ A poisoned character has disadvantage on attack rolls throws
and ability checks.
4 Hit point maximum halved
5 Speed reduced to 0
6 Death

Part 1 | Rules
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Tectonic Shift Flo

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always have a veto and should be comfortable playing
that character.
Tectonic Shift is a three-act adventure for The Spy
Game, engaging players in a story of espionage, §§ What’s their gender? Do the players know? Are they
even a person at all?
stealth, car chases, and explosive sabotage! The game §§ How do they get in contact? Are they always available,
is designed so that you can run it for a group of two or do they hand out the missions and then cease
to six 3rd-level player characters to try out the game contact? Dow

and enjoy a taste of the covert world it offers! If you’re §§ What is their codename?
reading this it's likely you are the game master for the
group, who’ll be running this adventure, acting as the This adventure will assume the agency the player
spies’ handler and playing all the bad guys! characters are working for is a mercenary organization
You’ll need to have a Bgood idea of how the that’s been hired by the Japanese Ministry of Defense
rules outlined in Part 1 work, as well as have an to investigate Jijin and her shady company, but if you
understanding of the plot described below—take want you can decide to work for a real intelligence
or before your first gaming session to read
some time agency, like Japan’s Public Security Intelligence
o n d
both of this quickstart. When you’re ready, Agency (kōanchōsa-chō), the United States’ CIA
Sec assemble your players and let them decide which of (Central Intelligence Agency), or the United Kingdom’s
the characters in the back of this quickstart they would Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). If you want, ask the
like to play. group who their agency is, and what their overall
goals are, to add a little more to their characters and
Wh o i s ‘ c o ntr o l ’?
The handler for this mission is you—a non-player §§ What is the agency's name?
character that you roleplay as, that has contact with §§ Where do they operate?
§§ How and who do they recruit?
the player characters and helps them with their
§§ What are the agency's goals?
mission. Ask the group to define who that is, and how
they keep in touch. If you’re stuck, use some or all of
the questions below to decide who their handler is.
Remember you’ll be playing this character, so you

24 Part 2 | Mission
This section is for the handler only, to give you an
idea of the plot points and where the story is going.
Don’t read it to your players or you’ll spoil it!

Tectonic Shift is a spy story where the safety of the

entire Japanese island chain is at stake, as Jijin—a
megalomaniac businesswoman—conspires to agitate
the Japanese Median Tectonic Line and cause a
volcanic eruption on a remote Japanese island, all so
her profiteering dirty power industry can smeer green
power generation as a dangerous and ill-prepared
option in the eyes of the Japanese government.
At the beginning of this adventure, the agency
doesn’t have much to go on. They’ve been told about
an exchange of data going on in the Grand Minato
Hotel casino, in downtown Tokyo. The information
has been passed to the agency via a whistleblower,
whose identity has been kept anonymous by the
Japanese authorities. The agents’ first objective is to
get more intelligence on the threat, by identifying the
drop’s contact, and getting a trace on them. If they’re
particularly lucky they could even get the dead drop
item itself—a microchip embedded in a ¥50000 (yen)
casino chip containing magma analysis for an island
off the Japanese coast. The agents have one identity The only information we have on his contact is a
to follow, that of Dr. David Andreou, a seismologist codename: Jijin. We believe they are a threat, and
with the earthquake research institute at the University the information is potentially dangerous. You must
of Tokyo. The only other information they have is that find and gather intel on Jijin’s identity, track their
Andreou will meet with someone called “Jijin”. location, and if possible secure the data.
The exchange will take place in the Grand Minato
Jijin will “win” the chip from Andreou, then make Hotel casino. The agency doesn’t want any trouble
her way to Tokyo bay where a boat is waiting for her. in Tokyo, so violence inside the casino itself is
Returning to her facility on the island of Hachijō-jima, not sanctioned. Outside the casino building or in
she’ll use the data to launch her mining drone that the street is allowed if absolutely necessary, but
has an explosive payload big enough to destabilize the agency will frown on it and will not lend aid if
the volcano on the island, which she’ll use to lobby alarms are raised or the police called. This is about
the Japanese government away from the growing infiltration and espionage, not run-and-gun battles
green energy initiatives so her vested interests in in the streets.
ailing “dirty” energy production can profit. She sees
the 7000 deaths this will cause as nothing other than a Show the group the intelligence file on Dr. Andreou
price she is more than willing to pay. and the casino. The intel tells them:
§§ Dr. Andreou’s identity and description.
BRIEFING §§ The layout and details of the casino.
Read or deliver this briefing to your agents. This is It does not tell them:
your chance to set the tone, by delivering the briefing
§§ Anything about Jijin.
in character as the handler. Take a moment to frame
§§ How the research data will be delivered.
the scene, whether that's in a briefing room, via
remote conference call, or via a message en route to Th e g a d g et pa c k
the casino.
In The Spy Game, players get an opportunity to
Welcome agents. We've been informed by a requisition equipment and gadgets from available
whistleblower from the University of Tokyo gadget slots or a budget before a mission, in addition
that Dr. David Andreou, a seismologist with the to whatever equipment their class gives them. For
earthquake research institute at the university, the purposes of this quickstart, we've given you a
is providing a private contact with the institute’s pick of appropriate gadgets that will help overcome
research. We've identified Andreou, and have a the obstacles in the mission. More equipment
file on him here. and gadgets will become available as the mission

Part 2 | Mission
The requisitioned equipment is as follows, and is Casinos in Japan
reproduced at the back of the quickstart for the
It was only in July 2018 that Japanese legislators
players’ reference.
approved a bill to allow casinos within the country,
Luxury Hotel, three-night stay: Each player is and the Grand Minato Hotel represents what might
given an alias as a guest inside the hotel for the happen should their integration become more
night before, the night of, and the night after, the commonplace. Within the act, the Japanese Diet
exchange (Friday to Sunday). That gives the agents approved a ¥4000 entrance fee to citizens visiting,
time to prepare for their mission on the Saturday. as well as a restrictions on the number of visits
As part of their stay, a ¥1000 chip package is per month, so most gamblers at the hotel’s casino
complimentary, for gambling on the casino floor. are tourists staying there who aren’t restricted
Sedan Car: The agents are given the use of a 4-door in this way. As part of their stay at the hotel, a
sedan for getting around town if needs be. It’s up to complementary ¥1000 is provided for our spies to
them where it’s parked. play at the casino if they wish.
Attache Case, Surveillance: This leather briefcase
contains cover identities for everyone, one pair of S pec i a l g u ests
binoculars, a contact microphone, ¥30000 in cash, As guests at the hotel, players can spend a bit of time
and a single GPS tracking device. preparing for their infiltration of the casino before the
Civilian Uniforms: One set of 6 outfits, as chosen and exchange takes place.
defined by the player agents. A civilian uniform is Read aloud, or paraphrase:
one worn by any professional that doesn’t belong to
an emergency service, such as chef whites, security You all arrive on Friday evening, booking into your
guard uniforms, press jackets, service uniforms, plush rooms on the 7th floor. You all have aliases
even just simple high visibility garments. for the weekend, and you're perfectly incognito as
Babel Earphone: This covert earbud can translate tourists, businesspeople, or whatever you decide.
foreign languages in real time. When you are You have around 24 hours before Jijin and Dr.
wearing the babel earbud you can understand Andreou are due to meet, and it's been a long
any language as if you know it, and can speak any flight.
language by reciting the earpiece instructions. Any weapons, equipment, or gadgets have been
Radios, Covert Earpieces: This tiny earbud sits in the checked in inside your luggage and so you all have
ear like one of a pair of earphones, but is wireless full access to your gear inside your rooms. You
and colored nude to the wearer so it is not easily have 24 hours to case the casino and put plans
visible. in place, but doing anything that might blow
your cover is going to jeopardize your chance to
witness the exchange on Saturday night.
What would you like to do?
Act 1: The Exchange S ec u r ity m e a s u r es
The casino provides the usual civilian security
THE GRAND MINATO HOTEL procedures for unruly customers and anyone trying to
The casino inside the Grand Minato Hotel is split steal chips from back of house, or cheat at its tables.
over its first and second floors—the lobby leads into Bouncers: There are civilian security 24/7 in the
the main gambling floor straight ahead, while off to casino, as the gambling hall and bars are open all
the right of the lobby another entrance leads to the day. There is one bouncer in position at each door
downstairs bar. The bar loops round and joins the and staircase, as well as two walking the gambling
gambling floor on the south side, where the cage floor. They’re dressed in black suits, with a black
is and where staff gain access to the back-of-house collarless shirt.
areas. The second floor has a mezzanine balcony CCTV: The hotel employs a standard closed circuit
overlooking the gambling floor and leads to guest television surveillance system, that records video of
rooms and more lobbies, while an upstairs bar serves the gambling floor, bars, balcony, counting room,
guests directly above the first floor bar. night safe, security room, and loading bay. It's
The back of house area hugs the gambling floor on monitored live, and there's no remote access, so
the south and east sides, with a counting room and hacking into the system must be done from inside
a night vault behind the cage on the south side, and the security room. Each gambling table also has
staff facilities and security offices on the east side, its own camera, to spot cheating and clear up any
leading to a loading bay. arguments over results.
The hotel is twelve stories tall, with rooms from the Key cards: Every staff member in the casino is given
third floor up. a key card that allows them entry into the back
of house areas. They work using radio-frequency
identification (RFID), so staff just have to touch their
key cards on the panels next to a door to unlock

26 Part 2 | Mission
it. Doors from the gambling floor to the back of
house areas all have a key card lock. As soon as CASINO STAFF
the door closes it locks again, and each key card is Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
personalized so security know who unlocked the Armor Class 10
doors. Not all key cards open all the doors—only Hit Points 5 (1d8)
management staff get access to everything. Speed 30 ft.


The staff inside the hotel are regular workers, 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
contracted bouncers, hospitality staff and
housekeeping. Skill Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +3
Senses passive Perception 13
The Pit Bosses: Each group of tables (called a "pit") Language Japanese, English
is overseen by a couple of supervisors and a
manager—the "pit boss". Each supervisor can access ACTIONS
the cashier’s cage, while the pit boss’s key card can Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5ft.,
access the cage and the night safe. one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.
Bouncers: The bouncers can’t access the cashier’s
cage, but they can freely access the security office Back o f h o us e
and camera servers.
The back of house areas contain a couple of locations
that could benefit the player’s surveillance operation.
CASINO BOUNCER Security Office: The security office contains the CCTV
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) servers and at any one time contains a supervising
Armor Class 14 (undercover vest) pit boss and two bouncers monitoring video feeds.
Hit Points 17 (2d12+4) Getting access to this, even temporarily, could allow
Speed 30 ft. the agents to intercept CCTV imagery by planting
bugs or monitoring software.
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) Loading Bay: The loading bay usually has 1 to 2
croupiers and hospitality staff smoking out the
Skills Perception +3, Insight +2, Intimidation +2,
back while on their break, allowing the agents an
Senses passive Perception 13 insecure point of entry to the back of house areas by
Languages Japanese, English. impersonating a member of temporary staff.

Vigilance. Bouncers add +2 bonus to their Dexterity check

when rolling for Initiative inside the casino.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage.

Hospitality: The hospitality staff focus on serving

drinks in the bars, where the hotel provides table
service, but they can also bring drinks over to any
table on the gambling floor. There are temporary
staff on almost every night from an employment
agency, and the uniform isn't difficult to replicate
— a simple white shirt with a thin black tie, and
black smart-casual trousers and shoes. Temporary
staff aren’t given any clearance, so they need to
be let through to the back corridor for access to
the lockers, toilets, and showers by a permanent
member of staff or a bouncer. Hospitality staff only
have access to the non-sensitive back of house
areas mentioned, but most staff smoke so they are
constantly heading out to the loading bay.
Croupiers: Each croupier works one hour, maximum,
before taking a 20-minute break to keep attention
levels up while adjudicating their table. If they
smoke, their break is usually out in the loading bay,
where security is a lot more relaxed.

Part 2 | Mission
J ij i n ’ s pla n
Jijin’s plan is to win the counterfeit chip that contains
the data, at blackjack. That hand will contain the Challenge 1 (200 XP)
¥50000 (yen) chip that has the microchip baked into it. Armor Class 12 (Suit/padded clothing)
Andreou is providing the counterfeit chip by secreting Hit Points 30 (4d12+4)
it in a complimentary tray of casino chips bought for Speed 30 ft.
him as part of his stay. He’ll lose a high-stakes hand at
the same table Jijin’s party is playing, who will then try STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and win it and walk out with it. It’s as easy as that. 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

If the players don't get involved here's how things will Skills Athletics +5, Deception +2, Perception +4,
go down: Intimidation +2
§§ Jijin and her decoy start at the upper bar. She is Senses passive Perception 14
disguised as her own bodyguard. In her place, her Languages Korean, Japanese
decoy is drinking on the balcony playing the role of a
Fake. Jijin’s second in command is masquerading as her to
‘high roller’.
throw off any suspicions. He is dressed as a wealthy busi-
§§ Andreou enters the casino by the front door, and then nessman, with Jijin as his bodyguard. His passive Dexterity
nervously waits around in the ground-floor bar, clearly (Stealth) is 11, while his passive Charisma (Deception) is 12.
anxious about his involvement with the exchange.
§§ Jijin and her party take up position at the closest ACTIONS
blackjack table to the cashier’s cage.
§§ After one drink, perfectly on time for 7pm, Andreou Multiattack. Jijin’s decoy makes two unarmed strike attacks.
will then go to the cashier’s cage and hand in the Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
voucher he’s had on his person, receive a tray of chips, one target. Hit: 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
and on his way to Jijin’s blackjack table secrete his Pistol, Light. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 40/160
¥50000 forgery with the microchip into the stack of ft, Hit: 7 (1d8+2) piercing damage.
¥50000 chips.
§§ He’ll sit opposite Jijin’s party and play some hands to
get comfortable. Then, he’ll begin to bet more and Going lo u d
more, purposefully losing, eventually losing the chip If any violence is started before the chip has been
with the data on it. handed off, Jijin and her guard will go to wherever the
§§ Jijin’s decoy, directed by her secretly, will then bet chip is, and attempt to grab it in the confusion before
more aggressively to win the chip—and do so. running and gunning to the entrance of the hotel to
§§ Jijin and her decoy will then take the chip outside
escape in their sports car.
where they parked a sports car. Jijin gets in the driver’s
seat, and heads for Tokyo harbor.
S pyi n g o n d r . a n d r eo u
For a full bio on Dr. Andreou, look at the hand out
JIJIN at the back of the quickstart, and use it to give the
Challenge 1 (200 XP) agents intel about him at the beginning of the mission.
Everything they could know about him is contained
Armor Class 14 (undercover vest)
Hit Points 38
Speed 30 ft. Andreou is very nervous about what's going to
happen, but he's being handsomely paid by Jijin. He's
been bought a casino package by Jijin as payment, so
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
that the money Andreou receives from the cashier is
legitimate and untraceable—basically laundered. She
Skills Deception +5, Infotech +6, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
buys him the package; he cashes the chips, and no
Senses passive Perception 11
one can trace the transaction.
Languages Korean, Japanese, English.
When Andreou enters the casino he's visibly nervous
Disguised. Jijin is disguised as a bodyguard. Her passive Cha- to anyone who makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check,
risma (Deception) is 15.
and carries the fake casino chip with him, as well as a
Authority. Jijin has advantage on saving throws against being
frightened or intimidated. voucher for a tray of chips.
The first place he heads is to the downstairs bar for a
ACTIONS drink to settle his nerves. While he sits at the bar, he
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5ft., can't help but nervously fiddle with the fake ¥50000
one target. Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage. chip from time to time, and any agent can get a good
Pistol, Light. Ranged Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, range 40/160 look at the chip if they are near him and make a DC 10
ft, Hit: 7 (1d8+2) piercing damage. Wisdom (Perception) check, while a failure tells them
Hacker Reaction. As a reaction Jijin can attempt an Intel- he's fiddling with something they can't make out.
ligence (Infotech) check in an attempt to stop a hack on her
systems, so long as she knows the attempt is being made and
she has access to a device on the network within reach.

28 Part 2 | Mission
covert operatives. Depending on the players’ actions,
DR. ANDREOU this could lead Jijin to decide to go loud (see Going
Challenge 1/8 (20xp) Loud opposite) at your discretion.
Armor class 10 (suit)
Hit Points 9 (2d8) Heading fo r th e exc h a n g e
Speed 30ft. About ten minutes to 7pm, Jijin and her decoy
make their way downstairs and take their place at
the blackjack table. Jijin stands behind her decoy,
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) directing his gameplay with subtle touches to his back,
with simple “stick, hit, double down” commands.
Skills Infotech +4
Senses passive Perception 11 The two of them settle into this arrangement at the
Languages English, French. table, testing out their signals. Detecting these signals
is a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) or (Perception) check—a
ACTIONS successful Wisdom (Insight) check would tell someone
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5ft., that the gamblers’ decisions are not his own, while a
one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage. successful Wisdom (Perception) check would show
someone the subtle tapping the “bodyguard” is
S ec r eti n g th e c h i p administering to her principal.
When you're ready, or 7pm comes around, read aloud
or paraphrase:
At th e b la c kj a c k ta b le
Once 7pm hits, Dr. Andreou makes his way to the
After constantly checking his watch, and finishing blackjack table. Describe the following to the agents
his vodka tonic, Andreou gets up from the bar. observing:
He heads over to the cashier and claims his tray
of chips, using a driving license as ID. He gets At the table, Dr. Andreou takes a seat opposite
handed a tray of chips, a quick glance from afar a high roller in a grey suit and with a bodyguard.
lets you see it's a large amount. There’s a white American couple—a man and
a woman—at the table too, playing loudly and
As he makes his way over to the blackjack tables,
having fun. The stoic, female croupier eyes them
just before he reaches the pit, he stumbles and
all without comment and just deals the cards.
almost drops his chips. He glances around, and
sets them right, before steadying himself and As a few rounds go by, people are winning and losing
sitting down at the nearest table. without much going on. Dr. Andreou suddenly begins
betting more money with every hand.
Now ask anyone running surveillance on him to make
a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. If they succeed, Once a few more high stake hands have been played,
they spot Andreou putting in another ¥50000 chip— read the following aloud to describe the exchange:
the counterfeit—and now the stacks are very slightly
uneven. Dr. Andreou stakes his stack of ¥50000
chips—¥250000 in total—to the pot against the
dealer. In his hand, he’s dealt a King and a 3, while
S pyi n g o n j ij i n
the dealer’s face up card shows a 7. Andreou plays
Jijin is disguised as a bodyguard. Her decoy looks too recklessly, and hits on a 19 and goes bust on a
completely different, but this is on purpose—her stunt 29. The dealer cleans up with a 20—out matching
double presents as a ‘high roller’ businessman, while everyone else at the table.
Jijin can pay close attention to the exchange.
In the next hand, the high roller with the
Her decoy is dressed in a designer grey suit, while bodyguard tries his luck and surprisingly plays
Jijin as the bodyguard wears a simple black suit with quite aggressively, betting ¥150000, and is able to
an undercover vest. She is Korean, tall, with black hair stand on a 19.
that’s been pulled back into a tight bun.
If the players are involved in the game, tell them: You
Both Jijin and her decoy arrive about an hour before are dealt a 9 and a 6, totalling 15. How would you like
the exchange, in a red sports car, which they park to play?
directly outside the front of the hotel. They make their
way through lobby security without issue. Inside, they The next cards are a 2, a 3, and a Queen. If they hold
first make their way to the upstairs bar, where her at 20 (with the 2 and 3) they beat the dealer, who will
decoy drinks fruit juices and Jijin takes some water hand the chip to them first, if they’ve bet enough,
while playing the role of bodyguard. She'll be vigilant making them a target for Jijin!
for anyone trying to make them, so use her passive If the players aren’t involved in the game: The dealer
Wisdom (Perception) score of 11 as the difficulty of hits on a 17, and goes bust with a 5—totaling 22. She
any Charisma (Deception) or Dexterity (Stealth) checks hands ¥150000 in ¥50000 chips to the high roller.
around her. If the agents fail these checks they can
probably still do what they want, but Jijin becomes Jijin has the chip!
suspicious of them and will eventually make them as

Part 2 | Mission
How to Play Blackjack in a Casino §§ Each contest that Jijin wins gains her 15 feet, while
each contest the players’ win gains them only 5 feet
The aim of blackjack is to make a hand of cards that because of the difference in speed.
will beat the dealer’s total. You win if you have a
hand that exceeds the dealer’s total or by not going Rounds i n th e c h a s e
over 21 if the dealer does. Each player at the table is Each round in the chase, the drivers make an ability
only playing against the dealer—not each other. check based on their chosen maneuver, applying their
relevant ability modifier and proficiency with cars if
Before cards are dealt to each player, they must all
they have it. At the top of the round describe how the
put in a minimum bet. Cards are dealt face up, while
contested roll has changed the chase, and how the
the dealer deals themselves one card face up and
road is any different based on the distance travelled.
another face down. Each player, in turn, either “hits”
for another card or “stands” to keep their total. If you
beat the dealer without going “bust” (over 21), you L e avi n g m i n ato
win! The casino is on the corner of a busy downtown
avenue, with two lanes each way. Jijin heads south,
with the red and white Tokyo tower in the rear
A q u i c k ex it view mirror. Downtown evening traffic clogs up
If Jijin and her decoy win the chip, they stop playing the intersections giving drivers a difficult choice of
and go to cash out. Before her decoy makes his where to maneuver—staying on the road will mean
way to the cashier to cash out, he’ll hand Jijin the their Proceed maneuver has disadvantage while the
microchipped counterfeit. Once they’ve cashed out Weave maneuver let's them straddle the sidewalk and
they’ll head straight for the red sports car parked skip any red lights in their way. Jijin Weaves, and it's
directly outside and leave for Tokyo harbor. unlikely any distance is gained by anyone this round.

J ij i n b r e a k i n g c over R a i n b ow bridge
Should a player agent end up with the chip, Jijin and Heading further south towards the shoreline, Jijin
her decoy will try to steal the chip back. First, she will merges onto the spiralling onramp to the Rainbow
order her decoy—who is much stronger—to covertly suspension bridge lit in beautiful colors against the
recover the chip, via intimidation, bribery, or thievery. Tokyo night. A barrier divides the opposite side of
You can stage a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) contest the road, with two lanes that allow both drivers to
as the decoy tries to grab the chip, or a Charisma slip past other vehicles. Speeding across the bridge,
(Intimidation) contest if you want her decoy to try and suspended over Tokyo Bay, this is the chance to gain
impose threats on the player agent to give up the chip. ground and is a cool location—spend two rounds here
seeing if either party gain ground. If the player agents
Their attempts will get more desperate, up to the
are being obvious in their pursuit, Jijin’s decoy (if
point of both of them attacking the player agent who
present) will begin firing on the players’ vehicle to try
they suspect has this chip. They'll start with unarmed
and slow them down.
strikes and grappling, before moving on to using their
concealed pistols, and flee as soon as they have the
chip. I nto to kyo h a r b o r
As the two cars pull into one of Tokyo’s freight and
shipping areas, the narrow lanes of the bridge make
Act 2: The Pursuit way for big intersections with soft verges bordering
offices and warehouses. Spend a round navigating the
Following Jijin into the Tokyo streets isn’t a necessity, larger roads entering the harbor, and then a second
but if the player agents haven’t got any means to round narrowing the scope of the chase as the roads
identify Jijin, track her location, or they desperately turn into single lanes divided by barriers. With less
want the chip, they can pursue Jijin as she and her room to maneuver, drivers will need to be careful
decoy rush to Tokyo harbor. not to lose control of their vehicle, or crash into any
obstacles—hitting any of these causes falling damage
This is a chase scene, with a definite advantage to Jijin
based on the vehicle's speed.
in her sports car. The players could either try to follow
her discreetly or they could be chasing her after she
stole the chip back. T o kyo h a r b o r — fi n a l d esti n ati o n
Jijin skids into a wide car park entrance: Tokyo harbor
Depending on when you feel it’s appropriate, Jijin will car park, where a large amount of freight enters and
begin to run from the agents—or any car she thinks is leaves the capital. The car park provides the finale
following her, in fact. If there’s no doubt she’s being of the chase, and a last chance to get good enough
followed she’ll begin to drive without any regard for intel on the chip. Once Jijin and her decoy reach the
the law. dockside, they ditch the sports car for a speedboat,
To begin the chase scene: and sail out at top speed into Tokyo Bay.
§§ Establish the lead Jijin has, in feet, based on the Without any way to pursue Jijin from here, the agency
starting position of the cars. had better hope that their operatives have enough
intelligence to identify their target.

30 Part 2 | Mission
Jijin is Killed: By killing Jijin, the agents have most
SPORTS CAR likely failed the mission because they won’t be able
Large vehicle to learn where she goes, even though they may
Armor Class 15
glean a little about her plan. If you don’t want to stop
Hit Points 33 (6d10) here, you could start an eruption on Hachijō-jima
Damage Threshold 5 island—maybe one of her subordinates has triggered
Resistances - her plan anyway, in a much more improvised way.
Speed 40 ft / 60 mph That way, the agents have to go onto the island with
Crew Positions Driver, Passenger (1) lava jeopardizing their infiltration!
Cargo Capacity 2400 lb.
Perception Lights (bright light 40 ft.) IDENTIFYING JIJIN
SEDAN Let Them Do the Work!
Large vehicle If the Hacker is being played, you can make this
Armor Class 14 scene more involved for the players by getting them
Hit Points 36 (8d10) to dig out the intelligence for themselves, asking
Damage Threshold 5 them to make Intelligence (Espionage) or (Infotech)
Resistances - checks to use the intel they’ve gathered to form a
Speed 25 ft / 50 mph profile of the pair in the casino. If they do so, then
Crew Positions Driver, Passenger (4) use the information below to answer their questions
Cargo Capacity 1550 lb. or provide them with information from their ability
Perception Lights (bright light 40 ft.) checks.

Ending th e c h a s e Either by getting enough intelligence during the

What happens if Jijin gets away? What happens if exchange, or following Jijin to Tokyo harbor and
the agents’ car explodes? There are a few options for seeing her boat leave the bay, the handler (your NPC)
resolving this scene, so it’s worth describing a few will be in touch to get some information on the two
scenarios. people who took—or tried to take—the chip.

Jijin Gets Away: If Jijin gets away, from the agents Th e d ec oy : c h o n g s u n g - h o o n

then imagine how long it would take her to reach
If the agents focused on Jijin’s decoy, then your
the harbor and drive the speedboat out into the
handler will deliver that intelligence to them first.
bay. If the agents miss all opportunities to get closer
intel, they’ll have to report back to your NPC handler Read or paraphrase:
with the information they’ve got. If they don’t have
The male target is a long-term security detail,
any surveillance that would identify Jijin and her
contracted out from the South Korean private
decoy then, unfortunately, they’ve failed. If they
security firm Korea Secure Protection Services. His
do, and you don’t want to wrap up there, then you
name is Chŏng Sung-hoon, 35, a father with three
can always invent some new intel coming in to get
children living in Busan, on the south-east coast of
them to Hachijō-jima island (either Andreou turned
South Korea.
himself in, or maybe the Japanese authorities can
give them the intel). His current contract is with Advanced Geothermics
as personal security, he’s been there about four
Jijin is Caught and Stopped: It’s not the agents’
months on this current term, and has a history of
objective to capture Jijin—the agency or the
several six-month contracts in the last few years
Japanese Intelligence don’t have enough
before this permanent contract in the current
information on what Jijin’s up to. If they apprehend
her, they’ve acted against orders. However, if you
don’t want to stop here then Jijin could confess to Digging around online doesn’t find much else—
her plan, and the agents are tasked with securing Chŏng’s social media accounts were deleted a couple
her facility. Run the final act, but instead of the of months ago, but all online evidence points to a
jeopardy of the mining drone being prepared, the family man with a specialist private security job. What
agents have to sneak in, take out the guards, secure is important to conclude is he is not Jijin, based on the
the information in her computer network and take fact he’s contracted security.
over the facility.
Jijin’s Car is Destroyed: Provided Jijin survives her J ij i n : ku yu -j i n
car being wrecked, she could make it to the harbor Her real name is Ku Yu-jin; she is Korean, tall, with
on foot or even steal a car to get there. Again, by black shoulder length hair. She is a very intelligent and
stopping Jijin like this the agents are acting out and practical individual who has established Advanced
could fail the mission. Geothermics as a leading sustainable energy institute
on the Korean peninsula. Her intentions are malicious,
however, as seen in the data on the counterfeit chip.

Part 2 | Mission
Read or paraphrase: When you’re ready, read or paraphrase:
The accompanying bodyguard at the casino, We’ve tracked Jijin’s boat to the island of
though, we’ve managed to trace via a link to Hachijō-jima, and the agency’s threat assessment
Chŏng’s employment with Advanced Geothermics. dictates a simple but risky mission: infiltrate the
She is Ku Yu-jin, founder and CEO of Advanced research facility on the island, held by Advanced
Geothermics and the person we believe to be Geothermics, and investigate their real operation
“Jijin”. A quick google has revealed Jijin translates there.
from Korean to “earthquake”, which I can only Depending on what you find, we may need to
assume to be quite foreboding. act fast—you are authorized to use any means
Ku Yu-jin is a energy industry mogul, with necessary to disable the facility should you
business interests in several areas—including coal discover a threat and are able to act on it.
and gas—but has recently taken an interest in Good luck.
greener initiatives, exploring geothermal power
generation. Th e r es e a r c h fa c i lity
Advanced Geothermics’ closest secure facility is The research facility is located on the island of
on the island of Hachijō-jima, roughly 200 miles Hachijō-jima, one of the Izu islands off the southern
from your current location. coast of Japan. It is a humid, subtropical island with a
town of around 7,000 inhabitants in the shadow of a
Th e d ata c h i p volcano—Nishi-yama.
The data chip contains data on the analysis of several
The facility is based around several buildings as seen
volcanic rock samples Advanced Geothermics
on the map. The office building, the mining lab, and
delivered to Andreou to determine the pressure at
the generator.
which it was formed. By giving Jijin this data, Andreou
will be able to tell her how far to release an explosive Read or paraphrase the following:
payload to destabilize the Japanese fault lines and
The Advanced Geothermics facility is surrounded
threaten the island of Hachijō-jima with devastation.
by a wire chain fence, and consists of three large
buildings. In the center of the complex looks to be
ACT 3: THE INFILTRATION an office block, with all but the reception lights
turned off tonight. On the western side there is
N ew o bj ective : i n fi ltr ate th e r es e a r c h fa c i lity a generator building—an industrial shed with a
Jijin has been busy, instigating Project Archon, a large steam chimney next to it. On the east side
secret mission to detonate an explosive device below there’s another building, larger than the industrial
the island of Hachijō-jima, a Japanese island in the shed but with similar architecture.
Indonesian ocean. She's doing this to politically A single security guard with a single torch patrols
sabotage the green power industry and make her own the perimeter of the generator building, as heavy
company's dirty industries the only “safe” alternative. rain comes down all around you. You can try to
bend the fence at any point, or you can try to
On the surface the research facility held under the
sneak in the main driveway entrance.
Advanced Geothermics company is focused on
harnessing geothermal energy, but based on the What would you like to do?
gathered intel their noble exterior is just a front.
Jijin has developed a subterranean mining drone that
can deliver an incredibly powerful explosion deep
into the crust, destabilizing the plate beneath Hachijo, GUARD
wrecking the town and its island. Inside the mining lab
section of the complex, her scientists and engineers Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
have been probing and drilling for the last few Armor Class 14 (stab vest)
months, ready for Andreou’s work to give them the Hit Points 9 (1d12+2)
missing piece of the puzzle. Deep below the facility Speed 30 ft.
and the the volcano it clings to like a tic, they have
opened a deep borehole into the magma chamber—
ready at any moment to set Jijin’s plans in motion. 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

They’ve also built her an explosive mining drone that Skills Perception +3

will complete an independant excavation once at the Senses passive Perception 13
bottom of the borehole. This will cause a massive Languages Japanese
explosion as it detonates, creating a shockwave that
will cause Nishi-yama to erupt and tear the island in ACTIONS
two, destroying much of the island’s infrastructure, Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
and even her facility—but she doesn’t care, she’s got one target. Hit: 3 bludgeoning damage.
boats ready and waiting to whisk her and her scientists Taser. Ranged Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, range 20 ft., one
away. target. Hit: 4 (1d6) damage.

32 Part 2 | Mission
I n fi ltr ati n g th e fa c i lity station workers and researchers. The power station
If the agents get close enough to a guard’s patrol employees know nothing about the drilling and
route, you may want to use the Infiltration Phase rules research going on, while the research team are under
for combat encounters to create a turn order where strict instruction to keep their work secret. If the
all the players each take a turn, followed by your player agents snoop around offices then only give
non-player characters (NPCs). This means if they’re them information pertaining to the generator and the
detected because of where they move or by failing Advanced Geothermics public business.
a Dexterity (Stealth) check, they can at least get a
surprise round in before guards engage them in What Can Be Done Here?
combat. • Hacking the receptionist's computer can
It’s all the more pertinent to use these rules inside the give players access to the employee-facing
mining lab, because there are lots of guards patrolling information, like the layout of the facility.
and any unfortunate step could alert them to the • Use the CCTV monitors at reception to remotely
player agents. view the generator building and the outside
areas of the whole facility.
Th e o ffi c e b u i ld i n gs
Located in the center of the complex, the office Th e g en er ato r
building is clean and orderly. Used by the civilian
workers of the geothermal plant, the first floor has a The actual generator is comprised of a main
reception, at which a security guard sits for the night warehouse that contains the generators and the large
with CCTV, two toilets behind, a general storage cooling tower.
room, and a conference room. The second floor Access is restricted to employees only, and is secured
contains administrative offices for the staff of the by an old swipe-card system. Civilian security keep
geothermal plant. an eye on the generator shed at night using the CCTV
Both the reception and the offices only have system at reception, and occasionally patrol around
information on the generator building, and the the outside of the building.
legitimate Advanced Geothermics business here
on the island. The non-security employees here
fall into one of two categories in this facility—power

Part 2 | Mission
Security will be cautious but civil in their approach. What Can Be Done Here?
They'll investigate and question people rather than
• Disabling the mining drone and exiting the
start a fight immediately, and even if attacked they'll
facility will complete the mission. This can
attempt to restrain and subdue rather than kill.
be done by dismantling it, hacking mission
If things go really bad for the security guards they'll control, or powering down the facility (see The
call the local police for help — unknown to them, Generator).
they'll be reinforced by Jijin’s private security team,
equipped with submachine guns.
Dismantling the drone takes time and a successful
What Can Be Done Here? DC 15 Intelligence (Mechanics) check to complete. If
in combat, it’ll take 5 rounds to complete (at roughly
• Destroying the generator stops the power to
6 seconds each). It’s mid-level bomb-defusing, as
the whole facility, including the mining lab’s
the agents must disarm the payload and dismantle
operation, but it also cuts the power to the
enough of the drone’s drilling mechanisms to stop its
whole island. It can be hacked or physically
Hacking Mission Control takes more effort, but is
Th e m i n i n g la b an alternative to getting dangerously close to the
explosive drone. Jijin’s system can be hacked from
From here, Jijin just needs to input the correct any terminal inside the mining laboratory, as they’re
trajectory and distance for her mining drone to deliver all networked (separate from the office building
its payload into Nishi-yama’s magma chamber. Doing computers). The network has two firewalls:
so will mean she can prove to the Japanese legislature
that green industries are dangerous, ravaging the §§ Password: (Trigger: Access action) Requests for
island and it’s people in the process. a password and/or username to be submitted to a
prompt, before allowing completion of the access
Read or paraphrase: action (AC 13, HP 11).
§§ Authorization Policy: (Trigger: Any hacking action
The floor of the mining lab is a large open area, after the password is cracked) Whenever any hacking
with diggers and excavation machinery used action targets the system, the hacker must succeed a
to drill deep into the magma chamber below. Intelligence (Infotech) saving throw, at disadvantage,
Hanging above the chamber is the mining drone, unless they are using a specific user account stolen
on a crane, being prepared from a mezzanine for from one of the scientific personnel. If they fail, their
its operation down into the bore hole. action is stopped (AC11, HP 5).
Overseeing the operation is a glass-fronted
mission control, complete with consoles, screens, Due to the firewalls, the Intelligence (Infotech) DC is 15
and information on the operation. to use the computer systems inside the mining lab.
Depending on how the previous parts of the mission
went, one of two things will be happening:
§§ The drone is being launched if Jijin got the data from
the counterfeit casino chip, and the agents will be too
late if they don't stop the drone.
§§ Jijin will be pushing her researchers to work out the Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
proper trajectory if the players got the chip from the
casino. It won't be perfect, and it'll take longer, but Jijin Armor Class 15 (stab vest)
wants results and will push through with an imperfect Hit Points 15 (2d12+2)
test run with the drone—a smaller disaster may still be Speed 30 ft.
enough to fit her purposes.
There are several armed guards within the mining 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0)
laboratory, concentrated around the perimeter of the
open first floor, with a couple up at mission control. Skills Athletics +3, Perception +5
They will patrol as indicated on the map. Jijin and Senses passive Perception 15
her scientists are hard at work either preparing the Languages Japanese
drone for launch, or making their own calculations in
preparation. ACTIONS
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage.
Submachine gun. Ranged Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, range
40/160 ft., one target, Hit: 9 (1d10+3) piercing damage.
Burst Fire. Ranged Weapon Attack. 10 ft. square within range,
DC15 Dexterity saving throw. Hit: 9 (1d10+3) piercing damage.

34 Part 2 | Mission
I ntelli g en c e g ath er i n g F i g ht a n d fli g ht
If the agents are doing well and want to gather more If the player agents are overt in their operation and
information on Jijin and what Advanced Geothermics try to stop Jijin by confronting her, she will be a tough
are up to, they can investigate the offices on the first fight with her private security detail. With them
floor of the mining lab, as well as hacking computers covering her, she and her scientists will try to launch
and stealing tablets in the area. the mining drone regardless.
Getting access to the data provides information on To launch the drone, Jijin and two other scientists
Project Archon. From the information available, player need to all insert and turn their keycards into the
agents can conclude a lot about Jijin’s plans and how central console in mission control. Security will give
she means to implement them. them covering fire, and Jijin will even fight off the
agents herself if she must.
If Jijin does manage to launch the drone, everyone has
What is that information…?
just three minutes to get off the island—alert klaxons
This mission describes the overall planning and sound and they will make a fighting retreat for the cars
application of Jijin’s schemes but you're free to flesh in front of the office building and race down to the
out the details based on the player's questions. That shore to scramble onto boats.
could be details of their research, the secret facility
Rushing to stop the drone being launched under fire
itself, or connections to dirty industries.
from Jijin’s personal armed security team can form a
Jijin wants to hold Japan ransom because she wants thrilling finale to the mission, and prompts heroism
to monopolise power production in the Korean and daring from the player agents as they try to foil
peninsula (and then beyond). After this disaster Jijin by hacking her system, getting their hands dirty,
she'll use the political will to remove sustainable or stopping her by force.
industries and concentrate again on older, more
environmentally damaging power production — coal,
gas, and oil.
She's got this far by creating Advanced Geothermics
in order to secretly detonate her mining drone in
the magma chamber below the island, erupting the
volcano and splitting the island. She's putting her
own greed above the lives of thousands, and feels
no guilt or responsibility at all. They are in the way of
what she wants, and she always gets what she wants.

Part 2 | Mission

Blackjack Tables
To Street

Bar Craps Tables

Roulette Tables

Loading Bay

Restrooms Room

Cage Cleaning Dry

Closet Store

Night Counting Room Bar Store Room


First Floor




To Second Floor
Floors 1+2
Second Floor
Down 1 Square = 5’

Bore Hole
Drill Unit
Metal Gangway

Barrels Mining Drone

Up Down


Dirt Pile

Mission Control

Office Office

Up Down

Store Room Administration Office

Cleaning Closet


First Floor Second Floor

The Mining Lab

Floors 1+2

1 Square = 5’
Cooling Tower


Generator Control
The Generator

1 Square = 5’

Staff Office


Restrooms Board Room


Room Office Building

1 Square = 5’
Mining Lab


Chainlink Fence

Office Building

Advanced Geothermics
1 Square = 5’
Guard Positions

Gadget Pack
Luxury Hotel, three-night stay: Each player is SEDAN
given an alias as a guest inside the hotel for the
Large vehicle
night before, the night of, and the night after,
the exchange (Friday to Sunday). That gives Armor Class 14
the agents time to prepare for their mission on Hit Points 36 (8d10)
the Saturday. As part of their stay, a ¥1000 chip Damage Threshold 5
package is complimentary, for gambling on the Resistances -
Speed 25 ft / 50 mph
casino floor.
Crew Positions Driver, Passenger (4)
Cargo Capacity 1550 lb.
Civilian Uniforms: One set of 6 outfits, as chosen Perception Lights (bright light 40 ft.)
and defined by the player agents. A civilian
uniform is one worn by any professional that Radios, Covert Earpieces: This tiny earbud sits
doesn’t belong to an emergency service, such in the ear like one of a pair of earphones, but is
as chef whites, security guard uniforms, press wireless and colored nude to the wearer so it is
jackets, service uniforms, even just simple high not easily visible.
visibility garments.

Babel Earphone: This covert earbud can translate

Attache Case, Surveillance: This leather briefcase foreign languages in real time. When you are
contains cover identities for everyone, one pair wearing the babel earbud you can understand
of binoculars, a contact microphone, ¥30000 in any language as if you know it, and can speak any
cash, and a single GPS tracking device. language by reciting the earpiece instructions.
3rd-level Master Manipulator.
The Face is the agent at the social front line, whose expertise in
misdirection enables them to confuse their enemies, beguile STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
their marks, and manipulate situations to gain an advantage. 10 14 10 12 12 16
Masters of disguise, and using their wits as a weapon, play the +0 +2 +0 +1 +1 +3
Face class if you want to wear disguises to slip past the guards,
talk your way to your target, and abuse your enemy’s trust to
meet your objectives. SAVING THROWS
ATTACKS +0 +4 +0 +1 +1 +5
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 1 Advantage
bludgeoning damage.
Garrote String. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit:
1d4+2 bludgeoning damage (finesse, special: grappling) Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Pistol, light. Ranged Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, range. 40/160 ft., 14 +2 30ft
Hit: 1d8+2 piercing damage (reload: 9 attacks, light) (Undercover Vest)
PROFICIENCIES Max Hit Points: 18 Hit Dice Total: 3d8 Death Saves:
Proficiency Modifier: +2 Melee: Simple melee weapons Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
Armor: Light armor Tools: Disguise kits, forgery kits
Ranged: Simple ranged weapons Vehicles: Cars
EQUIPMENT Passive Perception: 12 Passive Insight: 13
A light pistol, an Undercover Pack, a disguise kit, an
undercover vest and a garrote string.
Undercover Pack: Civilian uniform, a change of clothes, a
messenger bag, forged identity documents, local driving
license, notepad and pen, a burner cell phone, a covert earbud Acrobatics (Dex) +3 Mechanics (Int) +2
and personal two-way radio, and a torch. Athletics (Str) +1 Medicine (Wis) +2
Deception (Cha) +5 Perception (Wis) +2
Espionage (Int) +3 Persuasion (Cha) +5
Infiltration (Wis) +2 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +3
Infotech (Int) +2 Stealth (Dex) +3
Insight (Wis) +3 Survival (Wis) +2
Intimidation (Cha) +4 Tactics (Int) +2
Choose one or fill in the blank: Background Feature: Bilingual
You grew up speaking two languages. Select a bonus
language (included, left).
Class Feature: Cover Identities
You have a multitude of working identities, including
your own true identity, that function exactly like real
identities, with practical living conditions and official
Languages: (Choose 3): documentation. You begin with 1 cover identity, and
you decide the background for this identity, as well as
its profession and vocations. This identity functions as
if it were true, and is an almost infallible disguise.

Class Feature: Theme

You may establish a pattern of behavior in a public
Double Life:
space, known as a “theme,” in order to safely observe
I’m an aide to the __________________________ embassy
a location. Make an Infiltration check, and add your
I’m an international hostage negotiator Charisma bonus to blend into the scene and gain
Secret: intelligence about the location. Your ability check
result becomes the DC for enemy agents to discover
I know who is responsible for the assassination of
your presence.

Class Feature: Jack of All Trades

You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded
A diplomat’s work continues even while others fight
down, to any ability check you make that doesn’t
Diplomacy is the velvet glove that disguises the fist of already include your proficiency bonus.
Archetype Feature: Befriend
Bond: You can befriend a target through natural charisma,
I negotiated the freedom of and misdirection. Befriending a target takes an
______________________________ has done my dirty appropriate setting and time—the target must make
work for me. a Charisma saving throw or be lured into the false
friendship. While the target is befriended any further
Cover Identity: saving throws against you are at disadvantage, and
________________ Academic Criminal any Charisma checks against the target gain a +2
Diplomatic Government Military Sport bonus.
3rd-level Black Hat.
The Hacker is the tech expert, whose ability with information
and communication technology far surpasses normal STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
users. With their ability to manipulate digital systems, play 12 12 11 13 12 12
the Hacker class if you want to crack government security +1 +1 +0 +1 +1 +1
measures, slip in and out of operating systems undetected
and sabotage enemy infrastructure from a remote location.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 2 +1 +1 +0 +3 +1 +3
bludgeoning damage. (Advantage)
Pistol, light. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 40/160 ft., Hit:
1d8+1 piercing damage (reload: 9 attacks, light)
Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Proficiency Bonus: +2 Tools: Hacking tools and thieves
Armor: Light armor tools
Ranged: Simple ranged weapons Vehicles: Cars Max Hit Points: 14 Hit Dice Total: 3d6 Death Saves:
Melee: Simple melee weapons Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
A tablet, a light pistol, leather clothing, an investigation
pack, hacking tools (see reverse), and thieves tools.
Passive Perception: 11 Passive Insight: 11
Investigation Pack: Briefcase, dictaphone, maps, smartphone,
notepad and pen, a high-vis jacket, dust suit, clipboard,
evidence bags, vinyl gloves, torch, magnifying glass.
Acrobatics (Dex) +1 Mechanics (Int) +1
Athletics (Str) +1 Medicine (Wis) +1
Deception (Cha) +3 Perception (Wis) +1
Espionage (Int) +3 Persuasion (Cha) +1
Infiltration (Wis) +2 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +2
Infotech (Int) +3 Stealth (Dex) +1
Insight (Wis) +1 Survival (Wis) +1
Intimidation (Cha) +1 Tactics (Int) +1
Background Feature: Escape Notice Class Feature: Personal OS
Choose one or fill in the blank: During a chase, as a bonus action you can make a Hide You have a tablet containing two 1st-level hacking tools.
action, if the normal rules for hiding apply: you have Your personal operating system is a repository of hacking
concealment from all of your pursuers’ line of sight. tools you have personally developed, and can use to hack
Successfully hiding may end the scene as the pursuers move computers or install in target operating systems. It also allows
Codename: past you, or lose you altogether. you to have a number of hacking tools operating at the same
Class Feature: Hacking time, equal to your proficiency bonus.
Xiphias Your operating system is also vulnerable to attacks, with an
As a programer and skilled computer user, you have a laptop
containing hacking tools that allow you to intrude into and AC and HP that increase as your abilities increase.
manipulate operating systems and computer networks. Operating system AC: 11 Operating system HP: 15
At 1st level, you know the basic actions of any hacker, listed Class Feature: Hacking Ability
Nationality: Intelligence is your hacking ability for your hacking tools,
• Access: Enter an operating system or break through a since you code your tools through dedicated study and skill.
password protected log in. DC varies. You use your Intelligence whenever a hacking tool refers to
your hacking ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
• Encrypt: Encrypt plain-text information into cy- modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a hacking tool
Languages: (Choose 2): pher-text, making it unreadable. Choose a DC to test you install and when making an attack roll with one.
against, and if you pass your Intelligence (Infotech) test Hacking save DC: 11 Hacking attack modifier: +3
the DC becomes the DC to decrypt the data. When you make a hacking attack, you do not add your
• Decrypt: Decrypt data into readable information. If you Intelligence modifier to the damage.
have the encryption algorithm the DC is 0 and a roll is Archetype Feature: Script Kiddie
not required, however if you do not have the algorithm The cost to purchase and install level 1 hacking tools from the
then the DC varies based on the complexity of the gear list is halved.
Double Life: • Install: Install software onto a targeted operating
system. The base DC is 5, modified depending on the
I'm wanted by the government for hacking complexity of the software you are installing, the oper- DNS Attack: 1st-level Brute Force Attack. Remote delivery.
ating system, or any firewalls present. You target a device, using a combination of other devices
their restricted databases connected to a network, to make repeated data requests
• Modify: Rewrite software to alter the function, or of the target device to effectively “spam” it, making it
disable other pieces of software. The base DC is 15, inaccessible to the networks it’s connected to. Make an
Secret: modified depending on the complexity of the software Access action, if successful the target device can no longer
and how many other pieces of software use it within the be used for 1d12 minutes.
I know is still alive. operating system, as well as any firewalls present. Dave’s Tool: 1st-level Brute Force Attack. Manual delivery.
Use dictionary and incremental attacks to find a password
• Disable: Stop software from functioning entirely, either
and gain access. Make a hacking attack targeting a password
by sabotaging its code or switching it off manually. firewall, if successful deal 1d8 coding damage.
The base DC is 15 and is modified depending on the
Shellcode: 1st-level Rootkit. Manual delivery. A shellcode
complexity of the software, or any firewalls present, provides the hacker with high-privileged processes on the
Exposing the powerful is true democracy.
and whether the GM agrees you have the necessary target OS, allowing more hacking actions to be attempted on
permission. the target device such as modify, disable, or delete.
Every encryption I break I do for fun.
• Delete: Remove software from an OS. With a base DC Screen Logger: 1st-level Spyware. Manual/Remote
of 10, the test may be modified due to not having the delivery. A screen logger transmits a visual copy of the target
Bond: right permissions, or the test may only be attempted device’s display (or screen) to the hacker, letting them record
and monitor what the device shows its user.
once the GM agrees you have the necessary permis-
protects me offline, and I protect them sion. I.R.User: 2nd-level Rootkit. Manual delivery. You can
confuse a device to recognize you as a valid user of its
• Attack: Attack systems or firewalls, against their AC and operating system. Make an Install action, if successful
online. hit points. All hacking attacks deal coding damage. You you have advantage on further Install and Modify actions
can make a hacking attack manually, a successful attack targeting this device.
deals 1d4 coding damage.
3rd-level Thief.
The Infiltrator is the agile, silent soldier, striking from the
shadows and sneaking past their foes. With stealth on their STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
side, play the Infiltrator class if you want to sneak up behind 8 17 10 12 15 11
guards to take them out quietly, move silently out of sight, kill -1 +3 +0 +1 +2 +0
your enemies with the precision of an assassin.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +1 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Baton. Melee Weapon Attack. +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., -1 +5 +0 +1 +2 +2
Hit: 1d4 bludgeoning damage Advantage
Knife. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage (light, finesse, thrown (range 20/60))
Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Taser. Ranged Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, range 20 ft.,
Hit: 1d6+3 electrical damage (reload: 1 attack, light) 15 +3 30ft
(Leather Armor)
Proficiency Modifier: +2 Melee: Simple melee weapons Max Hit Points: 18 Hit Dice Total: 3d8
Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
Armor: Light and medium armor Tools: Thieves’ tools, hacking Successes:
Ranged: Simple and explosive software
ranged weapons Vehicles: Motorcycles, cars
EQUIPMENT Passive Perception: 12 Passive Insight: 12
A baton, a taser, an infiltration pack, leather armor, two
knives, and thieves’ tools
Infiltration Pack: Includes a backpack, burglary clothing, a
bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of wire, red headlamp,
a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a torch, 5 days rations, a Acrobatics (Dex) +5 Mechanics (Int) +1
lighter, and a canteen. The pack also has 50 feet of rope and Athletics (Str) -1 Medicine (Wis) +2
grappling hook strapped to the side of it.
Deception (Cha) +0 Perception (Wis) +2
Espionage (Int) +1 Persuasion (Cha) +0
Infiltration (Wis) +7 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +5
Infotech (Int) +3 Stealth (Dex) +5
Insight (Wis) +2 Survival (Wis) +2
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Tactics (Int) +1
Choose one or fill in the blank: Background Feature: Escape Notice
During a chase, as a bonus action you can make a
Hide action, as long as you are out of your pursuers’
line of sight. Successfully hiding may end the scene as
Nightshade the pursuers move past you, or lose you altogether.
Class Feature: Expertise
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
Nationality: check you make with Wisdom (Infiltration) or thieves’
Class Feature: Sneak Attack
Languages: (Choose 2): You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s
distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6
damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you
have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use
a finesse or a ranged weapon.
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another
Double Life: enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy
isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage
I’m the infamous _______________________ the: on the attack roll.
Cat Burglar Heist Planner Armed Robber Class Feature: Thieves at Work
From 2nd level, you can recognize the work of other
Car Booster
infiltrators, thieves, or master criminals. When faced
with a door or object that has been tampered with or
Secret: removed you can recognize it as the work of a thief
I know the location of the real: and gain an appreciation of their competence and
abilities. If you have previously identified the work of
Mona Lisa an individual, you can recognize more of their work
that you come across.
Class Feature: Cunning Action
Why earn things when you can take them? Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility
allow you to move and act faster. You can take the
Thievery is an art and I am a master Dash, Disengage, or Hide action as a bonus action in
your turn.
Archetype Feature: Fast Hands
I'm stealing to pay the ransom on my: Son Daughter
Starting at 3rd level, you can use a bonus action to
Partner in Crime make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using your
thieves’ tools to disarm a trap, open a lock, or take the
Use an Object action.
3rd-level Krav Maga Practitioner.
The Martial Artist is a master of traditional combat, focusing on
using their own body as a weapon to defend themselves and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
attack their foes. With a deep knowledge of a particular martial 14 14 14 10 12 10
arts practice, play the Martial Artist class if you want to defeat +2 +2 +2 +0 +1 +0
your enemies with awesome kung fu, wield iconic traditional
weapons, and perform incredible feats of athleticism.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit:
1d4+2 bludgeoning damage (finesse) +4 +4 +2 +0 +1 +0
Katana. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+2
slashing damage (finesse, versatile (1d8))
Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Proficiency Bonus: +2 Melee: Simple and traditional
Armor: Light armor melee weapons
Ranged: Simple ranged Tools: First aid kits Max Hit Points: 28 Hit Dice Total: 3d10 Death Saves:
weapons Vehicles: Motorcycles and cars Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
A katana and a wilderness pack.
Wilderness Pack: Bivouac sack, mess kit, camping stove, 3
butane canisters, flint and steel, 5 twenty-four-hour ration Passive Perception: 11 Passive Insight: 13
packs, electric lantern, 10 pitons, a compass, survival blanket,
and signal whistle. The pack also has 50 feet of rope and
grappling hook strapped to the side of it.
Acrobatics (Dex) +4 Mechanics (Int) +0
Athletics (Str) +4 Medicine (Wis) +3
Deception (Cha) +0 Perception (Wis) +1
Espionage (Int) +0 Persuasion (Cha) +0
Infiltration (Wis) +1 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +2
Infotech (Int) +0 Stealth (Dex) +2
Insight (Wis) +3 Survival (Wis) +1
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Tactics (Int) +0
Background Feature: Track and Field
Choose one or fill in the blank: You can push yourself further than others, in short bursts. You may reroll
any Strength or Dexterity check but must take the rerolled result. You must
take a short or long rest before you can use feature again.
Codename: Class Feature: Martial Arts
At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat
Hammer styles that use unarmed strikes and melee weapons.
You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or wielding any
traditional melee weapons, and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a
• You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage
Nationality: rolls of your unarmed strikes and and traditional melee weapons.
• You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed
• When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a one-
Languages: (Choose 2): handed melee weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed
strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the Attack action
and attack with a baton, you can also make an unarmed strike as a
bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this
Class Feature: Qi
Your training allows you to harness the energy of qi, the underlying
metaphysical energy or ‘life force’ in some schools of martial arts. Your
Double Life: access to this energy is represented by a number of qi points. You have 3
qi points.
I’m a famous: You can spend these points to fuel various qi features. You start knowing
two such features: Flurry of Blows, and Patient Defense. You learn more
Olympian Paralympian Prize Pighter qi features as you gain levels in this class. When you spend a qi point, it is
unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which your qi
Secret: • Flurry of Blows: Immediately after you take the Attack action on
your turn, you can spend 1 qi point to make two unarmed strikes as a
I was the subject of an illegal doping experiment. bonus action.
• Patient Defense: You can spend 1 qi point to take the Dodge action
Ideal: as a bonus action on your turn.
Class Feature: Unarmed Defense
Excellence comes from dedication and practice. Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding
a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom
Personal goals matter more than competition.
Class Feature: Unarmored Movement
Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or
Bond: wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain Martial
Artist levels, as shown in the MArtial Artist table.
and I have a friendly rivalry, so I'm
Tradition Feature: Escape Hold
If grappled by an opponent you can escape the grapple by making
always pushing myself. an Attack action with an unarmed strike. If you cause damage to your
opponent, you may also escape their grasp, removing the grappled
3rd-level Biochemist.
The Medic is the team’s medical and biological expert,
ranging from expertise with trauma medicine to chemical and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
biological warfare. With their ability to heal and investigate 10 12 11 12 16 14
the human body, play the Medic class if you want to support +0 +1 +0 +1 +3 +2
your teammates with emergency medicine, identify or
synthesize chemical agents, and attack your enemies with
surgical precision. SAVING THROWS
ATTACKS +0 +1 +0 +3 +5 +2
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 1
bludgeoning damage.
Knife. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 1d4+1 piercing
damage (light, finesse, thrown (range 20/60)). Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Pistol, light. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 40/160 ft., Hit:
1d8+1 piercing damage (reload: 9 attacks, light). 13 +1 30ft
(Undercover Vest)
PROFICIENCIES Max Hit Points: 18 Hit Dice Total: 3d8 Death Saves:
Proficiency Modifier: +2 Tools: First aid kit, hacking tools, Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
Armor: Light and medium armor laboratory equipment, and Successes:
surgeon's tools
Ranged: Simple ranged weapons Failures:
Vehicles: Cars
Melee: Simple melee weapons
EQUIPMENT Passive Perception: 13 Passive Insight: 13
A light pistol and a knife, an undercover vest, a medical
pack, a first aid kit.
Medical Pack: A leather doctor's bag, vinyl gloves, face mask, SKILLS
pen and notepad, pen torch, painkillers, vials, petri dishes, Acrobatics (Dex) +1 Mechanics (Int) +1
swabs, stethoscope, watch.
Athletics (Str) +2 Medicine (Wis) +5
Deception (Cha) +2 Perception (Wis) +3
Espionage (Int) +1 Persuasion (Cha) +2
Infiltration (Wis) +5 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +1
Infotech (Int) +3 Stealth (Dex) +1
Insight (Wis) +3 Survival (Wis) +3
Intimidation (Cha) +2 Tactics (Int) +1
Choose one or fill in the blank: Background Feature: Internal Security
Being familiar with the security software and structure
of government servers, you have advantage with
Killgrave Intelligence (Infotech) checks while using computers
with a government programming infrastructure.

Nationality: Class Feature: First Aid

You can tend to your wounded allies during a short
rest. If you or one other friendly agent regains hit
Languages: (Choose 3): points at the end of the short rest by spending one
or more Hit Dice, or using medical supplies, you can
grant them an extra 1d6 hit points.

Class Feature: Diagnosis

You can determine the type of disease a character
Double Life: has contracted, clearly recognize wounds, their
cause, and the cause of death of a person provided
I lead government research in:
you have the time to examine them and by making a
Bio Weapons Cybernetics Warfare Psychology
Wisdom (Medicine) check. You can also identify the
for use of known poisons or toxins, dependant on the
traceability of the toxin, at the discretion of the GM.
My government has a secret program of genetic Class Feature: Vital Points
manipulation. Your knowledge of the human body allows you to
exploit those weak points. If you attack using Dexterity
is a near perfect double
with a weapon with the Finesse quality, you may add
Ideal: 1d6 bonus damage to the damage roll.
Disease doesn't discriminate and neither should our Archetype Feature: Chemistry
healing. You can create chemical compounds that affect the
Discretion is the better part of espionage. human body. Given the right tools and components
you can create medicines, toxins and poisons, nerve
agents, and other chemicals that affect the biological
No one gets left behind. processes in living things, at the discretion of the GM.
ROLE: THE Ranger
3rd-level Guerrilla Fighter.
The Ranger is is a survivalist, able to endure the most
inhospitable environments with little more than a few STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
belongings. Soldiers of the wilderness, play the Ranger class 11 12 12 12 16 10
if you want to thrive in treacherous locales, engage the enemy +0 +1 +1 +1 +3 +0
with devastating asymmetrical tactics, and rely on your natural
senses to evade danger.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 1 +0 +3 +3 +1 +3 +2
bludgeoning damage. Advantage
Machete. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 1d6
slashing damage.
Bow, compound. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 80/320 Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
ft., Hit: 1d6+1 piercing damage (reload: 1 attack, two-handed).
14 +1 30ft
(Stab Vest)
Proficiency Bonus: +2 Melee: Simple and traditional Max Hit Points: 25 Hit Dice Total: 3d10 Death Saves:
Armor: Light and medium armor melee weapons
Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
Ranged: Simple, explosive, and Tools: Forensics tools Successes:
military ranged weapons Vehicles: Motorcycles, cars, and Failures:
heavy vehicles
EQUIPMENT Passive Perception: 15 Passive Insight: 15
A machete, a compound bow with 20 arrows, a stab vest,
a wilderness pack, and a knife.
Wilderness Pack: Bivouac sack, mess kit, camping stove, 3
butane canisters, flint and steel, 5 twenty-four-hour ration
packs, electric lantern, 10 pitons, a compass, survival blanket, Acrobatics (Dex) +3 Mechanics (Int) +1
and signal whistle. The pack also has 50 feet of rope and Athletics (Str) +1 Medicine (Wis) +3
grappling hook strapped to the side of it.
Deception (Cha) +0 Perception (Wis) +5
Espionage (Int) +1 Persuasion (Cha) +0
Infiltration (Wis) +3 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +1
Infotech (Int) +3 Stealth (Dex) +1
Insight (Wis) +5 Survival (Wis) +5
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Tactics (Int) +1
BACKGROUND FEATURE: Specialist Subject
Choose one or fill in the blank:
From your years of academic and first hand research you have
better knowledge than anyone on the planet about one specialist
Codename: subject. You have advantage on any rolls relating to this specialist
Trinket subject, and may discern any basic answers relating to this subject
by asking the GM.
Class Feature: Natural Explorer
Nationality: You are particularly familiar with forest environments and are
adept at traveling and surviving in such regions. When you make
an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to forest terrain, your
proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re
Languages: (Choose 2): proficient in. While traveling for an hour or more in your favored
terrain, you gain the following benefits:
• Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
• Your group can’t become lost in a location you are familiar
English • Even when you are engaged in another activity while
traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you
Double Life: remain alert to danger.
• If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal
I’m the author of groudbreaking research on:
• When you forage, you find twice as much food as you
normally would.
Secret: • While tracking other people or animals, you also learn their
exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed
I orchestrated the sabotage of exploitative: through the area.
Manufacturing Farming Government forces Class Feature: Danger Sense
You gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as
Ideal: they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from
Respect nature or it will kill you. danger. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against
effects that you can see, such as traps. To gain this benefit, you
Education and knowledge is the key to progress. can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Class Feature: Fighting Style
Marksmanship. You do not suffer disadvantage from attacking at
fascinates me. long range with a ranged weapon.
Archetype Feature: Improvised Explosive Devices
Specialist Subject:
You gain proficiency with explosives. You may make improvised
explosive devices from basic explosive compounds by making an
Intelligence (Mechanics) check, at an appropriate DC set by the
game master.
3rd-level Platoon Leader.
The Soldier is a combat specialist, versed in all manner of
tactics and conflict. With a huge amount of modern warfare STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
experience, play the Soldier class if you want to neutralize 15 15 12 10 8 10
your enemy with military precision, withstand a huge amount +2 +2 +1 +0 -1 +0
of punishment and push yourself physically further than
anyone else to achieve your objective.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., +4 +2 +3 +0 -1 +0
Hit: 3 bludgeoning damage.
Pistol, heavy. Ranged Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
Hit: 1d10+2 piercing damage.
Submachine gun. Ranged Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, range 40/160 ft., Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Hit: 1d10+2 piercing damage. (special: burst fire)
14 or 16 +2 30ft
(Undercover Vest or Tactical Armour)
Armor: Light, medium and heavy Melee: Simple melee weapons Max Hit Points: 29 Hit Dice Total: 3d12 Death Saves:
armor, shields Tools: First aid kits Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
Ranged: Simple ranged weapons, Vehicles: Cars and heavy goods Successes:
military ranged weapons, heavy vehicles. Failures:
ranged weapons, and grenades.
EQUIPMENT Passive Perception: 9 Passive Insight: 9
Undercover vest, tactical armour, submachine gun, a
heavy pistol, and a wet work pack.
Wet work Pack: Assault backpack, balaclava, camouflage BDU, SKILLS
cable ties, chem lights, torch, personal radio and headset, and
webbing. Acrobatics (Dex) +2 Mechanics (Int) +0
Athletics (Str) +4 Medicine (Wis) -1
Deception (Cha) +0 Perception (Wis) -1
Espionage (Int) +0 Persuasion (Cha) +0
Infiltration (Wis) -1 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +2
Infotech (Int) +0 Stealth (Dex) +2
Insight (Wis) -1 Survival (Wis) +1
Intimidation (Cha) +2 Tactics (Int) +2
Choose one or fill in the blank: BACKGROUND FEATURE: Rank
You hold your choice of military rank in one of the
military or paramilitary organisations around the
Codename: world. You command the respect of any personnel of
Ronin the same organisation that you outrank, and can order
them to engage in activities on your behalf or follow
you into a combat situation. While on good terms, you
may be able to gain assistance from the organisation
Nationality: or requisition equipment or supplies from them for
free. The higher the rank, however, the higher the
responsibility, and your organisation may call on you
Languages: (Choose 2): for their own operations, obligating you to assist them.
Class Feature: Training
CQB. You gain +2 bonus to attack rolls you make
with a pistol at short range. In addition, you ignore
disadvantage when making ranged attacks against
targets within 5 feet with a pistol.
Double Life:
Class Feature: Adrenalin Burst
I’m a veteran and mentor to those newly out of the: You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw
Army Navy Airforce on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you
can use a bonus action to gain temporary hit points
Secret: equal to 1d10+3. Once you use this feature, you must
finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
I know there is still a military
Class Feature: Action Surge
prescence in Once, on your turn, you can take one additional action
on top of your regular action and a possible bonus
Ideal: action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a
I am willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect short or long rest before you can use it again.

good people. Class Feature: Quickload

Reloading is second nature to you, and you can reload
I will be a sibling to everyone that fights alongside me. your weapon during your Move, instead of your
action in combat.
Archetype Feature: Fire Team Coordination
I am coaching to work better in a team. You may give one of your attacks to an ally you can
communicate with, indicating a target to them. The
Rank: ally makes a melee or ranged attack as normal, using
I am a in the their line of sight, abilities, proficiencies, and the
weapon they are holding. If they are unable to make
the attack for any reason, the attack is lost.
ROLE: THE Technician
3rd-level Transporter.
The Technician has extensive practical knowledge of
technology, gadgets, and gear. Mechanics and gadgeteers, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
play the Technician class if you want to have a set of awesome 13 14 12 10 14 12
personalized gadgets and perform impressive vehicular +1 +2 +1 +0 +2 +1
stunts, and adapt technology to suit your mission parameters.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage. +1 +4 +1 +2 +2 +1
Baton. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit: 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage.
Submachine gun. Ranged Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, rng 40/160ft., Armour Class (AC): Initiative: Speed:
Hit: 1d10+2 piercing damage. (special: burst fire)
15 +2 40ft
(Undercover Vest)
Proficiency Modifier: +2 Melee: Simple melee weapons
Max Hit Points: 18 Hit Dice Total: 3d8 Death Saves:
Armor: Light, medium, and heavy Tools: Mechanics tools, hacking
Current Hit Points: Current Hit Dice:
armor tools, thieves’ tools Successes:
Ranged: Simple, military, heavy, Vehicles: Motorbikes, cars, heavy
and explosive ranged weapons goods vehicles, planes, and
EQUIPMENT Passive Perception: 12 Passive Insight: 12
A submachine gun, a baton, mechanics tools, tailored
undercover vest and an infiltration pack.
Infiltration Pack:. Includes a backpack, burglary clothing, a SKILLS
bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of wire, red headlamp, Acrobatics (Dex) +2 Mechanics (Int) +2
a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a torch, 5 days rations, a
lighter, and a canteen. The pack also has 50 feet of rope and Athletics (Str) +3 Medicine (Wis) +2
grappling hook strapped to the side of it.. Deception (Cha) +1 Perception (Wis) +2
Espionage (Int) +2 Persuasion (Cha) +1
Infiltration (Wis) +2 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +2
Infotech (Int) +0 Stealth (Dex) +2
Insight (Wis) +2 Survival (Wis) +2
Intimidation (Cha) +1 Tactics (Int) +2
Background Feature: Track and Field • Overclocked Gadget: When you roll damage for a
Choose one or fill in the blank: You can push yourself further than others, in short bursts. gadget, you can spend 1 technical point to reroll a
Once per mission, you may reroll any Strength or Dexterity number of the damage dice up to your Intelligence
check but must take the rerolled result. modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls.
You can use the Overclocked Gadget technique even if
Class Feature: Technical Services
Nails you have already used a different technique during the
Personal Hardware: You have access to a number of gadget’s operation.
permanent, personal gadgets. They require maintenance
• Rapid Deployment: When you use a gadget that
from you, but in return you know these items inside-
requires an action to use, you can spend 2 technical
out. If you use a gadget that, due to its operation is
Nationality: points to use the gadget as a bonus action.
expendable, like an explosive or a chemical compound,
you are furnished with a replacement at the beginning of Archetype Feature: Advanced Course
your next mission. You gain a +2 bonus to checks to operate cars.
These items remain in your inventory as long as you
Languages: (Choose 2): do not lose them, or get destroyed. You do not need to Personal Gadgets
purchase gadgets granted by this class feature with the Tailored Armor: 1st-level undercover vest. You gain a +1
mission budget, but the cost to replace lost or destroyed
bonus to AC while you wear this armor. You are considered
items is the same as their cost outlined in the Gadgets
proficient with this armor, even if you lack the proficiency
with the armor’s type.
Acquiring New Gadgets: As you gain Technician levels, GPS Tracker, pill: 1st-level electronic device. This pill
you can add gadgets of your choice to your kit for free. contains a traceable GPS transponder that sends its location
Double Life: Each of these gadgets must be of a level for which you to a base station. It is undetectable, but indigestible, meaning
have gadget slots. This choice remains in your personal it only has a use of 10-24 hours until it is excreted.
I’m a champion race car driver inventory until lost or destroyed.
Video Camera, disguised: 1st-level surveillance device.
During your missions, you may be able to purchase other
I'm the lead mechanic in the team. This video camera is the size of a pinhead, and is disguised
gadgets to use, but these will incur a cost to the mission
in the button of an expensive shirt. It records and transmits
budget. Your own gadgets can be equipped for free.
video, and is connected to a battery pack that can be
Secret: secreted or pocketed.
Class Feature: Repairing Equipment
AI is already here and it works for: You can heal an object’s hit points, or restore a piece of Suppressor: 1st-level weapon attachment. When you fire
equipment to function, provided you have the appropriate a weapon equipped with a suppressor it cannot be heard
the French DST Google tools and resources. Simple objects of small or tiny size can within its long range, and within its short range a DC 15
be restored to full hit points with a single action, while larger Wisdom (Perception) check is required to detect the shot’s
Russian Hackers Wikileaks objects can be mended for 1d4 HP with an action, or the GM noise.
may estimate a time until the larger object is made good.
Augmented Reality Glasses: 2nd-level clothing.
More complex equipment or gadgets can be repaired by Augmented reality (AR) glasses use modern projection
making an Intelligence (Mechanics) check against a DC technology to overlay graphics in the wearer’s field of vision,
You're only as good as the tech around you. chosen by the gamemaster depending on its complexity, letting them view data ‘over the top’ of their normal vision.
and the item may take more than one action to be restored
Information can be smartly overlayed in real time based
Support your team and they'll support you. to working order.
on your view, indicating enemies behind cover, people of
Class Feature: Technical Wizard interest, track people and vehicles in real time, or give you
Bond: From 3rd level you have a great aptitude with gadgets information pertaining to other weapons, gadgets, vehicles,
and field equipment, able to use them with an unrivalled or the mission—like ammunition, speed, or objectives. The
I make sure the right people have the right tool for the job. precision. You have 3 technical points, which you can spend glasses take any style you decide, and include a GPS locator,
on the options below. You regain all spent technical points WiFi connection, satellite uplink, camera, and microphone.
when you return to your agency's headquarters.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
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