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Evaluation of the ADDIE Process

Analysis Phase: The analysis phase was a little difficult for me. I had two groups of “students”.
My official “student” was actually a teacher that I was doing a coaching cycle with. However,
one of my pieces to my coaching cycle was doing a model lesson in her class with all of her 4th
graders. So this phase bounced back in forth between background information of the 4 th
graders and then an analysis of the teacher I was working with. I found it difficult to determine
what information was really relevant from both subjects. I do feel like I gathered enough data
to be successful. The data that was the most helpful was the data I collected about the teacher.
It was really beneficial for me to understand that she was willing to try using technology, but
that she was uncertain of herself and would need a lot of reminders and coaching to be
successful. I believe having a discussion with my peers about the benefits for gathering this
information before entering a coaching cycle would be helpful to them has they continue to try
coaching cycles with their teachers.

Design Phase: The biggest struggle I had with this phase was realizing what this phase was really
supposed to be about. I had to take a step back and not do too much with this phase. I had the
tendency to want to jump right in and turn this phase into what the development phase was
supposed to be. I think that tends to be a natural tendency of teachers. Because I think I tend to
skip this phase when I design, it was actually really eye opening to practice just doing a generic
overview of what my plan will look like. I usually just do this in my head, but because I wrote it
out it really gave me a “map” of my development phase which then made that next phase a
whole lot easier to complete.

Development Phase: This was the phase that I connected the most to. I have done it intensively
for things like CTESS, as well as, informally in my day-to-day classroom. I believe that doing this
phase intensively is truly beneficial because everything I included in the lessons is well thought
out, purposeful, and intentional. However, this part is extremely time consuming. It really is not
logical for every lesson in the education setting to be able to be developed this way.

Implementation and Evaluation: I actually really enjoyed writing out the evaluation of my
implementation of my lessons. I think it was really beneficial for me. I tried to let go of the fact
that I was writing it out for an assignment that needed to be completed, and just write it out as
a pure reflection of the process that I went through during this process. I feel like I allowed
myself to be authentic in my thoughts and it really helped me develop some future goals for my
coaching processes that I want to follow-through with this year. However, I also think because
of the demands on teachers’ time this phase couldn’t be completed so formally for every lesson
that is delivered.

Final Thoughts: My future steps are to somewhat formally take a team of teachers at one of my
schools through a coaching cycle. I want to integrate the ADDIE model into a lesson study that
naturally will walk the teachers through the process and I will be there to coach and direct their
efforts. I can’t wait to see how it goes!

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