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A Pictograph is a way of showing data using images. Each image stands for a certain number of things.

Seismograph is an instrument that measures and records details of earthquakes, such as force and

A bar graph is a chart that uses bars to show comparisons between categories of data. The bars can be
either horizontal or vertical. Bar graphs with vertical bars are sometimes called vertical bar graphs.

A line chart or line graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called
'markers' connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields.
Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics concerned with collecting, organizing, and interpreting
data. ... Statistics is also the mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring
based on known quantitative data or a collection of data.

In Statistics Mean, Median and Mode are known as the measures of central tendencies. The mode of a
given set of data is the observation with the maximum frequency. The first step towards finding
the mode of the grouped data is to locate the class interval with the maximum frequency.

Range (statistics) more ... The difference between the lowest and highest values. In {4, 6, 9, 3, 7} the
lowest value is 3, and the highest is 9, so the rangeis 9 − 3 = 6. Range can also mean all the output
values of a function.

Lower Limit. Let the least term of a sequence be a term which is smaller than all but a finite number of
the terms which are equal to . Then is called the lower limit of the sequence.
Upper Limit. Let the greatest term of a sequence be a term which is greater than all but a finite number
of the terms which are equal to . Then is called the upper limitof the sequence. An upper limit of a

The frequency of a particular data value is the number of times the data value occurs. ...
Thefrequency of a data value is often represented by f. A frequency table is constructed by arranging
collected data values in ascending order of magnitude with their corresponding frequencies.

A graphical display where the data is grouped into ranges (such as "100 to 149", "150 to 199", etc), and
then plotted as bars. ... (Similar to a Bar Graph, but in a Histogram each bar is for a range of data.)
class interval. • subdivision within a range of values. • the range of values
in a histogram is divided. into sections, called class intervals.

Class Boundary. When we have different classes of data, there is

always an upper and a lower class limit for it i.e. the dataset has a
smallest and largest value. Class boundary is the midpoint of the
upper class limit of one classand the lower class limit of the
subsequent class.

A frequency distribution table can help you organize this data to find out. A frequency
distribution table is a chart that summarizes values and their frequency. ... The first column lists all the
various outcomes that occur in the data, and the second column lists the frequency of each outcome

A Circle Graph is agraph in the form of a circle that is divided into sectors, with each sector representing
a part of a set of data.
A Graphical representation is a visual display of data and statistical
results. it is more often and effective than presenting data in
tabular form. There are different types of graphical representation and
which is used depends on the nature of the data and the nature of the
statistical results.

Choices in language features and text structures together define a

type of text and shape its meaning (see structures of texts). ... These
vary according to the particular mode or media of production and
can include written, spoken, non-verbal or visual communication of
meaning (see textual form).

Systematic sampling is a type of probabilitysampling method in

which sample members from a larger population are selected according to
a randomstarting point and a fixed, periodic interval. This interval, called
the sampling interval, is calculated by dividing the population size by the
desired samplesize.

A simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which

each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. ...
An example of a simple random sample would be the names of 25
employees being chosen out of a hat from a company of 250
a method of selecting a sample (random sample) from a statistical population in such a way that every p
ossible samplethat could be selected has a predetermined probability of being selected.

Sampling basically means selecting people/objects from a

population in order to test the population for something. For
example, we might want to find out how people are going to vote
at the next election. Obviously we can't ask everyone in the
country, so we ask a sample.

Calculation is to use reason or common sense to determine

something, or to use math to determine an answer. If you think
carefully about how to proceed in a negotiation, this is an example of
when youcalculate your next move.

If a number is positive, the + is usually missed out before

the number. ... Adding and multiplying combinations of
positive and negative numbers can cause confusion and
so care must be taken. Addition and Subtraction. Two
'pluses' make a plus, two 'minuses' make a plus.
A plus and a minus make a minus.

Frequency polygons are a graphical device for understanding the shapes of distributions. They serve
the same purpose as histograms, but are especially helpful for comparing sets of data. Frequency
polygons are also a good choice for displaying cumulative frequency distributions.
Summation Notation. Often mathematical formulae require the
addition of many variables Summation or sigma notation is a
convenient and simple form of shorthand used to give a concise
expression for a sum of the values of a variable.

Standard Deviation. The Standard Deviation is a

measure of how spread out numbers are. Its symbol
is σ (the greek letter sigma) The formula is easy: it is
the square root of the Variance.

The mean is the average of the numbers: a calculated "central" value of a set of numbers. To calculate it:
add up all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are.
The statistical mean of the ungrouped data can be found by finding by sum of the given values and
dividing it by total number of values. The mean is a type of measures of central tendency.

Median of Ungrouped Data. Median is defined as the mid value of the data set. It is a value
that falls in the middle-most position of the whole data. Median of anungrouped data is
determined by arranging the given numbers in ascending order and then selecting exactly
middle value.

Figure out which interval contains the median by using

the (n + 1) ÷ 2 formula. Take whatever value the calculation gives you and then add up the
numbers in the frequency column until you come to that value

To calculate the mean of grouped data, the first step is to determine the midpoint (also called a
class mark) of each interval, or class. These midpoints must then be multiplied by the
frequencies of the corresponding classes. The sum of the products divided by the total number
of values will be the value of the mean
Mode of Data. In Statistics Mean, Median and Mode are known as the measures of central
tendencies. The mode of a given set of data is the observation with the maximum frequency.
The first step towards finding the mode of the grouped data is to locate the class interval with
the maximum frequency

Mode of Ungrouped Data. The mode is defined the value that most frequently occurs in the
given data; i.e. the number whose frequency is more than others, is called the mode. It is
usually denoted by "Z". In order to find the mode of anungrouped data, we have to find the
frequency of each number in the given dataset.

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