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The Behavior Analyst 2006, 29, 161–185 No.

2 (Fall)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and

Behavioral Activation for the Treatment of Depression:
Description and Comparison
Jonathan W. Kanter and David E. Baruch
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Scott T. Gaynor
Western Michigan University
The field of clinical behavior analysis is growing rapidly and has the potential to affect and
transform mainstream cognitive behavior therapy. To have such an impact, the field must
provide a formulation of and intervention strategies for clinical depression, the ‘‘common cold’’
of outpatient populations. Two treatments for depression have emerged: acceptance and
commitment therapy (ACT) and behavioral activation (BA). At times ACT and BA may suggest
largely redundant intervention strategies. However, at other times the two treatments differ
dramatically and may present opposing conceptualizations. This paper will compare and
contrast these two important treatment approaches. Then, the relevant data will be presented
and discussed. We will end with some thoughts on how and when ACT or BA should be
employed clinically in the treatment of depression.
Key words: clinical behavior analysis, depression, psychotherapy, acceptance and commit-
ment therapy, behavioral activation

The field of clinical behavior anal- 2000). The most common diagnosis,
ysis is growing rapidly. After begin- major depressive disorder, is applied
nings documented in this journal when an individual reports a combi-
(Dougher, 1993; Dougher & Hack- nation of feelings of sadness, loss of
bert, 1994) and elsewhere (Dougher, interest in activities, sleep and appe-
2000), it has become an integral part tite changes, guilt and hopelessness,
of a ‘‘third wave’’ of behavior ther- fatigue or restlessness, concentration
apy (Hayes, 2004; O’Donohue, 1998) problems, and suicidal ideation that
that has the potential not only to persist for most of the day, nearly
influence but also to transform main- every day, for at least 2 weeks.
stream cognitive behavior therapy in Epidemiological data from a large
meaningful and permanent ways. representative U.S. sample indicate
To have such an impact, the field a lifetime prevalence rate for major
must provide a formulation of and depressive disorder of 16% (and an
intervention strategies for clinical de- annual prevalence rate of 7%), which
pression, the ‘‘common cold’’ of out- suggests that over 30 million Amer-
patient populations. The phenome- icans will struggle with diagnosable
non of depression currently is parsed depression during their lifetimes
into several diagnostic categories by (Kessler, McGonagle, Swartz, Blazer,
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual & Nelson, 1993). The costs of de-
of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; pression are significant, not only for
American Psychiatric Association, those who are suffering but also
because of the high economic burden
We thank Douglas Woods and Gregory of depression, much of which is
Schramka for helpful reviews of this manu- attributed to work-related absentee-
script. ism and lost productivity (Greenberg
Address correspondence to Jonathan W.
Kanter, Assistant Professor and Psychology
et al., 2003).
Clinic Coordinator, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, Clinical behavior analysts, histori-
Wisconsin 53201 (e-mail: cally skeptical of using the DSM as


the basis for understanding problem (Martell, Addis, & Jacobson, 2001)
behavior, are especially cautious to and brief behavioral activation treat-
avoid reifying a descriptive label, such ment for depression (BATD; Lejeuz,
as major depressive disorder, into Hopko, & Hopko, 2001). This paper
a thing and using it as an explanation will focus on BA rather than BATD,
for the symptoms it describes (Follette because BA and BATD have recently
& Houts, 1996). Instead, of greater been compared and contrasted
interest are the patterns of behavior (Hopko, Lejuez, Ruggiero, & Eifert,
that lead to the label of depression 2003). As we will show, at times ACT
being applied and how best to char- and BA, at the level of function if
acterize and alter these patterns to not technique, may suggest largely
improve lives. Toward this end, sev- redundant intervention strategies.
eral behavior-analytic descriptions However, at other times the two
of depression are now available treatments differ dramatically and
(Dougher & Hackbert, 1994; Ferster, may in fact present opposing con-
1973; Kanter, Cautilli, Busch, & ceptualizations. How, then, is a clini-
Baruch, 2005). These descriptions cal behavior analyst to choose be-
generally accept Skinner’s (e.g., 1953) tween ACT and BA? The body of this
view that emotional states, such as paper will compare and contrast these
depressed mood, are co-occurring two important treatment approaches.
behavioral responses (elicited uncon- Then, the relevant data on ACT and
ditioned reflexes, conditioned reflexes, BA for depression will be presented
operant predispositions). To the ex- and discussed. We will end with some
tent that the various responses labeled thoughts on how and when ACT or
depression appear to be integrated, it BA should be employed clinically in
is because the behaviors are potenti- the treatment of depression.
ated by common environmental Throughout this article we refer to
events, occasioned by common dis- the ACT (Hayes et al., 1999) and BA
criminanda, or controlled by com- (Martell et al., 2001) manuals, al-
mon consequences. These behavioral though two caveats are required
interpretations also recognize that about our focus on manuals. First,
depression is characterized by great both treatments explicitly eschew
variability in time course, symptom the cookbook, session-by-session ap-
severity, and correlated conditions. proach that accurately describes some
This paper will focus on two cognitive behavior therapy treatment
behavior-analytic treatments for de- manuals. Both BA and ACT are
pression that have emerged: accep- principle based, explicitly encouraging
tance and commitment therapy the use of any intervention techniques
(ACT; Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, consistent with their underlying prin-
1999) and behavioral activation (BA). ciples, whether or not the technique is
A third behavior-analytic approach, described in the manual. Thus, there
functional analytic psychotherapy is some danger in comparing the
(FAP; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991) has two treatment manuals. We believe
been used to improve cognitive ther- we have been sensitive to this danger
apy for depression (Kanter, Schild- and have tried to avoid idiosyncratic
crout, & Kohlenberg, 2005; Kohlen- interpretations of specific techniques
berg, Kanter, Bolling, Parker, & Tsai, without reference to underlying prin-
2002). FAP is based on a broad ciples. That said, at times we make use
functional analysis of the therapeutic of specific acronyms and techniques
relationship (e.g., Follette, Naugle, & presented in the manuals for clinical
Callaghan, 1996) rather than a specific use, as shorthand encapsulations of
behavioral model of depression; thus key principles.
it will not be described here. Two Second, this paper is organized in
current variants of BA exist, BA terms of key differences between the

two manuals. Although we describe experiential avoidance: an unwilling-

the purported functional impact of ness to remain in contact with
these treatment techniques on client particular private experiences cou-
behavior, the paper is not organized pled with attempts to escape or avoid
in terms of these functional processes. these experiences (Hayes & Gifford,
In fact, established functional rela- 1997; Hayes et al., 1996). Experiential
tions between specific treatment tech- avoidance is not an account of de-
niques and client behaviors for both pression per se; rather, it is posited as
BA and ACT largely await experi- a functional diagnostic category
mental investigation, although much (Hayes & Follette, 1992) that identi-
work is underway in this regard, fies a psychological process key to
particularly for ACT. We encourage many topographically defined diag-
future researchers and authors to nostic categories, including depres-
pursue this work and develop these sive disorders. As pointed out by
analyses. Zettle (2005a), although the term
experiential avoidance accommodates
DEPRESSION AND AVOIDANCE both escape and avoidance behavior,
experiential escape may be more
Both ACT and BA conceptualize
appropriate for depression in that
depression largely in terms of con-
the depressed individual may more
textually controlled avoidance reper-
likely be preoccupied with terminat-
toires. In BA, the relevant history
ing psychological events that have
and context involve direct contingen-
already been experienced and are
cies that have shaped and maintained
currently being endured, such as
avoidance behavior through nega-
guilt, shame, and painful memories
tive reinforcement. The ACT model,
of loss experiences, rather than those
however, focuses on a verbal context
that are anticipated and avoided. We
that dominates over and creates in-
will use the more general term
sensitivity to direct contingencies. We
experiential avoidance because it is
will first discuss ACT’s more complex
more consistent with ACT usage.
model and then turn to BA as
The problem, according to ACT,
a contrast. We note that this focus
is not so much the initial experience
on avoidance is largely a departure
of aversive private events—in ACT
from traditional behavioral models of
terminology, clean discomfort (e.g.,
depression that emphasized reduc-
sadness about not seeing one’s chil-
tions in positive control rather than
dren daily after separation from a
increases in aversive control (Lewin-
spouse)—but that one rigidly follows
sohn, 1974), although Ferster (1973)
rules for living that dictate experien-
did emphasize the role of avoidance
tial avoidance as the necessary re-
in his seminal functional analysis of
sponse to such aversive private
depression. Hayes, Wilson, Gifford,
events. Thus ACT emphasizes that
Follette, and Strosahl (1996) have
experiential avoidance itself is fueled
provided a convincing review show-
by a verbal (i.e., rule-governed) pro-
ing that avoidance may underlie
cess. Such rules may take many
a host of psychological problems,
forms, such as ‘‘I can’t stand to feel
including depression, and the specific
this way,’’ ‘‘Having feelings makes
relation between avoidance and de-
one weak and vulnerable,’’ or ‘‘I need
pression has received empirical sup-
to be happy.’’ These rules, in the
port as well (reviewed by Ottenbreit
context of particular aversive private
& Dobson, 2004).
events, may result in avoidance be-
havior that also takes many forms,
such as avoiding seeing one’s child-
ACT maintains that the funda- ren so as to not feel sad and
mental problem in depression is have thoughts of being a failure as

a parent, oversleeping to escape environmental control, perhaps due,

daytime stress (or undersleeping, if in this case, to historical operations
dreams or thoughts while in bed are that have established losses as partic-
aversive), overeating to combat lone- ularly aversive (Dougher & Hack-
liness in the evening (or undereating, bert, 2000).
if eating results in thoughts about According to ACT, despite the fact
being fat, about not having someone that such avoidance tends to main-
to eat with, etc.), rumination to avoid tain and exacerbate rather than solve
the anxiety that accompanies active problems in the long run, experiential
problem solving, avoidance of chal- avoidance repertoires are maintained
lenging social situations where one because they are verbally controlled
might fail (or going to the party but (rule governed), are successful in the
passively sitting on the couch all short run, and block contact with or
night), or drinking alcohol excessive- create insensitivity to other contin-
ly to block the pain of grief. gencies (Hayes & Ju, 1998). For
ACT postulates a significant role example, a client reports staying in
for indirect, derived verbal processes bed all day because she ‘‘felt de-
in promoting experiential avoidance.1 pressed,’’ lamenting how things
For instance, many aversive private might be different tomorrow if she
events may be elicited indirectly. feels less depressed. Staying in bed
Consider a client for whom the word requires lower response effort than
loss is in an equivalence relation with getting up, getting ready for work,
actual painful interpersonal losses and going to work. Thus, a direct
(e.g., death of a parent or experience escape contingency is involved, but so
with relationships ending badly due too is the verbal rule specifying the
to partner infidelity). The physical need to feel better before acting
absence of a current significant other differently. Of course, the decision
on a Saturday evening (for legitimate to stay in bed until she feels less
reasons, such as a business trip) depressed also prevents contact with
might evoke a verbal response, as in other contingencies that might lead
‘‘He’s gone,’’ that is in an equivalence to less depression.
relation with loss. When this occurs
some of the aversive functions of BA
actual losses may now be present
(RFT refers to this as a derived BA’s model of depression empha-
transformation of stimulus func- sizes nonverbal processes and ap-
tions), despite the fact that this pears to be more parsimonious. The
relationship has not been lost and is traditional BA treatment model
not in jeopardy. These aversive pri- viewed the overt behavioral reduc-
vate events may now occasion escape tions in depression as a result of loss
behavior, such as frantic calls to the of or reductions in response-contin-
significant other, binge eating, or gent positive reinforcement and
alcohol use, that may contribute to viewed the affective components of
the demise of the relationship. ACT depression as respondent sequelae of
posits that this sort of verbal control such losses or reductions (Dougher &
over behavior dominates nonverbal Hackbert, 1994; Ferster, 1973; Kan-
ter, Cautelli, Busch, & Baruch, 2005;
The model for ACT here is based on Lewinsohn, 1974). Current BA,
relational frame theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes- largely based on Ferster (1973),
Holmes, & Roche, 2001), description of which postulates a greater role for escape
is beyond the scope of this paper and which is and avoidance from aversive internal
somewhat controversial within behavior anal-
ysis (e.g., Burgos, 2003; Palmer, 2004; Ton-
and external stimuli. Ferster further
neau, 2001). Our discussion presents the suggested that the escape–avoidance
model simply as described by ACT and RFT. repertoire is largely passive, which

also leads to a decrease in positive for succor or relief). In comparison,

reinforcement relative to what an ACT emphasizes how faulty rules
active repertoire would provide. about the need to change or control
Although the topographies of the private events promote experiential
avoidance repertoires targeted by avoidance and decrease contact with
ACT and BA are basically the same external environmental events.
(e.g., oversleeping, overeating, rumi- Like ACT, BA holds that avoid-
nation, alcohol consumption, and ance, even when it works in the short
many others), the controlling vari- term, produces additional long-term
ables and relevant history postulated problems, because more flexible re-
are somewhat different. BA contends pertoires of problem solving and
that aversive private events occur in repertoires based on stable positive
response to the presentation of pun- reinforcement are either extinguished,
ishers or loss of reinforcers. The BA depotentiated, or never developed.
model recognizes that depressed in- Both ACT and BA suggest the
dividuals often tact these aversive clinically relevant problem is not the
private experiences (i.e., emit vocal initial (albeit aversive) private event,
responses that are putatively con- but that one responds to the event
trolled by internal stimulation), but with avoidance. BA labels these
unlike ACT, no indirect, derived avoidance patterns secondary coping
(verbal) processes through which behaviors because they are a response
private events become aversive are to the initial aversive stimuli but
specified. Aversive private events are paradoxically maintain or exacerbate
thought to be elicited by contingen- the depressive episode. Developing
cies that involve loss or deprivation. more proactive alternative coping
Likewise, BA posits no rule-gov- behaviors to replace these patterns
erned process. Avoidance of aversive is the primary focus of BA.
private events is evoked by the events
themselves or by their environmental Functional Assessment of Avoidance
determinants or correlates. BA as- in BA and ACT
sumes that direct contact with con-
Any behavior-analytic treatment
tingencies of negative reinforcement
should start with functional assess-
can initially establish and later main-
tain avoidance repertoires.2 Verbal ment. Classical functional analysis, as
responses are recognized, but these in experimental demonstrations of
are often conceptualized as part of behavioral control, is generally con-
the avoidance repertoire (e.g., mands sidered impossible in outpatient set-
tings. Nevertheless, clinical behavior
analysts perform quasifunctional
BA holds that the stimuli that trigger
avoidance responses in depression may be analyses of client behaviors. Given
public or private. However, most of the the somewhat differing conceptuali-
examples in the BA manual involve private zations of avoidance by BA and
stimuli, and the comparison with ACT is more ACT, how does this translate into
compelling in terms of private stimuli, so this
will be the focus of this paper. We acknowl- different assessment strategies? BA
edge the traditional view that avoidance is provides a structure for detailed
evoked by public stimuli, and private accom- assessment of contingencies that
paniments are correlated with the public maintain the depressive behavior,
stimuli but are not functionally related to the
avoidance response. Neither BA nor ACT focusing mostly, as described above,
fully endorses this traditional view; BA does on the role of negative reinforcement
somewhat but ACT largely appears to have in maintaining avoidance. (We note
rejected it in favor of the notion of experiential here that BATD adds an emphasis on
avoidance, which highlights a functional re-
lation, established historically and contextual-
positive reinforcement for depressive
ly, between private stimulation and avoidance behavior.) In practice, functional
responses. assessment explicitly focuses on iden-

tifying and increasing awareness of the conversation superficial, and

and the difficulties resulting from finding a way to escape the conver-
avoidance patterns and events that sation as soon as possible.
precede them. In ACT, the first step In addition to increasing awareness
is to establish creative hopelessness, in of avoidance patterns, assessment in
which there is an explicit focus on BA also seeks to highlight the futility
increasing awareness of the futility of avoidance as a long-term solution
of, and the faulty verbal rules that to problems. In this way, BA assess-
support, experiential avoidance. ment bears some resemblance to
These therapeutic procedures are ACT’s creative hopelessness, which
not as dissimilar as they might first we describe next. For example, the
appear. BA authors describe the assessment
In BA, therapists are taught to of a young man who had been
engage in a simple functional assess- repeatedly driving past his lover’s
ment, focusing on contingency- house to confirm that she is at home
shaped avoidance behavior. This and not out with other men. The
key technique in BA clearly renders authors state,
it an advance over earlier BA strat-
egies that targeted pleasant events We then have a hint at the real goal, to avoid
and did not involve an idiographic anxiety. If this is described to the young man,
assessment of function (Kanter, Call- and he agrees, we have reached an important
aghan, Landes, Busch, & Brown, first step. … Having learned that his goal is to
2004). In fact, after over 30 years of be free of the anxiety about his lover seeing
other men, we would then ask: How long does
cognitive behavioral depression treat- this freedom from anxiety last? If this is truly
ment development, behavior analysts a solution, why must you do the same thing
may finally rejoice to read the fol- over and over again? (pp. 131–132)
lowing quote from the BA manual:
Repeatedly throughout treatment,
Behavior matters. This is the primary motto of BA therapists are encouraged to
BA, and it is important that the therapist engage in such questioning, to help
accept this concept wholeheartedly if they are their clients recognize the limited
to conduct competent BA. …The therapist,
regardless of the technique being used for
utility, in terms of anything but
a specific intervention, should be asking him- short-term negative reinforcement,
or herself, ‘‘What are the conditions occasion- of avoidance patterns. The main
ing this behavior (the context) and what are difference with ACT is that the BA
the consequences of this behavior for the client therapist has no unique conceptuali-
(the function)?’’ (p. 106)
zation for the role of rules or derived
BA therapists teach their clients to transformation of stimulus functions
perform a quasifunctional analysis of that maintain the problem; thus, the
their own out-of-session behavior. assessment takes the form of tradi-
Clients specifically are taught to use tional verbal dialogue about func-
the acronym TRAP: Assess the situ- tional relations among discriminative
ational Trigger, identify one’s own stimuli, avoidance behaviors, and
aversive private Response to the their consequences.
situation (i.e., anxiety), and finally Treatment in ACT, when con-
recognize the Avoidance Pattern that ducted in its traditional order, begins
follows. For example, a TRAP of with creative hopelessness. The goal
a client seen by the first author was as of this stage is to ‘‘draw out the
follows: trigger 5 meeting someone system’’ in which the client is
at a social event for whom the client trapped; namely, identifying how
had strong feelings; response 5 experiential avoidance appears spe-
feeling anxious and overwhelmed; cifically relevant to his or her strug-
avoidance pattern 5 not talking gles. The ‘‘hopelessness’’ achieved in
about how she really feels, keeping creative hopelessness is experiential

contact with the futility of experien- it helps the client to make contact
tial avoidance, a growing suspicion with the fact that his logical and
that one’s own verbal rules may be reasonable attempts to remove de-
part of the problem rather than pression have not worked. The next
the solution, a confusion about what move is to contact the possibility that
to do next, but a sense that it will maybe such attempts cannot work.
be different and counterintuitive. This is the essence of creative hope-
Through mostly Socratic-style ques- lessness.
tioning (e.g., ‘‘What do you want?’’; Most ACT descriptions of how
‘‘What have you tried?’’; and ‘‘How therapists should conduct creative
has that worked?’’), the client is hopelessness suggest highlighting the
guided toward a recognition of the contradiction between verbal rules
unworkability of experiential avoid- that promote experiential avoidance
ance. and the long-term unworkability of
Consider a client seen by the third the accompanying behavior, rather
author who presented during his fifth than simply viewing the interaction
major depressive episode for treat- as a functional assessment. For ex-
ment to decrease depression and ample, note the following therapist
anxiety, increase self-esteem, improve response to a chronic worrier, who is
his relationship with his wife, and first recognizing this discrepancy:
advance in his career. The initial
assessment revealed that he had tried But maybe we are coming to a point in which
numerous treatment approaches in- the question will be, ‘‘Which will you go with?
cluding antidepressants, inpatient Your mind or your experience?’’ Up to now
the answer has been ‘‘your mind,’’ but I want
hospitalization, individual therapy, you just to notice also what your experience
and couples therapy. He reported tells you about how well that has worked.
using various personal strategies, (Hayes et al., 1999, p. 97)
such as deep breathing and, alterna-
tively, encouraging and berating him- Thus, the goal in this phase is for the
self (trying to tell himself to ‘‘just let client to experience the functional
things go,’’ or ‘‘block things out,’’ or consequences of avoidance behavior,
reminding himself of his positive which is the same goal as functional
qualities). Despite these efforts, he assessment in BA. However, because
presented for treatment disgusted the ACT notion of experiential
with himself for being an incompe- avoidance emphasizes the role of
tent, unlovable failure. This client verbal rules and derived transforma-
identified several verbal self-rules tion of aversive private stimulus
that appeared to promote experien- functions in preventing contact with
tial avoidance as a method for external environmental events, this
solving life’s problems, including, phase does not look like traditional
‘‘If you express needs then you’ll be assessment as in BA. Instead, the
seen as an overemotional baby,’’ ACT therapist takes caution not to
‘‘emotions can easily become over- simply supply additional verbal rules
whelming,’’ and ‘‘if I was perfect (or to describe the client’s experience;
at least more self-assured) everything rather, the client obtains the aware-
in my relationships would be okay.’’ ness, to the extent possible, experien-
Yet, despite this client’s inhibition of tially. For an ACT therapist, extend-
emotional expressivity, attempts to ed verbal dialogue, although neces-
blunt and block emotions, and moves sary, risks inadvertently reinforcing
to verbally bolster his self-worth, the notion that verbal solutions to
things had not gotten better. From psychological problems may be
an ACT perspective, reviewing the found. As such, these verbal dia-
client’s treatment history is an essen- logues are buttressed with or centered
tial aspect of the assessment, because around metaphors or experiential

exercises that point to a different depression, what then is the goal in

‘‘agenda.’’ For instance, the therapist ACT? The goal of ACT is to increase
might note that the client’s situation contact with direct experience and
appears kind of like falling into create more flexible, value-directed
quicksand; the natural, sensible thing repertoires that will persist in the
to do seems to be to struggle to get presence of previously avoided pri-
out, but that does not work in vate events, such as those labeled
quicksand; it only makes matters depression. As told to clients, the goal
worse. is to feel whatever is to be felt as one
Thus, it may be the case that ACT commits to and engages in value-
identifies BA’s TRAPs over the directed behavior (Hayes et al., 1999,
course of treatment, but explicit p. 77). By taking this stance against
assessment in ACT, as presented to changing private events and for the
the client, focuses on the verbal importance of aversive emotions,
context in which experiential avoid- ACT has positioned itself in opposi-
ance occurs. ACT clients are asked to tion to mainstream psychiatry and
monitor FEAR: Fusion with your psychopharmacology as well as cog-
thoughts, Evaluations of your expe- nitive behavioral psychotherapy,
rience, Avoidance of your experi- which has largely adopted the medi-
ences, and Reason given for your cal model with its underlying goals
behavior. Note the parallel placement (e.g., reduction of aversive private
of avoidance in the TRAP and symptoms) and assumptions (e.g.,
FEAR acronyms and how the sur- ‘‘the assumption of healthy normali-
rounding letters shift the focus of ty’’; Hayes et al., 1999, p. 4).
assessment from nonverbal to verbal BA explicitly rejects the medical
variables. model of depression by viewing de-
pression not as an illness but rather
THERAPEUTIC GOALS as a direct consequence of learning
history (Jacobson & Gortner, 2000;
One might suggest that therapeutic Martell et al., 2001). Nevertheless,
goals not only distinguish ACT from BA authors clearly distinguish the
BA but also distinguish ACT from position of BA from that of ACT:
most, if not all, of the mainstream ‘‘Unlike other therapies involving
medical and psychological commu- acceptance, however, BA considers
nity, including other ‘‘third wave’’ the experiences of people who are
approaches. Whereas the goal in BA, depressed as experiences worth chang-
simply put, is to reduce the cluster of ing’’ (Martell et al., 2001, p. 64).
responses, both public and private, However, in line with the tradi-
collectively labeled as depression, tional behavior-analytic position on
ACT views efforts to directly change private events as causal variables
private events with caution. The (Moore, 1980), BA argues that the
caution is based on a concern that best way to achieve such reductions
these efforts might be co-opted into in aversive private experience is
a generalized experiential avoidance through overt behavioral activation
response class. Accordingly, during (working from the outside in) rather
creative hopelessness especially but than through attempts at direct
throughout treatment, ACT thera- manipulation of private experience.
pists highlight the long-term prob- Thus, BA clients are taught not to
lems associated with experiential try to reduce private experiences
avoidance, notably the narrowing of directly. In addition, even though
behavioral repertoires and decreased BA targets private experience
contact with direct experience. through overt behavioral activation,
If not directly reducing the aversive BA by no means offers the client the
private events that in part define possibility that aversive private ex-

periences can be completely elimi- discussion of how these processes are

nated: ‘‘The goal should not be that interrelated with acceptance). Indeed,
the client be free of depression, as their prominence is implied by the
this cannot be guaranteed. Regard- position of acceptance in the treat-
less of how a person feels they can ment’s title, and the importance of
engage in activities that have been acceptance cannot be overstated.
important to them’’ (Martell et al., Acceptance techniques are used
p. 96). throughout treatment; building an
In this regard, BA endorses a posi- acceptance repertoire is seen as an
tion quite similar to that of ACT, important precursor to value-guided
because ACT acknowledges that action, which will undoubtedly ne-
some private events are changeable. cessitate the experiencing of distress
Specifically, ACT therapists ac- along the way.
knowledge openly to clients that the As stated colloquially in the ACT
quality of private experience, when manual, acceptance is ‘‘an active
one is ‘‘fused with’’ and trying to process of feeling feelings as feelings,
control the experience (e.g., ‘‘dirty thinking thoughts as thoughts, re-
discomfort’’), is worth changing and membering memories as memories,
is changeable (Hayes et al., 1999, and so on’’ (p. 77). In practice,
p. 136), but is not changeable if one is therapists are encouraged to use the
trying to change it. Thus, in this way, term willingness rather than accep-
ACT and BA are quite similar. Both tance because acceptance may imply
maintain that direct attempts to tolerance or resignation, which is not
change the initial aversive private consistent with the ideal acceptance
experience are potentially problemat- repertoire, characterized by an active,
ic, but one can change one’s behav- committed, and nonevaluative ap-
ioral response to the initial experi- proach to previously avoided private
ence, and this may reduce its aversive events.
quality. ACT therapists, however, are The targets and functions of
extremely careful to avoid generating ACT’s related defusion, acceptance,
additional goals around reducing and willingness methods vary (Hayes
private experience and increasing rule & Wilson, 2003). In general, the goal
governance. BA therapists, in con- of acceptance is to increase non-
trast, have no qualms making the evaluative contact with previously
point. avoided here-and-now private events.
In closing, this section focused on Because, as stated earlier, ACT posits
the conceptual stance taken toward that aversive private events are often
symptom reduction and how this verbally derived experiences, many of
stance is communicated to the client. the techniques involve altering de-
Not yet addressed is the separate rived stimulus functions to facilitate
issue of whether the therapies actually contact with direct experience. For
produce symptom reduction, which example, the milk, milk, milk defu-
is addressed below. sion technique, in which a negatively
evaluated word or phrase is quickly
ACCEPTANCE repeated for several minutes, appears
to partially extinguish the word’s
derived aversive functions, facilitat-
Acceptance and interrelated pro- ing acceptance (Masuda, Hayes,
cesses such as defusion, mindfulness, Sackett, & Twohig, 2004). Such
and willingness play a fundamental defusion exercises promote discrimi-
role in ACT, and a complete array of nations between verbal responses
methods is provided in the ACT to events and the events themselves
manual to engage these processes and establish these verbal responses
(see also Hayes & Wilson, 2003, for as somewhat arbitrary; thus, an

event’s verbally derived functions that treatment. Although no specific ac-

promote experiential avoidance may ceptance strategies are specified (with
be extinguished and lead to increased one exception, mindfulness, described
acceptance of the initial event. below), the ability to activate in the
Other techniques, such as the Joe presence of aversive private events
the Bum metaphor, in which the fundamentally entails the acceptance,
client is asked to imagine the effort at least temporarily, of those aversive
required to keep Joe the Bum from events.
a party rather than accepting his How acceptance functions in the
unwanted presence, may be seen as two treatments is somewhat different,
establishing operations that establish however, and the distinction between
approach functions and depotentiate ACT and BA here is clear and
avoidance functions while minimiz- cogent. In BA, as stated above, the
ing rule governance. Still other ex- overall goal is reducing depression,
ercises, such as the observer exercise, and the use of acceptance is strategic
a lengthy guided imagery exercise in achieving that goal. BA views
during which the client is led to depression as a natural result of
contact a variety of private events to difficult life events and ‘‘therefore, it
experience a stable sense of self from doesn’t make sense to try to fight it’’
which private events are experienced, (Martell at al., 2001, p. 93). Accord-
may be seen, at least in part, as ing to BA, fighting depression by
exposure exercises, designed to estab- engaging in avoidance behavior par-
lish and maintain contact with a range adoxically maintains and exacerbates
of private experiences, although other the depression; thus, the focus is on
interpretations certainly are possible. countering avoidance behavior and
ACT and RFT theorists are begin- building active problem-solving rep-
ning to explore interpretations of the ertoires. As relevant to acceptance,
functions of these techniques in RFT clients are taught to activate them-
terminology (e.g., some interventions selves regardless of depressed moods:
target contextual variables that con- ‘‘Clients benefit when they can act
trol relational responding, whereas while acknowledging that they didn’t
others target contextual cues that feel like acting at the moment’’
control the transformation of func- (p. 93).
tion given the occurrence of relation- In ACT, any attempt to use
al responding), but little has been acceptance strategies in the service
published on this topic to date. of reducing the primary aversive
experience of depression functionally
BA transforms the strategies into experi-
ential avoidance and is to be avoided.
Unlike ACT, in which acceptance For example, consider a BA client
of private experience precedes and seen by the first author, who reported
facilitates value-guided action, BA being unable to stop ruminating
moves directly to overt action and about problems she was having at
assumes that acceptance will follow. work. The therapist suggested a mind-
BA therapists teach clients that if fulness exercise to her, in which she
they want to change their depression, goes for a walk and focuses on the
they must accept how they feel and physical sensations experienced. The
focus on changing their overt behav- therapist explained that it would
ior. This, in turn, will lead to change potentially help her ‘‘to attend to
in depression. Thus, as in ACT, the the present moment’’ and, borrowing
emphasis is on the eponymous term, ACT parlance, ‘‘get some distance
in this case activation (discussed next) from the rumination machine.’’ She
rather than acceptance, but accep- then asked if the exercise would also
tance is clearly promoted by the help her to relax and feel better.

Because the therapist was conducting target behaviors are identified, at-
BA, he said that he hoped it would tempts to block avoidance and acti-
help her to feel better, because vate these alternate behaviors are
rumination makes her problems also monitored with an eye towards
worse (functionally, rumination is function. In addition to using the
avoidance) and this alternative might TRAP acronym to identify avoid-
be enjoyable (by helping her to ance, clients are taught to ‘‘get out of
contact sources of positive reinforce- TRAPs and get on TRAC’’ by
ment). If the therapist had been replacing Avoidance Patterns with
conducting ACT, he would not have Alternate Coping behaviors.
responded with such a reassurance. In addition, clients are taught to
Instead, he might have asked her if, use the acronym ACTION to moni-
by hoping the exercise would help her tor ongoing avoidance patterns and
feel better, she was again engaging in implement changes: Assess how this
an old emotional control agenda, or behavior serves you, Choose either to
gently asked her if she would like to avoid or activate, Try out whatever
repeat the thought ‘‘this exercise will behavior has been chosen, Integrate
help me feel better’’ for several any new behaviors into a routine,
minutes to see what happens to its Observe the outcome, and Never
functions. give up. Note how this acronym
encourages clients to adopt a func-
ACTIVATION tional–experimental approach to eval-
BA uating their behavior—to develop
hypotheses about the function of
In BA, activating clients is the various behaviors, take action, and
focus of therapy, and the treatment observe the consequences. Taking
uses the full arsenal of behavioral such an approach might lead clients
techniques to achieve behavioral ac- to become better able to describe the
tivation, including scheduling behav- antecedent and consequential stimuli
ioral activities, graded homework that control their behavior (i.e., in-
assignments, in-session rehearsal and creased self-awareness) and lead to
role playing of targeted behaviors, the development of accurate verbal
therapist modeling of targeted behav- rules (i.e., tracks), which might facil-
iors, managing situational contin- itate maintenance of treatment gains.
gencies to make initiation and suc- Finally, by ending with ‘‘Never give
cessful completion of targeted be- up,’’ BA attempts to encourage the
havior more likely, problem solving persistence of behavior in the face of
to identify specific behavioral targets obstacles. Pursuit of goal-directed
as solutions to specific problems, and activity in the face of obstacles is
training to overcome skills deficits also emphasized in ACT’s values
that interfere with initiation and work, a topic we discuss next.
maintenance of targeted behaviors.
As mentioned above, the key distinc- ACT
tion between current BA and earlier
forms of behavioral activation for ACT includes behavioral activa-
depression (Hammen & Glass, 1975; tion as well, but focuses instead on
Lewinsohn, 1974; Lewinsohn, Biglan, values and commitment, again em-
& Zeiss, 1976; Lewinsohn & Graf, phasizing verbal over nonverbal pro-
1973; Lewinsohn & Libet, 1972) is cesses. According to ACT, in addi-
that activation is not focused on tion to a functioning acceptance
increasing pleasant activities per se, repertoire, a set of clearly defined
but is targeted toward specific areas values and associated goals are es-
of passivity and avoidance that have sential prerequisites for guiding acti-
been identified idiographically. Once vation. Values, defined in ACT as

‘‘verbally construed global desired As an illustration, consider again

life consequences’’ (Hayes et al., the male client with a history of multi-
1999, p. 206), may be seen as self- ple depressive episodes described ear-
rules (specifically augmentals) that lier. One value of his was to be a good
strategically take advantage of the husband, with one specific goal being
insensitivity to contingencies generat- to improve his communication with
ed by rule-governed behavior. By his wife. Pursuit of this goal necessi-
helping clients to identify, create, tated articulating his needs and feel-
and clarify values, and then to make ings to his wife and apologizing for
a verbal commitment to activation in and making a commitment to dis-
the service of those values, the ACT continue certain relationship-weaken-
therapist, after having spent much of ing behaviors (e.g., he had previously
treatment dismantling and distancing belittled his wife as a way of termi-
from verbal rules that promote emo- nating feelings of vulnerability when
tional control and derived transfor- his wife tried to talk to him about
mation of stimulus functions that their relationship). Engaging in these
support experiential avoidance, now value-directed responses required
utilizes these processes in an attempt that he persist in the face of feelings
to generate high-strength response of self-doubt and vulnerability and
classes that will persist in the face of thoughts that he was an ‘‘overemo-
avoidance contingencies. The differ- tional baby’’ who was unlovable. Not
ence is that the focal response classes surprisingly, when he did this his wife
consist of overt approach behaviors, reported experiencing him as more
rather than responses that temporar- open, available, and not so closed off,
ily terminate or preempt private and both reported increased close-
events. Indeed, engaging in these ness, understanding, and positive
value-directed approach behaviors contact in the relationship.
often elicits and evokes the very In some ways ACT and BA are
private events that were previously similar in that both view simple
avoided—hence, the initial focus on scheduling of pleasant events as
developing a functioning acceptance meaningless if it is attempted inde-
repertoire prior to making a commit- pendent of a larger assessment that
ment to behave toward personal delineates idiographic areas of acti-
values. vation. BA addresses this limitation
Thus, values take priority over and even discusses goals somewhat,
but does not match ACT’s technical
activation per se in ACT. Like
or theoretical sophistication with re-
acceptance in BA, activation in
spect to values, their behavioral
ACT is implied and stated as impor-
operationalizations, and their role in
tant, but no activation strategies are therapy. On a case-by-case basis,
specified. Instead, the manual (Hayes however, behavioral activation in
et al., 1999) states that, as treatment BA and value-guided action in ACT
culminates, may look identical, especially for
clients who may already have clear
ACT takes on the character of traditional and well-defined values and may not
behavior therapy, and virtually any behavior need the additional values work
change technique is acceptable. The difference
is that behavior change goals, guided expo- conducted in ACT.
sure, social skills training, modeling, role Consider the example immediately
playing, couples work, and so on, are in- above and how the intervention
tegrated with an ACT perspective. Behavior could have been conducted from the
change is a kind of willingness exercise, linked TRAP/TRAC and ACTION frame-
to chosen values. The integration of tradition-
al behavior therapy and ACT in this phase is work with the value only implied:
an important topic, but is well beyond the The trigger (T) could have been
scope of this book. (p. 258) a previous discussion initiated by his

wife about their relationship; the ACT

responses (R) would have been his The following ACT case was
feelings of vulnerability, self-doubt, adapted from Dougher and Hackbert
and negative self-thoughts; the avoid- (1994, pp. 330–333). The client was
ance patterns (AP) would have been a 23-year-old depressed female col-
that he belittled his wife and shut lege student, and the treatment goal
down as a way of escaping the was ‘‘to help the client achieve
feelings; and the alternative coping acceptance of her private events while
(AC) would have been that instead he pursuing those activities and goals
initiates the discussion himself, ar- she identified as being important.’’ In
ticulates his needs and feelings during this session (Session 8), the client is
the discussion, and apologizes for his talking about her reaction to a fight
past behavior. According to AC- with her nonexclusive boyfriend:
TION, he would have assessed (A)
that his belittling her and shutting C: We had a fight, and he left, I felt so
down was making his marriage angry, so bad. I just couldn’t, didn’t want
worse, chosen (C) instead to activate, to go through with it. I started to get
tried out (T) the new behaviors of really down. I just wanted to get drunk.
… I started to drink, but I’m not much of
discussing feelings and apologizing, a drinker, and when I did, it seemed like
committed to engaging in these be- just drinking made me think about it
haviors regularly, thereby integrating more.
(I) them into a routine, observed (O) T: Like trying not to think of pink elephants
makes you think of pink elephants more.
that his wife responded positively to That’s true of everything you do to stop
the new behaviors, and reminded thinking of something or trying not to
himself to never give up (N) if and have a feeling. It just makes it worse.
when she does not respond positively. C: So, what do you do?
An acronym comparison again T: Don’t try not to have feelings. Have them.
C: Does that work? Will the feelings go away?
summarizes the similarities and dif- T: No, but at least you’re not doing anything
ferences. Whereas BA encourages to make them worse.
ACTION, ACT more simply en- C: Well, how do you get rid of the feelings?
courages clients to ACT: Accept your T: You don’t. You can’t.
reactions and be present, Choose C: What do you do about them?
T: Have them. You want to do something
a valued direction, and Take action. you can’t do. You want not to have
Note that both emphasize choice (but thoughts and feelings. But that can’t
ACT expands considerably on what happen, you know. You’re alive and
is to be chosen, i.e., values), and both they’re part of you.
encourage behavior change in the
form of action. BA’s acronym addi- In this transcript, the ACT therapist
tionally encourages functional assess- clearly goes after the consequences of
ment, now in the context of activa- experiential avoidance (‘‘it just makes
tion (the A and O), whereas ACT’s things worse’’) and introduces accep-
ACT does not encourage functional tance as an alternative. An ACT
therapist might also introduce a met-
assessment but simply focuses on
aphor here to try to move beyond
acceptance in addition to choosing
a literal discussion. Notice also that
values and taking action.
the therapist did not just go after the
link between private events and
CASE EXAMPLES escape or avoidance, which a BA
therapist might also do, but also
To illustrate the similarities and highlighted the verbal rules that
differences between ACT and BA, we support experiential avoidance—that
present two case examples, adapted feelings should be terminated. There
from existing writings on ACT and is little focus on the trigger (the
BA. argument) or, at this point, on

alternative coping behaviors. As val- ing and values. In addition, ‘‘the

ues work has yet to occur at this stage client’s depression clearly lifted, al-
of ACT, alternative behaviors, other though her affective state was hardly
than acceptance, have yet to be discussed after the first few weeks of
delineated. A BA therapist might treatment, and it was never an
downplay acceptance here, instead explicit goal of therapy’’ (p. 333).
introducing TRAP and TRAC as
a way to assess the specific situation
and develop alternative coping strat-
egies that subsume acceptance. The BA case was adapted from
In the following transcript, which Martell et al. (2001, pp. 159–173).
occurs later in therapy (Session 17), The client was a 21-year-old de-
the work has focused on value-guided pressed female employed as a techni-
activation, and it becomes more cian, and the treatment goal was
difficult to distinguish between ACT ‘‘teaching her to be more proactive
and BA. In this segment, the client is in order to increase the likelihood
talking about a date with a guy she that her behavior could be positively
met in one of her classes. reinforced.’’ This first transcript is
from Session 4, when the client
C: [Before the date] I was really, uh, starting described attending a holiday gather-
to get nervous and, uh, thinking that, uh, ing at her boyfriend’s house and
that it was a mistake to have agreed to go observed his family’s happiness and
out with him. I don’t know why I was,
you know, so nervous. I have no started thinking about how unhappy
confidence. Anyway, I started thinking her own family was, which made her
about accepting the feelings and the stuff feel sad and lonely.
we talked about, you know, and just got
T: When you were with [his] family and you
T: So you went out?
started to think about how nice his family
C: Yeah, and it was pretty good. But the
is and how not-so-nice your own is, do
whole time, I’m like telling myself he
you think you started to disengage a little
hates me, why am I doing this? What’s
the point? You know. But it was good.
C: [nods in agreement]
T: Did thinking a lot about your own family
Note that the client describes the ultimately end up with you missing out
problem in terms of anxiety and on enjoying a good time?
a litany of depressotypic thoughts, C: Yes, in these situations I’ll sit back and
defusion from which seems to be part not talk. … And, I’ll want to leave.
of a functioning acceptance reper- T: Did you leave?
C: Yes, because of that, and because we were
toire that she has acquired over the both tired.
course of therapy. This appears to T: You’ve become very good at avoiding
depotentiate the escape response and negative things or getting out of negative
allows her to go on and enjoy the situations—you may not be as good at
date. A BA client would be more getting into more positive situations. …
You get into a TRAP. This stands for
likely to describe the problem in Trigger, which, in this case, is your
terms of avoidance and rumination, partner’s nice family; Response, which,
and the need to stay active in the in this case, is feeling lousy and lousy
presence of such feeling and thinking about your own family; and Avoidance-
Pattern, which is when you say you start
patterns. But the key outcome— wanting to leave the situation. … So the
engagement in value-directed behav- way to get out of the trap is to use
ior (activation)—is the same. alternate coping, do something different.
At the end of therapy, the client Maybe staying a little longer even though
had terminated the nonexclusive re- you feel like leaving, looking around the
room to see who wore red on Christmas,
lationship and was considering tak- or better yet, trying to engage someone in
ing a job in Washington D.C., a move an interesting conversation, anything
consistent with her educational train- other than sitting and dwelling.

Here, the therapist clearly goes after get you back on TRAC, with an alterna-
activation, introducing TRAPs and tive way to cope?
C: Do it no matter how I feel.
TRACs. There is no explicit focus on T: I think that might be worth a try, so how
acceptance (or acceptance-enhancing can you plan that for this upcoming
techniques) that might be relevant to week?
the negative thoughts and feelings. C: Well, I need to keep looking for a job,
Instead, there is more focus on the and I need to get back to see a dentist.
T: Can you write some of these things on an
consequences of her passive reper- activity chart and commit to times in the
toire and the possibility of an alter- next few days when you’ll do them?
nate repertoire. There is an implied
rule offered: Do anything other than This interaction represents typical
sitting and ruminating. An ACT BA—a situational analysis that iden-
therapist might first implement ac- tifies avoidance and instruction to
ceptance strategies directed toward activate instead. The client endorses
the private events that preoccupied feeling hopeless, but, time is not spent
the client (i.e., the ruminative on accepting the feeling and then
thoughts and negative feelings) and acting in the face of it, as might
willingness to have those thoughts occur in ACT; the therapist moves
and feelings while choosing not to sit directly to action. Acceptance is
back. The BA therapist went directly a potential by-product of the goal-
after the new behavior and would directed action, but there is no de-
likely suggest that the negative pri- liberate attempt to foster acceptance,
vate events will dissipate when an nor is there a focus on language or
interesting conversation is achieved. concern about language use that
Notice also how the BA therapist dictates use of metaphors and expe-
encourages mindful attending to the riential exercises rather than straight-
moment during any activation at- forward talk.
tempt, which is hinted at in the Subsequently the client saw a den-
comment about seeing how many tist (and was prescribed antibiotics)
people are wearing red. and interviewed for and accepted
Later in therapy (Session 16), the a new job. At the termination session,
client has been generating ideas for the client reported the most impor-
finding a new job and dealing with tant aspect of therapy was learning to
dental problems, but has not been be active, no matter what she was
active in implementing strategies. feeling.

T: It seems to me that we can look at any of C: I know that I need to schedule things and
these life situations as a ‘‘trigger.’’ Even just stick to the schedule, and I’ll feel
coming to therapy and needing to set an better, even when I am feeling lousy.
agenda [for the session] is a trigger. Your T: So the activity charts have been helpful?
response is … what would you say your C: Yes, and recognizing when I avoid things.
response is? I know that I just need to keep facing
C: I don’t know … hopeless. things, because when I avoid them they
T: Okay, so you feel hopeless. What do you just get worse.
C: Well, you’re telling me I don’t do Note that the client clearly endorses
T: I’m not exactly saying that you don’t do the activation-instead-of-avoidance
anything, I’ve seen you work pretty hard rationale. Some acceptance is implied
during our therapy. What I am saying is (‘‘I just need to keep facing things’’),
that your general style is to get very but it is a means to another end—
passive and just complain about prob-
lems but wait until something happens
feeling better.
apart from you that will fix the situation.
C: Yes, I guess so.
T: So that is your ‘‘avoidance pattern’’ when The history of treatment outcome
it comes to these things. So what could studies for BA is a true success story

for behavior analysis. Early research BA demonstrated an advantage over

on Lewinsohn’s (1974) original pleas- pharmacological treatment by retain-
ant events scheduling (PES) was ing more clients and matching its
mixed at best (Blaney, 1981). After effectiveness without risk for physio-
a quiescent period in which PES was logical side effects. Jacobson et al.
subsumed within larger cognitive (1996) suggested that cognitive ther-
behavioral treatment packages (e.g., apy’s version of BA performed as well
Lewinsohn’s ‘‘coping with depres- as full cognitive therapy, but Dimid-
sion’’ and Beck’s cognitive therapy, jian et al. (in press) offer evidence that
Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979), current BA may be a more efficacious
Jacobson et al. (1996) revived interest treatment for more severely depressed
in BA with a component analysis of clients. However, it should be noted
cognitive therapy. This large study that in another recently completed
(152 clients) compared the BA com- large-scale randomized clinical trial,
ponent of cognitive therapy, BA plus cognitive therapy did as well as
a partial package of cognitive therapy a selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
targeting automatic thoughts, and tor at posttreatment (DeRubeis et al.,
the full cognitive therapy package. 2005) and was better at preventing
Results suggested that a behavioral relapse (Hollon et al., 2005).
approach to depressive symptoms Two smaller studies on depression
was as effective as both cognitive have been conducted using the origi-
therapy conditions. There were no nal version of ACT, called compre-
differences in outcome effectiveness hensive distancing (Zettle & Hayes,
at the end of treatment, despite a large 1986; Zettle & Rains, 1989). Before we
sample, excellent adherence and com- discuss studies that examine compre-
petence by multiple therapists in all hensive distancing, it is important to
conditions, and a clear bias by the distinguish it from ACT. Comprehen-
study therapists favoring cognitive sive distancing included many features
therapy. More important, these find- of ACT. However, it differed in that
ings were maintained when evaluated creative hopelessness played a relative-
at a 2-year follow-up (Gortner, Gol- ly smaller role and, more important,
lan, Dobson, & Jacobson, 1998). BA (specifically, PES) was incorpo-
This study sparked the develop- rated towards the end of treatment
ment of both BATD (see Hopko, rather than the current focus on
Lejuez, LePage, Hopko, & McNeil, values (Zettle, 2005b; Zettle & Hayes,
2003; Lejuez, Hopko, & Hopko, 2001; 1989). Interestingly, incorporation of
Lejuez, Hopko, LePage, Hopko, & PES included its underlying focus on
McNeil, 2001) and current BA. A reducing depressed feelings, as de-
recent randomized trial compared scribed in the comprehensive distanc-
current BA to cognitive therapy, ing manual (Zettle & Hayes, 1989)
paroxetine, and placebo (Dimidjian used by Zettle and Rains:
et al., in press). Subjects (N 5 241)
were randomly assigned, stratified by One approach which has shown a great deal of
depression severity, to one of the four promise in helping individuals like yourself to
feel less depressed [italics added] is to encour-
conditions. At posttreatment, there age you to maintain a high activity level,
were no differences between the three particularly in doing things you normally
active groups for mildly depressed enjoy. Actually what we’ve focused on so far
participants. However, BA and med- in allowing you to avoid getting caught up in
your own thoughts and feelings should free you
ication outperformed cognitive ther- up so you’ll have more time and energy to devote
apy with moderately to severely de- to enjoyable activities [italics added]. (p. 22)
pressed participants. Although there
were no differences between BA Thus, comprehensive distancing may
and paroxetine, BA had a signi- be described as a substantial ex-
ficantly lower attrition rate. Thus, tension of PES that focused first

on dismantling the verbal context setting. All clients in both studies

that supports experiential avoidance were women, and all were treated by
before engaging in PES. As compre- Robert Zettle; thus generalizations to
hensive distancing evolved into ACT, men and to other therapists less
PES and its attached rationale were connected with the development of
replaced by values work, and the the treatment remain unresolved is-
treatment became more consistent. sues. With regards to ACT, to date
Zettle and Hayes (1986) compared there is no randomized outcome re-
three treatments: comprehensive dis- search published that has examined
tancing, cognitive therapy without its efficacy with respect to depressive
distancing techniques, and full cogni- clients. Thus, it seems that BA clearly
tive therapy. Eighteen women were holds an advantage over ACT in
randomly assigned to one of the three terms of published efficacy for the
groups, and all clients were treated by treatment of depression. However,
the first author. Despite including several trials of both ACT and BA
a partial cognitive therapy package to for depression (including large-scale
determine the specific role of distanc- efficacy trials of BA adapted for
ing in cognitive therapy, both cogni- primary-care settings) are underway
tive therapy groups were combined or have not yet been published, and
for analysis. Clients treated with we expect the database to grow
comprehensive distancing reported considerably for both treatments over
significantly less believability of the next few years. Unfortunately not
thoughts at posttreatment and signif- much of this research will be behav-
icantly less depression at a 2-month ior analytic.3
follow-up compared to clients in the That said, it must also be stated
aggregate cognitive therapy condition that ACT holds an advantage over
(see also Zettle & Hayes, 1987). BA in terms of several other mental
This study was followed by a com- health problems. ACT has been
parison of comprehensive distancing tested for workplace stress manage-
and cognitive therapy in a group ment, psychotic symptoms, mathe-
therapy setting (Zettle & Rains, matics anxiety, polysubstance-abus-
1989). Forty-five women participated ing opiate addicts, chronic smokers,
and, similar to Zettle and Hayes and social anxiety (reviewed in Hayes
(1986), three treatment conditions et al., 2006; Hayes, Masuda, Bissett,
were included: comprehensive dis- Luoma, & Guerrero, 2004). Several
tancing, cognitive therapy without of these studies have included mea-
distancing, and full cognitive therapy; sures of depression. An ACT-based
all groups were led by the first group intervention decreased depres-
author. Unlike the previous study, sion for self-harming clients who had
however, the cognitive therapy been diagnosed with borderline per-
groups were not aggregated for anal- sonality disorder compared to a treat-
ysis. All groups demonstrated signif- ment-as-usual control (Gratz & Gun-
icant decreases in depression, but no derson, in press). Chronic pain
differences in treatment efficacy were patients, acting as their own controls
found at either posttreatment or 2- and receiving ACT-consistent inter-
month follow-up. ventions, demonstrated reduced lev-
Thus, taken together, there is els of depression that were main-
a small data set suggesting that an tained at a 3-month follow-up
early and approximate version of
ACT tested better than cognitive 3
Readers may also want to consider re-
therapy when administered individu- search on process mediators of outcome in
comprehensive distancing (Hayes, Luoma,
ally and a comparatively larger study Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006; Zettle & Hayes,
that reported no significant differ- 1986; Zettle & Rains, 1989) and BA (Jacobson
ences when conducted in a group et al., 1996).

(McCracken, Vowles, & Eccleston, desired outcome is for the specific

2005). A multiple baseline within- tracks (e.g., as identified in the
subject design demonstrated reduc- TRAP/TRAC analyses) to become
tions in depression among obsessive- largely contingency governed as nat-
compulsive clients (Twohig, Hayes, & ural consequences are contacted,
Masuda, in press). Finally, a noncon- thus, also supporting the general rule
trolled study reported similar reduc- (i.e., ‘‘To feel better activate using
tions in depression among parents of TRAP/TRAC analyses’’). It is hoped
children who had been diagnosed that this result will be prophylactic
with autism given ACT-based group against future depression.
support (Blackledge & Hayes, in From an ACT perspective, there is
press). BA, in turn, has been studied potential concern that strengthening
as a treatment for posttraumatic such rule following might unwittingly
stress disorder in a case study (Mu- contribute to a generalized response
lick & Naugle, 2004) and a small- class of following verbal rules that
group design (Jakupak et al., in specify emotional control. Accord-
press). ingly, across the full duration of
therapy, ACT seeks to weaken at-
SUMMARY AND tempts at verbal control of private
TREATMENT IMPLICATIONS events; this includes eliminating
changing private events as an explicit
In addition to the text below, goal of treatment. The purpose of
Table 1 provides a brief synopsis of ACT is similar to that of BA in that
the similarities and differences be- clients should make contact with
tween ACT and BA outlined in this contingencies in their current envi-
paper. (Cognitive therapy, although ronment. The hope is that, when
not the focus of this paper, is included attempts to control private events
as an additional point of reference are suspended and values are clearly
because it is the psychosocial treat- discriminated, (a) engagement in
ment for depression that has the overt behavior, as specified in rules
largest empirical database.) In BA, derived from values, will be potenti-
clients are told, ‘‘Activate and you ated (augmenting), and (b) the client
will feel better’’ and are provided with will be more sensitive to the direct
instructions for how to do so. Initial consequences of this behavior, such
compliance with these rules will hope- that (c) rules that are formed will be
fully lead to stable contact with more accurate and adaptive (track-
positive, natural reinforcement, ing).
which should then maintain the be- Thus, ACT differs from BA on
havior and the rule following. Ac- theoretical grounds for three reasons.
cording to the taxonomy of rule First, as stated earlier, BA can be
following described by Hayes (Hayes seen as reinforcing verbal processes
et al., 1999; Hayes & Ju, 1998), rule that support the control of aversive
following in BA moves from pliance private events. Second, according to
(rule following because of socially ACT, verbally controlled behavior
mediated consequences) and ineffec- leads to insensitivity to changes in
tive tracking (following because of schedules of reinforcement and may
a correspondence between the rule reduce the value of reinforcers. That
and the natural consequences—in is, the same way that values may act
BA’s conceptualization of depression, as augmentals that increase the
the natural consequence being avoid- strength of reinforcers, an avoid-
ance or escape) to more effective ance-control agenda may act as an
tracking (following a rule because, augmental that reduces the value of
more often than not, it successfully reinforcers that are associated with
leads to positive reinforcement). The the occurrence of negative private

A summary of the similarities and differences among behavioral activation,
acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive therapy
Acceptance and commitment
Behavioral activation therapy Cognitive therapy
Therapist Feelings of sadness Working toward a goal of Sad feelings can be
conceptual can be changed changing sad feelings may changed and changed
stancea and changed most further the emotional most effectively by
effectively by control agenda and rigid changing the client’s
changing behavior. rule governance that fuel thoughts. The therapist
Hypothesized experiential avoidance, the works from the inside
mechanism of primary barrier to living out, with a change in the
action is direct a values-based life. The content of thoughts (or
reinforcement therapist works to diminish schemas) as the pro
contingent on the verbal link between posed mechanism of
behavior scheduled feeling better and living action (i.e., a cognitive
for activation. better, with a decrease in mediational model).
experiential avoidance as
the proposed mechanism
of action (i.e., an
experiential avoidance
mediational model).
Therapist We are going to try Attempts to change sadness How you appraise a
verbal and change how have not worked for you. situation is critical to
behavior to you are feeling by A new strategy is needed. how you feel and act.
client working from the Willingness is an Negative thinking leads
outside in because alternative; are you willing to negative mood states
this is where we to have sadness and go and maladaptive
are likely to have where you choose to go in behaviors. We are going
the greatest life? If you do so your to try and change how
amount of success. sadness may decrease, but you are feeling by
there is no guarantee, it changing how you think
may not. about and interpret
Symptom Decreases depressive Decreases depressive Decreases depressive
change symptoms. symptoms. symptoms.
Comparative Has done as well as As comprehensive distancing, Efficacy supported in
efficacy or better than the was equal to or better than several large
full cognitive cognitive therapy in two randomized clinical
therapy package modest clinical trials. trials. The necessity of
(that includes Several other studies cognitive techniques
activation) in two provide additional support. called into question by
large randomized BA findings.
clinical trials.
These findings
support activation
as sufficient
For simplicity we focus on sadness, the cardinal symptom of depression and a clear aversive
private event, to best highlight similarities and differences in these domains.

events (e.g., when a client reports behaviors alternative to avoidance.

having had a positive social encoun- Third, even when environmental con-
ter but indicates that it was ‘‘a tingencies that support active and
failure’’ because he did not feel happy goal-directed behavior are contacted,
as it occurred or afterward). In other ACT would consider such contact to
words, verbal processes may prevent be limited and risk for relapse sub-
and disrupt contact with environ- stantial as long as underlying verbal
mental contingencies that BA sug- processes that support experiential
gests will reinforce and maintain avoidance are not addressed. Even

an active and goal-directed life will among the treatments. The need for
still inevitably supply aversive private additional data addressing the active
experiences that will trigger experien- ingredients of change in these treat-
tial avoidance. ments is apparent.
For this reason, ACT permits the The preceding paragraph also
success of activation and exposure prompts questioning whether ACT’s
treatments but only to a degree. For additional verbal strategies are
example, a young college student necessary. Efficacy data based on
who strictly follows the rule, ‘‘If I group designs aside, theoretically the
avoid emotional expression, then I choice to use BA or ACT for a de-
will not be humiliated, which is pressed client may rest on the role of
good,’’ may find himself in a specific verbal behavior in a client’s prob-
social situation in which emotional lems. Unfortunately, technologies for
expression is encouraged and sup- the assessment of the role of derived
ported. Eventually, the person may stimulus relations and control by
learn to disclose emotions in this verbal rules in individual cases do
setting. From an ACT perspective, not yet exist (see Hayes & Follette,
a new rule has not been established; 1992, for a full discussion of this
rather, the old rule has been elabo- issue). ACT authors frequently high-
rated into ‘‘If I avoid emotional light the apparent ubiquity of verbal
expression, then I will not be humil- behavior (e.g., ‘‘Humans swim in
iated, which is good but since Situa- a sea of talking, listening, planning,
tion A will not bring humiliation I and reasoning,’’ Hayes, Blackledge,
can express emotion.’’ According to & Barnes-Holmes, 2001, p. 3) as
ACT, this may be what BA achieves. justification for ACT’s use, but such
This appears to be at least a half step broad generalizations are difficult to
forward from an ACT perspective, in support empirically. Indeed, a basic
that this rule is less rigid and in- premise of behavior analysis has been
flexible than the original, consistent that most controlling variables are
with the ACT notion that experien- not globally applicable, should be
tial avoidance becomes especially determined experimentally, and are
problematic when it results in signif- not to be assumed from common
icantly reduced behavioral flexibility sense and experience. Furthermore,
(i.e., large portions of the client’s another premise has been that a par-
repertoire are centered around it). ticular focus on verbal behavior and
However, this half step forward other private events, although they
might lead to a full step backward if seem causal from the perspective of
the underlying control agenda has common sense, may in fact detract
simply been reinforced and not from a proper functional assessment
weakened. In other words, risk for of environmental variables (e.g.,
relapse might be higher. This concep- Skinner, 1953).
tual concern is not supported by the There is certainly solid experimen-
available long-term follow-up data tal support for many of the basic
on BA (or cognitive therapy for that processes (rule-governed behavior,
matter), which suggest that changes derived stimulus relations, transfor-
are relatively robust. It is not entirely mation of stimulus functions) in-
clear at the present time how ACT voked by ACT and described by
would conceptually account for the RFT (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, &
positive and persisting effects of BA Roche, 2001), and this support is
and cognitive therapy, but BA can growing. Nonetheless, RFT research
conceptually account for the effects preparations do not successfully ad-
of ACT, cognitive therapy, and BA dress the ubiquity of verbal behavior,
by emphasizing the sufficiency of the question of whether a particular
activation, the common thread client problem is best conceptualized

as verbal, or the question of whether the Reasons for Depression self-re-

a particular overt behavioral stream port questionnaire by Addis, Truax,
is functionally connected to the pri- & Jacobson, 1996), especially reasons
vate verbal behavioral stream that that pointed to depression as a char-
preceded it. RFT theorists acknowl- acter trait or depression in response
edge the difficulty determining wheth- to existential issues, tended to have
er nonverbal behavior is verbally poorer outcomes in BA.
mediated or contingency shaped on Extrapolating from these data, it
a behavior-by-behavior basis (Hayes, might be suggested that clients re-
Gifford, Townsend, & Barnes- ceive ACT if they present with high
Holmes, 2001); only a full documen- experiential avoidance4 and many
tation of the relevant histories in- reasons for depression, especially
volved will reveal the actual sources reasons that place the cause of de-
of control, and of course the distinc- pression in characterological or exis-
tion is somewhat arbitrary, in that tential domains, because ACT di-
most clinically relevant behavior is rectly targets verbal reason giving
multiply controlled. (with cognitive defusion strategies)
Given multiple sources of control, and existential issues (with values
it may be more appropriate to take identification and clarification). In
a pragmatic stance and ask if target- addition to using self-report ques-
ing verbal variables over other vari- tionnaires, we suggest that the clini-
ables will lead to enhanced outcomes cian perform some informal assess-
for particular clients. Unfortunately, ment to identify the level of fusion
there is little research to guide this line with evaluating thoughts and concep-
of questioning. The problem is com- tual categories, the level of experien-
pounded by the repeated finding tial avoidance (core unacceptable
that most cognitive and behavioral emotions, thoughts, memories, etc.;
treatments for depression appear what are the consequences of having
to perform equivalently (Gloaguen, such experiences that the client is
Cottraux, Cucherat, & Blackburn, unwilling to risk) versus overt behav-
1998), and considerable evidence ex- ioral avoidance, and the level of
ists to support the notion that non- identified values and value-directed
specific factors (i.e., provision of behavior. This recommendation may
a clear treatment rationale with a set point toward ACT with potentially
of associated techniques offered in the more difficult clients (those with high
context of a solid therapeutic re- fusion, high experiential avoidance,
lationship) are more important in and low values), but this simple
treatment than are specific differences heuristic is contradicted by BA’s
as discussed in this article (Ilardi & recently demonstrated success with
Craighead, 1994). severely depressed rather than mildly
Addis and Jacobson (1996) provide depressed individuals (Dimidjian et
some potentially relevant informa- al., in press).
tion about clients for whom BA These recommendations are almost
may or may not work. Examining entirely based on theory, group de-
the data from the component analysis sign research, and correlations be-
of cognitive therapy (Jacobson et al., tween questionnaires. Single-case de-
1996), they found that outcome in
BA was positively correlated with 4
Because the most well-used measure of
client response to the BA rationale ACT processes, the Acceptance and Action
and early activation assignments, Questionnaire (Hayes, Strosahl, et al., 2004),
suggesting the importance of events has been defined not only as a measure of
experiential avoidance but as a broad measure
that happen early in treatment. In of multiple ACT processes, the development
addition, clients who endorsed more of more specific measures of experiential
reasons for depression (assessed with avoidance per se may be fruitful.

signs are sorely needed in this area. BA is ineffective, the failure of these
Neither ACT nor BA has provided early attempts to activate without
much of these data for depression addressing the internal change agen-
(but see Twohig, Hayes, & Masuda, da (and its supporting verbal context)
in press). Furthermore, neither have are ripe material for creative hope-
provided much in the form of com- lessness. In fact, as per functional
ponent analyses, to determine which analytic psychotherapy (Kohlenberg
of their multiple treatment techniques & Tsai, 1991), because these failures
or components are empirically justifi- occurred during therapy they may
able, when to employ them, and for make creative hopelessness even more
which client problems. Lastly, there is powerful than otherwise. Again, how-
little research guidance on how to ever, we have no data suggesting the
conduct functional assessments of the utility of ACT with BA treatment
relevant verbal and nonverbal vari- failures.
ables that would guide case concep- It may be the case that BA is more
tualization. Thus, the choice to use appropriate, not for easier (less de-
ACT or BA, for now, may ultimately pressed) clients, but for clients with
rely on clinician preference and fa- simpler goals; namely, to feel better.
miliarity, or perhaps clinician values, For example, it is probably easier to
and the dangers of relying on clinical conduct BA in the context of other
judgment are clear (Dawes, 1994; symptom-reduction approaches (e.g.,
Dawes, Faust, & Meehl, 1989; medications). Of course, one can use
Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). This ACT with clients on medications, but
is a somewhat sad state of affairs, the rationale becomes trickier and
but by no means are ACT or BA harder to implement. ACT therapists
treatment developers to blame; the in this situation face the dilemma of
field of behavior analysis as a whole trying to change a client in ways the
has not addressed the particulars of client may not have bargained for. It
treatment for outpatient depression. is our experience that some clients
Assuming a lack of a clear ratio- will not achieve creative hopelessness,
nale for applying either therapy, and persistent attempts to target it
starting treatments for depression may frustrate the client and create
with BA may be justifiable for a few ruptures in the therapeutic relation-
reasons. First, conservatively speak- ship (see Castonguay, Goldfried,
ing, the recent, large, and well-de- Wiser, Raue, & Hayes, 1996, for
signed BA studies lend it clear a demonstration of how rigid adher-
empirical support as traditionally de- ence to a particular strategy in
fined (although the accumulation of cognitive therapy led to similar prob-
ACT evidence from a variety of lems). Thus, if the case is relatively
sources is compelling). Second, pure depression, the client wants
whereas both ACT and BA have simply to feel better, and there is
been formatted as relatively short- a short time frame, then the use of
term treatments (e.g., 16 to 20 ACT’s values identification and elab-
sessions), because the theoretical ra- orate acceptance and mindfulness
tionale and treatment procedures for technologies may be incommensurate
BA are both less complex than ACT, with overall treatment goals.
it would be expected that it would be Nevertheless, ACT has captivated
easier to train and conduct BA many therapists because the work
(although such a supposition has yet offers much more than techniques for
to be empirically tested). Third, symptom reduction. For example,
practically speaking, it would appear Hayes et al. (1999) note that ACT,
to be far easier and even productive as part of a larger effort focused on
to switch from a BA to an ACT the RFT analysis of human language
rationale than vice versa. That is, if and cognition, broadly targets hu-

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