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This part of the business plan will present the total numbers of employed individuals
inside the company. Good manpower helps the business in its growth and achieve its goals.
They will keep the production of the business, hence they’re important.

The following are the positions needed to operate the presented business and the reason why
they are essential:


Marketing and Sales are important factors that mainly contribute to the success of any
business. Usually the business owner leads this team and maximize the effectiveness of the
sales. In this department, we will need:

 Owner-Manager

This will be manage by Jemeri Basilio, which is also the leader of our
group. Although he will also direct the other department/managers, he will mainly
focus on this position. He will hold the responsibility for overall marketing
strategy, with the help of other marketing employees. Further, he will identify
how to strengthen the business and will do new campaigns, coordinating to other
departments to produce effective strategies. He will bring the best out of the
team, being the face of our business to the public.

 Online Marketing Manager

He/She will be responsible in any online engagement of the business,

These works such as checking emails for online transactions since we will sell
our product in social media. Moreover, he/she will lead the promotion and
advertising of out product.

 Delivery Executive

He/She will deliver our product to the customers, by accepting meet-ups

from selected area in Marikina and through Grab Food if its around Metro Manila.
He/She will be responsible for the distribution and other schedules regarding the
purchase of the product.


This management is accountable with regard to the finance operations and funding of
the business. Below are the following employees of this department:

 Chief Financial Manager

Is the overall head of the financial management which will be led by Tricia
Rapirap. She will manage all the financial activities and work with the sub-
department managers to achieve over-all performance of the business. Also, she
is responsible for financial reports and all the financial transactions before it will
be forwarded to the owner-manager. All the settlement of the liabilities will be
assited by her.

 Management Accountant

He/She will be in charge of monitoring the cahs flows, and preparing

budgets inside the business. All the expenses and profits will be listed by him/her
using management reports.

 Cashier

He/She will receive the payment of our customers and is assigned inside
our store. Eventually at the end of the day, he/she will report/surrender the sales
to the, and give an update for the day’s profit.


The production management helps to make the product concept into reality. This
involves the planning, and controlling the production process. Refer below for the positions
regarding this mangement:

 Production Manger

This position will be accompanied by Sharmaine Blando. She will oversee

the day-to-day operations, all production activities, and if it’s carry out properly.
From checking the qualities and quantities of the products, and forming it to its
final packaging. She will guide all the production workers.

 Production worker

This position will include several workers as this is timely and the main
function of the department. They will make the best of our products, and
guarantee the high quality of it.

 Machinist/Operator

He/she will maintain, and operate the machines that will be used in
production. If ever there’s also a repair, he/she will do the maintenance.


This department revolves around managing and distributing information within the office.
They ensure the efficient performance of all the department inside the business. Indicated below
are the positions involve in this management:
 Administration Manager

He/she will manage all the paper works inside the office such as
documents and files. Also, he/she will process all work requiring permits and any
business inquiries. He/she will analyze the process of and develop ways to
improve office operations and resolve if any issues.

 Supplies Executive

This position includes the buying of the raw materials/ingredients and

machines. All of the supplies needed will be manage by him/her.

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