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(M.B.A) (SESSION 2022-2024)


Dr Puneet Bhushan Sakshi Kaisth

Assistant Professor Roll No. – 36220010090



SHIMLA – 171005

I Sakshi Kaisth D/o Mr Sardari Kaisth at this moment declare that the On The-Job-Training
report on “Human Resource” (Green Bhumi) has been prepared by me. The data and
information are authentic to the best of my knowledge. I at this moment declare that the On-
The-Job-Training report at “Green Bhumi” under the guidance of Mr Gaurav Bhaleraon
Manager submitted to the Himachal Pradesh University Business School, is my own work
and the report is genuine and authentic work study prepared by me. This report has not been
submitted elsewhere for the fulfilment of the requirement of any academic degree/diploma
certificate etc.

Place: Shimla Name: Sakshi Kaisth

Date: Roll Number: 36220010090


This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and help of several
individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in
the preparation and completion of this study.

I would want to offer my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my guide, Mr Gaurav

Bhalerao, Manager for demonstrating such flexibility and guiding in such a way that I was
truly studying the subject all the while. He was very open in his approach, and I would want
to thank him for his help in a way that resulted in proper and successful learning.

I am grateful to Green Bhumi. for providing me with the chance to intern in the Human
Resource Department for two months. I am honoured to have completed my course with this
esteemed organisation.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank the senior executives and every associate at
Green Bhumi for giving me all of these opportunities.














As part of my Master of Business Administration programme, I was required to complete a
12-week winter internship. Training in any organisation provides me with practical
experience in various activities that occur in an organisation. The training at Green Bhumi
includes day-to-day work providing a unique backdrop for understanding HR practices. The
BHUMI.)" assisted me in gaining a better grasp of HR practices.

With the advice and guidance of my tutor, I was able to apply theoretical knowledge in a
practical setting. I have worked hard to complete the task assigned to me within the time
frame specified.


This internship report aims to provide an overview and analysis of my experience working at
Green Bhumi, Green Bhumi stands as a beacon of sustainability and community-centric
initiatives in today's corporate landscape. Founded on the principles of environmental
stewardship and social responsibility, Green Bhumi is not just a company; it's a movement
towards a greener, more equitable future. In this article, we will introduce the history, vision,
products, and achievements of Green Bhumi.

History of Green Bhumi

Green Bhumi was started in 2006 by a few students and young professionals in the Indian
city of Chennai. The organisation was started by ophthalmologist Dr. Prahalathan KK and his
friends Ayyanar Elumalai, Dr. Harishankar, Namasivayam and Prakash Selvaraj With a
passion to do something for the nation, a bunch of young people got together to volunteer to
teach children at an orphanage in Chennai. The experience was an eye-opener about the
status of the education system in the country. This motivated the co-founders to start Bhumi
on August 15, 2006.They started a branch in Tiruchi in 2009 with few students from
Saranathan College of Engineering, and by 2015, the volunteer strength crossed over to 500
students covering all colleges in and around city by 2016, the NGO was active in 12 cities
and was working with over 15,000 children across India. Bhumi is one of India's largest
independent youth volunteer non-profit organisations.

Objectives of the Internship Report

 To provide an overview of Green Bhumi, its growth.

 To document and analyse my internship experience, including the tasks and

responsibilities assigned to me.

 Document the practical application of HR theories and concepts in a real-world


 Reflect on personal growth, skills development, and professional insights gained

during the internship.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of HR practices and initiatives implemented within Green

 Provide recommendations for improvement and future directions based on

observations and experiences during the internship.

 Serve as a tool for academic assessment and professional development, showcasing

the intern's achievements and contributions to the organization.


The information presented in this report is based on my personal experience and observations
during the internship period at Green Bhumi. Primary data was collected through direct
interaction with colleagues, supervisors, and project teams. Secondary data, including
company reports, publications, and relevant literature, was also utilized to gather additional
information and support the analysis presented in this report.


Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are typically non-profit, citizen-based groups that

function independently of government influence. They're driven by people with a common
interest or goal, such as humanitarian, environmental, or social causes. NGOs play diverse
roles, including advocacy, service delivery, research, and community development.

NGOs often operate at local, national, and international levels, addressing a wide range of
issues, from healthcare and education to human rights and environmental conservation. They
can be categorized based on their focus areas, such as:

 Humanitarian NGOs: These organizations provide aid and support during

emergencies, such as natural disasters or conflicts. Examples include the Red
Cross and Doctors Without Borders.
 Development NGOs: These groups work on long-term projects aimed at
improving the socio-economic conditions of communities, often focusing on
education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.
 Advocacy NGOs: Advocacy NGOs work to raise awareness about specific issues,
lobby governments, and promote policy changes. They often collaborate with
other organizations and use various channels, including media campaigns and
public events, to influence decision-makers.
 Environmental NGOs: These organizations focus on issues related to
environmental conservation, climate change, wildlife protection, and sustainable
development. Examples include Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund

NGOs rely on various funding sources, including donations, grants, and partnerships with
governments, businesses, and other organizations. They operate under different legal
frameworks depending on the country, and their structures can vary from small grassroots
organizations to large, multinational entities.

NGOs contribute significantly to addressing societal challenges and filling gaps where
governments may lack resources or capacity. However, they also face challenges such as
funding constraints, political pressure, and maintaining accountability and transparency.
Overall, NGOs are crucial actors in global efforts to address social, environmental, and
humanitarian issues.

Benefits of NGOs
NGOs contribute significantly to environmental conservation through various initiatives and
actions, yielding several specific benefits:

 Advocacy and Policy Influence: Environmental NGOs advocate for stronger

regulations and policies to protect natural habitats, reduce pollution, and mitigate
climate change. They lobby governments and collaborate with international bodies to
influence decision-making processes, leading to the adoption of more sustainable
practices and policies.
 Community Engagement and Education: NGOs engage local communities in
environmental conservation efforts through awareness campaigns, workshops, and
educational programs. By empowering people with knowledge and skills, they foster
a sense of stewardship and encourage sustainable practices such as waste reduction,
recycling, and habitat restoration.
 Habitat Protection and Restoration: Many environmental NGOs work directly to
preserve and restore critical habitats, including forests, wetlands, coral reefs, and
biodiversity hotspots. They acquire land for conservation purposes, implement
restoration projects, and collaborate with indigenous communities to safeguard
natural ecosystems and wildlife populations.
 Wildlife Conservation and Protection: NGOs play a crucial role in protecting
endangered species and combating wildlife trafficking. Through conservation
programs, habitat management, and anti-poaching initiatives, they help safeguard
vulnerable wildlife populations and restore balance to ecosystems.
 Sustainable Resource Management: Environmental NGOs promote sustainable
resource management practices in sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and
energy. They support initiatives for sustainable land use, responsible fishing practices,
and renewable energy development, helping to reduce environmental degradation and
promote long-term resilience.
 Research and Monitoring: Many NGOs conduct scientific research and monitoring
to assess environmental health, identify threats, and inform conservation strategies.
By generating data and sharing findings, they contribute valuable insights to the
scientific community and guide evidence-based conservation efforts.
 Cross-Sector Collaboration: NGOs collaborate with government agencies,
businesses, academic institutions, and other stakeholders to tackle complex
environmental challenges collaboratively. By fostering partnerships and sharing
expertise, they leverage collective resources and expertise to achieve greater impact
and scalability in conservation initiatives.


Research-oriented NGOs encompass a diverse range of organizations dedicated to
advancing knowledge and addressing societal challenges through scientific inquiry, data
analysis, and evidence-based research. These NGOs typically conduct research across
various fields, including social sciences, environmental sciences, public health, education,
and economics. Some common types of research-focused NGOs and the services they
provide include:

 Policy Research Institutes: These organizations conduct research to inform policy

decisions at local, national, and international levels. They analyze social, economic,
and political issues, produce policy briefs and reports, and engage policymakers and
stakeholders to advocate for evidence-based policies.
 Think Tanks: Think tanks are research organizations that focus on analyzing and
developing solutions to complex policy problems. They conduct research, publish
reports, host events, and provide expertise to inform public debate and shape policy
 Academic Research Centers: Universities and academic institutions often house
research centers and institutes that focus on specific areas of study, such as public
health, environmental sustainability, or international development. These centers
conduct interdisciplinary research, collaborate with external partners, and disseminate
findings through publications and conferences.
 Scientific Research NGOs: These organizations conduct scientific research to
address pressing issues in fields such as environmental conservation, climate change,
biodiversity, and public health. They may conduct fieldwork, collect data, analyze
samples, and collaborate with academic and government partners to advance
scientific knowledge and inform conservation and public health policies.
 Social Research Organizations: NGOs focused on social research conduct studies
on topics such as poverty, inequality, gender equality, education, and human rights.
They gather data through surveys, interviews, and qualitative research methods to
understand social phenomena, identify trends, and propose interventions to address
social challenges.
 Health Research NGOs: Organizations dedicated to health research conduct studies
on diseases, healthcare systems, public health interventions, and health disparities.
They may engage in epidemiological research, clinical trials, health policy analysis,
and community-based research to improve health outcomes and inform healthcare
policies and practices.
 Economic Research Institutes: Economic research NGOs analyze economic trends,
policies, and development strategies to promote sustainable economic growth,
poverty reduction, and equitable distribution of resources. They conduct economic
impact assessments, policy evaluations, and empirical studies to inform decision-
making by governments, businesses, and international organizations.

These research-focused NGOs play a vital role in generating new knowledge, informing
public discourse, shaping policy agendas, and addressing pressing societal challenges
through evidence-based approaches

Challenges faced by NGO’s

NGOs face various challenges that can affect their effectiveness and sustainability:

Funding Constraints: Many NGOs rely on grants, donations, and fundraising efforts to
finance their operations. Fluctuations in funding, donor priorities, and economic conditions
can pose significant challenges, leading to financial instability and constraints on program

Regulatory Compliance: NGOs must navigate complex legal and regulatory frameworks,
both domestically and internationally. Compliance with registration requirements, tax laws,
reporting obligations, and government restrictions can be time-consuming and resource-
intensive, particularly in countries with restrictive NGO regulations.

Resource Limitations: NGOs often operate with limited human, financial, and technological
resources. Staffing shortages, lack of expertise, and inadequate infrastructure can hinder
organizational capacity and limit the scope and scale of their activities.
Political and Social Pressures: NGOs may face political opposition, social stigma, and
hostility from governments, interest groups, or communities opposed to their mission or
activities. Restrictions on freedom of expression, association, and assembly can impede their
ability to operate independently and advocate for social change.

Security Risks: Operating in conflict zones, fragile states, or areas with high levels of
violence poses significant security risks for NGO staff and volunteers. Threats, harassment,
attacks, and intimidation targeting NGOs can jeopardize their safety and impede their ability
to deliver essential services and support to affected populations.

Coordination and Collaboration: Fragmentation, duplication of efforts, and lack of

coordination among NGOs and other stakeholders can undermine the effectiveness of
humanitarian response and development initiatives. Building partnerships, fostering
collaboration, and coordinating efforts with government agencies, civil society organizations,
and local communities are essential for maximizing impact and efficiency.

Accountability and Transparency: NGOs are accountable to their beneficiaries, donors, and
the public for their actions, decisions, and use of resources. Ensuring transparency, ethical
conduct, and effective governance structures are essential for maintaining trust and
credibility, particularly in contexts where corruption, fraud, and mismanagement are

Addressing these challenges requires strategic planning, adaptive management, and

collaboration with diverse stakeholders to build resilient and sustainable organizations
capable of navigating complex operating environments and achieving long-term goals.


Greenbhumi is a project under TopTrove’s foundation, which works towards ensuring a better
life free from pollution and full of fresh air. GreenBhumi has reached a higher level of
success than in the past. Greenbhumi has changed a lot recently. At GreenBhumi, we
encourage people to plant trees in order to guarantee that nature has a good influence on
many people’s lives and contributes to their socio-economic well–being. We also assist in
finding an innovative way to overcome obstacles and provide comprehensive environmental
support. We also organize activities to increase awareness of the benefits of working and
growing in harmony with the natural environment. Our initiatives aim to raise awareness of
the benefits of living and working in harmony with nature. A tree could be planted and the
surrounding ecosystem improved if we keep evolving. Aside from that, our organization is
well–known for hiring responsible interns that perform their duties with integrity. If you are
in love with nature take a step forward with GreenBhumi to make the earth a better place to
live in by joining the community.

Services Offered

Graphic Designing: Their team of skilled designers specializes in creating visually stunning
graphics that captivate audiences and convey brand messages effectively. From logos and
branding materials to marketing collaterals and digital assets, they offer bespoke design
solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of their clients.

Website Development: They excel in crafting dynamic and responsive websites that not only
showcase the essence of their clients' brands but also provide seamless user experiences
across devices. Whether it's a corporate website, e-commerce platform, or a personal blog,
their web development solutions are designed to elevate online presence and drive business
Content writing : These services typically offer professional writers who create high-quality
content tailored to the client's needs and target audience. They can help businesses boost their
online presence, engage with their audience, and drive traffic to their websites through well-
crafted and relevant content.

The Logo of Green Bhumi

Greenbhumi is a project under TopTrove’s foundation, which works towards ensuring a better
life free from pollution and full of fresh air. GreenBhumi has reached a higher level of
success than in the past. Greenbhumi has changed a lot recently. At GreenBhumi, we
encourage people to plant trees in order to guarantee that nature has a good influence on
many people’s lives and contributes to their socio-economic well–being. We also assist in
finding an innovative way to overcome obstacles and provide comprehensive environmental
support. We also organize activities to increase awareness of the benefits of working and
growing in harmony with the natural environment. Our initiatives aim to raise awareness of
the benefits of living and working in harmony with nature. A tree could be planted and the
surrounding ecosystem improved if we keep evolving. Aside from that, our organization is
well–known for hiring responsible interns that perform their duties with integrity. If you are
in love with nature take a step forward with GreenBhumi to make the earth a better place to
live in by joining the community.

Features of Green Bhumi

 Advocacy and Campaigning: They advocate for environmental policies, raise

awareness about environmental issues, and campaign for their causes through various
channels like social media, petitions, and protests.
 Research and Monitoring: Conduct scientific research to understand environmental
challenges better, monitor ecosystems, and assess the impact of human activities on
the environment.
 Education and Outreach: They educate the public about environmental issues,
sustainable practices, and ways individuals can contribute to conservation
efforts through workshops, educational programs, and informational materials.
 Legal Action: Environmental NGOs may engage in legal actions such as filing
lawsuits against polluters, lobbying for stronger environmental regulations, and
defending environmental rights in court.
 Collaboration and Partnerships: They often collaborate with other NGOs,
governments, businesses, and communities to tackle environmental problems
collectively, pooling resources and expertise.
 Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities is vital for many
environmental NGOs to understand their concerns, involve them in decision-making
processes, and empower them to take action for environmental conservation.
 International Presence: Operate globally, addressing transboundary environmental
issues and advocating for international cooperation on environmental matters.
 Policy Influence: They work to influence government policies and international
agreements related to environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and
sustainable development through lobbying, research, and public pressure.
 Fundraising and Donations: Like other NGOs, environmental organizations rely on
fundraising efforts, donations, grants, and memberships to sustain their operations and
fund their projects and campaigns.
Chapter 3

Specialization 1

Basic Introduction to Marketing

Marketing specialization is a field of study that focuses on developing and implementing

strategies to promote a brand, product or service to a target audience. Marketing
specialization can cover various aspects of marketing, such as research, content, social
media, digital, email, search engine optimization, analytics and more. Marketing
specialization can help students and professionals gain the skills and knowledge needed to
create effective and engaging marketing campaigns that increase brand awareness, customer
loyalty and sales revenue.

In this essay, I will discuss the importance of marketing specialization, the different types of
marketing specialization areas and the benefits and challenges of each one. I will also
provide some examples of successful marketing campaigns that used different marketing
specializations to achieve their goals.

The importance of marketing specialization

Marketing is a dynamic and competitive field that requires constant adaptation and
innovation to keep up with the changing needs and preferences of consumers. Marketing
specialization can help marketers gain a competitive edge by allowing them to focus on a
specific aspect of marketing that suits their strengths, interests and goals. Marketing
specialization can also help marketers develop a deeper understanding of their target market,
their competitors and their industry trends.

By specializing in a certain area of marketing, marketers can also enhance their credibility
and reputation as experts in their field. This can help them build trust and rapport with their
customers, partners and stakeholders. Marketing specialization can also open up new
opportunities for career advancement and professional development, as marketers can
demonstrate their value and expertise to potential employers and clients.
What is a Marketing Specialization?

A marketing specialization is an area of study you can pursue in your undergraduate or

graduate program that focuses on building campaigns to promote an organization, brand,
product or service. There are many different career fields within these specializations that
centre on certain responsibilities within marketing, like writing, editing, project management
or research. When studying various marketing specializations, students can learn the
fundamentals of researching, planning, creating, implementing and analysing a promotional
campaign. You can then decide whether to pursue a specialization that allows you to work
within one specific stage or oversee all aspects of the entire campaign.

10 types of marketing specializations:

Here are the common types of marketing specializations you can pursue:

 Digital Marketing

It involves using a wide variety of online outlets and channels to increase a company's brand
awareness, reach additional potential customers and convert more individuals to sales leads.
This can be a more general form of marketing, with other professionals holding specific
writing, design or researching careers within this field to ensure the success of digital
marketing campaigns. Others might work in high-level digital marketing positions to
complete general tasks to build strategies and oversee the successful implementation of
digital campaigns. These professionals may use different digital formats, like websites, email
messages, search engines and social media accounts.

 Content Marketing

Those who work in content marketing may research, strategize, coordinate, write and publish
an organization's promotional copy. They craft a wide variety of content pieces, like blog
posts, landing pages, advertising copy, white papers and e-books. Most content marketers
craft unique, valuable and engaging pieces that improve their audience's personal or work
lives or solve certain challenges they face. Strong content can build trust with potential and
current customers as it establishes a brand as a reliable and knowledgeable thought leader in
the industry.

 Social Media Marketing

These professionals craft and publish engaging social media posts about a variety of topics
like company announcements, product advertisements or industry news. Many social media
marketers closely analyse the results of each post they publish to understand their customers'
reception and to identify improvement areas. They conduct extensive research to determine
the tone, voice and graphics to use on each individual outlet to most effectively target those
audiences. Social media marketers also find ways to engage with their followers on these
platforms using efforts like hosting contests and responding to comments or messages.

 Visual Marketing

Individuals who work in visual marketing use videos, graphics and images to tell a brand's
story and convey its messaging. These professionals can be graphic designers, video
marketers or web designers. Most graphic designers create graphs, charts, infographics or
images to display on different digital or print outlets to promote and advertise the company.
Video marketers craft engaging videos like product demonstrations, tutorials or commercial
advertisements to inform the audience of the brand in a captivating way.

Others might serve as web designers, building the layout of the website to ensure it represents
the brand, remains easy to navigate and offers a user-friendly way for customers to access the
necessary resources provided on the site.

 Search Engine Marketing

It uses search engine optimization best practices to increase the chances that a company's
website content appears higher on search engine results. They typically use methods like paid
search and organic growth strategies to ensure customers easily locate and notice a
company's web pages. Many search engine professionals work closely with other marketing
employees to review a company's website to find ways to increase its search engine
optimization results by adding keywords, well-written content and images to certain web

 Influencer Marketing

It involves hiring current industry experts, celebrities or public figures to use and promote a
company's product or service through social media or other digital formats. These individuals
typically have a strong following with demographics similar to the audience that a brand
currently has. This increases the chances that the influencer reaches a wider audience who's
likely interested in learning more about or purchasing the advertised product. Influencer
marketing is often successful because the influencers' followers typically trust their opinions
and endorsements, which can lead their audiences to try the products themselves.

 Product Marketing

These professionals develop a product's messaging, positioning and pricing. Product

marketers also decide where to place the item both in the store and on the website to ensure
it's visually appealing and easily accessible to customers. They typically ensure the product
meets customers' needs before its release and caters its promotional messaging toward the
needs and interests of the company's target audience. Many product marketers closely review
the results research marketers provide and use this information to develop strategies and
forecasts that increase the products' awareness and revenue.

 Brand Management Marketing

Most brand managers define a brand's voice and image and ensure its represented positively,
professionally and accurately on all promotional materials. They typically research the
organization's target audience to understand how to effectively cater their marketing efforts
toward customers' needs, preferences and interests. Many brand managers monitor industry
trends to understand how to make the organization and its products or services effectively
stand out from competitors.
 Research Marketing

Individuals who work as market researchers gather and closely examine data and insights on
an organization's target audience, potential customers and current competitors. When
conducting market research, these professionals might survey current and prospective
customers about topics like buying habits, product needs and brand preferences. Other ways
they might conduct market research are through social media monitoring, focus groups and
interviews. Marketing team members can use this information to build strategies and
implement campaigns that accurately target consumers and bring in valuable sales leads.

 Email Marketing

These marketers specialize in crafting email campaigns targeted toward potential and current
customers in various stages of the purchasing process. They might develop and send content
centred on topics like special offers, company newsletters or product launches to engage and
entertain recipients. After sending these messages, email marketers review the results of these
campaigns and use them to develop ongoing strategies to personalize future emails and
generate new sales leads through captivating content.
Marketing Under Green Bhumi

Marketing for Green Bhumi involves highlighting environmental initiatives, showcasing

impact stories, and engaging supporters through social media, email campaigns, events, and
partnerships. Content can include educational materials, success stories, and calls to action
for donations or volunteering. Leveraging visuals like photos and videos can make your
message more compelling. Additionally, collaborating with influencers or local businesses
aligned with your cause can help amplify your reach.


Basic Introduction of HRM

HRM is concerned with the human beings in an organization. ―The management of man‖.
Though it is a very important and challenging job because of the dynamic nature of the
employees .As no two people are similar in nature – in every aspect of mental abilities,
tacticians, sentiments, and behaviors; they differ widely not only individually but also as a
group and are subjected to many varied influences. People are responsive, they feel, think
and act therefore they cannot be handled like a machine or shifted and altered like template in
a room layout. They therefore need a tactful handing by management personnel. HRM is the
process of managing people of an organization with a human approach. Human resources
approach to manpower enables the manager to view the people as an important resource. It is
the approach through which organization can utilize the manpower not only for the benefits
of the organization but for the growth, development and self satisfaction of the concerned
people. Thus, HRM is a system that focuses on human resources development on one hand
and effective management of people on the other hand so that people will enjoy human
dignity in their employment.

The importance of marketing specialization

Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a crucial role in organizations of all sizes and
industries. Here are some key reasons highlighting the importance of HRM:

 Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: HRM is responsible for attracting, selecting,

and hiring the right talent for the organization. By identifying the skills and
competencies needed for various roles, HRM ensures that the organization has a
skilled and diverse workforce to achieve its goals.
 Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: HRM is responsible for attracting, selecting,
and hiring the right talent for the organization. By identifying the skills and
competencies needed for various roles, HRM ensures that the organization has a
skilled and diverse workforce to achieve its goals.
 Employee Development and Training: HRM oversees employee development and
training programs to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of employees. By
investing in employee development, HRM helps employees reach their full potential
and contribute effectively to the organization's success.
 Performance Management: HRM implements performance management systems to
set clear expectations, provide feedback, and evaluate employee performance. By
aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, HRM ensures that employees
are motivated and accountable for their contributions.
 Employee Engagement and Retention: HRM focuses on creating a positive work
environment and fostering employee engagement and satisfaction. By implementing
initiatives such as employee recognition programs, wellness initiatives, and work-life
balance initiatives, HRM helps retain top talent and reduce turnover.
 Compensation and Benefits: HRM is responsible for designing and administering
compensation and benefits packages that are competitive and equitable. By offering
competitive salaries, incentives, and benefits, HRM attracts and retains employees
while ensuring fair and consistent compensation practices.
 Employee Relations: HRM handles employee relations issues, such as resolving
conflicts, addressing grievances, and promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity.
By fostering positive relationships between employees and management, HRM
contributes to a harmonious and productive work environment.
 Compliance and Risk Management: HRM ensures compliance with labor laws,
regulations, and organizational policies to minimize legal risks and liabilities. By
staying abreast of changes in employment laws and regulations, HRM helps protect
the organization from legal disputes and penalties.
 Strategic Planning: HRM collaborates with senior management to develop and
implement strategic HR initiatives aligned with the organization's business objectives.
By aligning HR strategies with overall business strategies, HRM contributes to
organizational growth and success.

Overall, HRM plays a critical role in managing the organization's most valuable asset—its
people. By investing in talent, fostering a positive work culture, and aligning HR practices
with strategic objectives, HRM contributes to organizational effectiveness, competitiveness,
and sustainability.
What is a HRM Specialization?

HRM specialization allows individuals to develop expertise in particular areas of HRM that
align with their interests, skills, and career goals. Some common specializations within HRM

 Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: This specialization focuses on strategies and

techniques for attracting, selecting, and hiring the right talent for organizations.
Professionals in this area may specialize further in areas such as employer branding,
candidate sourcing, and selection methods.
 Training and Development: This specialization focuses on designing and
implementing employee development and training programs to enhance skills,
knowledge, and competencies. Professionals in this area may specialize in areas such
as training needs analysis, instructional design, and training evaluation.
 Compensation and Benefits: This specialization focuses on designing and
administering compensation and benefits packages that are competitive, equitable,
and aligned with organizational objectives. Professionals in this area may specialize
in areas such as salary benchmarking, incentive design, and benefits administration.
 Employee Relations: This specialization focuses on managing employee relations
issues, promoting a positive work culture, and fostering employee engagement and
satisfaction. Professionals in this area may specialize in areas such as conflict
resolution, grievance handling, and organizational culture development.
 HR Information Systems (HRIS): This specialization focuses on the use of
technology and information systems to streamline HR processes, manage HR data,
and support decision-making. Professionals in this area may specialize in areas such
as HRIS implementation, data analytics, and HR technology solutions.
 Organizational Development (OD): This specialization focuses on strategies and
interventions to improve organizational effectiveness, performance, and change
management. Professionals in this area may specialize in areas such as organizational
design, culture change, and leadership development.
 Labor Relations: This specialization focuses on managing relationships with labor
unions, negotiating collective bargaining agreements, and ensuring compliance with
labor laws and regulations. Professionals in this area may specialize in areas such as
union negotiations, labor law compliance, and dispute resolution.

These are just a few examples of HRM specializations, and there are many other areas that
individuals can explore based on their interests and career aspirations. Pursuing a
specialization in HRM allows individuals to deepen their knowledge, skills, and expertise in
specific areas of HRM, making them more competitive in the job market and better equipped
to address the unique challenges and opportunities within their chosen field.

HRM Practices at Green Bhumi

 Ethical Recruitment: Ensure fair and transparent recruitment processes, with a focus
on diversity and inclusion.
 Training and Development: Offer training programs on sustainability practices,
environmental conservation, and community engagement to staff.
 Flexible Work Arrangements: Implement flexible work options such as
telecommuting or flexible hours to reduce commuting emissions.
 Green Office Initiatives: Encourage recycling, reduce paper usage, and promote
energy efficiency in the workplace.
 Employee Volunteer Programs: Facilitate opportunities for staff to engage in
environmental volunteer activities or participate in community projects.
 Wellness Programs: Offer wellness initiatives that promote physical and mental
health, such as yoga classes or mindfulness sessions in nature.
 Performance Evaluation: Include sustainability goals and metrics in employee
performance evaluations to encourage alignment with the organization's mission.
 Employee Engagement: Foster a culture of environmental stewardship through
regular communication, team-building activities, and recognition of staff
contributions to sustainability efforts.
By integrating these practices, Green Bhumi can cultivate a motivated and
environmentally conscious workforce dedicated to advancing its mission

HRM Strategies of Green Bhumi for Growth

Talent Acquisition and Retention: Focus on attracting and retaining employees who are
passionate about environmental conservation and social impact. This might involve
highlighting the organization's mission and values during recruitment, offering competitive
compensation and benefits packages, and providing opportunities for professional
development and career growth.

 Flexible Work Arrangements: Implement flexible work arrangements, such as

telecommuting or flexible hours, to reduce employees' carbon footprint from
commuting and promote work-life balance.
 Green Training and Development: Offer training and development programs that
empower employees to incorporate sustainable practices into their work and personal
lives. This could include workshops on energy conservation, waste reduction, and
sustainable living.
 Performance Management: Develop performance management systems that include
sustainability goals and metrics. Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate
leadership in environmental stewardship and contribute to the organization's
sustainability objectives.
 Employee Wellness Programs: Promote employee well-being through wellness
programs that emphasize physical and mental health, outdoor activities, and
connection to nature.
 Community Engagement: Encourage employees to participate in environmental
volunteer activities and community outreach programs. This not only contributes to
the organization's mission but also fosters a sense of pride and belonging among staff.
 Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaborate with other organizations, universities,
and research institutions to share best practices, leverage resources, and advance
mutual goals in environmental sustainability and HRM.
Chapter 5

Project Given by Respective Organisation During

Environmental Policy Development

Research existing environmental policies and best practices in HR. Draft a policy outlining
Green Bhumi's commitment to sustainability in HR practices, including recruitment, training,
operations, and employee engagement. Define objectives, strategies, and responsibilities for
implementing the policy.

Sustainability Training Program

Identify key environmental issues relevant to Green Bhumi's mission. Design training
modules covering topics such as environmental conservation, sustainable living, and eco-
friendly workplace practices. Develop interactive and engaging learning materials, including
presentations, videos, and case studies. Incorporate hands-on activities and discussions to
encourage participation and knowledge retention.

Green Recruitment Strategy

Review and update recruitment processes to prioritize candidates with a demonstrated

commitment to environmental sustainability.Develop criteria for assessing candidates'
environmental awareness, such as relevant experience, education, or volunteer work.Revise
job descriptions, interview questions, and assessment methods to align with Green Bhumi's
values and sustainability goals.

Remote Work Policy

Assess the feasibility and potential benefits of implementing remote work options. Define
eligibility criteria, guidelines, and expectations for remote work arrangements. Establish
communication protocols, tools, and technologies to support remote collaboration and
productivity. Address considerations such as data security, work hours, and performance
evaluation for remote employees.
Green Office Initiatives:

Conduct a sustainability audit of office operations to identify areas for improvement.

Implement initiatives to reduce resource consumption, such as paperless practices, energy-
efficient lighting, and waste reduction measures. Educate employees about eco-friendly
behaviors and encourage their participation in green initiatives. Monitor progress and track
environmental performance indicators, such as energy usage, waste generation, and carbon

Employee Engagement Activities

Organize volunteer opportunities, community service projects, or environmental awareness

campaigns. Plan team-building activities centered around sustainability themes, such as
outdoor clean-up events or eco-friendly challenges. Recognize and celebrate employees'
contributions to environmental stewardship through awards, incentives, or acknowledgment

Performance Evaluation Metrics

Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) related to sustainability, such as employee

engagement in green initiatives, energy savings, or waste reduction targets. Integrate
sustainability metrics into the organization's performance evaluation framework. Provide
training and support to managers for assessing and discussing employees' sustainability
contributions during performance reviews.

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of green HR practices.
Define metrics, benchmarks, and timelines for assessing progress towards sustainability
goals. Collect feedback from employees through surveys, focus groups, or suggestion boxes.
Use evaluation findings to identify successes, challenges, and areas for improvement, and
adjust strategies accordingly. By elaborating on each component of the project, HR trainees
at Green Bhumi can gain a comprehensive understanding of how to integrate environmental
sustainability into HR practices effectively.

Position, Duties, and Responsibilities During my internship at Green


 Recruitment and Selection

Assist in drafting job descriptions and job postings for open positions. Coordinate
recruitment efforts, including posting job ads, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews.
Participate in interviews and provide feedback on candidate suitability. Help maintain
applicant tracking systems and recruitment databases.

 Onboarding and Orientation

Support the onboarding process for new hires, including preparing welcome packages and
orientation materials. Assist in organizing orientation sessions and introductions to company
policies, procedures, and culture. Coordinate with various departments to ensure a smooth
transition for new employees.

 Training and Development

Assist in coordinating training programs and workshops, including scheduling, logistics, and
participant communication. Help track employee training requirements, completion, and
feedback. Support the development of training materials, presentations, and e-learning
modules. Assist in evaluating training effectiveness and making recommendations for

 Employee Engagement and Wellness

Participate in planning and organizing employee engagement activities, such as team-
building events, volunteer opportunities, or wellness programs. Assist in collecting feedback
from employees through surveys, focus groups, or suggestion boxes. Help promote a positive
work culture that fosters employee well-being and sustainability awareness.

 Performance Management

Support the performance evaluation process by assisting with documentation, scheduling, and
communication. Help maintain performance appraisal records and track completion. Assist in
analyzing performance data and identifying trends or areas for improvement. Participate in
performance review meetings and provide administrative support as needed.

 HR Policy and Compliance

Assist in reviewing and updating HR policies, procedures, and employee handbooks to

ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Help communicate changes in policies
and procedures to employees and provide clarification as needed. Support HR audits and
compliance initiatives, including data privacy and confidentiality requirements.

 Green HR Initiatives

Contribute ideas and suggestions for integrating sustainability principles into HR practices.
Participate in green office initiatives, such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and eco-
friendly workplace practices. Support environmental education and awareness efforts among
employees. Throughout your internship, you'll have the opportunity to gain valuable hands-
on experience in HR while also contributing to Green Bhumi's mission of promoting
environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
Chapter 6

As my HR internship at Green Bhumi comes to a close, I am grateful for the invaluable

experience and opportunities I have gained during my time with this inspiring organization.
Throughout my internship, I have had the privilege of contributing to meaningful projects
that align with Green Bhumi's mission of promoting environmental sustainability and social

During my internship, I have been involved in various aspects of HR management, including

recruitment and selection, onboarding and orientation, training and development, employee
engagement, performance management, and HR policy and compliance. I have also had the
opportunity to participate in green HR initiatives, such as promoting eco-friendly workplace
practices and supporting environmental education and awareness efforts among employees.

One of the highlights of my internship has been the chance to work alongside passionate and
dedicated professionals who are committed to making a positive impact on the environment
and the communities we serve. I have learned valuable skills, gained practical experience,
and developed a deeper understanding of the intersection between HR management and
environmental sustainability.

As I reflect on my internship experience, I am confident that the knowledge and insights I

have gained will serve me well in my future career endeavours. I am grateful to Green Bhumi
for providing me with this opportunity to learn and grow, and I look forward to continuing to
support their mission in any way I can.

In conclusion, my HR internship at Green Bhumi has been a rewarding and enriching

experience that has deepened my passion for environmental sustainability and social
responsibility. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this amazing
organization, and I am excited to carry forward the lessons and experiences gained during my
internship into the next chapter of my professional journey.


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