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1 R2-CS-CW-1-B

P/L CC including centering - All level: 1:2:4 - Coarse

sand, 20mm stone aggregate.
Details of Cost for : 1.00 Cum
Sr. No. Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Amount GST % GST Amount
Amount Including
MA-GN-07 Stone aggregate 20mm cum 0.82 1271.19 1042.37 5% 52.12 1094.49
MA-GN-04 Coarse sand cum 0.410 1765.00 723.65 5% 36.18 759.83
MA-GN-01 Cement tonne 0.32 4812.50 1540.00 28% 431.20 1971.20
LABOUR: Material 519.50
LB-11 Needle Vibrator operator Day 0.10 443.22 44.32 18% 7.98 52.30
LB-32 Beldar Day 2.50 443.22 1108.05 18% 199.45 1307.50
LB-05 Bhishti Day 0.70 490.68 343.47 18% 61.83 405.30
HC-33 Mixer Day 0.07 2400.00 168.00 18% 30.24 198.24
HC-77 Vibrator Day 0.07 500.00 35.00 18% 6.30 41.30
R2-CS-CW-30-a Centering & shuttering Sqm 0.80 225.93 180.75 32.53 213.28
Labour 338.32

Total: 5185.62 Total 857.82 6043.44

Per Unit rate
Total Basic Amount 5185.62
HC & Labour GST 338.32
Material GST 519.50
Total GST Amount 857.82
Amount including GST 6043.44
Add 5% Overheads & 10% Contractors Profit 777.84
Cost for 1.00 Cum 6821.28
Rate per One Cum: Rs 6821.00

2 R2-CS-PS-197

RA Details - 1
P/F R.C.C. cover on inspection chamber of size 60 cm x
45 cm.
Details of Cost for : 1.00 No.
Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Basic Amount GST GST Amount
Percentag Amount Including
MA-BLD-PL-478 Precast R.C.C manhole cover and frame 600x450 mm each 1.00 1377.00 1377.00 18% 247.86 1624.86
internal dimensions
Sundries L.S. 21.00
Total: 1398.00 Total 247.86 1645.86
Add 5% Overheads & 10% Contractors Profit on 1398.00 209.70
Cost for 1.00 No.(C+D) 1855.56

Rate per Each: Rs 1856.00

3 R2-SWD-40 : Rate analysis Not Available with me

4 R2-CS-CW-1-C
P/L CC including centering - All level: 1:3:6 - Coarse
sand, 20mmstone
Details of Cost for :aggregate..
1.00 Cum ..
Sr. No. Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Amount GST % GST Amount
Amount Including
MA-GN-07 Stone aggregate 20mm cum 0.86 1093.22 940.17 5% 47.01 987.18
MA-GN-04 Coarse sand cum 0.43 758.95 326.35 5% 16.32 342.67
MA-GN-01 Cement tonne 0.22 1058.75 232.93 28% 65.22 298.14
LABOUR: Material 128.54
LB-11 Needle Vibrator operator Day 0.10 44.32 4.43 18% 0.80 5.23
LB-32 Beldar Day 2.50 1108.05 2770.13 18% 498.62 3268.75
LB-05 Bhishti Day 0.70 343.47 240.43 18% 43.28 283.71

RA Details - 2
HC-33 Mixer Day 0.07 168.00 11.76 18% 2.12 13.88
HC-77 Vibrator Day 0.07 35.00 2.45 18% 0.44 2.89
R2-CS-CW-30-a Centering & shuttering Sqm 0.80 180.75 144.60 0.00 144.60
Labour 545.26
Total: 4673.24 Total 673.80 5347.04
Per Unit rate
Total Basic Amount 4673.24
HC & Labour GST 545.26
Material GST 128.54
Total GST Amount 673.80
Amount including GST 5347.04
Add 5% Overheads & 10% Contractors Profit 4673.24 700.99
Cost for 1.00 Cum 6048.03
Rate per One Cum: Rs 6048.00

6 R2-CS-PS-201
Providing and fixing open half round Hume pipe
Details ofwith
Costcollar with Rmt.
for : 1.00 250mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Basic Amount GST GST Amount
Percentag Amount Including

open half round Hume pipe channel with collar each 1.00 170.50 170.50 18% 30.69 201.19
Sundries L.S. 20.00
Total: 190.50 Total 30.69 221.19
Add 5% Overheads & 10% Contractors Profit on 190.50 28.58
Cost for 1.00 No.(C+D) 249.77

Rate per Rmt: Rs 250.00

7 R2-CS-DD-59

RA Details - 3
Removing and refixing G.I. pipes of any size with all
new fittings
Details if necessary
of Cost for : 1 RM complete including cleaning
and painting.
Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Amount GST % GST Amount
Amount Including
LB-12 Mazdoor Day 0.05 443.22 22.16 18% 3.99 26.15
LB-27 Painter Day 0.04 539.83 21.59 18% 3.89 25.48
LB-17 Fitter Day 0.10 539.83 53.98 18% 9.72 63.70
Labour 17.59
MA-BLD-WW-40 Syn. Enamel Paint Litr 0.25 132.00 33.00 28% 9.24 42.24

Fittings LS 10.00
Scaffolding 3% 2.93
Material 9.24
Total: 143.66 Total 26.83 170.49
Per Unit Cost

Total Basic Amount 143.66

HC GST 0.00
Labour GST 17.59
Material GST 9.24
Total GST Amount 26.83
Amount including GST 170.49
Add 5% Overheads & 10% Contractors Profit on 143.66 21.55
Rate per cum: Rs 192.04

5 R2-CS-FL-04-A
Providing & laying rough shahbad stone flooring with
25mm thk. C.M. beding of proportion 1:4 and pointing.

RA Details - 4
Sr. No. Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Amount GST % GST Amount
Amount Including
Details of Cost for : 20.00 Sqm Sqm 20.00

MA-BLD-FL-31 Rough shahbad Sqm 22.00 170.00 3740.00 5% 187.00 3927.00
R2-CS-FL-74 Cost of cement mortar 1:4 Cum 0.500 3745.79 1872.90 307.23 2180.12
R2-CS-FL-72 Cement mortar 1:2 for pointing Cum 0.046 4968.50 228.55 46.25 274.81
Material 540.48
LB-33 Foreman Day 1.00 539.83 539.83 18% 97.17 637.00
LB-21 Mason Day 3.50 587.29 2055.51 18% 369.99 2425.50
LB-32 Beldar (M) Day 2.50 443.22 1108.05 18% 199.45 1307.50
LB-05 Waterman Day 0.40 490.68 196.27 18% 35.33 231.60
Labour 701.94
A Total Material & Labour cost 9741.11
Total of A = 9741.11 Total 1242.42 10983.53

Total Basic Amount 9741.11

HC GST 0.00
Labour GST 701.94
Material GST 540.48
Total GST Amount 1242.42
Amount including GST 10983.53
B 5% Overheads & 10% Contractors Profit % 9741.11 15.00% 1461.17
C Total (A+B) 12444.69
D Per unit cost 622.23
Say Rs. 622.00

Sr. no. Per Unit Amount Cost

1 Total Basic Amount 487.06
2 HC GST 0.00
3 Labour GST 35.10
4 Material GST 27.02
5 Total GST Amount 62.12

RA Details - 5
6 Overhead & Contractors Profit i.e. 15% 73.06
7 Total per unit Amount 622.00

Sub Cement Mortar 1:2 (1 Cement: 2 Coarse/ Fine sand)


Sr. No. Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Amount GST % GST Amount Amount
Details of Cost for : 1 Cum Mortar

Cement required is 47.50% = 0.475 Cum Cum 0.475 Weight of 1
Cum of cement
=1.44 MT

MA-GN-01 Cement M.T. 0.684 4812.50 3291.75 28% 921.69 4213.44

MA-GN-04 Artificial crushed sand cum 0.950 1765.00 1676.75 5% 83.84 1760.59
Material 1005.53
Labour for measuring and mixing:
Note: In all general work, labour employed will mix the
mortar manually and in such cases the cost towards
labour & hire charges of mixer will be deleted.

LB-33 Foreman Days 0.00 539.83 0.00 18% 0.00 0.00

LB-32 Beldar Days 0.00 443.22 0.00 18% 0.00 0.00
LB-05 Waterman Days 0.00 490.68 0.00 18% 0.00 0.00
Labour 0.00
A Total Material & Labour cost 4968.50 Total GST 1005.53 5974.03

Per unit cost

Total Basic Amount 4968.50
HC GST 0.00

RA Details - 6
Labour GST 0.00
Material GST 1005.53
Total GST Amount 1005.53
Amount including GST 5974.03
Say Rs. 5974.00

Sub Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse/ Fine sand)

Sr. No. Code Description Unit Quantity Basic Rate Amount GST % GST Amount Amount
Details of Cost for : 1 Cum Mortar
Cement required is 26.8% = 0.268 Cum Cum 0.268 Weight of 1
Cum of cement
=1.44 MT

MA-GN-01 Cement M.T. 0.386 4812.50 1857.24 28% 520.03 2377.27

MA-GN-04 Artificial crushed sand cum 1.070 1765.00 1888.55 5% 94.43 1982.98
Material 614.45
Labour for measuring and mixing:
Note: In all general work, labour employed will mix the
mortar manually and in such cases the cost towards
labour & hire charges of mixer will be deleted.

LB-33 Foreman Days 0.00 539.83 0.00 18% 0.00 0.00

LB-32 Beldar Days 0.00 443.22 0.00 18% 0.00 0.00
LB-05 Waterman Days 0.00 490.68 0.00 18% 0.00 0.00
Labour 0.00
A Total Material & Labour cost 3745.79 Total GST 614.45 4360.24

Per unit cost

Total Basic Amount 3745.79
HC GST 0.00
Labour GST 0.00

RA Details - 7
Material GST 614.45
Total GST Amount 614.45
Amount including GST 4360.24
Say Rs. 4360.00

RA Details - 8

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