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Bucharest, Romania

5th, October, 2017

Dear Sir,
I am writing in response to your most recent article.
To begin with, I strongly disagree with your reporter’s claim that students
are lazy. They generally work tremendously much, and many of them
also have part-time jobs on their backs.
Secondly, the article suggests that students live a life of luxury. It is not
really the case for them, they have little to none money, and they do not
have so many facilities or free time to even enjoy them in the case they
would have any facilities. Were I to tell you the truth, most of them do
not even have any have facilities at all.
Finally, it is certainly not true that student life is stress-free. Their
deadlines stress them a lot on exams, tests, projects and they have a lot
of heavy work load, they can barely manage their time, and their free
time is almost not existing at all.
To sum up, I personally believe that the article is extremely biased and
that it may have been just an ironic or sarcastic article. It really does not
look like a serious article to me. Were I you, I would have mentioned
whether it actually is a real article or not. I am looking forward to
receiving an answer from you.
Yours sincerely,

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