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Cover Letter

Yishan Lyu

Writing 2

June, 14, 2020

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This unit has pleased me and sharpened my writing skills intensely in ways I was

unable to understand before. Generally, I was only sure about the usual methods of writing

like punctuation, good grammar and removal of syntax error. Additionally, my knowledge

scope in writing only reached the proper prose flow, coherence and arrangement of ideas.

However, with the regular practice of writing portfolios in this unit, I have discovered several

new knowledge that has fascinated me because I previously took it literally but have seen how

crucial it is. The two lessons that I have drawn throughout this quarter includes proper ways

of using sources and responding to students writing.

Just like Stedman states how annoying slow drivers are on the fast lane, the incorrect

use of sources also shows an assuming attitude or disregard for the laid rules on using

sources. I was particularly awed that readers may be picky and sometimes catch a negative

attitude towards a particular write up despite using sources. In essence, how one cites and

uses the sources is crucial than just pasting sources in a writing article. Essentially, I was quite

elated to understand that readers will judge the way one introduces sources and the way one

maneuvers through sources in writing. This means that despite having used a source, one

should understand that good editing of sources use in a writing will limit the criticism and

negativity attached to bad sources use.

I learned about the possible annoyances that emerge from source use. It is possible that

most writers know the correct format of using sources, however, most do not really

comprehend the setbacks and annoyances when using sources. This unit gave me a deeper

insight on avoiding possible mistakes when suing in text citations on write ups. For instance,

Stedman describes the mistake ‘Armadillo Roadkill’1. The latter describes the mistake of just

Stedman, Kyle D. "Annoying ways people use sources." Writing spaces: Readings on
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inserting a quote from a source without providing a heads up or notifying the reader on the

same2. The ‘road kill’ makes the readers get lost in a paper thus making the paper lose an

extent of meaning. I was victim of using such instances of quotes in papers before this unit

began. I felt that as long as the source is indicated in the quoting sentence it served no harm.

As such, I have learned that it not only crucial to prepare the reader or stage them strategically

to help them comprehend the context of the quote. Stedman has assisted me in

comprehending the proper manner of staging a quote for the reader by using phrases such as

author suggests, argues, indicates etc. The latter saved me from surprising my readers with an

unexpected quote therefore now I can introduce and even explain further with proper


The second major lesson I learned was an impeccable rarely talked about lesson which

is correct response to writings for fellow students. Well, I felt this was a touchy feely issue

especially because I am afraid of giving my real critique to a fellow students write up so that I

do not discourage them. It felt a certain obligation towards keeping a rapport with my

classmates rather than throwing them under the bus when providing response to their work3. I

never took responses as learning experience rather than an obligation to finish the assignment

and earn my marks in the most cordial manner. The aim was to make all parties happy and

earn my grades without hurting anyone’s feelings. Unfortunately, Straub made me learn that,

making everyone happy when responding to work does not provide utter honesty but a

method of escape4. Therefore, I learned to take the role of a supportive friend who provides

Stedman, Kyle D. "Annoying ways people use sources." Writing spaces: Readings on
Straub, Richard. "Responding—Really Responding—to Other Students’ Writing." The Subject

Straub, Richard. "Responding—Really Responding—to Other Students’ Writing." The Subject
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honest remarks, offer advice, and asking real questions so that the classmate could improve

their work.

Despite the wide coverage of proper writing tactics as in citing sources and responding

to classmates write ups, I have deduced several concepts I would want to comprehend further.

Firstly, having grasped the essential of writing, I would still want to get a further

understanding on narrative development for instance when doing creative writing. I am, at sea

on how prolific writers manage to set up a good exposition and explosion on a story. I would

like to understand how the criteria to follow in achieving an exemplary plot with a good

resolution and complication. It has been a big dilemma and enigma on how I can marry

smoothness of prose with complication when writing creatively. Doing research papers takes a

new route towards incorporating analytical skills and conciseness. However, creative writing

appears easy to me but at the same time has intense needs to get a polished outlook.

Therefore, I would really appreciate if I get to learn on creative complication, exposition and

explosion without being redundant.

After taking this class, it has changed my perception towards writing good research

and articles. My previous writing style was informational whereby I would collect a number

of facts and outline them even when there was no visible transition between the information

provided. However, after this unit, I can describe my writing style as formal yet declamatory

in that, I have learnt how to present my facts and research without fumbling. I have made the

conscious choice of prior planning of write-ups with proper research therefore achieving

clarity in transitioning information while sieving the relevant data for the reader. Therefore, I

feel that my recent write up have taken a new tone as well as sensory details with better word

choice making it more eloquent and articulate. I have curtailed my creative nature because I
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felt school work needed a serious look to writings thus having an informational approach to

my writing. However, I have learned that one can still be creative and remain relevant through

proper planning of work. It has changed my individuality by helping me incorporate

conversational ability on my informative writing style thus improving my creativity.

To be exact, I have corrected a few mistakes in my writing portfolio as I learn through

the unit. I have a problem of having so many ideas stemming from my overthinking nature

which causes a problem in organization of ideas. As such, I delved into arrangement of ideas

in my writing portfolio to ensure good flow of ideas transitioning from one paragraph to the

next. I identified that my greatest struggle is not in grammar or language use but in

transitioning my work to achieve maximum articulateness. Therefore, I have come up with

the idea of physically drafting my ideas on a book before embarking on the actual writing. It

allows me to arrange the ideas that fit in particular sections while helping me remove

unnecessary filler information. The most helpful information for this unit is creation of

outlines before engaging in the main writing. The drafting of outlines is most helpful in my

portfolio and I would like to improve further on research skills so that I might sift relevant

information when writing.

Throughout this unit, my writing skills have taken a drastic turn towards improvement

length. For instance, my earliest portfolios had numerous syntax errors and poor choice of

language when having write-ups. However, in due course, I have managed to practice on

writing clearer papers with proper subject verb agreement. I have changed as a writer through

achieving a better eloquence and ability to express myself correctly and clearly. Therefore, the

strongest feature of my writing now is language choice for different write up. Finally, I am
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quite content with the lessons gathered from the unit and I am sure to approach future writing

projects with clarity of mind, creativity and language use.

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Stedman, Kyle D. "Annoying ways people use sources." Writing spaces: Readings on
writing (2011): 242.

Straub, Richard. "Responding—Really Responding—to Other Students’ Writing." The

Subject is Reading (1999).

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