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Special Populations Philosophy

Special Populations Philosophy

Caitlyn Berry
October 31, 2019
Dr. Marian Ellis
EDU 2301
Special Populations Philosophy

There are six “definitions” of special populations by the state of Texas. Each is different

from the other and each are very important for the schooling system and multicultural education.

I think it is important that each belief is not just defined, but that each one is represented in

which way it affects people and the multicultural education aspect of it. Each belief is important

and needs to be voiced by parents, caregivers, educators and society in general. I think it is great

that for the most part each special populations belief is taking into account by society and that

there are charities, fundraiser and other public notice events held to help support and make aware

of them.

I would say that special education is the most aware and heard about of special

populations. I have never worked with or been around much of special education people or

children in the special education field but what I have seen and heard, it is an area where people

are really involved and want to help those with disabilities. My philosophy as a future educator is

that not only do children with special needs need to have more attention and time put into their

education, but so do those of diverse cultures who have disabilities. It needs to be kept in mind

that not only will they need special accommodations and extra help, but also their diverse

ethnicity and what accommodations and changes need to be made to make them feel as

comfortable and “normal” as needed. It needs to be apparent on how to handle any situation and

there needs to be the back support from districts, the communities and the government to help

see that educators are implicating all the means necessary to help those in special education.

Another special populations area is that of single mothers or fathers, and pregnant single

mothers. This is an area that I feel needs to be made more aware of and have more outreach of
Special Populations Philosophy
help towards the parent/caregiver. One of the most important relationships in education is that of

the teacher and parent. It is important for educators to know the general background and family

life of students. Their home life and environment plays an exponential role in their development

academically, socially and emotionally. I believe it is important to be aware of students from all

cultures who have single parents that care for them. There needs to be an outreach of programs,

services and others aids that are available to them. I know there are programs for reduced

lunches but that is the only program that I can think of that really is out there and well known for

families that have low cost of living that schools repeatedly voice. For parents that are single

who might be struggling financially or emotionally it important for teachers to know so they can

help in any way possible and know more about the student and their life which can help them in

the classroom.

Overall my beliefs on special populations is that each definition has its areas that are well

known to the public and help in the multicultural education, but they also lack in areas and some

need more awareness and support brought to educators and the communities.

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