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A1. Depict through images, how design of society is reflected in design.
Adaptive Clothing
Gender fluidity
Regional Identity

Trickle up theory of fashion

Sustainability (upcycling)
A2: Queries

1. What kind/sort of society would be today, if Jati/varna did not exist?

2. What is, according to you, the function and purpose of jati and varna, today?
3. Why was inter-caste marriage prohibited in precolonial era? Why does that prohibition
still exist?
4. How is jati varna system relevant to design today ?
5. When etymologically the word 'caste' not Indian in origin, why is the dictionary definition
of caste 'each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative
degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status.'?
Substantive points about the educational heritage of ancient India

● Traditional education/customary education or conventional education. The main motive of traditional education is to
pass on the values, manners skills and the social practice to the next generation which is necessary for their survival.
● Education system focused both on learning and physical development. In other words, the emphasis was on healthy
mind and healthy body. The education system in India has a heritage of being pragmatic, achievable and
complementary to life.
● The main focus of Gurukulas was on imparting learning to the students in a natural surrounding where the shisyas
(students) lived with each other with brotherhood, humanity, love, and discipline. Also, the gurus and their shush yaa
lived together and had a friendly and respectful relationship.
● The sishyas were taught vedas, brahmanas, upanishads and Dharmasastras. The objective was to prospect humility,
truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance and respect to elders.The curriculum followed in Gurukul system had four Vedas,
six vedangas and puranas. The curriculum also incorporated yoga, vedanta, algebra, geometry, grammar, warfare,
military, politics, and religion.
● The methods used in this ancient education system was through oral discussions and debates. The students used to
deep dive into the concepts taught by their teachers. The environment and their living supported this concept.
● The major disadvantage lies where, some communities and women are not allowed to attend Gurukul and gain
knowledge. The caste discrimination dominates in India and hence only a certain people are taught fighting skills
and some are taught only vedas and medicine.
Takeaways from that heritage in view of the nation's strategic future needs

● An education system focusing both on learning and physical development can help accommodate mental
health into the curriculum, given the kind of stress students undergo in current times.
● In present times there must be a focus on developing student- teacher relationship, this is when the
children will feel secure and have trust in the caregiver. This will also help in bringing out the full
potential of the child.
● The ancient education system is more practical than theoretical. Exams would be conducted annually to
check student’s ability to survive. There would be absolutely no pressure on students. The government will
not interfere with the formation of curriculum. In fact, Kings at that time period helped in the development
of education. They provide their wealth to develop education system.
● After several years, the modern education has a different objective now, and that is, to inculcate values in
students such as equality, secularism, education for all, environmental protection, etc. Women are
encouraged to start gaining knowledge by attending schools and attain higher education. To understand
the cultures and traditions of our country, every student must be provided with minimum level of
education and government has put forth a number of projects to make sure of that.
● Education is becoming the medium of earning money and not a way of imparting knowledge.
● The internet has become a teacher itself and helps us with skills that are needed in future. Teachers
have now become just a human aid to guide the students through the technological world. The system
has changed into student centered education.
● Students were being provided with known facts and knowledge in traditional education, but whereas the
critical thinking and problem solving abilities has been introduced to make them research and reach
greater heights in modern education.
‘Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is perspective, not the truth. ‘

- Marcus Aurelius (26 April 121 – 17 March 180 CE)

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Opinion is what one has decided about something. Perspective is what influences one’s choices and opinions. One
may say; opinion are the ideas expressed by a person, whereas, perspective is the point of view from which they
view a situation.

A person’s opinion is most clearly expressed by their particular choice of words when describing their thoughts. A
person’s experience of, and how they describe, an event is influenced by the position they are viewing it from. Their
position can be an ideological position, a national position, or a professional position.
The Indian society has undergone numerous changes since the exploitation by foreign rulers, and influence of
various cultures, both foreign and indigenous. The design of the contemporary Indian society has since, witnessed
immense progression when seen from the perspective of the young generation.

Indian society has moved from ancient civilisation to medieval feudal monarchy to modern democratic society.
Each stages of social transformation has brought its unique and newness in the society in the form of culture and
value changes.

In India, family is the basic unit of a society. It determines the status of the individual rather than the individual
themself. The family legitimizes procreation. Marriage provides the sanction to the couple to engage in physical
relationship leading to reproduction. Even now, the society in most parts of India is patriarchal and patrilineal in
terms of authority and inheritance of property respectively within the family.The new India is witnessing the
emergence of same-sex couples (LGBTQ+ relationships), cohabitation or live-in relations, single-parent households,
a large chunk of divorced living alone or with their children.

Over the years, India has come far in terms of infrastructural development but the country still faces an array of
social problems such as over population, corruption, poverty, unemployment, pollution, child labour, crime against
women and children, domestic abuse, physical and mental healthcare problems, discrimination on the basis of
gender, caste, religion, class, creed, sexuality and tribe. There are several social activists, governmental and
non-governmental organisations working with the people to in order to solve these social issues with diligence to
make our lives as Indian citizens better and peaceful.
India is a multi-ethnic society. It is rightfully defined by its unity and richness. A tremendous fusion of cultures,
faiths, and languages of individuals from various castes and ethnicities has maintained its unity and solidarity.
This synthesis has culminated in India becoming a one-of-a-kind cultural kaleidoscope.

Since the time of independence, our government has been aware of the importance of education, and to enhance it
as well as the society, have arranged lots of education commissions from time to time. The old policy was paying
more attention to improving the academic areas of the children but the current National Education Policy (NEP)
emphasizes that cognitive skills are as imperative as foundational learning and development. The new NEP 2020, is
establishing a comprehensive framework that will bring sweeping changes to the Indian education system. Despite
our best efforts, there is quantitative expansion of education but in qualitative development India is still lagging
behind, with just 74.04 percent literacy rate as compared to the world average literacy rate of 84%.

It is evident that young people are one of India's most valuable assets now, as they have always been. When ignited,
the minds of the young may be one of the world's most valuable resources. A wealthy, inclusive, and fair world is
feasible if these young brains are given the opportunity to live and work with an unbreakable spirit.
The family and kinship, caste and class and issues related to gender form the main features of Indian
society. We learnt about the diverse plural culture, mix of different regions, religions and languages in India
that were the result of centuries old socio-historical background. Many outside agencies like foreign
travels, merchants, scholars, conquerors and invaders came to India bringing with them their own customs
and traditions, languages and artifacts, but they got absorbed into the vast cauldron of Indian society.

However, the impact of colonial rule and forces of change that they brought in changed Indian society and
gave it the form that is found today. Social. change is a continuous process and like all societies India too is
facing challenges of 'global society'. Socially, politically, culturally and economically India and its people
are moving through a period of rapid social changes

It is undeniable that young people are one of the greatest assets in the India today, as in any age. When
ignited, the minds of the young are possibly one of the greatest resources of the earth. If these young minds
are enabled to live and work with an indomitable spirit, a prosperous, equal and just world is attainable.

It is evident that young people are one of India's most valuable assets now, as they have always been. When
ignited, the minds of the young may be one of the world's most valuable resources. A wealthy, inclusive,
and fair world is feasible if these young brains are given the opportunity to live and work with an
unbreakable spirit.

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