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Omigawd, do they ever stop learning? This specimen does not

merely understand media. They are little radios which jabber, jabber, jabber
all day long. It's comforting mostly. Radios are handy to take along with
you, and when you feel worn out, you can tune out for a bit. When you tune
back in, there they are, chirping away at amazing speed, fierce and furious.
They simply need to express themselves.
Is your jabberwocky pal depressed? Get your friend to talk about it. That's
all these folks need to do; it makes them feel better straight away. Putting
them in motion works. Pop them on a buss or a plane, or stick them in a car
and drive round in different neighborhoods for awhile.
Want to sell them something, even yourself? Variety will get you
everywhere. Change topics every ninety seconds, three minutes at most. If
yours is a long spiel, pop in a wee item of unrelated trivia every so often.
Their high-speed minds need those commercial breaks. Good talkers
impress them. You have to be pretty good to keep up with them, and if
you're not glib, kick back and listen. They won't even notice.
Gemini Moon people need a daily paper, telephone calls, magazines, a
chat with the lady next door; they love to be known in their own
neighborhood, and they get friendly fast with the local shopkeepers. They
like the television set on, even with the sound turned off. The more
aesthetic ones find comfort in non-stop music. Thy trash and thy trivia, it
comforts them.
And what an ear for accents, buzz-words, and slang! They like to be up-to-
date on the newest of everything.
How about their friends, then? Here we witness the famous "flexible value
system." This Moon position shows a constantly expanding curiosity about
how other people live their lives. It enables them to count among their
friends priggish pastors, porn moviemakers, bankers, winos, saints, poodle
breeders, the complete boiling range of human society. This ability to travel
lightly amongst all walks of life is unique to them.
They take a risk, though. Some of the more superficial or unsavory values
of their buddies may - and the usually do - rub off on them. They're flexible
as oily eels, though, and they know to keep their traps shut when amongst
their gangster buddies. This does not do a lot for their Spiritual Evolvement,
but it does keep them out of concrete overcoats. Weirdo friends keep their
lives piquant.
Teachers, talkers, and writers they are, every one of them. They come by it
so naturally, they usually take these gifts for granted. It surprises them that
these skills are so special.
Cruel gossips are numbered among this Moon position. They think they are
merely being witty and interesting. Why then are they so cagey about
telling you the minutiae of their own private lives?
They must learn to listen without adding their choicest bon mots to your
story. They do have empathy, lots of it, for the other guy's predicament, but
sometimes their harsh witticisms belie this. You can say one thing for them,
though. They're never dull. And they will even befriend a bore if the bore
has some free time and a car to ride in.

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