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In China, a study conducted by Shu and Tong 2015, states that living

separately from their family greatly affects the student’s well being,
particularly in the emotional, and mental state of the students for the reason
that it is a hard time for them to live their everyday life as a student living
away. Students who are separated from their parents and living
independently on their own suffers consequences in terms of their well
being, their health, and their academic performance. Some of these
consequences create problems towards the relationship between boarding
students and their family. Many Some boarding school students have
reported multiple forms of abuse and neglect, including no contact with the
opposite sex, separation from siblings, and physical and emotional neglect
(Colmant et al. 2004). These consequences affects the students in the way of
how they cope up with their emotional, social, and emotional states, how
they keep things under their control and how they try to have a way to go
through these consequences. Although of these consequences, there are also
positive benefits, as Bronfenbrenner 1970 indicated that boarding makes
children mature primarily in a single socialization setting in a collective

Shu BB, Tong YY. Boarding at school and students’ well-being: The case of rural China. InPopulation
Association of America 2015 Annual Meeting 2015 Apr (Vol. 30).

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