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Julienne Therese Dabon 12 STEM2

Restart- if you restart something that has been interrupted or stopped, or if it
restart, it starts to happen or function again.

During our retreat were so excited and we expect different activities that would

During our retreat we have different activities that would really helps us realized
of what life is all about and on how we handle things in life and also the people
around us. In our first activity we have a sharing in which we remember the last time
we saw our parents. We realized that how our parents really loves us and sacrifice for
us, despite of the different obstacles that they have experience they didn’t still
forget to take good care of us. The second activity is when we have a strips of paper
in which we will right a message to that person on what will you want to say to him or
her and on that activity I realized that there are still some people who cares about
you and we just ignore them but we don’t know that they have purpose and reason in
your life. The third activity is when we remember how Jesus loves us and how he
sacrifice for us. It is we’re we can see that he is always there from the struggles
that we have encountered but then sometimes we forgot to remember his presence. And
for me the most significant experience and activity that would really struck me is
when we have a open forum in which we share our experience in our family and to the
class. And I am one of the sharer of the activity. I didn’t expect that to share in
front of the class. Therefore I share my experiences in my family on how we treat each
other as one and also the experiences in our class what is my message to them. And
with that activity it is where we can see the true self of a person like who they are
not just as a person but also as a human being and a part of the family. Sometimes we
judge directly to the person or our classmates on how he or she act and why he or she
is like this. It gives me a realization that everything has a reason and we must not
directly judge the person because we don’t know what storm the encounter. we have also
an activity in which we read a letter from our parents. It is really emotional at that
time because for me I didn’t expect the message of my parents to me it really touch my
heart and mind. And after that we make a response to the letter they gave. And lastly
early in the morning we have a activity its like cleansing our own selves. It is where
we remember the different learning we’ve learned in the retreat. And also we have
sharing to one another as a class on the experiences that we have encountered as a
family and we gave a message to stem 2 on to our adviser. And that is all the
experiences we had during our retreat.

I have learned that if we have problems in life, what matters is our attitude
to that problem. Whether we take it positively or negatively. There are things in life
that we cannot change but our attitude towards them, we can really change. But if we
have also mistaken things the past, we are given by God with a lot of chances. A
chance to “forgive and forget” and a chance to “affirm and say thank you”. The retreat
itself has given me to do such things. But it is in your hands if you will gab the
opportunity to change.

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