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Top Five Reasons to

Stay Away from Ticks

It is quite difficult to spot ticks,

even when they are feeding on you.
In most cases, chances are that you won’t even feel the
tick bite, let alone see it. However, if a red mark
randomly appears on your body, then it could be a sign
that a tick was making a meal out of you earlier.

Ticks can latch themselves onto you

and feed on you for several days
A tick takes its time in preparing itself before starting to
feed, and once it’s done with that, it makes a cut on the
skin and then inserts its feeding tube inside. Once in
favorable position, it can stay there for around two to
three days.

A tick can spread a number of deadly

diseases in animals and humans
Apart from Lyme disease, Ticks can also spread
diseases such as Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Borrelia
miyamotoi, Bourbon virus disease and so on.

No vaccine against Lyme disease for

human beings is in the market yet
while there is a Lyme vaccine for dogs, there is no such
vaccine, at least an effective or approved one, that will
work well on human beings. If a vaccine is under devel-
opment, chances are that it will take several years
before it becomes actually available in the market.

Ticks are more common during the

warmer months of the year
Ticks belonging to one species or the other can always
be found throughout the year, but they are most easily
spottable, or spreadable during the summer and spring

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