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'Luck' means By chance or we can say By mistake also, people talks about luck but they don't know

its actual meaning. The people who trusts in luck, can never achieve success in life. Without putting
efforts or without being zealous we can't achieve our goals. One should not depend on the luck
instead he should be agile and sophophilic. We can also solve byzantine problems by putting a little
effort rather than sitting and waiting for your luck to shine or to get your problems solved for you. I
don't think that there is something called as'luck'. There is nothing in this world which leads you to
success(Not even luck) except your own skills, passion and dedication towards your work. If you have
enough potential then you will definitely succeed in your life, you don't need any magical power which
people call The Luck.

Luck plays a huge role in any goal in life. But so does hard work. Events are unpredictable. It is hard
to see what’s coming next. This is why it is said “you need to take big risks to get big returns” ,
because you need to be lucky for the big risks to pay off, and if you’re not lucky, then you won’t see
the bigger rewards.
The harder you work, the more opportunities you will find and paths that were previously shut off will
be open and ready for exploring. This means there is a higher chance of “lucky” stuff happening to
Luck is the residue of process.
The 3rd US President and one of the American Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, noticed the link
between success and luck. He saw that if more work was put in, more chances were created, which
meant more luck was created, which, therefore, meant more success one could achieve in life.

Also, if one is born with a natural talent which required little work in the first place, it will be beneficial
in the short term, but, in the long term, their performance will be surpassed by those that consistently
put in the work.

Some may say it is lucky to be born with a natural talent, but those that are not blessed with that head
start will be able to reach their level (and even surpass it!) with hard work!
Ways to Create Your Own Luck:

Here are a few tips on how to be extremely lucky, which further leads to attaining career success.

 Work on your potential

 Be adaptable to new things

 Being flexible to new changes

 Effective networking

 Go by your intuition

 Aim higher

 Think big

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