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Report #1: Emergency Response Plan – Hot Dog Hut

Olivia Van Osch


SCIE 73000

Dr. K. Diplock

16 October 2019

Part A) Food Premise Description

Name and Location: Hot Dog Hut – 12 Park Lane Rd., Kitchener, ON N26 1M1

Premise Type: Food Take Out Restaurant

Food Items:

 Hot dogs (beef) – frozen

 Hot dog buns

 French fries – made in house

 Fresh produce items: avocados, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, jalapeno peppers

 Canned items: pineapples, pickles, banana peppers, salsa

 Sauce items: house-made aioli’s (made with eggs), ranch dressing, queso sauce, sour

cream, barbeque sauce, beef gravy, ketchup, mustard, relish,

 Bacon – frozen

 Various cheeses: cheddar cheese, swiss cheese, jalapeno jack cheese, cheese curds

 Pulled pork – frozen, made in house

 Coleslaw – made in house

 Dry spices and various other non-hazardous dry ingredients

Equipment and Supplies:

 Pressure cooker (1.5 quarts)

 Gas deep fryer (double vat)

 Gas range with vent hood (4 burners)

 Commercial gas countertop griddle


 Hot dog grill roller machine

 3-compartment sink for dishwashing, hand washing sink, food preparation sink

 Bowls, stainless steal tongs and grilling utensils, knives, cutting boards, mixing utensils

 Kitchen-aid mixer

 Wall mounted potato fry cutter

 Commercial refrigerator and chest freezer

 Chemical cleaning supplies and disinfectants

Floor Plan:

Part B) Emergency Response Plan

Emergency Response Plan – General

Company: Hot Dog Hut

 (226) 310-6095

Address: 12 Park Lane Road, Kitchener, ON N26 1M1

Emergency  Ellie Perra (owner) – (226) 310-9687

Contacts:  George Perra (main cook) – (226) 310-9678
 Rick Fixer (building maintenance manager) – (519) 503-2001

Potential  Kitchen/electrical fire

Emergency:  Power outage
 Flood (broken plumbing, flooding of Grand River, heavy rainfall)
 Sewage contamination
 Natural disaster (tornado, earthquake, snow storm)
 Pest infestation

Emergency In the event of an emergency, prepare the following:

1. In the event of an uncontrollable or growing fire, pull the fire alarm,
evacuate immediately and call 911
2. If it is safe to do so, address the emergency using proper equipment or
procedures, close the kitchen and advise customers to evacuate
3. Turn off gas line to all kitchen equipment
o Shut-off located between deep fryer and wall mounted potato cutter,
bottom left
o If shut-off cannot be located, use outside gas valve located through
the exiting kitchen door and to the left of the building

4. Ensure all kitchen plug-in appliances are unplugged and the cords are
secured and not hanging down off counter top
5. Ensure all counter tops are free from hazards, fridge and freezer are shut
tight and locked if possible, and no open food items are left out
6. Ensure all entrances (including the ordering window) are closed
7. Ensure all floor drains are clear from obstructions and there is nothing stored
around the floor within 10 ft of the drain if possible
8. Evacuate the premise and call emergency contact and emergency facilities if
o Emergency meeting point is in the parking lot, 100 m away from
building front

Location of  Fire extinguisher –beside the hand washing sink

Emergency  First aid kit – mounted to wall in employee bathroom
Equipment:  Spill kit – beside dry storage and employee info board
 Eye wash station – located in the hand washing sink
 Pest control station – located under the hand washing sink
 Alarm system, CO monitor, smoke detector, fire alarm, sprinkler system–
located on top of employee info board and throughout ceiling of premise

Location of  Fire, medical and police services – 911

Emergency  St. Mary’s General Hospital – 911 Queen’s Blvd, Kitchener, ON
Facilities and  Ministry of Environment (spills only) – 1-800-268-6060
Contact:  Region of Waterloo – (519) 575-4400
 KW Pest Control Kitchener – (519) 957-1766
 Kitchener Utilities – (519) 741-2542

Part C) Sewage Contamination Emergency Response

A sewage contamination event is a health hazard and requires proper clean up to restore

proper working conditions in a food premise. In the event of a sewage backup, raw sewage and

gray water will come up through the lowest drainage point in the premise, usually the floor

drains. The clean up and overall sanitation of the premise following a sewage contamination is

the best way to eliminate the health risks and begin reopening the premise.

Before re-entering the premise, the first safety measure that should be taken is to ensure

proper personal protective equipment is available to avoid direct contact with the sewage.

Protective equipment such as: protective and waterproof footwear, rubber gloves, protective

eyewear and a face mask should be worn. The primary focus is to find the source of the backup

and drain the sewage.

 Call a plumber – McGregor Plumbing and Heating (519) 465-3453

o The plumber will snake the floor drain with an auger, remove the blockage in the

clean out drain.

o Sewage will begin to drain and the initial clean up process can begin.

Once the sewage has drained and basic clean up of the floor has taken place, it is important to

do a throughout walk through of the premise to determine which areas are contaminated and if

any equipment or food items need to be discarded. You want to throw out all contaminated items

before you can properly sanitize and disinfect the premise. Do not turn on the gas valve or use

any equipment near the contamination site until the area has been inspected by a qualified

technician. Also check the internal temperature of both fridge and chest freezer to ensure there

was no power outage during the emergency.


 Call a gas technician – Kitchener Waterloo Gas Professional and Air Conditioning

Professionals (519) 497-2121

o The gas technician will inspect the gas line to determine if it is safe to turn on.

o Once the gas line is secured, appliances can be safely moved and checked to see if

they are in working condition and the area behind them can be cleaned.

After the premise is free from all gas, electrical and plumbing hazards, more deep

cleaning can begin. A sewage backup would most likely only cover a small portion of the floor

around the drain (located in the kitchen, dishwashing area, and the employee bathroom), with the

bathroom floor drain being the lowest point in the system. Specifically, at the Hot Dog Hut,

sewage contamination occurred at all 3 floor drains, and spread out 5 ft from each drain. The

contamination radius affected the entire employee bathroom, the dishwashing area, and the prep

sink and its adjacent prep countertop space. Physical clean up should include cleaning the

immediate floor space around the drains and the radius of the drain, removing all water, debris

and sewage. The tile floor and walls should be checked for cracks or areas where sewage could

have seeped in.

 Wash the floor using soap and water, moving all countertops out from their position and

cleaning behind them. Wash, rinse and sanitize the floor and the counter surfaces,

including the table legs, and under storage.

 Any equipment or utensils in the contaminated area should be washed and sanitized,

despite if they came into contact with sewage or not.

 Using a chlorine solution, the floor, countertops and walls can be sanitized.

While the fridge and chest freezer were properly sealed during the sewage backup and did

not come into contact with the sewage, the exterior should still be cleaned. Proper food storage,

including proper covering of food in storage is a good way to ensure no contaminants can impact

the food. An area that will have to be checked is the dry storage, located across from the floor

drain in the kitchen. Any items with permeable packaging, opened products including disposable

take out containers should be discarded. Anything that cannot be properly sanitized and was not

fully sealed off from contamination should be discarded.

The premise can be reopened if the following criteria has been met:

 Sewage has been cleaned up and the floor drains are in working condition.

 Floors, walls, countertop surfaces have been washed, rinsed, and sanitized.

 All equipment and utensils have been washed, rinsed, and sanitized.

 Any contaminated food items have been discarded, and anything that cannot be

disinfected has been discarded.

 All gas equipment is working safely and the fridge and freezer maintained proper


 All staff involved in clean up have properly changed clothes, washed their hands

thoroughly and overall practice good hygiene before returning to work.

 The overall visual and smell of the premise has been restored to previous standards and

there is no evidence of a sewage backup ever occurring.

 A Public Health Inspector from the Region of Waterloo will come to do a reopening

inspection, to ensure all health hazards have been reduced or eliminated and that it is safe

to resume regular operations.



Alberta Health Services. (2016, March 31). Reopening Your Food Establishment After a Wildfire.
Retrieved October 16, 2019, from

Armstrong, L. (2015, June 26). The Right Steps to Take After a Sewage Backup. Retrieved October
16, 2019, from

Fraser Health. (n.d.). Flood Information for Food Premises. Retrieved October 16, 2019, from

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