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English III

Title of the paper

Comprehension activity: Convincing language

Author’s name (with ID)

Teacher’s name

Esp Diana Alejandra Martínez Viveros

Colombia, Guadalajara de Buga April, 02 2019

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Reporter: Hi and welcome to business talk. There is so much jargon these days in the
workplace. But what characterizes Business Buzzwords?
Expert: Well, these are words that might not mean that much literally, but have a kind of
hypnotic power. For instance the word: empowerment. People use it a lot in companies, but
companies have hierarchy and structures of power. Most employees don’t really have that
much power. You want to give people the illusion of power by using big powerful words.
Reporter: Exactly. So if you use a fancy expression, it makes some people feel powerful.
Like if you say I’m really ‘in the loop’ or if you have your ‘ear to the ground’. These
expressions mean that you are really conscious and aware, but the literal meanings are quite
strange. So tell me, why are these expressions so hard to translate or understand for learners
of English?
Expert: Many of them come from specific situations or from sports. Let’s look at the
example of the word ‘ballpark’. A ballpark is a field for watching a baseball game with
seats for the spectators. We can, however, be ‘in the ballpark of’ one million dollars, which
means an approximate amount or estimate. If you know nothing about baseball, this doesn’t
make much sense does it? It’s important to understand and know what these words mean,
but they shouldn’t be overused.
Reporter: Thanks for being on our program.
Expert: It’s been a pleasure.

Business buzzwords ... .

a. should be understandable literally
b. are particular to certain cultures
c. often have strange literal meanings
Buzzwords make people think that ... .
a. they are fashionable
b.people can communicate smoothly
c. they have power and control
What characterizes business buzzwords?
a. They are a way of sounding powerful.
b.They are a way of being clear.
c.They are neutral.
Business buzzwords ... .
a. help one to think clearly.
b. are hypnotic
c. should always be used at business meeting

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