Chapter 19

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Personal ​Equity R
​ etiremen​t Account ​(P
​ ERA)

Under ​RA ​9​50​5​, o​ therwise ​known ​a​s ​the ​"​Personal ​Equity ​Retirement
Account ​(​PERA​) ​Act ​of ​200​8​"​, ​all ​income ​earned ​from ​the ​investment
and ​reinvest​ment ​of ​PERA ​assets ​in ​PERA ​investment ​products ​shall
be ​exempt ​from ​income ​taxes ​provided ​the ​said ​PERA ​investment
products ​ha​v​e ​been ​duly a ​ ccredited ​by ​the ​concerned ​regulatory
agency​*​*​. ​Moreover​, ​income ​from ​investm​ents and ​reinvestments of
P​ER​A ​assets ​in government ​s​ecurities ​is ​likewise exempt ​from ​income
taxes​, ​Under ​the ​law​, ​individuals ​are ​allowed ​to ​set ​up ​their ​own ​PERA
which ​shall ​enjoy certain ​tax ​incentives​. ​Employees​, i​ ncluding
self​-​employed individuals and ​Overseas ​Filipinos​, ​can s​ tart ​planning
their future ​by establishing ​their ​own ​PERA​.

REGULATORY ​AGENCIES ​Bangko ​Sentral ng ​Pilipinas ​(B

​ SP)​ ​-as regards banks, trust
​ ur​ities and
entitie​s​, and other BSP supervised ​financial institutions. ​S​ec
Exchange Commission (SEC) ​– for investment com​panies, invest​ment
houses, stock brokerages​. ​Office of the insurance Commission (OIC) ​– for
insurance companies and pre-need companies

DEFINITION OF TERMS (RR 17-2011) ​P​E​R​A - shall refer to a Contributor's

voluntary retirement account established from the qualified ​PER​A
Contributions and​/​or Qualified Employer Contrbutions, for the purpose of being
invested sotely in Qualified/Eligible PERA Investment Products.

Qualified Employer's Contributio​n-​ Shall refer to the contribution made by the employer
(whether ​as a s​i​ngle proprietor, a partnership or a corporation) from the
private sector to the PERA ​established by his/its employee which, together
with such employee's contribution, if any, shall not ​exceed s​uch employee's
Qualified PERA Contribution
Qualified PERA Contributions ​- shall refer to the contributions of the Contrbutor to his
PERA, which ​shall not ex​ce​ed P100,000 per calendar ​y​ear (if the Contributor is
non-overseas Filipino), or ​P​200,000 per calendar yea​r ​(if the Contributor is an
Overseas Filipino or in ​representation of an ​Ov​er​seas ​Filipino)

Administrator ​- shall refer to an entity which had been pre-qualified by the concerned
Regulatory ​Ag​ency and accredited by the BIR, responsible for administering and
overseeing ​the PERA of the ​Contributor


T​AX ​TREATMENT ​OF ​PE​RA ​(​income​, ​PERA

Distribution​, ​Employer​'​s


Investment ​income ​of the ​Contnbutor ​consisting ​of ​all ​in​come

earned f​ rom ​the ​investments ​and ​re​-​investments ​of ​his PERA
Assets ​in ​the maximum ​amount ​allowed ​herein ​shall ​be ​exempt
from ​the ​following ​taxes a
​ s ​may ​be ​applicable​;

1​. ​The ​final ​withholding ​tax ​on interest ​from ​any

currency ​bank ​deposit​, ​yield
or ​any ​other ​monetary ​benefit ​from deposit ​substitutes ​and ​from
trust ​funds ​a​nd ​similar ​arrangements​, ​induding ​depository
ba​n​k ​under ​the ​expanded ​fore​i​gn ​currency ​deposit

2​. ​Th​e ​tax ​on ​capital ​gains ​from ​sale​, ​exchange​, ​retirement ​or
maturity ​of
bonds​, ​debentures​, ​or ​other ​certificate ​of

​ nd​/​or ​propert​y ​dividends​,

3​. ​The ​10​% ​tax ​on ​cash a
received from ​a ​domestic ​corporation​, ​including ​a ​mutual ​fund

4​. ​T​h​e ​capital ​gains tax ​on ​sale​, ​barter ​or ​exchange ​or ​o​ther
disposition ​of
shares ​of ​stock ​in ​a ​domestic

5​. ​Regular ​income

Provided​, ​that ​each ​specific ​investment ​products ​must b ​ e
approved ​by ​the ​concerned ​regulatory ​agency ​before ​its ​income
or ​distribution ​can b ​ e ​granted ​tax incentives ​and ​privileges​.
​ ​, if ​applicable​, ​relating
Provided​, ​further​, ​that ​non​-​income t​ axes
to ​the ​above investment ​income ​of ​the ​PERA ​account ​of a​
Contributor​, ​s​hall ​remain ​imposable​, ​includin​g ​Percentage ​Taxes
(​Section​s ​116​-​127 ​of ​the ​Ta​x ​Code​)​, ​va​lu​e ​adde​d ​t​ax ​a​nd
documentary ​stamp ​tax​.


Qualified ​PERA ​distributions ​received b ​ y ​the ​Contributor​, ​or i​ n

case ​of ​the d ​ eath ​of ​the ​Contributor​, ​by ​his ​heirs or beneficianes​, ​whether
in ​a ​lump​-​sum ​or ​pension ​for ​a ​definite ​period ​or ​lifetime ​pension​, ​shall
be ​excluded ​from ​the ​gross ​income ​of ​the ​Contributor ​and ​shall ​not
be ​subject ​to ​income ​tax​. ​The ​same ​shall ​be ​excluded ​from ​the
gross ​income ​in ​the ​hands ​of ​his ​heirs ​or ​beneficiaries​, ​as ​the
case ​may ​be​, ​and ​shall ​not ​be ​subjec​t ​to ​estate ​tax​.
PER I l​ ucent

​ mployer'​ ​s ​Contribution ​to ​the

Qualified E
Employee​'​s ​PERA

The ​qualified ​employer​'​s ​contribution ​to ​his​/i​ ts ​employee'​s ​PERA shall ​be ​in
addition ​to​, ​an​d ​not ​in ​l​ieu ​of​, ​the ​employer​'​s ​contribution ​to ​SSS ​and ​its
obligation to ​pay ​retirement ​benefit ​to ​his​/​its ​employees ​under ​the ​Labor
Code​. ​The ​total ​of ​the ​employer​'​s ​and ​employee​'​s ​contribution ​to ​his
PERA ​and ​all ​the ​benefits​, ​including ​tax ​incentives ​and ​privileges ​arising
therefrom​, ​shall ​a​l​l ​belong ​to ​the ​employee ​and shall ​not​, ​in ​anyway​,
inure ​to ​the ​benefit ​of ​the ​employer​. ​The ​employer ​s​ha​ll ​not ​be ​entitled ​to
any ​5​% ​credit ​from its ​contribution ​to ​an ​employee​'​s ​PERA​.
The qualified ​employer​'​s ​contribution to ​his​/​its ​employee​'s ​PERA
shall ​not ​form ​part ​of ​employee​'​s ​taxable ​gross ​income​, ​hence, ​exempted
from ​the ​withholding ​tax on ​income​, ​whether ​withholding ​tax ​on
compensation ​or ​fringe ​benefits​. ​On ​the ​other ​hand​, ​the ​employer ​can
claim ​the ​actual ​amount ​of ​his/​its ​qualified ​employer​'​s contributio​n ​as ​a
d​eduction ​from his​/​its ​gross ​income​, ​but ​only ​to ​the ​extent ​of ​the ​employer​'​s
contribution ​th​a​t ​would ​complete the ​maximum ​allowable ​PERA
contribution ​of ​an ​employee​.


​ ntitled ​to ​a ​tax ​credit in ​the ​amount 5​% ​of

A ​qualified ​contributor ​shall be e
the ​aggregate ​Qualified ​PERA ​Contributions ​made ​in ​one ​calendar
yea​r​. ​An ​employee ​qualified ​contributor ​shall ​be ​issued ​shall be
issued ​a ​Certificate ​of ​Entitlement ​to ​5​% tax credit ​while ​a
self​-​employed ​shall be ​issued ​a ​PERA ​TCC ​by ​the ​BIR​. T
​ he ​entitlement ​to
5​% tax ​credit ​for ​an ​employee ​or ​one w
​ ho ​is ​self​-​employed ​shall ​be ​allowed ​to
​ ontributor'​ s i​ ncome t​ ax l​ iability.​ H
​ nly ​against ​the C
be ​credited o ​ owever​, ​if
the ​Contributor ​is ​an ​overseas ​Filipino​, ​he shall ​be ​entitled ​to ​claim ​the
5​% ​tax ​credit ​against ​any ​national i​ nternal ​reve​nue ​tax ​liabilities
(​excluding ​the ​withholding t​a​x ​liabilities ​a​s ​withholding ​agent​)​. ​Provided​,
that in no instance can there be any refund of the sa​id tax credit ​arising
from t​h​e ​PE​RA contributions. The tax credit arising from PER​A
Contributions shall not be refundable or transferable.


The BIR'S PE​R​A Processing Office (i.e., the A​u​dit

Information, Tax ​Exemption and Incentives Division ​(A
under the ​Assessment Service) ​shall accept only Applications for
Accreditation (BIR Form No. 1​9​41) (A​n​nex "​A") ​fi​l​ed ​by
pre-qualified P​ERA A​dminis​trator base​d ​o​n "Qualification
Certificate" i​ssued by the concerned Regulatory
​ gency (i.e., Bangko ​Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or ​the
Insurance Commission (IC);
​ ​1,​ l​ arunt
Upon ​approval ​of ​the ​Application ​for ​A​ccreditation​, ​the ​AITEID
​ 36​) ​(​Annex
shall issue ​Certificate ​of ​Accredita​t​ion ​(​BIR Form ​No​. ​23
"​A​-​1​"​) ​to ​the ​PER​A A​ dministrator​, a ​copy of ​which shall ​be
transmi​tted ​to ​the ​concemned ​Revenue ​District Offices
(​RDOs​)/​ Office​s ​under ​the ​Large ​Taxpayers Service ​(​LTS​) ​having
jurisdiction ​over ​the ​PERA ​Administrator​, ​fo​r ​pr​o​per ​monitoring ​and
to ​ensure ​that ​the ​PERA ​Administrator maintai​ns ​a ​separate ​set ​of
books ​of ​accounts ​to ​record ​ał ​PERA ​contributions ​and ​related
transactions ​(​e​.​g​.​, ​in​come ​earned ​by ​the ​PERA ​Assets​, ​withdrawals​,
and​/​or ​terminations ​thereof​);

The ​accreditation o
​ f ​a ​PERA ​Administrator ​shall be ​valid ​from ​the
date ​of ​issuance o ​ f ​the ​Certificate ​of ​Ac​ creditation ​until ​it ​is
suspended ​or ​r​evoked ​for ​violation ​of ​any ​of the ​provisions ​of
Republic ​Act ​(​RA​) ​9505​, ​or ​f​or ​any ​of ​the ​grounds ​stated ​under
Section ​17 ​thereof​, ​as ​enumerated ​under ​Rule ​4​.​D of ​the ​Rules
and ​Regulations ​Implementing t​ he ​PERA ​Act ​of ​2008;

The ​PERA ​Administrator ​shall ​be ​designated ​by ​the ​Contributor t​ o

handle ​the ​administration ​of ​PERA ​established ​by t​ he ​employee
which​, ​together ​with ​the ​contribution ​made ​by ​the ​employer​, ​if ​any​,
shall ​no​t exceed ​the ​employee​'​s ​qu​alified ​PERA ​contribution​,
The ​PERA ​Administrator shall ​ensure ​that ​contributions ​(​.​e​.​,
employees ​and​/​or e
​ mployer​, ​self​-​employed​, ​Overseas ​Filipinos​, or
i​n ​re​presentation ​of ​such ​Overseas ​Filipinos​) ​are under ​its
exclusive administration through ​an ​on ​line ​validation ​with ​the
PERA ​Contributor​'​s ​database ​to ​be ​established ​by ​the ​BSP ​as
provided ​under ​Rule ​4​.​A​.​4 ​of ​the ​Rules ​and ​Regulations
Implementing ​the ​PERA A ​ ct ​of ​2008​;

Contributions ​to ​PERA ​can ​come ​from ​employees ​and​/​or ​their ​employers ​or
self​-​employed ​individuals ​which ​shall ​not ​exceed ​Php100​,​000​.​00 ​per ​calendar
year​, ​or ​Php200​,​000​.​00 ​per ​calendar ​year if ​the ​contributor ​is ​an ​Overseas
Filipino ​as ​defined ​in ​Rule ​7 ​of ​the ​Rules ​and ​Regulations ​Implementing ​the
PERA ​Act ​of ​2008;
A ​Contributor ​may ​create ​and ​maintain ​a ​maximum ​of ​five ​(​5​) ​PERAS ​at ​any
​ r​, ​each ​PERA ​shall ​be c​ onfin​ed ​to ​only ​one ​category ​of ​PER​A
one ​time​. ​Howe​ve
Investm​ent ​Product​. Thus, a Contributor can ha​ve five ​(5 ​ ) PERAs and fi​ve ​ ​(5
​ )
categories of PERA Investment Products;

An employee or self-employed qualified Contributor shall be ​entitled

to a five ​percent (5%) tax credit of the aggregate qualified PERA
contributions made in a ​calendar year which shall be allowed to be
credited only against their income tax liabilities.

An Overseas Filipino Contributor with taxable income in the Philippines

shall ​be entitled to a five percent (5%) tax credit to be clai​med
against any internal revenue t​ax liabilities, excluding his/her
withholding tax liabilities as a withholding ​agent. However,
Over​seas Filipino Contributor wi​thout taxable income in the
Philippines shall also be entitle​d to a five per​cent (5%) tax
credit but ​will eventually ​be forfeited in favor of the ​government.

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