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Eill l',r:l+lt"r

§ Suu Pan¡riintttr
:l I i,.\./(-. L"lar,ila n,l
ü ¡jat rit-.lla I-a;'i"r'i



5\33 ',


PusLlsHrr'¡c MA¡iAGaR Zaratán); Rosa López (CP Ciudad
Dan Morris il.;'l;. ;:
üi Ji.'d0,.,,,,.o n *, de Nara, Totedo); Sonia Velasco
Steve Longworth (CP Mariano .|osé de Larra, Madrid);
SrNlon pusrrsHrn Juan ManueI Martín, María ,losé
lulieta Hernández RodrÍguez i-i s l' ;i ¡rnl i..i-S r'.,11 Sánchez (CP Francisco Vitoria,
Dimas Fernández Gorostarzu (covrn) Salamanca); Marina García (C. San
SrNlon ro¡ron Etena laramitlo Gallardo Gnvour) CC, Sevitta); Carmen Jaren,
losé SS .salvatierra
Beatriz Román López Juan M. (C. Santa Ana,
liAa,i i r-\yi.ii-ii Sevitta); Mercedes Galán, Carmen
EorroH ,|osé Alcatde de Diego Parra, Raquel Sánchez (C. San
Rocío Catderón González Calixto, Plasencia); Marisa Carratero
lirijslR{r!r Lt! (CP Francisco de Atdana, Cáceres);
DrstcN¡.i¡i PR0ti,.li, :1.¡¡t i,4iNA.G!R Sean Longcroft, Alfonso Abad, Sonia Antonio RodrÍguez (CP Manuel
Marta lllescas Núñez Alins, Santiago Gutiérrez Sánchez Alonso, Arahal); Adela
Ramírez (C. María Auxiliadora, Tetde);
Destcru (oopo¡ru,tron P t¡uro ni-« l.¡L¡wi.i 0i,r r-vrE¡r ti Lourdes Truiitto (CP Beñesmen,
Enrique García Prieto TxT Servicios Editoriales, Antonio Aguimes); losefa Dávila (CP jos¿
Marcos, Ateiandro Amador, Margarita Sánchez Sánchez, Las Palmas);
D¿srcrurn Pagador, ACl, AGE Photostock, Azucena Ruiz (CP Dolores Escámez,
Elena .|aramitlo Gatlardo Contacto Photo, Cordon Press, Getty Lorquf ; Rosana Alonso (CEIP Salou,
lmages. Salou); Viqui Fernández, Susana
Ass¡srnru DEsT6NER The work July the seas¡de by L.S. Narváez (CEIP Teresina Martoretl, El
Susana Martín Benito Lowry is reproduced with permission Vendrett); Cori, .ludith Giro (lnstitut
of the Estate of LS Lowry Escola Pi del Burgar, Reus); Ruth
Pnooul¡ror'r MA;\iacER The work A holiday by Edward .|iménez (C. Diocesano, Cáceres);
.losé Antonio Ctares Romero Henry Potthast is reproduced with Ma Luz Cobo, Yotanda Gatván (CEP
permission of the Art lnstitute of Matilde de la Torre, Muriedas);
Pnr.¡ui.iil lol¡ iaiNTR{)LL¡R Chicago Lourdes Fernández (C. CompañÍa
Tini Cardoso Cabatlero de María, Santander); Noemi
Ar- !( il,.1¡¡i i :-:¡,i ¡¿ait : ;r, Sánchez (CEP Txurdinaga, Bitbao);
t|¡. rt;ttri¡,
PRCir-,a: The publishers would tike to thank Josu Santos (C. Gaztelueta, Leioa);
lsabel Muñoz Cottado the foltowing teachers for reporting Yolanda Rodríguez, Ainhoa Segurola
on the course: María Romero (C. lraurgi, Azpeitia); Mila Etxebeste,
F ili , ,, l¡i-;l :r>ii5lANT (CEIP San Sebastián de Milas, Eneko Martín (C. Marianistas
lrene lriarte Díez Mátaga); María Fernández (CEIP Atdapeta, San Sebastián); Ana
Joaquín Costa, Zaragoza); Cayetana Boedo, Ana Ortibar (C. San lgnacio
Apolinario, Manuel Avelino Pérez, .lesuitas, San Sebastián); Mariana
O PEARSON EDUCACIÓN, S.A., zorr Luisa Santos, Carlos Santana, Rosi Mingot (CP Hispanidad, Vittaloyosa);
Ribera det Loira, 28, z8o4z Madrid Vega, (ALC. RamÍrez, Las Palmas); lsabel Carmen Ferris (C. Ntra. Sra.
Mq losé Torres (CP Atberto Sols, Carmen, Elda); Eduardo Cobo,
@ Steve Marsland, Gabrielta lazzeri, Sax); Me Ángetes Álvarez, Carmen Vidal Hetgueras, Aleiandro Muñoz
Bill Bowter and Sue Parminter, zou Berrocal (C. Sagrada Familia, (C. Virgen Henar, Costada); Nuria
Badaioz); Lota Satvador (C. Caja Agusti (C. María Cristina, Madrid);
ISBN : 928-84-9837 -297 -7 de Ahorros, Granada); Rosa Ma Bárbara, Eva López, Dori Vatdés (CP
Rodríguez (CEIP Ramón y Calat, Hermanos Machado, Costada); Gema
Legal deposit: M-t3r4o-z.ot3 Ogiiares); Gabriel Ribera (C. Luna (C. La lnmaculada, Leganés);
Printed in Spain Sant losep Obrer, llHospitaler de Ana Montero (CEIP Estados Unidos
Ltobregat); Santiago Cobos (CP Et de América, Madrid); Pedro J. Parra
Any form of reproduction,.distribution, public Salvador, Caravaca); ,|osé Atberto (C. Hermanos Ortiz de ZaraIe,
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lf you need to photocopy or scan any part of Madrid); Ana Llorente (CP Mariano
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Pffio¡ condDuB b Coslada); Montserrat Martín (CP
INFANTILES SOS .|ulio Cortázar, Getafe); Alicia García
F !r ,r 2r / w¡üa¡ññdHú (CP Regimiento lnmemorial del
Rey, Madrid); Mónica del Moral
Pupils are reminded that writing in this (CP Dehesa del PrÍncipe, Madrid);
book is not permitted. Henar González (CP Caño Dorado,
02 Listen ond reod. Her nome's Kim.

Who's this?

This is my friend.
His nome's Amir.

Amir, whot's your

Hi! Whot's your nome? Welcome
fovourite cotour?
I'mLucy. How to The B[ue
old ore you? Owts Ctub!

03 Listen ond soy the B[ue Ow[s chont.


Blue owls tosefhen
i i\[
Good tniends toneveni

Ask ond onswer.
I oronge. I

New: Who's this? His/Her nome's (Kim).
How old is he/she7 He's/She's (ten).
Whqt's his/her fqvourite colour? His/Her fovourite colour is (red).
Revision: Whot's his/her nome?
Listen ond reod.

rfl{5 f,z.w

Name Amir
Age 10
Address 25lWest Street
Phone Number 01356 721996
Brothers/sisters One brother, one s¡ster
Pet Dog

Kim: Nome, Amir. How do You sPetl Amir?

Kim: Age... How otd ore You?
Amir: I'm ten.
Kim: Where do you [ive?
Amir: 25 West Street.
Kim: Whot's your phone number?
Amir: 01356721996.
Kim: Hove vou qot brothers or sisters?
Amir: yes, I hovel I've got o brother ond o sister.
Kim: Hove you got o Pet?
Amir: Yes, I hqve. I've got o dog.
Kim: Right. Finished.

Listen to Kim ond Amir ogoin. Soy True or Fo{se.

Ask ond onswer.


Hot,r.l do 3ow sPel\ gour narne?

Hot,r.l old. are 3ou?
-uhere do 3ow live?
yo; nurnber?
-.,haPs Phone
Have 9ú got brothers or

Irir,. -oñ1€, oge, oddress, phone numbe.r, pst
.'.'nere d"o you live? Whot's your telephone number?
:: , :ion: the otphobet
How áo you spett (your nome)? Hove you got (q pet)?
Listen, reod ond soy the nomes.

Who's this? O Who's this? O

He's nine. He's got short btock hoir ond She's ten. She's got long dork hoir ond
dork eyes. He likes ort. He con drow brown eyes. She likes sports. She con
ond point very wett. He likes chocolote. ploy bosketbotl very wett. She likes
His fovourite cotour is green. opptes. Her fovourite cotour is red.

08 Listen ond sing.

Who'g thig? Hig nor»e'g 9pike.

Who's this? Hen nqrrle'g Clor"e.
gpike gpike hig nome'g 9pike.
Clorc, Clore, hen nome'g Clqne.
9t'e's got blue eyee ond long blonde hqin
the cqn nun qnd ploy tootboll.
6 1 i), fle con skcrfeboqrd ond níde o bíke.
He líkes dogs orrd doíng spont
He? got big green eyes
SlÉ? got one brofhen ond ghe? very toll. ond hís hoín ís shont
Clore, Clore. Hen nome'g Clore. gpike 9pike. His norne? 9pike.

Describe o friend ond guess.

Who's this?
He's ten. He's got dork hoir ond btue eyes.
He con swim ond drow. He [ikes cots.

Copy the survey. Then osk ond onswer. )

Find someane who -..


canplaq 6f
can't plat4
W fY*, Ida
has gat twa @ffi
hasn,tsat $wp¡ fl§,-
likes the calaur '#"

Moke o secret c[ub.

1 Choose o nome for 2 Moke o ctub cord. 3 Choose your code
your ctub. nome.
t @ Listen ond reod.
No, it's quorter to nine.

No, it's hotf

post eight.

Whot time is it?

No, it's quorter It's nine o'ctock!

post eight. Oh, no! It's time
for schoot!

Whof'tírne ís il?
ff? eight o'clock. fl's quonten to nírre.
It's guonten posf eight fl'S nirle o'clock.
fl-'s holl post eíght /t's frrne fon schooU

3 Point ot the clocks. Ask ond onswer.

New: t4lhot time is it? It's (eight) o'clock. It's quorter post/to (nine).
It's holf post (eight). It's time for (school). v
4 @ r-irten ond choose.

dP lt 21

?" q/."

t @ ,oke o clock. Listen ond set the time.


Pl.oy ond soy.


L:,:: ce: ,'/hot time is it? It's (eight) o'clock. It's quorter post/to (nine).
-:'s holf post (eight). v
7@ Urten ond point. Then listen ond repeot.
@ -Fr
tilt[¿ ] r il

.,r & ¡I liLL=.r,l ,i


t iI rLL, I ,l rl
;5, JE¡ -r! ts,
¡FU a,trr ¡ ,

hove breokfost go to school

hove o breok hove l.unch go home

hove dinner go to bed

I ToLk to your friend. Soy Irue or Fofse.

f-F-t*r I
g urten qnd sing.

It? líghf oul'side, brrl you're in bed,

Get up, get up, you sleepy heod,
Get up, get up, you sleepy heod,
It's eight o'clock in the rnonníng.

New: get up, hove breqkfqst, go to school, hove o breok, hove lunch, go home,
have dinner go to bed. I (get up) ot (eight o'clock). v
Proctice: tel.ting the time
Receptive: light, dork, outside, sleepy heod
§ ti g1¡;g Listen ond reod. Then listen ond oct out.
*#ysxmr"k'e,* ilqt§É. , 'Fqa{*f}'s $"§murse

Amir ond Leo are neor Miss Todd's house.

Mmm. She's got

o lot of boxes.
Miss Todd lives there.

She's got pet cots.

It's six o'ctock.

Oh, no! My dog Whot time is it?
doesn't [ike cots.

Miss Todd goes into her house.

Sorry, Miss Todd!

It's hotf post five.
Where ore they? ff'
Look, Amir! Wow!
Oh, no! It's six o'ctock!
Thot's onother box.
It's time for dinner.
el G))

rt'.1;;¿; l
Mmm. It's o very big Leo ond Amir E

box. Whot's in it? to g_o home. I


11 Look ond soy the times. L.

in the morning in the ofternoon in the evening ot night

9:00 am c 5:00 am

Modrid, Spoin B uenos Aires,


8:00 pm
Wettington, @ lo,oo p. ? <
London, Englond 8:00 om New Zeotond Honotutu, Howoii

12 Reod, look ond onswer.

r+'< 7 o'ctock in
1 Whot time is it in New Zeotond?
*orning in London' h-
2 Whot time is it in Modrid? I

3 Is it the some doy in Howoii? t

Eorth is o BIG
ploce. Imogine you [ive in
Engtond. It's Mondoy morning. You
get up ot 7 o'c[ock. On the other side
of the wortd in New Zeotond it's 5 o'ctock :
on Mondoy ofternoon. It's time to go
home. But imogine you [ive in Howoii.
It's Sundoy evening ond it's
0 o'ctock. Time for bed!


GMT = Greenwich Meon Time. Zero hour is in Greenwich, London.

l3 @ Ur" your clock. Listen ond set the times.

I Proctice: tetting the time, get up, hove breokfost, go to school, go home,
hqve dinner, go to bed
New: rn the morning/ofternoon/evening, of night
Receptive: Englond, Spoin, Argentino, Howoii, New Zeolond, Eorth,
on the other side, imogine, ploce
v . .Photocopiables5y6
Act¡v¡ty Book page 10


l-.t-i::.-":cjr* L; :-a-.-1
14 Reod ond write the nomes in your notebook. ',

Hellot MY nome's
in o
Shobon. 1 live
Ilot in coiro with
f uP of seven rti! rng narne)s
o'cIocK. JeSSica-
? ffi school ot holf Post ot' ' I live in Australia
:.%;d mY lessons stort on a.sheep Sarrn.
'"rl.t.. Poui eight' Í go,home I don't
tñtue In the go to school. I have
,r..ttt1o t
lessons at horr
:i H;;; l PloY tootbolr
Ilt.rt á;d-1'do mY homeworK
six o)croch
Parrn. I love"";'Í;log;j
ten o'crocK anirnals. I have
;.ioi,;iot lessons Srorn nine o)cloch
until one o)cloc-lr. I go to bed
ftt hal+ past seven.

I go to bed ot ten.
I don't go to school.
I ptoy footbotl ond tennis
in the ofternoon.

I 5 @ Utten ond soY who is sPeoking'

i ó Find out obout your friends.

,-.-<tkeletting the time, get up; hove.breokfost' go to school'
iául"iunrn, go iom"' hove din.ner' g.o to bed . t-
;«eptive: before, ofíer, do hometygrk, hove lessons' wotch
television, ploy footboll' help' villoge' city
Less*n ?
17 Pl,oy Guess whot I do.

l8 @ r-irten ond soy the poem.

Monníng? her.e,
The bírdg ore sÍngírrg.
Monning's here,
Tl"e boby is cryihg.
Monning? hene,
The gun ís shining.

Morning? here
And l'm ín bed.
Monning! hene,
fl's gundoyl
My murn ig cooking.

l9 PLoy the Boord gome with the Unit 7 cords.

Proctice: tetting the time, doi[y routine verbs
Pronunciotion: rhythm, stress ond rhyming words v . i{.*tiv5ty fir***rk paq*
,, Í:¡i'irll¡:,¡:::s¡pí:ti-¡i:.-:: i:-:
- i
Revision: Unit 1 longuoge
20 Order the pictures. Then te[[ Annie's story. ú §


get up four o'ctock.

I hove o breok ot quorter to nine.

go home hotf post ten.

21 Write on emo¡l obout you ond your doy. )

My name's Alex.
I get up at half past seven. I go to school at half past
eight. I have lunch at school at half past twelve. I go _l
home at half past three. I have dinner at half past six f R""d rh"
and I go to bed at half past eight. I Secret Door'l


Please write soon,


-:, tsron
: . : ,"'ork v
22 Listen ond reod.

Wednesdoy is
my doy. Greot!

Hove you got the


Yes, I
hove. Bye!

23 Listen ond soy the chont. fiü»nv

f ilfÚsol,l*ro,
Look of the story ogoin ond soy.
tL*rl lon w"dnerooy.l
New: Mondoy, Tuesdoy, Wednesdoy, Thursdoy, Fridoy,
S otu rd oy, S u n d oy, wo lki e -to lkie
t6 Whot doy is it? It's (Mondoy). On (Mondoy).
Reod ond soy the doy.

1 It's three doys before Mondoy.

2 It's two doys ofter Fridoy.
3 It's the doy before Wednesdoy.
4 It's three doys before Sundoy.
5 It's two doys ofter Mondoy.
6 It's the doy before Tuesdoy.
7 It's two doys ofter Thursdoy.

Ptoy in poirs.

t \rr at

(-§ Moke spinners. Then ptoy o gome.

',*. }f

:-:.iace: Mondoy, Tuesdoy, Wednesdoy, Thursdoy, Fridoy, Soturdoy, Sundoy.
On (Mondoys) I (go to school) ot (nine o'clock). 17
f,¿,"s on: Coity routines, times
bl -.-n,
zs Listen ond repeot. Then soy.


@ GñsrEE-l

,Q t


Geogrophy @
26 Listen ond onswer.

2t Listen ond sing.

Mondoy, Mondoy,
Get up eonly.l Go to gchool.l
Tuegdoy, Tuegdoy,
English clogg íg veny cool.
Wednegdoy, Wednegdoy,
It's PE doy. lf'g fhe weekendl Weekendl
Thungdoy, Thunsdoy, l'n go hoppy when it'g here.
We hove Moths ond Art then ploy. The weekend! The weekendl
Frídoy, Fnidoy, l'n go hoppy when I know...
/n fhe evehihg, / con soy... lf'g fhe weekend.

New: Art, English, Geogrophy, History, Moths, Music, PE, Science

18 We've got (Moths) on (Mondoys). We hoven't got (Music) on
(Wednesdoys). Hove you got (Art) on (Fridoys)? Yes, we hove.
No, we hoven't.
hN ".9 É itá¡
2e Listen ond reod. Then listen ond oct out.

ft's Sundoy. Lucy is outside Miss Todd's house.

Btue Owts! It's eteven

o'ctock. Another box!

Two boxes on Thursdoy.

Fridoy no boxes. Three
boxes on Soturdoy.
nYgEgY loX€l ¡uts tuEEl<
flonáaq @
Tqes{íy ñ
r4yoÁay- @ @

';t:,u qPn
OK. Thonks, Lucy.
l,^rur" C
OK. Mondoy one box. And Sundoy one
Tuesdoy one box. box. Thot's eight
Wednesdoy no boxes. boxes! Hmm.
n', iil, .--
L-e Owts! It's
liX r.d4f"'q1.
l' s Miss Todd is with her friend, Nick.
Btue Owts! Come
quickty! There's o
' , e o'ctock. mon with Miss Todd.
-^ere ore
: - -ols in the
: cxes !

Look ot this ,/.t

Whot? goritto! (

oO o


p, /
Physical É..,

30 Look ond find. Then listen ond repeot. h¡
ptoy bosketbot[ ptoy footboll do gymnostics go swimming

Ask ond onswer.

Do the quiz. Answer Yes or No. ^'

I Do you get angry when you play a sport? I

2 Do you say'Hello!'to the other team? i
3 -
Do you know the rules?

4 Do you plaY fair? 1


5 Do you listen to Your trainer?

6 Are you a good loser?

Revision: ploy bosketboll, ploy footbolt, do gymnostics,
20 go sw,mmtng, ongry
Receptive: teom, rules, trainen ploy foir, o good loser
.J 3r Listen, reod ond motch. K,*'

. .,, ... This year woodburn Primary school sports Day is on saturday 2nd June.

¡ Please come and take part.

Sign up for these races:
-, '-d'g o .ry, -.,rs)
_.i Eed r q¡FÜ
{*".= }& J
,\\ \.



f *'s8#¡*'SÑowz

l»: il

J rl¡l
'l I '
h# '"*;r"

s-- -r
t-r -^ - @
, "ñ3.,'l
Find out ond moke o poster.

':tb. jump. woLk, run

I ' ':ce, hove fun. foll over. throw. hoop. sock

Ptoy Cross the River.

Listen ond soy the poem.

Mondoy's o nunning doy,

Tuegdoy'g o blue doy,

Wednesdoy's o tniendly doy,

Thunsdoy's new wond doy,

I Fnidoy'9 níde o bíke doy,

\§ \' ///
gotundoy's o hoppy doy, ':( )*

gundoy'g o tun doy, o ploying in the guh doy.

Pl.oy the Boord gome with the Unit 2 cords. )=

Prqctice: doys of the week, school subjects
22 Pronunciotion: rhythm, stress ond rhyming words
Revision: Unit 2 [onguoge
Lesson 8 r{t$"-li': ¡i,+e:i# &ff:'§ ,1; ,:Q
Look ond compore your timetoble.

Chalk Ridge Primary School

Year 4

1.t0 - 7.25 1.30 - 10.30 10.+5 - 12.00 1.00 - z.ts z.l5 - 3.t0

ftir;¡n B irta+lf L

Wds ASSEA4BLY /raa*hs E N C,eoEraphy

TAurs A A4#I15 C

Fri A/É+k K H History

Write obout your fovourite doy. *

My favarnta *Lrrll doy

My firvourila. sclpol d.ay ¡s Wadrcsdoy t'va got ltyllisÁ al
nirc, o'clock and l'va got Art at ryoiYteY to tan. lsve, a t
break and. th¿n l've, gol Music. I
":urva, lurrch at ovv, o'clock

*nd. tl*n l'va, got Yl at qy.o:Y+eY P45t tup. w¿drusday is

o. gYoa+ dayl
33 Listen ond reod.
Oh, no! It's very ctoudy.
Kim ond Leo are in Miss Todd's gorden The weather is bod.

Oh! It's cotd.

I know. Hurry up!

An hour loter ...
It's roining.
Whot's the
weother [ike now?

It's hot ond sunny.

I know. It's
roining in
here too!

Listen ond soy the chont. -.rl()

: .

t{)') ..o
Whot's the weotl"pn like? a -r-
.§ÁY )
ff'g colci ond it's windy.
| §Linlr)r j

Whot's the weother like todoy? Ask ond soy.

New: cold, hot, cloudy, sunny, windy, roining, snowing
24 Whqt's the weother like (todoy)? It's (cold).

3ó Listen ond point. Then listen ond soy the seoson.

The four seasons

rt':i 7,

Cut out the weother mop. Then ptoy o gome.



:-,cijce: cold, hot, cloudy, sunny, windy, roining, snowing,
seosons, spring, summer, outumn, winter
'ilhqt's the weother like in (Modrid)? It's (roining).
* **J
3t Listen ond point. Then osk ond onswer.

swrmmrng fLying o kite pl.oying footbot[ buitding o snowmon

pl.oying outside Iice-skoting I riding o bike going for o wolk

Think of o seoson. Ask ond onswer.

f-Li- *"*r? I

Listen ond sing.

Jt ttl,, l
'¡. ,ÚUIU9ff-r)r
When rt,s cold I like niding my bíke When it'S hot I like gwimrning in the pool,
JP When if's wíndy / like llying o kíte, When if's guhny I líke ploying toofboll,
A When it's cloudy I like ploying oul,side
Yeg, winten i9 fl')e geogoh ton rne.
When tt's cold f don't go orrlgide crl qll,
Yeg, gumrner ig the geogoh ton rne.

hN Él
40 Listen ond reod. Then listen ond oct out.

It's Soturdoy morning ot the Blu¿ Owls

Leo ond Amir ore
Club. Kim is ot Miss Todd's house.
It's very windy todoy. Wett, it's outumn!
Whot do you like
doing when it's windy?

r, t/

Come on, Amir! Let's wotk OK. We

I Like going to Miss Todd's house. con toke
for o wotk. photos.

Look! Thot's the mon!

Hi, Kim. How ore you?

Let's fottow him.

I'm very cold.

Oh, no. I con't see onything!

Come on! He's going!

Don't worry! I've got photos.




4r Listen ond repeot. Ask ond onswer. L,


bononos strowberries

I ] E¿pe

sweetcorn coutiflower

L2 Reod ond listen. Whot plont ports ore the foods in Activity 10? ?

Our food comes from different parts of


Some vegetables, like carrots, are the

roots of a plant. Green vegetables, like
lettuce, are leaves. Onions are stems.
What do you think? Do we eat flowers?
Of course! Cauliflower and broccoli are
flowers. We eat seeds too, like sweetcorn.
And we eat lots of fruits.


4s Listen, reod ond motch.

Groce lives on o smot[

form in Britoin.
This is her seosons

i'--j) íi

ll's harrvesl
J Aave atlples, liure.
2¡ We
lor^,ratloes aturá prau,rpkiurs. I
like rqatkirrg ar larrrlevn €ov


Find out ond moke

Which fruít qnd vegetobtes
peopte grow in do
___tour vr countryr?

! ,Yl,.lr'ritono@
rn spring, summer,
outumn ondrr,iinterl

I :;:ii:;{f!;:;yy:,;i:*,inírW,!it::i:::r::;#;ttil..pkinsroww


Pl,oy Weother Roce.

,{-( }- \
LrJ t):

ht-s summer:-l


4i Listen ond soy the poem.


PLoy the Boord gome w¡th the Unit 3 cords.

Proctice: the weother, the seosons, outdoor octivities
Pronunciotion: rhythm, stress ond rhyming words
Revision: Unit 3 [onguoge
Look ond tolk obout the pictures.


rt Gfh\^-^,,o-§
a frLr¡7l ¿

ond it's

Write obout your fovourite seoson. Drow o picture. 1l

:-- '

My {avounle season
I l,ve in York in England.
------r G My {avou.,te season 15 summer.
=\ Ii;s hot and sunny.In summer I l;ke
swrmming and I like playin g oulside' i Jike Vlaytng foolball
af ,v,lh my {nendl.I i;ke going {o, a walk and I ike rtdtn! my
-r b,ke ,n summer loo.
-r : 3 revision
= :-cLio work 31
45 Listen ond reod.

Amir ond Lucy ore in the clubhouse. They ore

looking ot Amir's photos.

É beoutif uI

And this is the mon.

t6 Listen ond soy th e chont.

ffi ff's Migs Tdd.
ls she slrong?
They'ne liong.
Ane they thín?
Yeg, ghe íg. thes veny sfnongl Yes, fhey one. They'ne very 1|in.l

40 Listen ond soy the onswers.
New: thin, fot, bequtiful, tired, ugly, lion, pondo, porrot, gorillo
32 It's o (pondo). It's (fot). They're (lions). They're (thin). Is it (strong)?
Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Are they (bequtiful)? Yes, they ore. No, they oren't.
Revision: strong

te Listen ond choose the photos. Then ptoy Guess the Photo.

, tii z,

Cut out the onimol cords. Then ptoy o gome.

1., -s\

p.octice: strong, thin, fot, beoutiful, tired, ugly, lion, porrot, gorillo
Is it (strong)? Yes, it rs. No, it isn't. A,re they (beoutiful)?
Yes, they ore. No, they oren't.It's (tired). They're (ugly).
;e'vision: ostrich, beon elephont
bl -r-r é.- ##¡
50 Listen ond point. Then [isten ond repeot.

5r Listen, reod ond find the nomes. Then osk ond onswer.

@ l*",kinsonhernho@
'1U, ff
We'ne hwing fun ot- 11É zoo,
llte zoo, tun ol tlte zoo,
Fun cri
We'ne ho,ring fun cri 1be zoo,
Hwing tun ql- the zoo!

gonoh? tolkng on hen phorre, kim'e buying o toy tige¡ 9orn ig looking ol- o bíg col;
Nick's wolking ín the jungle zorre, Tony's eof ing o big bungen, o photo of o rcrl,
l'rn toking
The lion i9 s{unding on o glorre. ñephonts ore ploying in tlrc wcrlen We'ne hwing fun ot' tl¡e zoo,
Wene hwing fun ol lbe zoo. We'ne hwíng tun oi the zoo. Hoving fun crl the zoo!

s3 Listen ogoin ond sing the song.

New: buying. eoting. looking ot, ploying, stonding, tolking,
34 toking o photo. wolking. weoring, hoving fun, zoo
t,lhot ore yotL doingT I'm (eoting). Whot's he/she doing?
-: s 5-e's ':2.<'ol.
*--g "t^ t\4I
55 Listen ond reod. Then listen ond oct out.

He's looking
,\, --rr
ot the goritto.
Lucy is tolking to Leo. Amir is toking photos

The mon is
here ogoin.
He's very ugl.y!

Whot's he

He's totking Mmm...It's strong.

to Miss Todd.

He's buying the

goritto. Wow! Now he's writing
in o notebook.


Amir! Whot ore

you doing?

Amir! Are you I'm going to the

toking photos? potice stotion.
Come on, Lucy!

- <_ .-ilrrBlBtñfl m:3s.fai.)§,-¡rrrryF:+q9iryc

New: Are you (toking photos)? Yes, I qm. I'm (going) ...
Proctice: What's he doing? He's (tolking). He's very (ugly).
Whqt ore you doing? 35
Look ond onswer.
Whot onimols con you see?
Whot ore they eoting?
Whot other onimo[s eot the some food?

5ó Listen ond reod.

. Animals and their food .
pointed teeth

Herbivores eot plonts. Omnivores eot p[onts

They con eot the ond meot. Beors ore
Cornivores eot other seeds, the fruit or the omnivores. Block beors
onimots. They ore leqves. Herbivores hove love fruit ond leoves.
good hunters. They specioI teeth for eoting Brown beors ore good
hove pointed teeth ond ptonts. Horses, cows, hunters. This brown
strong ctows. They hove elephonts ond robbits beor is cotching o fish.
very good eyes ond ore herbivores. Peopte ore omnivores
they con run fost. Lions, This el.ephont is eoting too.
tigers ond foxes ore
leoves. It's hotding the f
leoves in its trunk. )o
Reod ond soy True or Folse. ri
AtLonimols eot ptonts.
Cornivores eot meot.
Robbits ore omnivores.
4 Herbivores on[y eot fruit ond leoves.
5 Beors ore omnivores.

Revision: horse, beor, elephont, tigen cow, robbit, lion, fox, fish
Receptive: herbivore, cornivore, omnivore, plonts, meot, V
. Ac/livilV Book page 34
. Photocopiables 35-36
r .-a
(Cornivores) eot (meot). trunk, hunten pointed teeth, clows

Listen, reod ond motch the on¡-i, to the roinfore ,r.)
-.,*r§ffiI] fl
ffi KdihtonegT9
* a.(: ., á:t¡".:ru! $:::
1::^5;^^ ^^
^^^1^-<^^ ^-:-\¡ Y.
^t^ig;\:.: Rari\fovests atre Povesls

:^ ^^:f): .] ! Ia \fr¡<'a
{i^ ^:.:gS: which ave ltol artá ratiury.
Matrry glattts ¿thá ahit^ratls live
lhere. tsurl lhe vatinPoresls
F-"I :-^it^:\f-^ I^ ^ n- f ^ :- ^ ^^ -:^ :{iA: oye A\sotppearvihg.

Mountoin Goriltos These porrots Orongutons live in Tree kongoroos

live in the roinforests ore from South nfores live in the
in Africo. They eot Americo. They Asio. Their fovourite roinforests in
leoves ond ptonts. eot nuts, seeds food is fruit. Some Austro[io. They eot
Todoy there ore onty ond fruit. Some peopte sett boby leoves, fruit ond
obout four hundred peopte buy orong-utons os sweetcorn. These
witd Mountoin porrots os pets. pets. onimo[s steep
Gorittos. during thp doy.

IJ r:i.J"n¡
.. 58."' Listen ond soy the nome of the onimol.

Find out ond moke onimol cords.

l-> t

Receptive: roinforest, mountqin, orong-uton, tree kongoroo, many,

disoppeor, wild, hundred, nuts, seeds, sleep, se//, South
Americo, Africo, Austroliq, Asio
Proctice: porrot, goritlo
bt \

PLoy o m¡me gome.


Are you looking ot something?
J f y"rl ;l

se Listen ond soy the poem.

Ohe bnown beqn Two bnown beorg, Thnee bnown beong, toun bnown beong,
Weoning blue shoeg. Ploying in o tnee, 9ítiing on flrc lloon l-ooking ol o hive.
Here corneg onofhen, Hene corneg onothen Hene corneg onofl^en Hene corneg onofhen,
Now there one fwoj Now tl-pne one three.l Now thene qre toun.l Now thene one tive.l

PLoy the Boord gome with the Unit 4 cords.

Proctice: oction verbs, Are you (toking o photo)?
Pronunciotion: rhythm, stress ond rhyming words
Revision: Unit 4 [onguoge
Look ond tolk obout the picture.


Find photos of you, your fomity ond i'")\ o photo.
friends. Write obout the photos. She

This ,s a phofo o{ mY b'olhe-'
-.ü His name's Daniei . l)e's lZ'
He's sAorl and ihin. He's
;^ wearing a white shit and
blackl-rr"t . He's ai school'
ai He's piaying lhe Piano'
fAis rs a photo o{ me' ,lAY
name 5 Emma. I'm in
ga.den. I've gol blonde

Jl Iu¡r and I'm wearing a Pink
;:-lt r-sh¡rl. I'm talking lo mY
. {rrend, Abi.I'm lak'ng a PAoto'
::'tfoLio work
t@ Listen ond reqd.
I don't know.
Amir ond Lucy ore in town. They're looking f or the police stotion. There's o pork,
o zoo ond o
Where's the potice stotion? swimming
o pool here.
crnemo pork

: A

pol'ice stotion EAST STREEf

swimming pool
There's o toy shop, o school ond o
cofé, but there isn't o potice stotion.

Ah! There it is. It's in London

Rood. It's between the cinemo
ond the [ibrory. Let's go!

2 @ Urten ond soy the chont.

Whene? 1tte zoú Whene's fhe gwírnming Wl?
/ don't know. I don't know.
Oh, lookl lt,g opposrte the ponk. Oh, look.l lt's nexf to tl"e coté.

3 @ l""k ot the mop in Activity 1. Listen ond soy Trueor Fofse.

New: cinemo, police stqtion, librory, school, toy shop, swimming pool,
cqfé, zoo, pork, rood, street, opposite, next to, between, in v
Where's the (cinemo)? It's (opposite) the (pork).
It's in (London Rood).
I 4 look, [isten ond soy the ploce.

t Moke o street. Then ptoy ond soy.


6 Ask ond onswer. Check your street.

)roctice: ptoces in town, opposite, next to, between

The (cinemo) ís (next to) the (cofé). v
Where's the (cinemo)? It's (next to) the (cofé).
7@ f-itten ond point. Then listen ond repeot.

(rurñGn Furnr6ñf
Turn right @
Go stroight on Stop ot the
zebro crossing
@ f-itten ond find. Then give directions in poirs.

,'J ffiITTE m\
fi\it f)\il
' iftJ
fl,t,{l f}t()

@ r-irten ond sing.

f'm going to town. I,m goíng fo town.

l'n goíng to the cinerno. l,rn going fo ¡^e swimrning pool.
l_ letf.
I_ Tunn night Tlrnn Tunn níght Tunn lett
lil Go shoighf on. Go stnqight on.
Meet r»e cri the ciherno,
lO The cíhemo, fhe cinemoJ
Meet rr¡e crl fl^)e gwímmíng pool,
' The gwírnrníngpool, fl^re gwírnming poolJ
Meef rne c[i fhe cir]erno, Meef rne q-l the gwírnrníhg p;1,
And we con wcrlch o tilm. And we con hqve o gwirn.

''-F *h
New: Iurn left. Turn right. Go stroight on.
Stort/Stop ot thá (zebro crosling).
Proctice: ptoces in town
gg- _rs.ilt
1O @ firten ond reod. Then listen ond oct out.

At the Police Station

Lucy ond Amir are ot the police stotion.
They ore looking ot the photos.
ll) Is this the womon?

This is Miss Todd. She's got

onimots in her house. And this is the mon. Yes! She lives in Mitton Rood.
Her house is opposite the pork.
Lucy ond Amir are in o police cor.
They're going to Miss Todd's house.

Go stroight on.
Oh, no! Look!

OK. Stop ot the

porking sign.

Lucy! Where Kim ond Leo are running to Miss Todd's house.
ore you?

We're in o potice cor.

Turn left ot the
We're next to the schoot.
I (l You two go bock Go to Miss Todd's house!
toy shop, Leo.
:o the ctubhouse. OK. Quick!

r'octice: ptoces in town, directions, prepositions

=eceptive: porking sign, police cor, quick v

ll @ Urten ond repeot. Which ploces ore there neor your town?


12 Look of the mop. Reod ond soy True or Fotse.

The mountoins ore north of the The [oke is west of the
town. mou nto ins.
The river is west of the town. The bridge goes from north to I
2 ?1
3 The forest is between the toke south.
ond the mounto¡ns. The rood is neor the beoches.

l3 Tol,k obout the mop in poirs.

tl t/ _
It's eost of the town. north of the
I J IThey're

Proctice: Where's the (school)? Where ore the (mountoins)?
Receptive: beoch, bridge, forest, loke, mountoin, river, seo, north, v
south, eost, west. It's/They're (south) of (the town).
l4 @ n"od ond tisten. Find the pLoces on the mop.* Scot[ond

Hi! my r\^Ae is Jqli4.

I live ih Severtoatks. +.\ I

ll's at big town. lt's

iv. the soqtheasl oP
Etglarrtá. There's
ab\g patrk itr §rl
A lot oP áeev live
lheve. I like goirrg
*or ¿t w¿rlk theve Sevenooks
wilh u,ry Qriehás.

, Hi! My \4r^ e is
Hi! Ity rtatme is Daviá. I live irt
Rhoh¿t. I live iY, Porlr^1s¡r¡6q. ll,S
Glatsgow. lt's at big Vtllatgs ih {-he west
ci§ itt Scollaná' of Watles. ll's qeatr
fheve ¿ay¿ lots lhe seau lt,s her,"
o€ shogs atrtá lhe rrot^hlarihs too.
b eatr^li*hl b uril áivtgs.
It's ai be¿rqli*ht
lVs vevy col).Áete villarge bql ips su,rall
ih wihter. Glatsgow is athá il ish? €qh.
at gveatl ci§.
I love it

I 5 Reod obout the ploces ogo¡n. Write the nomes ¡n your notebook.
1 lt's very cotd in winter. 3 It's neor the mountoins.
2 It's o town in lretond. 4 It's got o big pork.
16 Find out ond wr¡te obout your hometown.

Do you live in o vi[[oge,

o town or o city?

Revision: There is ..., There are ..., I live in ...

Receptive: villoge, town, city, north, south, eost, west, beqch,
mountoins, seo, /oke
17 PLoy Hide ond seek.

o) Hioh Street



l8 @ Utten qnd soy the poem.

I lñe in o villoge,
Wrth no gwírnrníng pool,
No cirremo on foy ghop,
Bul this is my horne.

I lñe in o crty, I lrve in o grnoll town,

No rnountoins to climb, W
w vt**
It ign't much tun,
No nñeng to gwírn in, But oll my fniends lñe hene,
Bui this is rny home. And thiE ís my horne.

l9 PLoy the Boord gome w¡th the Unit 5 cords.

Proctice: ptoces in town, directions, prepositions
Pronunciotion: rhythm ond stress v
Revision: Unit 5 [onguoge
20 Look ond tolk obout the picture.

the pork? the cinemo.

you? the cinemo ond the cofé.

21 Write obout your hometown. Drow o mop )

r l¡ve in a big cily. Near my house

N *here's a library and a P"Jo. There

-N are lwo schools and lh,ee ca{és'
There¡sn'+ a swimming pool and
lhere isn'+ a 1olic" sfation. house Reod fhe
=\ rs in New s*reel.Ii's oppo sile a Secret Door 5

-i ca{é. My {avounle place is lhe zoo'

I*'s oppos*e tl,e pa'k and the school'
-=]\t I like going lo lhe zoo on SundaYs'
-rit 5 revision
:crtfotio work v
i e lf -ossessment
We con't pl.oy o boord gome.
ft's Soturdoy ofternoon. Lucy ond Amir ore in the We hoven't got o dice.
clubhouse. Kim ond Leo are ot Miss Todd's house.

Whot sho[[ we do?

Let's wotch o DVD.

No, not o DVD! Let's ptoy o boord gome.

Let's listen to music then. I know! Let's moke o coke.

No, not music. Let's ptoy o computer gome. Good ideo! We con eot it
Oh, no! The computer doesn't work. when Leo ond Kim come bock.
2 @ rirten ond soy the chont. Invent more verses. )
Whot sholl we do? Whcri sholl we do?
Let? wotch oDYD Let? liEten to rnugic.
No, not oDYDI No, not rnugÍci
Let's moke o coke. Let's ploy o gorne.
Good ídeoJ Good ideqJ

3 Work in groups. Decide whot to do.

f-l.-t -:l f-G--l''dJl
\d |
New: u¿otch o DVD, ploy o computer game,lrsten to music,
ploy o boord gome, moke o coke v
Whot shall we do? Let's (moke o cqke). Good ideo!
No, not q (cqke)!
a 4 @ *not do they decide to do? Listen ond soy which picture.


,.#t1 .-
.:i )2

t$ S Cut out the diory poge. Moke ptons for the week.

)roctice: wotch o DVD, ploy o computer gqme, listen to music,
ploy o boqrd gome, moke o cqke
Whqt sholl we do? Let's ... No, ... Good ideo!
;evision: ptoces in town, It's roining. It's cold ond windy.
6 @ rirten ond reod. Then listen ond repeot.
Whot do you wont to do? I wont to go
to the beoch.

I wont to
go for o
bike ride.

I wont to I wont
go for o
to ploy
wotk. vol.teybott.

7 Ask ond onswer.
fóag]tgq [gó iiding t lpgr¿_l o¡ine ii4 -] [w-ot-ñ_o ryD
i ptoy o computer gome I Igo swimming ' r ploy votleybol[ Lg" ,.,he Uéocf'

8 @ urten ond sing.

Po you wont to go fo the beoch? po you wonf to stoy ond tolk?
It? o lovely sunny doy. It's o lovely sunny doyJ
Po you wont to Swim in the seo? Po you wont fo go ton o wolk?
We con hove tun ond ploy. We con hove lun ond ploy.

No, not the beochi Yegl Gneol-] A wolkl

I don't like the beoch. / like going ton o wolk.
Whoi Eholl we do inqteod? Let's go ton o wolk insteod.
Whol-sholl we do ínqfeod? Let's go lor o wolk ingteod.

- -, I
I New: go swimming, go for o wolk, go riding, go for o bike ride,
ploy volleyboll. go to the beoch. Whot do you wont to do? v
J I wont to (go for o wolk). Do you wqnt to (go to the beoch)?
@ Urten ond reod. Then [isten ond oct out.

The Reward
!l Kim ond Leo arrive ot Miss Todd's house

Oh, no! Whot

shotlwe do?

Argh! The goritto!

Whot shottwe do?

Let's run!
Let's go to the ctubhouse
ond find Lucy ond Amir.
The police go to the Blue Owls' clubhouse.

1: ng rotulotions!
-^ere's o reword.

Whot do you
wont to do? I wont to buy o
new computer.

proctice: let's ... Whot sholl we

do? Good ideo! Whot do you
wqnt to do? I wont to ...
Receptive: help, o rewqrd, mend the roof, Congrotulotions!
10 @
f-""k, listen ond repeot. Then osk ond onswer.

'.::--i--- i:nr-+L':FE
ñ------ -fl .Lii, .:' l,

r i+-., --------:-




'é* |'j9gj
t' ;'l -'
Edword Henry Potthost Americon, A Hotidoy (lgl5). Oit on convos. 76.4 x 101.8 cm
Friends of Americon Art Collection. 1q15.560. The Art Institute of Chicogo.

11 Reod ond find the people in the pointings.

Two girts ore going for o wotk with

Two women ore going for o wotk with o dog. They oren't wotking neor the
o dog. They're wolking in the woves. seo. One girl' is weoring o red dress
It's windy. One womon is weoring o ond white shoes. One girl is weoring
hot. They're totking. grey ond btock. They oren't totking.

Revision: cotours, ctothes, weother, present continuous " ActivitV Book page 50
Receptive: seo, sky, sond, woves, fishing boot, soiling boot, 7
' . Photocopiable 55-5ü
bucket, spode
l2 Reod ond motch the photos with the diory poges.

o fñ T liva, tn lstanbul, Turkay. I'm

v at my grandwv,'s
on holid.ay rrau
Vausa, in th¿ south of Turkay. rt's
in a villaga, corll¿d Dalyan. Dalyan
is rvxt to ariv¿r and it's batupan
a bg lak¿ and tlv, saa.. lkra ar¿

l'- ¿
b¿aut¡ful batcVes. l¡k¿ goivy to
tlv, ba,acÁ and swimmihg in tlv, saa.
Dalyan is firmous For sqÁ. turtl¿s.
1tv, rralÁars lay lÁetr cAgs on llv.
beacÁ. Tomorral nfrYn\rg I. tuant to
get uV at hu.lf past $va. olnd sa¿
tl'v, s¿a turtl¿s.

live ih Milar\ ih lhe v,ovlh oP tlarly.

l'eq orr holi/,aty how irr sarlA. Salla
is at low¡1 hexl lo Lake GayAot ll's
bearuliQr^l ¿thá yot^ c¿th buy *atnlatslic
\ce cveottq here! l'u,r slaryiurg irr at
holiáaty caiu^p with u,ry sisler. Every
Aoty we go satilirg atná swiu,ru,rirg
ih lhe larke. We go cliu,rbirrg ih lhe
t"rotrhl¿rihs too. Nexf leav I wat\l lo
go wirrásrar$urg. I carur'l wi\ásqr* how
becaqse l'wr loo shovL
I 3 @ r-:rten ond soy who is speoking.

14 Find out obout your friends.


,roctice: octivities, I like ..., I wont to ...

teceptive: on holidoy, holidoy comp, soiling, climbing,
windsurfing, seo turtles, to loy on egg, compsite,
wooden hut, fishing, tomorrow, next yeor
15 Moke o list of octivities.
Then ptoy o gome.
UrJt-r" l* rrvutuo

$nV ü Wr*rp
ulo¿c& o DVD

o, t»olA,
ü" { our/uAp

16 @ Urten qnd soy the poem.

9ummen holidoy
Hoying on tl"e beoch qnd in tl¡e 9m,
/t'g oun gurnrrler, holidoy.
Wifh buckets ond spodes,
We ploy in fhe sond,
All tlÉ long, hot surnr»en doy.

Floying on the beoch ond in t[^re geo,

Oh, tl-)e gun ig very hof
/t bunns my hoge,
And tickles rny foeg,
Ag on flre beoch we ploy

l7 Pl.oy the Boord gome with the Unit 6'cords.

New: burn, tickle, toes
Pronunciotion: r.hythm, stress ond rhyming words
Revision: Unit 6 [onguoge
I 8 Choose o poster ond decide whot to do.
Then osk ond onswer.

Whot we do? ...!

Whot do you wont to do? L..

Yes, I do.
Do you wont to ...?
No. I don't.

19 Write o holidoy postcord. ./

Dear Rosu,
I't'rt on holtday tn London wLth mY
lonrly. -lodoy i:t's rainLn3 ond I'm
,nrlli,|"s óv»' London Ls very b$'
sunny,"I Sd up earlY and I 3o {o'
o walk'
thu/ul, a b4 park ntext to the hCel' I play
{ootboll or lolluyball there or I 3o hor-se

-brnorrow I wa'nt to 3o to London Zoo'

I wort to 3o on d b4 red London bus'
Byu lor no*! Loro

::'tf otio work v
Listen ond reod. Th¿ Blue Owls ore on TV.

Reporter: Todoy I'm totking to Lucy, Amir, Leo ond

Kim. Tel.l, me obout the Btue Owts C[ub.
Lucy: Wett, we ore the Btue Ow[s.
Amir: Thot's our ctubhouse.
Leo: We come here ofter school from
Oronge, green, btue, red!
Mondoys to Fridoys.
Btue Owts together,
Kim: And ot the weekend too.
Good friends forever!
Reporter: Whot do you Like doing in the
Lucy: I tike moking cokes.
Kim: I Like ptoying the recorder ond listening
to music.
Amir: I Like pl.oying boord gomes ond
computer gomes.
Leo: And I like wotching TV ond DVDs.
Reporter: And do you like hetping onimots?
B[ue Owts: Yes, we do!
Reporter: Thonks to Leo, Kim, Amir ond Lucy,
some onimols ore sofe, ond Miss Todd
ond Nick ore ot the potice stotion. Wet[
done, Btue Owts!

8s Look of Activity 1. Listen ond soy True or Fotse.

Revision: totking obout present octivities, totking obout

freetime octivities
8ó Listen ond soy the nome. Then osk ond onswer.

0trrftlüü ü [ ll lJ l] ll ll ll ull llll uultt

London comPuter gomes, 7.00 om/

go for q bike ride
Rood ride o bike 8.15 pm

George plog the recorder, 7.30 om/

Street listen to music 8.30 pm
do ggmnostics Music

London wotch DVDs, 7.30 om/

Rood plog boord gomes 9.00 pm
ptog with friends Science

West sPorts, 7.00 om/ ptog footbotl or

Street moke cokes 8.45 pm vollegboll

London swtmmtng, 6.30 om/ go swimming with

Rood comPuter gqmes 7.30 pm mg dod

Whot time do you go to bed?

Write more quest¡ons w¡th o friend. Then osk your ctoss.

Vhat d.o you do or' Nondays? Vhat do you lLke doLng Ln your

Vhat tLme do you have lunc-h? Have you got a brother?

ievision: osking for ond giving personoI informotion, totking

obout routines, totking obout schooI subjects ond
hobbies. times
Leg:-'-¿.¡t ¿ =":'

5 Reod ond fo[low the mop. Where is the B[ue Ow[s ctubhouse?


r_\ f- I-,-i .l
Dear Fran,
Please join our clubl
Come to the Blue Owls clubhouse! Start at the park. Turn left and go straight on. Turn right into
Bridge Street. Co straight on. The police station is next to the library. After the police station [urn
right into Windy Road. Co straight on. The cinema is on your left. Turn left into Oxford Street. Co
straight on and turn left into South Street. Cross the road at the zebra crossing. Turn left and walk
past the café. Turn right and cross the garden. The clubhouse is behind my house.

6@ r-irten ond sing.

9 T.l!-,?*yfi "s,,HH 1ffi_**f,,1 Í
corne ond ¿oín oun

We one the Blue

club.l corne qnd ¿oín oun clubl come ond
Owlg, We ore oll good tníendg, We help oun neíghboung, ¡
¡oín oun clubJ J

', -i."*a'¡oín our clubl corne qnd ¡oin oun clubJ come qnd ,,;;il;di E
Í p
Let's tolk ond ploy ond Let's tolk ond ploy ond Let's tolk ond ploy ond
2 hove tun togethen, hove tun togethln, hove tun tog.thln, F
: Come ond ¿oin oun club.l Come ond ¡oin oun clubJ Co¡ne ond ¿oin"oun clubt I

Ee BLuÉ ohll.s** t* "6¡t*"oH . A,.:t¡vit\¡ h+ci: f,a{tt'Fa



Listen ond point. Then te[[ the story.

Write obout one of the Btue Ow[s. Drow o picture.

This is Añr. He's in lhe 7a,k.It's Aoi

=ü and sunny. He's going {o' a waii< w¡fh
h:s dog. É. iik"s going {o' a walk and he
§ lik"s pl"y',ng {oolball too' Amrr'S {avou''le
colou, ,s ,ed, bul he's wear''ng blue
=\- i.ouse's and a blue T-shrl' Áti,. likes
§l duy.g
'a"! ?o^,.d3u^": ^"d
, io+ photJs of M¡ss todi, Nick and
=Ni lh" ui;,^nuls. Ami. is Leo's inend' He's in
lhe Blue owls Club.

Revision: course [onguoge

portfotio work
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eo Listen ond sing.




rnurnmy Ghogfg ond vorrrpineg, Bots ond spideno,

Ghogfg ond vompineg, htg and gpideng,
Wifches foo, MummieS too,
Witcheg too. Murnrniegtoo.
We one tnick-on-tneoting, We one tnick-on-tr.eoting,
\ñe one trick*on-tr"eoting. --L-T*' We one tnick-on-tneoting.
We con gcone you] We con gcone youJ
We con gcone you.l

Moke some Hotloween decorotions.
1 Drow ond cut. 2 Drow o nose, o 3 Gtue the pumpkins ond
mouth ond eyes. ghosts to o long string.

-'-'\ 4 Decorote your clossroom.


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t @ Listen ond sing.

A Chnistmos tr€el
A Chrigtmqs tnee]
tcrll^er Chnistmqs ond
o Chnistmos tneel
Fother Christmos A neíndeen.l A neindeenl Christmos tree
tqthen Chnistmos ond
o Chnigtmos tr'eel
Angel, gnowmdh, robin,
! Chnisfmqs tnee]
snowmon 11A

Z Moke some Christmos gift togs.

Put the tog on

your present.

Add o ribbon.

Proctice: Christmos tree' Fother Christmos, reindeer, snowman'

ongel. robin. gift tag' odd, ribbon, put, present
*flrrP3 PI' #t$n.p
U§-* l--,

eq Listen ond chont.

Jonuory . Februorg , Morch . Mog' o ,'

Aug ust " Decem ber

Reod. Then osk ond onswer.


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New Yeor's Votentine's Mother's Doy Moy Doy Fother's Doy

Doy Doy


& Horvest
Bonfire night Christmos

Look of the colendor. Ask ond onswer.

1 Which of these festivots do you hove in your country?
2 Which months ore in summer?
3 Which months ore in winter?
4 When is your birthdoy?
Proctice: Months of the yeor, British festivols, When's (Holloween)?
In (October).
Revision: seosons, birthdoys

«*{&* nome, oge, oddress, tetephone
number, pet,
His/Her nome's ...
How otd is he/she? He's/She's (ten).
*.ir§r IJ,aJ*l Whot's his/her fovourite cotour? !

His/Her fovourite cotour is (red). 3

Who's this?
Where do you [ive?
Whot's your tetephone number?
get up, hove breokfost, go to schoot, Whot time is it? Time zones
hove o breok, hove lunch, go home, It's (eight) o'ctock. Chitdren routines
hove dinner, go to bed It's quorter posUto (nine). oround the wortd
It's hotf post (nine).
It's time for (schoot).
I (get up) ot (eight o'ctock).
doys of the week Whot doy is it? Sports: Rutes ond votues
Music, Moths, Engtish, Art, PE, We've got (Engtish) on Mondoy ot School Sports Doy in
Science, Geogrophy, History nine o'ctock. Britoin
We hoven't got (Music) on Tuesdoy.
Hove you got... on Tuesdoy?
Yes, I/we hove. No, I/we hoven't.

cotd, windy, ctoudy, roining, hot, Whot's the weother tike? It's cotd. Ports of ptonts thot we
sunny, snowing. winter. spring. Whot's the weother tike in (Modrid)? eot
summer, outumn Whot do you [ike doing? Seosons on the form
swimming, ftying o kite, ptoying I tike (ptoying footbot).
outside, ice-skoting, ptoying footbott, Do you tike (going for o wolk)?
buitding o snowmon, riding my bike, Yes, I do. No, I don't.
going for o wotk

{JrJ¿r¡*1;3 strong, thin, fot, beoutifu[, ugty, tired It's ..., He's/She's ..., They're ... Animots: cornivores,
Animots: lion, pondo, porrot, godtto Is it...? herbivores ond
totk, look ot, eot, toke o photo, buy, Are they... ? Are you ... ? omnivores
wotk, weor, ptoy, stond, hove fun Yes, I om. No, I'm not. Animots in donger
Whot ore you doing? I'm ...
Whot's he/she doing? He's/She's ...
police stotion, schoot, cinemo. Where's the (potice stotion)? Orientotion
[ibrory, cofé, toy shop, swimming It's in ... street/rood. Identifying things in o
poot, pork, zoo, opposite, next to, The cinemo is (neor) the pork. mop
between Hometowns in Britoin
Stort ot, go stroight on, turn [eft,
turn right, stop ot
wotch o DVD, ptoy o boord gome, Whot shott we do? Let's ... . Representing ptoces in
moke o coke, ptoy o computer gome, Good ideo! different ortistic stytes
tisten to music No, not o (coke)l Holidoys
go swimming, go for o wotk, go Whot do you wont to do?
riding, go for o bike ride, ptoy Do you wont to go to the ..?
votleybott, go to the beoch Yes, Ido/No, Idon't
I wont to ...
revision of vocobutory revision of structures

Hottoween, witch, ghost, vompire,

mummy, spider, bot, trick-or-treoting,
score, string, decorote
beord, steigh, presents, reindeer,
food, mince pie, stocking
Christmos tree, Fother Christmos,
reindeer, snowmon, onget, robin, gift
tog, odd, ribbon, put, present
months of the yeor, British festivots
o The Blue Owls Club nome, oge, oddress, phone Who's this?
-¡¡ numben pet His/Her nome's (Lucy).
U How old is he/she? He's/She's (ten).
o Whot's his/her fovourite colour?
His/Her fovourite colour is (red).
--l Where do you Live?

3 Whot's your telephone number?

t¡¡it 1 get up, hove breokfost, go to Whot time is it? Geogrophy: timc zc,¡es
rrhat time is it? school, hove o breok, hove It's (eight) o'cLock.
lunch, go home, hove dinner, go It's quorter post (nine).
to bed It's holf post (nine).
It's quorter to (nine).
It's time for (school).
I (get up) ot (eight o'clock).
r¡it 2 M ond oy, Tuesd oy, Wed n esd oy, Whot doy is it? It's (Mondoy). P.E.: rutes ond voLues
ntat day is it? Th u rsd
oy, Frid oy, S otu rd oy, We've got (English) on Mondoy ot nine
Music, Moths, English, Art, P.E., We hqven't got (Music) on Tuesdoy.
Science, G eo g ro phy, H i sto ry Hove you got (Art) on Tuesdoy?
Yes, I/we hove.
No, I/we hoven't

LHt 3 cold, hot, cloudy, sunny, windy, Whot's the weother like? Science: ports of p[onts
Fr rindy roining, snowing It's (cold). we eot
winten spring, summen outumn Whot's the weother like in (Modrid)?
swimming, flying o kite, ploying Whot do you like doing?
outside. i ce-s koti n g. p loyi n g I tike (pLoying footboll).
footboll, building a snowmon. Do you like (going for o wolk)?
riding o bike, going for o wolk Yes, I do. No, I don't.

TH ¡I strong, thin, fot, beoutifu\, tired, It's o (ponda), He's/She's (tired). They're Science: onimoLs ond
üt sboñg ugly
lion, pondo, porrot, goritlo
Is it (strang)?
their food

buying, eoting. looking at, Are they (thin)?

ployi n g, sto ndi n g, to lki ng. Yes, I ctm. No, I'm not.
taking o photo, wolking. Whot ore you doing?
weoring, hoving fun, zoo I'm (tolk¡ng).
Whst's he/she cioing?
He's/She's (woiking).

um5 cinemo, police stotion, librory, lllhere's the (poLice stotion)? Geogrophy: mops
tl¡cr?s the park? school. toy shop. swimming lt's in (Eosr) street/rood.
pool, cofé, zoo, pork, rood, The cinenta is (neor) the pork.
street, opposite, next to,
between, in
turn left, turn right, go stroight
on, stort/stop ot the (zebro

ülH 6 wotch o DVD, play o computer Whot sholl we do? Art: ptoces in ort
gome, listen to music, pLoy o Let's (moke o coke).
Xret sfiall we do? boord gome. moke o coke, Good idea!
go swimming, go for o wolk, go No. not o (coke)!
riding, go for o bike ride, pLoy Whot do you wont to do on Soturdoy?
volLeyboll, qo to the beoch Do you wont to go to the (zoo)?
Yes, Idc¡.iNo, Idon't.
I wont to (go for o wolk).
frl órE Blue Owls! revision of vocobu[ory revision of structures

frrets Whot ore you doinq?

l5b-en Ho lloween, witch, ghost,
vompire, mummy, spider, bot,
tri ck-o r-treoti n g, s co re, stri n g,

Ch¡U¡ras Fother Ch ri stmas, beo rd,

sleigh, present, reindeer.
m¡nce p¡e, stocking

Fonrs h Britain C o rn ivo l. po ro de, floot,

costume. mosk. decorotions

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