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Mark leans against the door frame of the kitchen, smiling fondly as

he watches Yukhei cook.

Now, Yukhei makes his way around the kitchen with practiced ease,
preparing some kind of elaborate Chinese dish that he´s been
talking about preparing for Mark since forever.

They only had lunch three hours ago but Yukhei insists on cooking
before it gets dark, and Mark's more than happy to admire his
boyfriend in nothing more than a pair of boxers and old shirt in the
bright light of the sun that streams through the window.

Mark crosses his arms over his chest, letting his head rest against
the door frame as he continues to watch silently. Yukhei grabs the
wooden spoon from the counter so he can test the sauce he's in the
process of making, wrinkling his nose in distaste as he swallows.

"Hey babe, can you grab the seasoning?" he asks absently, not even
looking over at Mark to make sure he's still there. He doesn't have

"Where is it?"

"Third cabinet down from you, top shelf."

Mark goes to the cabinet Yukhei directed him to and pulls it open,
staring up until he spots the small container that Yukhei's after. It
sits right at the edge of the top shelf and Mark doesn't think
anything of it until he reaches his arm up and stands on tiptoes.

He can't reach it.

With a huff, he stretches further, pressing one hand against the cool
surface of the kitchen counter to push himself up even more. His
fingertips graze the base of the container and he grins, but the
touch just accidentally pushes it further into the cabinet and out of

His face falls and he huffs again. Mark's in the process of trying to
stretch further when he hears a low chuckle behind him and feels a
strong arm wrap around his waist.

"Having trouble, baby?" Yukhei coos, his lips brushing the shell of
Mark's ear and his warm breath hitting the side of his neck.

"Screw you."

"There's plenty of time for that later."

He tightens his grip around Mark's middle and stretches one arm up
above them, pressing Mark into the counter slightly as he leans
forward. His long fingers curl around the small pot of mixed herbs
and Mark can feel his smirk as Yukhei kisses his neck and drops his
arm down with the seasoning in hand.

"I'm not short, y'know."

"Mm, too short to reach the top shelf though, it would seem," Yukhei
hums smugly, peppering more kisses along Mark's neck and behind
his ear.
"I repeat, screw you."

"And I repeat, there's time for that later. Such an eager short-ass."

"I hate you so much."

"No you don't," Yukhei says happily, swatting Mark's ass playfully as
he swings the cabinet door shut and slips away from Mark.

Sighing, Mark turns and pushes himself onto the counter, his legs
swinging back and forth idly as he watches Yukhei go back to
cooking. Several minutes pass in comfortable silence and Yukhei is
in the process of cutting up some vegetables when he speaks up.

"Hey, short-ass," he calls teasingly.

"Hey, asshole," Mark shoots back mockingly.

"Pass me the pasta sheets, would you? I'm going to need them in a

Mark sighs. "Where are they?"

"The cabinet above your head, top shelf," Yukhei says with a wicked
smirk on his face, eyes glinting mischievously as he looks over his
shoulder at Mark.
The box of pasta sheets hits Yukhei's head not a minute later and
Mark walks along the counter-top with a wide grin on his face,
towering above his boyfriend smugly and placing his hands on his

"Who's the short-ass now, motherfucker?"

"Yes, fuck yes," Jeongguk nods. "Please, hyung."

He's not quite sure what he's asking for but Yoongi doesn't seem to
mind. He lets out a low noise that sounds like pure want at
Jeongguk's response. Yoongi's fingers keep circling lower on his
back. Jeongguk arches subconsciously, expecting to feel them drop
lower to slide inside him. However the next thing he feels is Yoongi's
fingers leaving him. There's a moment of confusion before he hears
the sound of Yoongi dropping to his knees.

"Oh god," Jeongguk whispers. His cock throbs just from the thought
of what's about to happen.

He feels Yoongi's thumb brush lightly against his entrance, dipping

only slightly inside before spreading Jeongguk just enough. When
Jeongguk first feels Yoongi's tongue flatten against him he struggles
to hold back the low whimper that escapes his throat.

Despite the frantic pace of their encounter thus far, Yoongi slows
down for this. His tongue laps soft and teasing against Jeongguk.
One of Yoongi's hands goes to his thigh, holding tightly. It's needed
because the way he drags his tongue so slowly, circling so languidly,
fuck, it's making it hard for Jeongguk to stay still. He just wants to
feel it inside of him but he waits, letting the wet touch of Yoongi
keep working him up more and more. Jeongguk's breath is coming
out in shuddering bursts, the feeling amazing and just not quite
enough at the same time.

"Yoongi," he pleads.

Yoongi seems to take this as a signal. His thumb opens Jeongguk a

little more before he starts to carefully lick inside of him. It's only
small movements, the tip of his tongue darting in but it's enough to
make Jeongguk's breath hitch. Yoongi's hand leaves his thigh, lifting
up to help spread him that bit more.

Yoongi pulls back, sucking lightly before his tongue slides inside
again, pushing in further this time. Jeongguk sighs heavily in utter
pleasure, the feeling so good. His head falls to rest against the tiled
wall, his finger tips scrabbling to cling on but failing to get any more
of a grip. When Taehyung did this before he'd been laying against
the bed, able to get friction on his cock whilst Taehyung worked his
tongue. He could easily reach down now and take hold of his aching
cock but Jeongguk kind of likes this; all his attention focused entirely
on Yoongi's tongue and the incredible way he's moving it inside him.

Jeongguk gasps loudly as Yoongi pulls back once more only to drive
his tongue even deeper into him. Jeongguk spreads his thighs a little
wider, wanting to feel more, and the action gets Yoongi moaning
into him. The sound and the feel of it are incredible. Yoongi keeps
his movements unrushed, a languid in and out, fucking Jeongguk
slow and deliberate with his tongue.
"Oh, oh god, Yoongi," Jeongguk groans.

It's so, so good. Jeongguk feels a wonderful pressure gathering, so

deep inside of him. It feels different from the way it builds when his
cock is touched. It feels much deeper, more carnal somehow. Yoongi
keeps going, that wet, slick muscle causing tremors of pleasure
shooting right through him.

He doesn't want Yoongi to stop doing this. He wants him to just keep
going and going. Jeongguk's thighs are trembling, overcome with
pleasure, and he feels like he could come just from this alone. So
when Yoongi's mouth suddenly leaves him and he stands up it's all
the more unbearable.

"Hyung," Jeongguk whines, actually whines, and he doesn't even

care how needy he sounds. Yoongi mouths wetly at his shoulder, his
hands stroking Jeongguk's sides.

"God, I could do that all day," Yoongi murmurs into his skin. "I'd love
to make you come like that sometime."

A sensual shiver travels along Jeongguk's spine. Fuck if he doesn't

love how Yoongi talks to him, seemingly opening up more and more
since it's been just the two of them. It turns Jeongguk on immensely.
Despite the lust in his words, Jeongguk still feels the need to protest.

"Why don't you now?" Jeongguk asks, hoping to heaven that Yoongi
gets back on his knees. His plea is received with a low chuckle and
fingers squeezing where they rest on his sides.
"Because everyone will be getting up soon and wanting to get in
here. And I was sort of hoping we could fuck before then," Yoongi
says, dragging his lips across Jeongguk's shoulder. He presses a
gentle kiss there. "You know, if you want."

Yoongi's hand drops down to take hold of Jeongguk's cock and the
touch is so overwhelming that Jeongguk slips slightly on the wet
floor and has to brace his forearm against the tiles, Yoongi's other
arm immediately flying out round Jeongguk's stomach to keep him

"Shit, sorry," Jeongguk says breathily. "Yes, yes, I want it."

Yoongi smiles and strokes Jeongguk's cock lightly a few times before
turning off the shower. He steps out into the bathroom and
rummages in the pocket of his discarded jeans to find the lube. He
holds out his hand and Jeongguk takes it.

"I think it may be safer out here," he grins. "I don't want to have to
explain to a doctor how we both injured ourselves in the shower."

Jeongguk smiles back a touch bashfully. Yoongi pulls him forward so

that their bodies are pressed together. His mouth travels along
Jeongguk's neck, catching the droplets of water that trickle down it.
Jeongguk's hand lifts up to tangle in the wet strands of Yoongi's hair,
keeping his mouth firmly fixed to his neck. Yoongi works his mouth
expertly, getting Jeongguk trembling even more than before.

"Bend over the counter," Yoongi whispers.

His mouth leaves Jeongguk's neck and Jeongguk nearly flings
himself over the counter top where the sink is built into. He leans on
his elbows, inhaling deeply as Yoongi rubs his hand over the small
of his back. Jeongguk glances up into the mirror that is in front of
him. Yoongi is biting down on his lower lip, eyes transfixed on his
fingers on Jeongguk's skin. He looks so good. His hair sticks to his
forehead, rivulets of water running across his chest, gaze focused
and determined.

Jeongguk keeps watching as Yoongi slicks up his fingers, eyes

dropping only when he feels that first digit start to slide inside him.
It's slightly easier after Yoongi's tongue but when he adds a second
finger the stretch is still obvious. Jeongguk's head tips down, eyes
scrunching closed at the sensation.

"Okay?" Yoongi checks and Jeongguk nods rapidly in response.

Yoongi's fingers keep working him, scissoring lightly. They slide

deeper, stroking against his walls before finally finding what they're
searching out.

"Yes, yes," Jeongguk pants out. He pushes back onto Yoongi's

fingers, seeking out more of that wonderful feeling. Yoongi gives him
exactly what he wants, crooking his fingers just right. He teases
Jeongguk, brushing so close but not quite enough before pressing
dead on and Jeongguk's vision blurs. Yoongi focuses on that spot,
waves of pleasure coursing through the younger.

"Please Yoongi, fuck me," he pleads.

Yoongi's fingers are too good and Jeongguk's still wound up from his
tongue. He's been waiting so long for this, weeks now, and he just
needs it now. Yoongi doesn't give in however, adding a third finger
and making sure Jeongguk's thoroughly prepared. It's almost
torturous the way he so carefully works his fingers. Jeongguk knows
he's doing it for good reason but his mind is clouded by lust right
now he doesn't care.

Finally, finally his fingers leave Jeongguk, covering his cock in the
lube. Jeongguk watches in the mirror. He can only really see up from
Yoongi's chest but it's enough. Yoongi wets his lips, gaze dropped
down. Jeongguk feels that blunt pressure against him and he's
holding his breath in anticipation. Yoongi's lips part, his expression
so intense as he slowly slides into Jeongguk, clearly unable to take
his eyes off what he's seeing. It's so hot to watch Yoongi like that but
Jeongguk's focus is then entirely drawn to the feeling of Yoongi filling

"Fuck," he breathes out.

He's been craving this for so long and it feels so good to finally have
it. Yoongi's fingers hold onto his hips, keeping Jeongguk still until
he's buried all the way inside. He keeps still once he is, giving
Jeongguk time to adjust. Jeongguk's breath is shaky as he waits a
few moments; as badly as he wants this, he does forget how much
of a stretch it is having Yoongi's cock inside him.

Eventually he feels ready to push back, signalling that he's

comfortable. More than comfortable. He swallows thickly as Yoongi
pulls out halfway before slowly pressing all the way inside again. He
repeats the motion again and again. The feel of Yoongi's cock
dragging against him inside is incredible. He's needed this so much.
"Yoongi," he groans when the elder drives in harder the next time.

"Not too loud," Yoongi says softly, though it's clear how much he
enjoyed Jeongguk's reaction.

Jeongguk nods rapidly. They've never fucked when other people

have been in the house. Well, aside from that one time when
Taehyung and Jimin abandoned them, but it's more the other
members that Jeongguk's worried about. Seokjin's room is the
closest to the bathroom and he feels like the eldest may have an
actual heart attack if he gets woken up by Jeongguk moaning
Yoongi's name.

One of Yoongi's hands leaves Jeongguk's hip to reach forward and

grip onto the edge of the counter. His other hand stays firmly on
Jeongguk's hip as his foot nudges Jeongguk's ankle, spreading his
legs a little further apart. It causes Yoongi's cock to go deeper inside
of him, causing both of them to gasp at the feeling.

Yoongi starts pulling back further each time, driving in hard and
deep on every thrust. He keeps the pace relatively slow, allowing
them to fully enjoy every moment. Jeongguk loves being fucked like
this, with deep, deliberate strokes. It may not be fast but it doesn't
stop Yoongi from going hard, his hand on Jeongguk's hip the only
thing stopping Jeongguk from inching forwards on each thrust.

"Lean forward a little more," Yoongi says, a request rather than an

order. Jeongguk slides his forearms forward slightly and the next
time Yoongi slides inside, fuck, he's hitting right where Jeongguk
needs it.
"Yes, right there," Jeongguk gasps out. "Right there, Yoongi."

Yoongi lets out a low moan at Jeongguk's words. He grips tighter and
slides in again hitting that spot once more. His pace quickens
slightly, keeping the angle just right as he fucks Jeongguk
impossibly harder, turning Jeongguk into a mess of shuddering
gasps and quiet groans.

Jeongguk looks up into the mirror. He's never seen himself in this
situation before and it surprises him just how utterly wrecked he
looks, jaw slack and eyes hooded as Yoongi takes him. Yoongi looks
equally gone, face a picture of pure desire as he slides into the
younger. He glances up and meets Jeongguk's reflected gaze. It
feels electric and Jeongguk moans at the way Yoongi looks at him so

"You look so amazing," Yoongi tells him, stoking the fire burning
deep inside Jeongguk. He wants to return the compliment but Yoongi
chooses that moment to thrust into him particularly hard and it's
lost in the low moan that escapes his throat.

"You-" Jeongguk's sentence is cut off when Yoongi hits his prostate
dead on once more. He swallows hard. "Oh god, I love how you fuck

Jeongguk's not sure where the words slip out from but Yoongi
certainly seems to appreciate them. He inhales sharply, the speed
of his thrusts increasing once more. Jeongguk hears the distant slam
of a door and vaguely it registers that the others must be starting to
stir. He hopes with everything he has that they don't head towards
the bathroom. Yoongi seems to have heard it too from the way his
head briefly turns towards the door.

Jeongguk knows he has to be even quieter now but it proves more

difficult than ever as Yoongi fucks him faster, harder, sending pure
pleasure shooting through his body. He bites down on his lip, trying
desperately to stop himself making too much noise, but the
occasional moan does slip through.

"Shit, you feel so good," Yoongi whispers. "So fucking good."

His voice cracks a little on his last words. Jeongguk can feel himself
starting to get close, the pleasure coiling deep inside him, and
Yoongi's utterances only help to bring him closer. Jeongguk arches
his back more, trying to get Yoongi even deeper inside of him.
Yoongi groans lowly at the action, his jaw clenched. Yoongi's hand
leaves the counter, pressing his palm flat against Jeongguk's back to
keep him down at the right angle.

"Yoongi, I'm so close," Jeongguk whimpers.

His hand drops to his cock, needing so badly to relieve that ache
that's building in his lower body, needing to feel that release that
he's so near to. He strokes himself as Yoongi keeps fucking him
relentlessly, driving him closer and closer.

"Want to feel you come, baby," Yoongi says through shaky breaths.
And what the fuck, Jeongguk isn't anyone's baby but Yoongi's words
seem to have an immediate and unexpected effect on him. That
pressure coiled deep within him suddenly breaks and he's coming
ridiculously hard over his hand and the counter, the feeling growing
in intensity before it becomes too much and he has to release his

Yoongi's still driving into him, mouth open slightly and eyes closed in
a way that Jeongguk knows means he's close. Jeongguk feels
exhausted and his forearms are shaking from the effort of propping
himself up but he tries his best to push back onto Yoongi, clenching
around him. It seems to be enough.

"Kook, I'm coming, fuck," he whispers frantically, thrusting hard into

Jeongguk one more time before his actions still, fingers digging in
almost painfully. Jeongguk watches in the mirror. He doesn't think
he'll ever get over being able to see Yoongi like this, coming
completely undone.

Jeongguk waits a little while afterwards before straightening up,

feeling Yoongi gently slide out of him. Yoongi's arms snake around
his waist, holding him tightly. Jeongguk can't help but smile,
especially when he sees the pair of them reflected in the mirror. He
kind of likes the way Yoongi looks wrapped around him. Yoongi
however seems entirely focused on kissing softly along his shoulder.

"That was incredible," Jeongguk laughs breathlessly.

Yoongi grins, nipping lightly at him. He makes a small hum of

appreciation as he nuzzles his nose into the crook of Jeongguk's
neck. They stay like that a while, enjoying being pressed against
each other. Eventually Yoongi speaks. "So we probably need an
actual shower now."

Jeongguk grins and nods in agreement. Yoongi's arms unwind from

around his waist. Jeongguk takes his hand and walks them both into
the shower. It's nice - really nice. There's not a huge amount of
showering. Instead they spend their time indulging in light kisses,
tongues slipping playfully into each other's mouths. Jeongguk feels a
wonderful warmth settle over him that has nothing to do with the
sex and everything to do with how Yoongi looks at him so fondly,
soft and smiling as he blinks away the droplets of water from his

Jeongguk doesn't want to get out the shower; doesn't want to leave
this little bubble of happiness. But he knows that time must be
pressing on and the others are going to be trying to get in here
soon. Yoongi seems to be thinking along the same lines, sighing
deeply after a particularly long and enjoyable kiss and grudgingly
grabbing the shower gel.

They wash themselves thoroughly, Yoongi taking a while longer as

he keeps stopping to look at Jeongguk. It makes Jeongguk blush but
also makes his stomach flip excitedly.

"Come on, pick up the pace," Jeongguk grins teasingly.

Yoongi smirks, huffing as he ducks back under the spray. "Sorry.

You're just very distracting."
Jeongguk nudges him shyly. He loves it though; loves that Yoongi
seems so entranced by him. He still can't quite believe it. He thinks
back to when moments like this morning were firmly confined to
imagined scenarios. When he'd be in this very shower, hand working
himself quickly as he thought about what it would be like to be with
his hyungs, always coming back to Yoongi. He feels that real life has
far surpassed his imagination.

It takes them much longer than necessary to dry off afterwards,

continually stealing kisses and touches off each other, and Jeongguk
feels like if he smiles anymore his jaw is going to break. He just
feels, well, happy being around Yoongi. He knows that he has
feelings for Yoongi but he's never felt them quite as obviously as he
does now.

"So," Yoongi says against his lips after another deep kiss. "You know
I don't think I ever got that shirt back." He tilts his head back and
raises his eyebrows, a teasing smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Jeongguk flushes. "I'll wash it and give-"

Yoongi just grins and kisses him again. "If you want to keep it, I don't
mind," he shrugs. "Looks better on you anyway."

Jeongguk shoves him playfully and Yoongi laughs. "You're deluded,"

Jeongguk tells him.

Yoongi just smiles and kisses him again.

The ocean is cool and refreshing, much like the same ocean of Santa
Monica when the Arctic current of California’s shore actually feels
heavenly in the peak of summer. Once again, Lance feels at home
as he swims along the playful waves, sparkling fish darting about all
around him. And there’s Keith relaxing in a swim ring, another one
of Hunk’s toys, limbs sprawled over the float to dangle in the water
as the current bobs him gently up and down, head leaned back in
relaxed bliss.

Lance glides underwater as if he belongs here as much as the fish

swimming out of his way, Jaws theme playing in his head, el culo in
his sights. Closer, closer, ah yes, the Holy Grail is almost within
reach, and his palms quiver with anticipation of giving those cheeks
a generous squeeze. This temptation has been driving him crazy all
morning, vivid memories of Keith bouncing around on the volleyball
court with those red trunks clinging to his caboose like its life
depended on it. What is it with Keith and skintight pants? Not that
Lance doesn’t appreciate it because he so very, very much does,
but it’s like Keith knows exactly what he’s doing to his poor
frustrated boyfriend.

Lance’s fingers brush that round curve and that’s all he gets. Neon
colors flash in Lance’s vision as Keith’s heel promptly connects to
the side of his head, and he splashes to his feet, pain ringing in his
ear. “The fuck, babe!?”

“Oops, I thought you were a shark,” Keith deadpans, not in the

slightest bit sorry. “What do you think you’re doing, anyway?”

“Just wanted to play a little with my own boyfriend,” Lance replies

with a slight pout as he hangs off the side of Keith’s float, tilting him
dangerously. “We’ve been hangin’ out with the others all day. We
should at least get a few minutes to ourselves.”

“I’d rather drown.”

“Are you seriously still mad at me ‘bout Shiro? You know I didn’t do
it on purpose!”

“Hey, careful! Get off my float!”

Keith’s warning only encourages Lance to climb up further, almost

straddling him, float squeaking in rubbery protest as it tilts more
and more. “Not until you tell me what your fuckin’ damage is,”
Lance snaps. “We’ve been havin’ so much fun today, but y’know
what would make it even more fun, like straight up perfect? If my
boyfriend wasn’t actin’ like such a dick!”

Keith refuses to look at him, staring into the water like he’s begging
the ocean to save him. “It’s nothing. I’m not mad about Shiro or

Bullshit. It’s clear by Keith’s burning face and inability to look Lance
in the eye that something is bothering him. Unsure of how to
continue, Lance sighs and leans forward.

“L-Lance, wait, don’t - !!”

Keith cuts off as Lance places a tender kiss on his lips, and the float
has enough of these shenanigans, and the pair is thrown back into
the water with a massive splash.

Two things happen. Lance, always a go with the flow kind of guy,
takes this as an opportunity to have an incredibly romantic
underwater kiss with his boyfriend, his hands skimming the hem of
Keith’s shorts. Keith, aforementioned boyfriend, on the other hand,
panics, his survival instincts kicking in full gear because having your
head suddenly underwater is a very dangerous situation to be in. He
flounders back to the surface, coughing and sputtering, grabbing his

“Are you okay?” Lance asks, just not having a good deal of luck
today at all.

“I’m fine,” Keith sputters, coughing out water. "Warn me next time
when you do something like that!”

“That kinda takes away from the spon…tane… i.. tee…”

Lance trails off when he realizes that Keith is leaning on his swim
ring with his naked ass right there, right above the surface of the
water, trunks now clinging just beneath his thighs after Lance
accidentally yanked them down when he tried to go for some under
the sea smooches.

Freckles. Adorable little brown freckles dust over those pale cheeks
like tiny brown constellations, and Lance is certain his eyes are
going to catch fire staring right into the face of God like this. Keith
must feel a sudden draft because he scrambles to yank his trunks
back up. “You pervert!” he shrieks, voice reaching a pitch Lance
never knew he’s capable of reaching, his face blood red.

“Freckles,” Lance breathes dreamily, the worst defense possible.


“You have ass freckles.”

Keith plants his hands over his backside as if that action can stop
Lance from savoring the memory. His temperamental boyfriend has
just become a million – no, a billion – times cuter. Keith flush
deepens to dark crimson, and Lance doesn’t mean to stare at him
like he’s a juicy piece of meat, but he has hot blood pumping
through his veins and he can feel his trunks tighten, cold water or

He needs a moment. Just a moment.

“I need to take a shit,” he announces unceremoniously, Keith’s

shocked expression twisting into one of disgust, “be right back!” and
he pushes past Keith to wade to the shore. Sand sticks to his legs as
he jogs to a cluster of trees nearby, but the irritatingly grainy
sensation is mild compared to how horny he is right now. Collapsing
against a tree trunk, rough bark flush against his back, he unbuttons
his trunks to free his erection.
He’ll get off quickly, literally pump these naughty thoughts of his
system, wash off in the ocean, and then move on during this free
time like nothing’s happened.

Except this is when his body decides it doesn’t want to be

cooperative. Despite Lance’s skillful touch after so many years of
practice, squeezing the head just how he likes, thumbing the
underside just how he likes even more, his dick grows beyond a
chub only at a painstakingly slow rate. His cold hand probably isn’t
helping all that much. Lance always preferred to be pleasured by
warmth, and one of his biggest attractions of Keith’s is that this guy
is a walking radiator. The heat of his mouth, the warm brush of his
fingers, skin burning to the touch when he flushes, ass freckles,
adorable little ass freckles –

Okay, he’s getting a lot harder now. It’s still not enough to get Lance
off quickly, but he’s found a good rhythm to smack to while using
his own precum as lubricant, his stomach dropping, ecstasy carrying
him higher. “Keith,” he moans, licking his lips as he leans back
further against the tree, his pace quickening. At first, he has
misgivings about masturbating to thoughts of Keith when he’s
frolicking in the water only some fifty yards away. Now he’s too riled
up to care. “Keith…” he moans again. Close now. Oh, he’s gonna
come yelling Keith’s name so he bites his bottom lip to keep quiet,
but that does nothing.

“Keith, ah… so close… Keith…”

Lance has had a fantasy about this very scenario once. Jerking off
with his bedroom door unlocked or something, being a little loud
and really getting into it, then Keith walks in, they lock eyes, Lance
comes with Keith’s name on his lips as he stares into that blushing
face and shocked gaze…

In reality, Lance releases an impossibly high-pitched screech of his

own, releasing his dick like it just burned his hand, and clings to the
tree behind him to keep from crashing to the ground. His erection
packs up and leaves, bringing him back to what could barely be
considered a half chub.

Keith is blushing, sure, but instead of pleasantly shocked and maybe

even a bit turned on himself, he just looks really annoyed.

“God, are you seriously jerking off right now?” he groans with a roll
of his eyes toward the tree canopy stretched above them. “You’re so
hopeless. If you wanted to get off just because you saw my bare ass,
I would have helped. We are dating, remember?”

“Y-you said you wanted to take things slow!” Lance shot back.

“For fuck’s sake, Lance, it’s a handjob, I’m not asking you to marry

“What kinda person do you take me for, lettin’ you just feel me up
like some Godless heathen?” Lance grins, pulling Keith close to him.
“Knock yourself out, baby.”
Ah, there he is. Keith doesn’t really smile, but he smirks a little as he
leans up so slightly on his toes into Lance for a kiss. Keith’s lips are
a little cold when their mouths slot together, but his body is quick to
warm to Lance’s touch. They’ve had plenty of practice in the past,
and now Lance knows how to suck at Keith’s plush bottom lip just
so, make him gasp and open up for his tongue to slip inside. Keith
moans from his damp chest as his own tongue responds in kind,
fingers lingering on his boyfriend’s arms as he presses closer to him,
and Lance can feel the heat radiating from his face. Lance’s hands
slide down Keith’s sides, relishing in the responding shiver, long
fingers brushing along the dip of his spine before playing with the
hem of his trunks, teasing them both.

“I want to touch you,” Lance breathes into Keith’s mouth.

“Is this about my ass again?”


He makes a sound that’s between a laugh and a snort of disgust.

“Ugh. Fine.”

A choir of angels sing in victory as Lance wastes no time dipping his

palms under Keith’s shorts. Fuck, yes! he cheers as he kneads the
soft mound. Keith kisses him harder now with a low groan, almost
desperate, tongue all up between Lance’s teeth like he can’t get
enough. Lance can feel Keith’s cock hardening against his thigh,
hear little moans bubbling from his throat, hands digging into his
arms. Lance can barely keep up with Keith’s passion, all wet and hot
and he pulls away because he can’t breathe, saliva snapping
between them, and Keith looks so fucking hot with his face so so
deeply flushed and a little drool trailing down his chin and his indigo
eyes all but swallowed by inky pupils.

Then Keith smiles darkly, and that choir of angels turns into a
demonic symphony. “You really like my ass, don’t you?” he whispers
thickly, voice low and husky like he’s possessed. Lance swallows
hard as that voice speaks straight to his groin, precum dripping
down his exposed erection. Keith’s dark eyes drift down and licks his
lips, and Lance’s face explodes with heat.

When did his super cute boyfriend get so super sexy? Yeah, Keith’s
always sexy but this is like, extra. He’s never seen this side of Keith
before, usually he’s a little shy whenever they start to get intimate.
Maybe it’s actually that he’s not shy so much as… holding back?
Holding back this grinning incubus standing before him right now?
Because they promised when they first got together that they
wouldn’t rush into things?

One of Keith’s hands snakes farther up Lance’s arm to lace his

fingers on the back of Lance’s head and yanks him down to smash
their mouths back together, and Lance’s brain short-circuits entirely.
“Keith,” Lance moans into his mouth as their tongues dance around
clashing teeth. “Keith, I… I really want to fuck you. Please. Ohhh...


“O-or you can fuck me! E-either way is fine!”

Keith breaks their kiss and tilts his head as if considering. Lance
licks the salt off his lips and continues, “I know we said we were
gonna take things slow but that was months ago, and I can’t stop
fantasizin’ ‘bout you and I really, really wanna go all the way
because, I’m just bein’ honest here, I’m going crazy. I want you so
bad, so fuckin’ bad.”

Sudden boost of confidence or not, there is no mistaking the pink

blush that gleams over Keith’s nose. “Here? Now?” His eyes dart in
the direction of where the others are relaxing and enjoying their
beach day. “Do you think that’s a good idea? We said our first time
would be kind of, um, special. Like planned out and stuff. We don’t
have any lube or condoms or any of that.”

“Or time, yeah.” Lance can’t argue with this logic. Keith hasn’t been
with anyone before Lance, and Lance, while experienced, is not that
familiar with anal beyond fingering the occasional girl who was into
it. They would need a lot of preparation. A lot. But right now, they
have to get back to the others soon. This vacation day is supposed
to be for the team, after all, not just for themselves.

“But I’m so hoooornyyy,” Lance whines anyway. His blood is boiling

and he’s so hard it straight up hurts. “Just a quickie? A handjob like
you said? I’ll give ya one, too. We can get off together, it’ll be so

Keith’s eyes get that dark incubus glimmer in them again, and he
purrs softly, “I think I have a better idea. Sit down.”

Very much intrigued and enjoying the rather commanding tone Keith
uses, Lance complies.
"Were you just checking out my ass?" Lexie demands, leaning over
the small table in the Emerald City Bar. He exasperation is clear
through her tone, and it only causes the man sitting before her to
chuckle softly. His smug smirk widens as her annoyance grows more
and more pronounced on her face.

"Not the first time," he replies unabashedly. "Won't be the last."

Her finger is in his face in half a second. "NO!" She snaps loudly.
She's turning away a second later, but before she can go, he
reaches out to grab her hand.

"Oh, come on," Mark grins. "Stay here for a sec. Have a drink."

Lexie pulls her hand out of his grip immediately. "Absolutely not."

"Just one drink," he repeats. A suggestive look lights up his eyes at

her staunch refusal. "What, are you expecting it to lead

"Everything always leads somewhere with you," Lexie mutters

darkly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come on, Little Grey. It'll just be one night," he teases.

She stares at him hard for a few seconds before cracking a smile. "In
my experience," she informs him with a quiet laugh, "we've never
been too good at keeping one-night stands one-night stands."

He grins at her for a second before looking down. When he raises his
eyes to hers again, his expression is incredibly open. "So?" He asks
quietly, staring at her.

"Mark," she sighs sadly, seeing and hearing the vulnerability in his
offer. "Please don't…"

"What?" He asks, leaning towards her. "Are you really trying to say
you don't want to be with me anymore?"

She closes her eyes. "Mark."

"Because I want to be with you." He reaches out, letting his

fingertips graze her cheek lightly. "Please," he murmurs. Her eyes
lift slowly to his, and he feels his body heat at the contact. "Come
home with me," he suggests in a whisper.

She closes her eyes at his words, and with the connection broken,
turns her head away. Mark closes his eyes, letting his hand fall, and
takes a half step back in defeat. But before he can move too far
away, he feels her grab his hand. His eyes snap open immediately,
and he has just enough time to leave a few bills on the table before
she's dragging him out the bar's side door.
The second they're out in the cold, he pulls back on her hand,
causing her steps to falter. He catches her before she even has a
chance to fall and covers her lips with his without a second thought.
Because he half-expected her to push him away, Mark is more than
relieved when he feels her arms wrap around his back. He tugs her
closer with an arm around her waist, trailing his lips from her mouth
to collarbone as he listens to her labored breathing attempting to
return to normal.

"I've really missed you," he murmurs into her neck. He kisses the
small bit of exposed skin along her collarbone for a moment before
pulling back. As he does so, he can see a small smile curving up the
sides of her mouth.

"I've missed you too," she whispers softly. He smiles lazily before
leaning forward and kissing her slowly. After a few minutes, Lexie
pulls away, taking a step back.

"Did you drive or do we have to call a cab?" She asks, her voice
slightly breathless and her cheeks pink from the cold. Mark grins,
fishing in his pocket for a second before holding up his car keys for
her to see.


Fifteen minutes later, they've driven to Mark's apartment building,

parked, and ridden the elevator to the fifth floor. They scramble to
open the door, and Mark manages to kick it shut with his foot just
before pinning Lexie to the painted-blue wood.
"Is Callie here?" Lexie asks when she manages to separate their lips
after another round of deep kisses.

"Mm, no," Mark murmurs, letting his lips drift to her neck like they
had outside the bar. His hands quickly move to unbutton her coat as
hers do the same to his. "If she were here, we'd know by now."

"Did she move out?" Lexie questions while tearing off her jacket.

"No," Mark replies, tossing his to the ground and pulling her body
flush against his. "But I'm going to demand that she looks for her
own place starting tomorrow."

"Can't she just kick the renters out?" Lexie asks, slipping her hands
beneath his shirt. She feels him shiver against her cold touch and
grins at his response.

"That's the plan," Mark agrees, reaching down to help Lexie remove
her shirt before taking off his own. Without another word, Lexie
steps away and heads for the bedroom. He stays behind a moment,
watching her as she takes the first few steps towards the far room.
She grins, putting an extra sway in her hips before looking over her
shoulder and noticing that his gaze is glued to her jean-clad
posterior as she knew it would be.

"Like what you see?" She teases with a laugh, leading the way to
the bedroom.

"Mm," he murmurs a few minutes later as he kisses down her bare
backside. "It's true." She's lying naked in bed, with her back to him
to show off the part of her body he seems to love most. "My favorite
part of you always has been your ass."

Lexie laughs, looking over her shoulder to meet his eye. "Has it?"
She grins. "Interesting that you've never mentioned it before

"Oh, yes," he replies, reaching up to squeeze the body part in

question with both hands. His eyes twinkle mischievously at her
before he leans down, biting her pale skin softly. "It's so delicious."

Lexie grins, humming appreciatively for a moment before flipping

back over so she can look him in the eye. He moves forward to
crouch above her almost immediately, and she lies back, linking her
hands around his neck and taking a large breath to let her breasts
grave his bare chest.

She pouts up at him, taking his hand in hers and dragging it down
the middle of her stomach. "Aren't there other parts of me you like,
too?" She asks, pretending to be upset.

Mark grins, leaning down to kiss her deeply as his hand slides lower.
He cups her moist heat in his large hand, relishing in the moan she
emits and the lovely way she grinds herself into his hand. When she
starts groaning impatiently, he teases her with a single finger, then
two… But when he feels her body start to tighten around him, he
withdraws completely.
Lexie shoots up in bed, her flushed skin nicely complementing the
fire in her eyes and deep in her abdomen. "What the hell?" She
demands angrily. "Mark!"

"Time-out," he grins, reaching in the bedside drawer for a condom.

When he turns back to her, she easily spots the suggestive look on
his face. "I have a request," he begins, "about the position."

Lexie laughs softly, shaking her head. "You want to look at my ass,
don't you?"

He grins, loving the fact that she knew exactly what he was looking
for. "Oh, yes."

Lexie smiles, shaking her head. "Fine," she replies, turning over. "As
you wish."

Mark leans over, kissing her shoulder as she positions herself before
him. "Don't pretend you'll regret it," he whispers into her ear.
"Because we both know you won't."

Lexie smiles to herself, feeling like teasing him for the moment.
"That remains to be seen."

She feels him chuckle quietly as he kisses her shoulder blade before
he pulls back. The room is silent for a few minutes, and just when
Lexie's about to ask him if there's a problem back there, she feels
him grasp her ass tightly and bury himself within her without a
moment's hesitation. Over both their immediate cries of pleasure,
Lexie could just barely hear the sound of his testicles banging
against her body.

"Ooh, god, I've missed this," Lexie groans.

"Missed what?" Mark grunts, already knowing what she's going to

say but wanting to hear it anyway.

"Of feeling you inside me," Lexie replies breathlessly. "Of feeling my
body stretch to take you in and… Oh," she moans when he begins
thrusting, "of always being ready for you." She pauses, gripping the
sheets tightly in two fists. "Of always being open for you."

"Lexie," he grunts, pumping harder within her.

"You can't imagine how good it feels," she whispers throatily.

"Nothing—oh, god!—nothing else compares."

Mark smiles at her words, pulling her closer and thrusting harder.
His grip on her ass tightens before his hands slip to her stomach and
slide her body back against him. After a couple minutes, he can feel
the pleasure building to a boiling point. "Come for me, Lex," he
demands huskily.

"No," she protests in a gasp, knowing as well as he does that the

end for both of them isn't far off. "I… I don't want it to be over," she
"It won't be over," he promises, feeling his own release coming on.

"Mark, I—"

"Lexie," he grunts, pushing into her faster and harder. "Come on."

"I—I—" She breaks off, panting until, "MARK!"

She screams his name, coming apart beneath his deliciously

torturous assault on her body just seconds before he comes himself.
They collapse on the bed, their sweaty bodies crashing into each
other's on the way to the sheets. He immediately moves towards
her, pressing open-mouthed kisses against her pale skin. She turns
towards him automatically, rolling over to they're lying face-to-face.
They stare at each other in silence for a time while each of them
attempts to catch their breath, return to earth, and decide what to
do next.

Mark is the first one to break the silence, long after their heart rates
have slowed and the sweat on their skin has dried. "You know I
really do love you, don't you?" He asks softly, staring into her brown
eyes as he reaches out to rub her cheek with his thumb lightly.

Lexie nods, turning her head to press a kiss to his inner palm. "I
know," she whispers.

He waits for her to return the sentiment, and when she doesn't, he
stares at her sadly. "But you don't love me?"
She shakes her head. "No, that isn't it." Mark closes his eyes and
tries to take a steady breath. "I love you, you know I do, but it's
just…" She breaks off, biting her lip. He opens his eyes to find hers.

"What?" He asks quietly. "What is it?"

"I don't want to jump back into this again," she whispers, her voice
scared voice betraying only a fraction of the fright she's really
feeling. "If we're just going to end up fighting over another baby, I
don't want to do this again. I don't want to have to leave you again,

"You didn't have to leave before," he notes. "You made that choice."

He hears her sigh in annoyance, but she refrains from going back
over the past and telling him it was the only choice she had.

"Okay," he says after a moment, trying to ease the tension. "What

can I do to convince you that you won't have to walk out again?"

"Well," Lexie begins, "you can start by telling me if you have any
other children I should know about."

Mark shakes his head seriously; he doesn't dare attempt to make

light of the inquiry others might find comedic. "No. None. Nothing."
He pauses, staring at her. "Look, Lex," he says. "All I want is to be
with you, okay? I've had enough of being alone and I've had enough
of seeing you with other men. I want to get back together. I want
"I know. I want that too. But I just…" Lexie sighs. She stares at him
with worried eyes. "Mark, if we break up again, I am not going to be
coming back. I—I couldn't, not after all this time. Not after
everything we've been through."

He nods solemnly. "I understand."

"So," she begins shakily, "I need you to tell me, right now, if there's
anything I need to know." She stares at him. "Anything at all,
anything that could come back to bite us in the ass."

Mark shakes his head. "There's nothing."

"There has to be something," Lexie presses.

Mark shakes his head. "No. There isn't."

Lexie looks away, exhaling quietly. "Mark…"


She meets his eyes again. "I need you to be truthful with me, okay?"

"I am being truthful."

She stares at him for a long minute before asking, "Did you sleep
with Callie?"

His eyes widen, so full of shock that she feels immediate relief rush
through her veins. She knows there's no way he could have faked
that level of surprise. "What?" He manages after a second.

Lexie shakes her head, already smiling. "It's nothing," she replies.
"It's just that… I overheard some people saying you guys were living
together. I thought maybe—"

He levels her with a dry stare. "You though maybe I'd get bored of
waiting for you and screw my best friend to pass the time?"

"Well… You've slept together before," Lexie replies, quietly


"Yes, we have," Mark replies. "But that is years in the past." He

stares at her for a few seconds before leaning forward, leveling their
gazes, and looking her right in the eye. "And you know what?"


"The only person I want to sleep with from now on is you."

Lexie chuckles softly, reaching out to touch the side of his face with
a smile. "Oh, yeah?"
He nods, leaning forward to kiss her gently. "Oh, yeah." He pulls
back a second later, and she smiles when his hand drifts to her
lower backside to pull her close. "Come on, do you really expect me
to want to be with anyone else after what just happened between

Lexie shrugs, pretending not to care. "I'd give it a six out of ten."

Mark laughs, knowing she's downplaying it. He leans towards her,

his lips just centimeters from hers. "Then why were you shouting my
name for the entire building to hear?"

"I—" He watches her cheeks flame up with a triumphant grin. "I was
trying to elevate your sense of self-worth," she covers lamely a
moment later. "Everyone knows confidence always garners a better

He chuckles, leaning forward to kiss her. "Uh-huh, sure."

"What?" Lexie protests against his lips. "It's true."

He pulls back a moment later. "Lex," Mark smirks, "I thought we just
agreed not to go into this with any lies." She rolls her eyes at him.
"So tell me the truth."

Lexie stares at him hard for a moment before biting the bullet and
replying, "Fine. Nine out of ten."
Mark smirks, leaning over to spread his body over hers. "So there's
some room for a little improvement, I take it?"

Lexie grins, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. "Oh, yes,
there is plenty of room for improvement." Her legs move to wrap
around his waist, and a second later, she's hugging his body tight to
hers will all her limbs and grinning up at him. "Give me everything
you've got, baby."

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